Authors: Brenda Jackson

Tags: #General Fiction

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“Umm, I like the way this feels,” she whispered, leaning closer to him and taking a slow lick of his lips. “I’ve been thinking of doing this for…umm…twelve years now.”

The surprise that flickered in his eyes was touching. But she thought, nothing was as touching as what her hands were doing to him. She had pulled his manhood out of his pants and was taking physical contact to a whole other level; stroking him just like she’d always dreamed of doing.

“I wouldn’t do that too much longer if I were you.”

She lifted a brow. “And why not?”

A seductive smile touched his lips. “You’ve known me long enough to know I like to get even.”

“How could I forget?”

“I don’t know. How could you,” he countered, beginning to walk her backwards toward the bedroom while his hand stayed firmly planted on her backside.

He would occasionally lean in and lick her lips. When the back part of her legs touched the bed, he smiled down at her and asked, “Do you plan to let that go?”

She chuckled as her fingers tightened more firmly around him. “I like having you in the palm of my hands.”

“Don’t say I never warned you.”

And then without warning, eased her back on the bed and lowered his head and licked a kiss across her lips before taking her mouth with a hunger that astounded her. She let go of him to wrap her arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss in one slow, intense exploration.

She heard herself moan deep in her throat and then he pulled back, stood away from the bed, to remove the rest of his clothes. She watched him through desire filled eyes and when he was completely naked, he returned to the bed and her. He slowly removed her caftan, pulling it over her head and tossing it aside, leaving her entire body naked.

Orin’s gaze moved from the hair on her head, slowly downward past her breasts, her flat stomach and the juncture of her thighs. He paused there, his gaze concentrating on the dark curls covering her femininity and inhaling her scent before moving his gaze lower to the painted toes on her feet. At that moment he thought what he’d known for a long time. She was one sexy lady.

And he wanted her.

He wanted to mate with her. He wanted to be inside of her with those legs of hers wrapped around him holding him inside. “I had my annual physical a few weeks ago and I got a report from the doctor that I’m safe.”

She smiled up at him. “And I had my annual physical recently as well. Birth control is no longer a concern for me since I took care of that after Shandon was born.”

He nodded. And then he slowly walked back to the bed and joined her there, took her into his arms and their bodies melded together seamlessly. Her softness met his hardness and a part of him gloried in the feel of her. His mouth lowered to her breasts and began sucking them and sensations erupted right in her womanly core.


He pulled back and eased his body over hers, sliding between her open legs and the hot flesh of his erection was poised right there at the entry of her womanhood. He gazed down at her and held her gaze as he eased deep inside of her, going all the way to the hilt, while cupping her hips, tilting them up to receive him. It was a tight connection and he could feel her muscles clamped down on him.

He leaned down and nibbled and licked his way from her lips to her breasts while feeling his erection grow even larger inside of her. The feeling was incredible and knowing he was planted firmly and thick inside of her had a low groan escape through his lips.

He began moving, thrusting into her and pulling out, then thrusting back in again. He closed his eyes, reveling in the feel of being buried so deep inside of her and knowing this was the only woman he wanted this way. The scent of her, the scent of sex filled the air and instinctively, he mated with the woman he loved. The woman meant to be his.

And when he felt his body on the brink of an explosion at the same time she screamed out his name, his body thrust deep into her when he felt his release bathed her feminine core. Sensation after sensuous sensations ripped through him and he pumped harder, faster and deeper, calling out her name when waves of pleasure consumed him in yet another orgasm.

When she called out his name again he knew what they were sharing was only the beginning. It was a start. It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever experienced and as he pulled her to him, he knew he wanted this to be forever.


* * *


“I love you, Orin.”

Cathy could not hold back what she was feeling with every beat of her heart. He raised up slightly in bed and met her gaze as if within it he’d be able to see the depth of her feelings. Evidently he liked what he saw because the smile that touched his lips sent shivers of happiness down her spine.

He then reached out and tenderly caressed her face and brushed a soft kiss across her lips. “And I love you as well.”

She let out a pleased sigh. “I had made up my mind to seduce you during this trip you know.”

He chuckled. “No, I didn’t know.”

“Well, I had. My goal was to conquer your heart. I never knew you were truly interested until the night of the rodeo. I could tell it bothered you that Dusty was my date.”

He was still planted inside of her and was leisurely stroking her back with his hand. “I tried not to show how bothered I was,” he whispered against her lips. “Especially at the thought that you could possibly be interested in a much younger man.”

“I’m not interested. The blind date that night was Jen’s idea. She’d always said that you needed to think that perhaps someone else wanted me. She was certain that would kick you into action.”

He chuckled. “Well, I have to admit, it worked. You did conquer my heart, babe. Nothing was worth the risk of losing you, Cathy. Not even the thought of putting my heart on the line again after twenty-four years.” He paused and then added. “I know you’re nothing like Susan.”


“You’re so welcome.”

He pulled her closer into his arms. They still had a lot to talk about. Plans they needed to make. But for now, this was where he wanted to be.


“Cathy, I need to see you in my office, please.”

“Yes, Orin. I’m on my way.”

She stood from her seat and pulled in a quick calming breath. She would have to occasionally pinch herself to make sure she was not part of a dream and that this past weekend in New York she and Orin had actually become lovers.

Today was their first day back in the office. He had planned to come over to her place last night after they got back to town. Luckily he had called first and discovered Maverick was home. She was glad to see her son, but thought he had lousy timing. She and Orin had spent time talking on the phone instead, covering a wide range of topics, but mainly talking about their future.

They had decided not to say anything about their relationship to anyone just yet while they work out a number of important details. They would have all their children home this weekend for the Fourth of July and decided they would make their announcement to everyone then.

And the one thing they’d agreed on was the fact that working together would no longer be an option. She was tossing around the idea of going back to school in the fall and possibly helping Libby out at the gallery on a part-time basis. Orin mentioned she might be looking for someone.

Cathy couldn’t believe what a difference a few days made. She and Orin had placed their feelings out in the open and were glad about it. They were looking at a Christmas wedding and agreed they’d wasted enough years already and looked forward to starting their life together.

She knocked on his door.

“Come in.”

She entered and closed the door behind her. He got out of his seat and circled the desk to lean back against the front. “And how are things going for you today, Cathy?”

She smiled over at him. “Everything is fine. Thanks for asking.”

They had both agreed that at the office, although he would be tempted, it would be business as usual. Nettleton Industries didn’t have a policy against employees dating or marrying, however, she and Orin agreed the last thing they wanted was to be involved in any type of office gossip. Once they had talked to their family, then Orin would advise Mr. Nettleton of their plans to marry in December. That was six months away but was time they needed to plan for the private ceremony they wanted.

“I have a meeting out of the office later today and was wondering if you’ll have dinner with me tonight at Chase’s Place?”

A smile touched the corners of her lips. “I’d love to.”


She stood there and stared at him and then asked. “Is there anything else, Orin?”

She knew there was, it was there in his eyes to see. All the emotions. All the love. And it took every ounce of her self-control not to cross the room, reach up on tiptoe and kiss his lips. But they had made a vow to keep things in the office professional. But after hours was a different story.

“No, that’s all. I will look forward to tonight.”

“And so will I.”

“I’ll pick you up at seven. Now get out of here before I break our pledge of strict professionalism.”

She smiled before opening the door and slipping out of the room.


* * *


“Is Orin back in the office today?”

Cathy lifted her gaze from the document she was reading and stared at the woman standing in front of her desk. “Yes, Ms. Beckman, but he’s left for the day. He’ll be back in the morning.”

Maureen nodded. “Just as well since you’re the person I need to talk with anyway.”

Cathy lifted a brow. “What about?”

“New York.”

Cathy nodded wondering what the woman had to say. She hadn’t forgotten the stunt the woman had pulled on that Saturday. “What about New York?”

“I have reason to believe you and Orin behaved inappropriately.”

Cathy could actually feel the blood drain from her face and from the satisfied look that appeared in Maureen’s eyes she’d detected it. But Cathy had no intentions of playing in this woman’s hands. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Doesn’t matter. I plan to take what I know to Mr. Nettleton. I just wanted to give you a warning. I might let things slide this time and let you keep your job if you transfer to another department. Sylvia Cline needs a secretary in the Payroll Department.”

Cathy made a sweeping gesture. “You would suggest I leave all of this for a job in payroll where I’ll be stuck in a cramp corner all day? Thanks but no thanks.”

“You don’t have a choice if you want to continue working here. I’d hate for all of your employment time with this company to go to waste. You crossed the line when you set your sights on Orin.”

“Did I?”


“Sorry you feel that way.”

“And you should, Cathy. It’s women like you that give companies like this a bad name. Women brazen enough to go after things they shouldn’t and forgetting their place. Orin Jeffries is an attorney for heaven’s sake. He is the senior executive attorney. Need I remind you that you’re an administrative assistant, which is nothing more than a glorified term for a secretary? Why on earth would you think he would be remotely interested in someone like you?”

“I can give you several reasons, Maureen, but none concerns you. And as far as Orin and I behaving inappropriately, that is not true. What we did on non-company time was our business.”

The woman lifted her chin. “When it concerns Orin I make it my business. You are not the woman for him. You are a nobody. For heaven’s sake, you don’t even have a college degree.”

A smile touched Cathy’s face. “You’re right, I don’t. But when you love someone, something like that doesn’t matter. Orin is a man who looks at a person’s integrity and not their level of education.”

“I couldn’t agree with Cathy more.”

Both women turned at the sound of the deep, masculine voice. From the look on Orin’s face Cathy could tell he was angry, which meant he had heard most of her and Maureen’s conversation. She glanced over at Maureen. The woman’s features were filled with embarrassment.

Silence covered the room when nobody said anything. Orin then moved from the doorway to walk into the reception area.

“Orin,” Maureen said, placing her hand over her heart in surprise at seeing him. “I thought you had left for today.”

“I came back because I left something,” he said, moving toward the desk and coming to stand beside Cathy’s chair.

“Now what were you saying about my and Cathy’s behavior while we were in New York? If you think you can prove we acted inappropriately in any way then I suggest you go ahead and report it to Mr. Nettleton.”

She tried waving off his words. “Really, Orin, it’s not that serious.”

“Evidently, you thought so a moment ago, which I assume is the reason for your melodrama.”

Maureen pulled in a deep breath. “If you let me, I’ll explain.”

“Don’t bother,” he said, staring straight at her, pinning her in place with the sharpness of his gaze. “I heard everything you said. And just to answer your question, the reason Cathy can think I’m remotely interested in someone like her, is because I am.”

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