To Be Someone (24 page)

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Authors: Louise Voss

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I didn’t know what to say. I stared toward the dark interior of the pub, hoping that Toby would be able to feel my shock and sympathy vibes. My first thought was that he must have really loved Kate, for him to get so rip-roaringly inebriated.

“Poor Toby. Poor
I said.

Bill put a hand on my forearm again, and my skin crawled with the effort of not shaking it off. I hated it when strangers touched me. “Helena, listen,” he said. “It’s not as much of a coincidence as you think, bumping into us here. We’ve been down here four days in a row, looking for you. Toby’s been on this bender, see, and he insisted on coming here because he knew you lived in the area. I told him it wasn’t such a good idea, but he wouldn’t listen—I mean, you don’t want to see him in this state, do you?”

I shook my head. “Who’s looking after Ruby?”

“Lulu, and Toby’s mum. She’s been staying there, too. They’ve been brilliant, but I think they are starting to draw the line at babysitting just so Toby can go out and get hammered. But at least he’s found you.”

I was getting even more irritated. Bill made it sound as if I were a lost puppy, or some mislaid car keys. I was tired and unwell and wanted to go home.

“I’m sorry,” I said stiffly. “I don’t give out my phone number. Why don’t you give me Toby’s address, and if I get the chance, I’ll contact him?”

Bill produced a Biro but couldn’t find any paper, so I handed him the receipt for
All Mod Cons
and watched as he scribbled down an address and telephone number.

“Please call him. He’d kill me if he knew I was telling you, but he’s really mad about you. He’s in shock about Kate, of course, but they both knew it wasn’t working out long before her accident.” Bill’s eyelashes were practically begging me, and even though my head was pounding, I smiled.

“You’re a good friend to him, aren’t you?”

“Mmm. Well, speaking of which, better go and check he’s okay.” He handed me the receipt and, with a brief wave, vanished into the throng before I could say anything else.

I was still clutching Toby’s drink, so I walked over and left it next to the pub wall. As I set off toward my car, the dog who’d jumped into the water reappeared and stuck his damp nose into the abandoned pint, sucking greedily at it. I heard the splintering crack of breaking glass and the dog’s whine as his owner smacked him away from the beery shards, but I didn’t look back.

Once I was in the car, I glanced at Toby’s address. For a split second my heart did a tiny tap dance, but then I screwed the receipt into a tiny ball, dropped it to the floor by my feet, and drove home.

The Big Blue OST

CTOBER 1, 1987

I don’t really have the time to keep a diary, but Cynthia said I should try, after I told her on the phone the other day that everything was such a blur. She said, “Do it so you can remember the tour later on.”

I don’t think I want to remember it, though. This tour is a complete nightmare, I can’t stand it. I just want to be with Sam. What sort of pathetic friend must she think I am, that I just carry on like normal, while she’s lying there so sick? If I could talk to her for more than two minutes at a time, then I’d be able to persuade her to let me come over. But she’s not too sick for a spot of the old emotional blackmail. She says she’ll never speak to me again if I quit the band or leave the tour. I know she’s bluffing. Of course she’d still speak to me, but I also know that she’d never forgive herself if I chucked in the band because of her

I suppose she’s right. Wait till the tour’s done and then I can go straight over to Salisbury and stay with the Grants. It’ll be easier all round when Sam’s first round of chemo is finished. She’s too ill to even talk to me on the phone most days, and Cynthia says she can’t face any visitors. At least if I wait awhile, she’ll be able to appreciate my company more

BUT I FEEL SO GUILTY! I think B.I.’s success makes it worse, too. Spin Shiny’s been number one for four weeks now, but frankly, I couldn’t care less. It’s only success. And money, I guess—although come to think of it, we haven’t seen very much of that. I’d have thought we’d be getting far more royalties than we actually do.… Oh, who knows. Who cares

Boston, NYC, Philly, and D.C. this week

CTOBER 9, 1987

We were on Saturday Night Live and The Tonight Show last week. It was kind of funny. The whole time we were playing, all I could think of was whether the hospital lights hurt Sam’s eyes the way the studio lights hurt mine. Dumb, really. It’s this awful dream I keep having: Sam’s lying helpless, strapped to a table in a great big empty operating theater, with one huge white light glaring right in her face, while all that poison is getting pumped into her body, killing all her cells and not just the leukemia ones in her bone marrow. I wish there was an easier way to make her better

Shit, crying again. My eyelids are permanently like two great big puffy water wings—the makeup lady on The Tonight Show nearly had a fit. Cucumber slices just don’t do it for me anymore

Still, let’s look on the bright side. I’ve lost tons more weight

New Orleans, Austin, Dallas. A bunch more places, too, but I can’t remember where and I don’t have the itinerary at hand

CTOBER 18, 1987

I’m crossing off the cities on my tour schedule, one by one, after each gig, like a prisoner counting the days to freedom on his cell wall. Half the time I don’t even know where the hell we are. Why am I wasting time writing this when I should be finishing writing to Sam?

Well, at least if I try and get at least some of the terror and pain and guilt out of my system in this diary, then hopefully it’ll be easier to find something lighthearted to tell her in my letters. Blathering on to her about the band, even though she always says she wants to hear it, makes me feel awful. Here am I, banging on about our success, when she’s fighting for her life

Surprise, surprise: crying … again. Change the record, Helena

Success is definitely going to Justin’s head. He’s started taking cocaine—how predictable. Joe has, too, but thankfully David’s got more sense. I have to admit that I tried it, a tiny bit, and yes, it was pretty nice. I felt great. But somewhere, from the depths of my being, however tempting it is to get completely out of it and forget about Sam, I haven’t repeated the experience. I only tried a weeny little amount, a line as thin as a piece of cotton, practically, but Justin’s already on great big thick
ones. He can handle it, but I don’t dare. The last thing Sam needs is me becoming a drug addict! I remember when she came to New York that time, she was horrified when the boys spliffed up. I have to keep focused on her recovery; it’s the least I can do, when I’m stuck on a different continent from her

David and I have had a few whispered conversations about whether or not to confront J&J about the coke
(I didn’t dare mention to him that I’d tried it, too). But we decided ultimately that, unless they seem to be getting way out of control, it would just cause more trouble than it’s worth. So David’s gone for a spot of damage limitation instead. He figured out who they were buying it off, and apparently it’s Gavin the roadie’s girlfriend, Trish. Then he took Trish aside and told her, totally politely, that she was NEVER to tell Jus or Joe that she had any more than a gram at a time to sell them, and that if she did, he would personally see to it that she went to jail! I hope he knows what he’s doing—Gavin’s built like a brick outhouse. But I think David’s so brave

I wish David and I fancied each other. He’ll make someone a lovely husband. And he’s been so supportive of me in the past few weeks. He didn’t even gang up on me with the others when we had that row. Okay, so he didn’t exactly take my side either, but it can’t have been easy for him: It was after I cried onstage in Chicago last week

I don’t know what happened—I’m usually pretty good at holding it together when we’re playing. When my eyes fill up, I just turn round and fiddle with the amp or my bass cable, or something
(It’s a weird feeling, looking at stage lights through teary eyes. They all swirl together, like gasoline in a puddle. I’ve never dropped acid, but it makes me think that it might be like that
Anyhow, last week we were in the middle of “Love and a Door” and I got an image of Sam’s hair falling out, and her face getting all sucked-in and gray. Suddenly I just felt so fucking furious. I wanted to scream at God, “How could you let this happen? Sam is a beautiful person, and she’s never done anything to deserve this! It is not fair!” And it wasn’t just like my eyes filled up, it was as if my whole body filled up. I couldn’t blink it away that time, not a chance. I actually thought that I was going to explode. It was all I could do to not throw my bass into the crowd. I wanted to hurt them for being so trivial as to care about stupid us and our stupid, dumb songs, when there were so much more important things to care about

I unplugged my bass and walked offstage, mid-song. I saw David’s face from behind the drum kit; his jaw just dropped. I didn’t stop to see what Justin’s and Joe’s reactions were, but after the show they had such a go at me. It was awful. I was crying and crying and they just kept shouting about “professionalism” and “commitment.” Then Joe even yelled at me for not being pleased about our success! If it hadn’t been for Sam, and for David intervening, I would have quit then and there. Even Mickey told me to “try and pull myself together” on the phone. He said that Justin had complained about me. Well, to hell with the lot of ‘em. Those are all my songs they’re playing every night, so they can hardly fire me, can they?

OVEMBER 9, 1987

Fantastic news!! Sam’s come through her first round of chemo, and it’s been successful! I knew she could do it! Please, God, I know I don’t talk to you much these days apart from complaining, but please carry on making her better. Please. She’s fighting so hard. Help her get through the next round, too, if she has to do it again

Oh, and Spin Shiny’s gone platinum. That’s pretty cool, too

I’m completely exhausted

Atlanta, Athens, Tampa, Miami. I like playing in Athens; I’m glad I had some good news before going onstage there. It was the first show I’ve enjoyed in ages

Plus I’m getting on better with the boys now, too. It was pretty shaky there for a while, after the row. But we all went out for margaritas after the Miami show, and it was fun. Although I was pissed off when Joe said, “Careful, Helena, you just smiled. You don’t want to make it a habit—your face might shatter.” He’s so juvenile

God, I’m so tired.…

ARCH 31, 1988

Having a few problems with the folks at the moment. I don’t know why Mum gets so upset when I don’t come home in between tours—it’s not as if she pays me any attention when I am there. But apparently I’d told them that I might be down in February, when we got back from
those dates in Canada, and of course I just flew straight over to England to see Sam. I’ve tried to make Mum understand that Sam needs me, that it’s still one step forward, two steps backward, and I can’t risk not being there. Especially not to go and be paraded in front of Mum’s friends and their spotty teenage sons gurning at me and asking for autographs

Last time I went to Freehold, I hardly even saw Dad much. He was working, and then he was off on the golf course the rest of the time. If I wasn’t getting so famous, I think they’d forget that they even have a daughter

They’re a complete mystery to me, those two, a “totally self-contained unit” of coupledom. I don’t know why they bothered to have a child—maybe they didn’t, and I was a mistake. It’s so weird being around them: They complain, laugh, cry, cook, shop, live for each other alone, within the exclusive confines of their relationship. Dad’s always so protective of Mum since she had that eating disorder, or whatever it was, when I was a kid—but she seems fine now, and he’s still just as clucky over her. Well, I guess they always were a couple with a child, not a family. I suppose that was why they encouraged my friendship with Sam so much—it gave them more time for each other

Still, I don’t resent them. Not really. I probably wouldn’t be in the band if it weren’t for them. And it’s not as if they haven’t given me a lot of love and encouragement, too, in their own way. They’d better just understand that Sam always comes first, that’s all

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