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Authors: Chris Matthews

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Tip and the Gipper: When Politics Worked (50 page)

BOOK: Tip and the Gipper: When Politics Worked
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“Wake up, Mr. President!”
United Press International,
August 4, 1982.

“More than 200 members”
: Associated Press, August 4, 1982.

“Every time I ask”
: TPO, August 13, 1982.

“tax bill”
: RR, June 22, July 19, August 2, and August 4, 1982.

“I want him to use that smiling countenance”
: TPO, July 29, 1982.

“Senator Dole has shown”
: Ibid., August 3, 1982.

“The Republicans are not for”
: Ibid., July 28, 1982.

“Met with Jack Kemp”
: RR, August 4, 1982.

“There is a rumor”
: Ibid., August 10, 1982.

“Some of the people”
: TPO, August 17, 1982.

“The tax bill will not repeal”
: Ibid., August 18, 1982.

“Congress cannot with one vote”
: Ibid., August 18, 1982.

“Interesting photo opportunity”
: RR, August 18, 1982.

“Nancy wasn’t alone”
: Ibid., August 19, 1982.

“Did you hear that the Irish”
: Farrell,
Tip O’Neill,
p. 589.

“bipartisanship can be fun”
Washington Post,
August 24, 1982.

“It happened last Thursday”
: Ibid.

“You are here because of Reagan”
: Ibid.

“If he could put aside”
: Ibid.


twelve seats
: TPO, statement from November 2, and attached Democratic Policy Committee one-sheet from October 26, 1982.

“political tactic”
: Ibid., September 9, 1982.

“The president would rather”
: Ibid.

“The politics of the veto”
: Ibid., Letter from Democratic Leadership, September 8, 1982.

“prize bull”
New York Times,
September 10, 1982.

“billion-dollar ballot box bailout bill”
: Ibid., September 17, 1982.

“Voters across America”
: Reagan Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Following the House of Representatives Vote on the Proposed Constitutional Amendment for a Balanced Federal Budget, October 1, 1982.

: Ibid.

“boosted the stock”
Washington Post,
October 2, 1982.

“Somebody told me”
: Reagan Remarks, Rally for Texas Republican Candidates in Irving, Texas, October 11, 1982.

“In Washington, the nine heavenly bodies”
United Press International,
October 29, 1982.

“Your heart would die for them”
: Farrell,
Tip O’Neill,
p. 594.

“tell them that Tip O’Neill”
: Ibid.

Franklin Roosevelt
: Reagan Radio Address to the Nation on the Economy, October 16, 1982.

: Reagan Radio Address to the Nation on Economic and Budget Issues, October 23, 1982.

“Democrats took the offensive”
Washington Post,
October 24, 1982.

New York Times,
October 24, 1982.

“Not long ago”
: Associated Press, October 29, 1982.

GOP fund-raising letter
: TPO Press Collection.

“big, fat and out of control”
: Farrell,
Tip O’Neill,
p. 595.

pin a
repeal o’neill
campaign button
Washington Post,
November 4, 1982.

“I wouldn’t know him from a cord of wood”
: Farrell,
Tip O’Neill,
p. 595.

“For a while there”
: Interview with Robert Mrazek, originally for

“We don’t want anyone to eat crow”
: TPO, November 3, 1982.

“They are an odd couple”
New York Times,
November 28, 1982.


“If we are truly”
U.S. News & World Report,
December 27, 1982.

“The old-age trust fund”
Washington Post,
November 7, 1982.

“Administration sources have suggested”
: Ibid., January 3, 1983.

Back in December
: TPO, December 7, 1982.

“Reagan’s Faithful Allies”
New York Times,
January 3, 1983.

“Are we going to let this commission die”
: Farrell,
Tip O’Neill,
p. 601.

“He didn’t make a move that”
: Conversation with Jack Lew.

“the same old political football”
New York Times,
January 6, 1983.

“I’m not going to make choices”
: Ibid., January 16, 1983.

“Reagan’s wariness of Social Security”
: Ibid.

“We weren’t going to put our head”
: Jack Beatty, ed.,
Pols: Great Writers on American Politicians from Bryan to Reagan
(New York: Public Affairs, 2004), p. 445.

“It is my understanding”
: Reagan statement on receiving the recommendations
of the National Commission on Social Security Reform, January 15, 1983.

“acceptable to the president”
: TPO, January 15, 1983.

“S.S. team came by”
: RR, January 15, 1983.

“It was very helpful to have”
New York Times,
January 19, 2010.

“More than any other event”
: Robert Ball, “Restoring Financial Stability to Social Security,”

“all together”
: RR, January 17, 1983.

“we in government”
: Reagan Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union, January 25, 1983.

“And here all the time”
: Ibid.

“But you understand”
: Reagan Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Domestic and Foreign Policy Issues, February 4, 1983.

“Oh, you’ve sold out”
: Ibid.

“He spoke of creating jobs”
: TPO, January 26, 1983.

“I will probably kick myself”
Washington Post,
January 27, 1983.

“On the same day”
February 7, 1983.

“Well, I said”
: Ibid.

“God damn it, Tip”
: Farrell,
Tip O’Neill,
pp. 599–600.

“Tip & I”
: RR, January 31, 1983.

“the toughest going-over”
: Farrell,
Tip O’Neill,
pp. 599–600.

“just two Irishmen plotting”
February 21, 1983.

“Whether this means a ray of hope”
: TPO, January 31, 1983.

“We stand ready”
: Ibid., February 8, 1983.

“I understand he’s getting married”
: Ibid., February 10, 1983.

“When I met with President Reagan”
: Ibid.


“What I am”
: Reagan address to British Parliament, June 8, 1982.

It had actually been
: Arthur Vandenberg speech to the Senate, January 10, 1945.

“Why are we there?”
: Farrell,
Tip O’Neill,
p. 612.

Two days later
: Cannon,
President Reagan,
p. 356.

“If he asks my views”
: TPO, July 13, 1982.

As Tip O’Neill put it
: Ibid., September 12, 1983.

“That country is coming apart”
: Author witnessed Rep. Foley’s remark.

“If it were for six months”
: TPO, September 20, 1983.

“I believe the president”
Washington Post,
September 29, 1983.

It was Democratic congressman
: Ibid.

“He was grateful”
: TPO, September 29, 1983.

“I was doing my duty”
: Ibid.

“The important thing”
New York Times,
October 13, 1983.

“I’ve OK’d an outright”
: RR, October 21, 1983.

On Sunday
: Ibid., Saturday, October 22–Sunday, October 23.

The FBI described
: Cannon,
President Reagan,
p. 386.

“He spoke of an agreement”
p. 363.

“Phoned Tip & Howard”
: RR, October 24, 1983.

Author interview with Ken Duberstein

“I am bitterly disappointed”
: TPO, October 25, 1983.

“The resolution would be”
: TPO, October 26, 1983.

“The people of America”
: Ibid.

“I will have plenty”
: Ibid.

“The question I asked”
: Ibid., October 28, 1983.

“He broke international”
: Ibid.

“Nobody wants to cut”
: Ibid.

“Today I feel even more”
: MOH, pp. 366–67.

The Speaker was
New York Times,
November 1, 1983.

“Dropped in for a minute”
: RR, January 25, 1984.

“We took up the business”
: Ibid., January 26, 1984.

“I gave a little lecture”
: Ibid., January 27, 1984.

“Campaign time is coming”
: Ibid.

“One night, at a social”
p. 364.

“Aiding and abetting”
New York Times,
February 3, 1984.

“He may be ready to”
Wall Street Journal,
February 16, 1984.

“The deaths lie on him”
New York Times,
April 6, 1984.


“I don’t need you”
: Farrell, p. 507.

In February 1984
New York Times,
February 29, 1984.

“See what happens”
: TPO, March 1, 1984.

“My wife said to me”
: Ibid.

Nevertheless he called
p. 372.

His son Michael
p. 318.

In March 1984
New Republic,
March 26, 1984.

“We threw up a partition”
: Matthews,
p. 170.

“I think it will go”
: TPO, March 14, 1984.

“We have the Boston Marathon”
: Ibid., February 29, 1984.

“Well, he still calls me”
: Ibid., January 30, 1984.

“On St. Patrick’s Day”
: Ibid., February 22, 1984.

“I must not be too bright”
: Letter to President Reagan from Jerry Granat, April 9, 1984.

“You challenged their”
May 28, 1984.

“I was expressing”
: Ibid.

As Billy Pitts would
: Farrell,
Tip O’Neill,
p. 635.

Not content to stop there
Washington Post,
May 6, 1984.

“Whether or not Mr. O’Neill”
Washington Post,
June 21, 1985.

“Sure I have a candidate”
June 4, 1984.

“Sure she’s pushy”
: Matthews,
p. 72.

“She has a lot of political”
: Associated Press, May 4, 1984.

“I was sitting in the broadcast”
p. 359.

Worse was the
Wall Street Journal,
October 9, 1984.

“If the point of this”
: Ibid.

“I never realized how easy”
: Cannon,
President Reagan,
p. 480.

“Well, the debate took place”
: RR, October 6–7, 1984.

“Another disastrous performance”
: Reagan,
An American Life,
p. 328.

“I want you to know”
: Reagan-Mondale debate, October 21, 1984.

when away from the Capitol
p. 359.

“Well 49 states”
: RR, November 7, 1984.

the usual crew
: Farrell, p. 652.

The public inaugural was moved back a day because January 20 happened to fall on a Sunday in 1985.

“In my fifty years in public”
: Morris,
p. 512.

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