To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5) (15 page)

BOOK: To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5)
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Martin Varroon stood at the podium. Standing behind him to the right was Balic Cassosoon Con, who was beside a table, on top of which lay silver belts, canteens, and topaz blue cloaks. Dorian Cyan was here in his capacity as an instructor rather than as a healer. He stood ready to usher each graduate to the stage.

Every head turned towards the entrance when Daniel finally stopped observing and stepped through the door. “Greetings Maestro,” each voice called out at once. The people who were not already standing when he entered suddenly sprang to their feet.

Daniel waved to them to sit down. “Please, proceed, don’t hold off on account of me,” he said, and then took a seat up in the center section while they all sat back down.

“Felix Calli, come forward and receive your due,” Martin spoke in a spell-amplified voice that resounded all the more due to the acoustics of the room.

Dorian escorted Felix up onto the stage and presented him with the belt, canteen, and cloak. The Talented put on the belt, attached the canteen and the standard issue level four crescendo, and then shrugged into the cloak, on the hood of which were two golden lightning bolts. The ceremony of ranking had been done at the time he had become a Talented and the two lightning bolts on the cloak represented the real golden ones on the skin of his shoulders. The rest of his silks he would alter later. The crowd applauded the new Accomplished and Daniel joined in the clapping of hands. The male-pattern baldness was part of the man’s recipe strands and not for the first time Daniel wished he had time to study more about such things. Can the recipe for a particular person be altered? Atlantan, including Serinia, was surrounded by oceans, but is it the only landmass in the world? Can the aging process of a non-Aakacarn be suspended? He had many questions along those lines and so many chores it was impossible to learn everything he wished to know.

He could hear private conversations taking place around him as the audience made comments or shouted praise while each graduate came to the stage to receive the accessories of an Accomplished. Lela Kafiss, a thirty-year-old who looked to be ten years younger than her actual age, one of the many people Daniel restored to humanity several months ago, cupped her hand over her mouth, aiming the sound at her neighbor. “Beta is next; at least she knows the way in which she will be serving the Maestro.”

“I know what you mean,” Lowe Balif replied softly from the seat beside her. His dark eyes shifted to look directly at his neighbor. “While I am willing to heal people, I would rather be out on the front lines of this war. Sooner or later the Maestro or the First Accomplished will assign me a task or mission.”

“He is right over there,” she replied. “Talk softer or he will hear you.”

The male and female Talenteds continued speaking at the same volume but were drowned out when Martin called, “Beta Curran, come forward and receive your due,” and Dorian escorted her onto the stage. She put on the blue hooded cloak with two golden lightning bolts, received much applause and then took a seat next to the previous recipient.

“Bonny Tell, come forward and receive your due,” Martin called out and the bold young Aakacarn left Dorian behind in apparent eagerness to reach the stage. He caught up to her just as she reached the table. The new cloak had one golden lightning bolt on the hood and she smiled proudly at Daniel after putting it on. His hands were the first to clap and that seemed to be all the praise she needed. Bonny’s eyes then tracked towards the entrance, where Jaim stood clapping, and she began waving her hand at him, which he acknowledged with a salute. It was clear they enjoyed one another’s company.

Time seemed to fly by as Talenteds were given their new titles. The thirty-seventh graduate waited patiently for his name to be called. “Sero Bagget, come and receive your due,” Martin called out, and the Talented solemnly took to the stage in step with Dorian. The swarthy man stood head and shoulders above the stout Demfilian-born man and even though he was one hundred twenty-three years old, he appeared to be much younger than the sixty-three year old. Sero never had the benefit of an age retarding spell like Dorian, but that was no longer the case. The spell, Timeless, stopped the aging process, by now every Aakacarn over the age of twenty-five in the Atlantan Guild had cast it upon themselves, and physically will not get any older, including Sero. Daniel approved.

While the spectators were rushing to shake the hands and congratulate the newly acclaimed Accomplisheds, Daniel’s eyes locked onto Sero, who was waving his hand, and clearly trying to catch his Maestro’s attention. It did not take the Accomplished long to make his way through the crowd, especially since Daniel waited at the end of the row until the man reached him.

“Maestro, we are expected to begin the healings within a quarter of a mark,” Simon reminded him, not that such was necessary. Daniel knew the schedule and being the leader of the guild had at least one perk, he can make changes.

He glanced at his Chief Aid. “That leaves me with plenty of time to congratulate Accomplished Bagget,” he said, and extended his hand as the short but powerfully built man stepped by Carlos and into arms reach.

“Maestro, I volunteer to be your assistant,” Sero stated bluntly after shaking hands. He clearly had no questions about what to do as an Accomplished.

“The job is taken. Accomplished Trenca is the Chief Aid,” Carlos evidently felt compelled to point out.

Sero’s eyes focused on Simon momentarily and widened. “I could never fulfill his role. No, I am not good at imaging or anticipating what you may need, Maestro. I just want to be with you in order to lend a hand, whether it is with my muscles or Potential.”

Daniel glanced at the four golden lightning bolts on the hood of Sero’s cloak and made his decision. “Simon, it looks like my entourage is about to grow yet again. Accomplished Bagget, I accept you as an assistant, and you can start the new position after settling whatever personal matters need to be dealt with.”

Sero nodded his head and though he clearly tried to keep his facial expression neutral, a broad smile lit up his face after multiple attempts to stifle it. “Thank you, Maestro,” he replied and a hyacinth-colored glow radiated from him and was focused on his tan pants and shirt. Moments later the silks were topaz blue with silver trim. “I am ready now.”

“I like his attitude,” Simon commented, to which Daniel could only agree.

The newest addition to the individuals who accompanied their Maestro on a regular basis was introduced to David and Silvia, who met them in the hall on the way to level one of the Health Wing. When they arrived at wardroom three, Daniel decided further introductions were in order. “Everyone, this is my assistant, Sero Bagget, a Four-bolt Accomplished.”

Accomplished Bagget was given the traditional nod of respect due a master of potential. Daniel, backed by Sero’s lightning bolts of potential, quickly grew new limbs on the one hundred people lying on solidified cushions of air. The chore only took about three marks from beginning to end. The new assistant helped with each patient after nearly begging Simon and Carlos to stand aside. “You both can be on guard against anyone one who might try to harm our Maestro,” he had told them.

The man clearly heard about the invisible assassin who had infiltrated building two of this holding and also knew of the invisible army at Shantear; Daniel still blamed himself for not preparing for that contingency. The Chief Aid and the body guard had not press the issue. They honored the request and had kept watch during all of the procedures.

After drinking plenty of water and having accomplished all he intended at the holding, Daniel turned to Carlos. “Will you do the honor of conveying us to Shantear?” It seemed strange to be asking someone else to perform a task he could easily do himself, but if he did cast the spell, then one of these Aakacarns would be obliged to send Vitality into his vat, and so there was no getting around asking for help one way or the other.

The Three-bolt Accomplished glanced respectfully at the Four-bolt that had been added to the group. “Nothing would please me more,” he replied, and then closed his eyes, no doubt to take them to an area clear of people or objects.

Less than four heart beats later they were standing in the chamber Daniel had originally created and was recently modified by Jerremy DeSuan. Jennel arrived shortly thereafter and they followed her up one level to a huge room directly above the one in which Carlos brought them. Rows of cubicles were set up and in each lay a Condemned sleeping on a cushion of air beside a water tub.

“We did all that could be done for the victims,” the Lead Healer informed him, “closing open sores, eliminating infections, and cleansing their bodies, but could do nothing about the grotesque forms they have been twisted into. Maestro, I know you said the contents of the tub are not important, but I chose water to symbolize a clean start.”

The spell, Hunger, would draw the little planets with their tiny moons from any substance Daniel willed, so the source truly was unimportant. He was not known for making symbolic gestures, yet this appealed to his musical senses, and added an extra layer of harmony to what he hoped to accomplish. He nodded approval. “You chose well.”

Sero wept silent tears, no doubt reliving the time when he had been in the very same condition. This group must have been Condemned by Balen Tamm, Daniel reasoned. He had already rescued and restored the captives of Serin Gell, who also enjoyed perverting the human form. All of the Condemneds Daniel had restored from Vance Cummin’s casting of the spell were hairless and their faces altered to make them unrecognizable as the individuals they had been, but otherwise looked completely human. From what had been reported, the man was a master of efficiency, and the speed in which he performed the spell, Condemnation, had to do with saving time, and nothing to do with compassion. He required slaves that could never disobey and possibly preferred that they not be hideous or stink.

“I will start here and work my way back,” Daniel announced and stepped into the first cubicle.

The occupant was lying on its stomach with an oval head facing the entrance. The webbed feet had been flattened and stretched like a pair of flippers on legs that had been formed into one thick appendage. The arms were normal but the hands had been modified similar to the feet. The creature had no nose, just a flat stretch of skin in the center of its face, and no ears, only a membrane on both sides of the head to permit hearing. A blowhole on its back, about two finger-widths in diameter, opened up, sucked in a breath of air, and then closed. The torso had been reformed in such a way as to make gender identification impossible. There were cavities for urination and defecation purposes, and yet nothing to indicate whether this patient was male or female. A robe was folded neatly and placed on a small table for the person to use after being restored.

“This one was found in a large spell-made pool of water, deep beneath the mountain, along with several others that cannot function well on land,” Jennel informed, grimly.

Daniel acknowledged her with a nod and then glanced at his assistant. “Sero, levitate and turn this person. We do not want him or her to suffocate during the procedure,” he said, and nodded approval when the patient floated up, rotated, and leveled off a cubit above the cushion.  

Daniel placed one hand on the patient’s forehead and since there was no navel, placed the other on the lower abdominal region, and then went to work, summoning the potential for the necessary symphonic spells. A rainbow of energy radiated out and he added the Da Capos and the patient’s bodily systems began working in synchronization with his. The blowhole opened and closed every time he inhaled and exhaled. The picture in the helix of the recipe strands was of a young man about Daniel’s age with dark hair and pale skin, possibly a fellow Ducaunan. His vat was relatively small, half full of what the spell portrayed as a clear liquid, indicating the patient was a non-Aakacarn, one who would have a shortened lifespan if nothing was done about the level. The reservoir of a non-Aakacarn does not replenish on its own.

Daniel summoned and focused Vitality into the vat, filling it up with multicolored liquid, which was the only life force energy he could currently wield. The colors will eventually combine with that of the patient and become a clear pool. The same should be true for Daniel. When his life force energy replenishes, all of the donated energy would be absorbed into his and become one huge pool of liquid topaz; that is what he and many other people were hoping for. No one knew for sure how the process will work for him since not a drop of his potential remained in the vat and no one had been in his condition before and lived.

He had no time to worry about something beyond his control and so refocused his thoughts on the patient. A warm tingling sensation swept through the young man’s body and Daniel could feel the changes taking place, both through his hands and experiencing it from the perspective of the patient. His own vat was slowly depleting.

“Accomplished Bagget, I believe it is time for you to be of assistance,” Simon spoke up.

“Yes, of course, right away,” Sero replied, sniffing, and his hand came to rest on Daniel’s forehead.

Through the spell, What Is This, Daniel could see hyacinth potential replacing the energy used thus far. He opened his eyes and watched as the spells worked in accordance with the recipe strands and hair began growing in the places it belonged. Hands and feet reformed and so did all evidence of gender that had been lost.

The restoration was complete and there was one more thing that needed to be done in order to give the man self-will and the ability to rejoin the human race. Daniel spoke into the newly formed ear. “Friend, your brain and will are one. Your body is yours to command. You should feel no guilt over whatever your body was forced to do while enslaved. Do the best you can to respect yourself and others and to keep yourself clean,” he commanded, and then ceased all spells.

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