To Bed A Montana Man (Montana Men) (11 page)

BOOK: To Bed A Montana Man (Montana Men)
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He smiled and tipped his hat. “Don’t mind if I do.”

* * *

Allison’s head pounded as she prepared supper for Train. Although he was attractive, kind, and a gentleman, she couldn’t help noticing that the terribly worrisome butterflies she had every time TJ entered the room were absent.

“Need some help?” he asked with his hat in his hands.

Allison dropped the spoon she held.

Train wasn’t wearing his customary jeans and loose fitting shirt. Instead, he was dressed in form-fitting, black trousers and a white button-down cowboy shirt. Still slightly damp from a recent bath, his hair combed in a wave away from his face.

His gaze took a long stroll up her body, and when their eyes met, she liked the way his sparkled with appreciation. The light summer skirt she wore fluttered about her legs and her blouse fit loose.

“Good evening, Joseph. Supper is ready.” She nodded toward the table. “Please, sit down.”

Sissy and Michael already sat in their chairs.

Train pulled out a chair and was about to sit when Sissy spoke. “That’s my papa’s chair. You can sit over there.” She pointed to the chair across from Allison’s usual place.

Train obliged without complaint. “I can’t remember the last time I had the pleasure of dining with two lovely, young ladies.”

Sissy giggled and Allison set the last of the meal on the table. “I should have been forthright about my cooking skills. I’m getting better. I made my specialty, cornbread and beef stew.”

“It smells delicious.”

Allison smiled and relaxed. “I hope you like it.”


Train thrilled knowing Allison tried to impress him with supper. Guess he’d hidden his feelings better than he thought he had. Seemed like he’d never get the chance to be with her. Food, planting a garden, hell she could ask him to do anything and he would. But since coming to the ranch, she mostly shut herself up in the house. He assumed she was trying to impress TJ. And he wasn’t the only one noticing. In fact, TJ seemed to be the only person ignoring her efforts. The men in the shack noticed. Cake notice.

“Looks good.”

“Let’s hope it tastes as good.” She smiled and joined them at the table.

As supper progressed, Michael made a mess. He had food in his hair, down his front and enjoyed dropping potatoes from the stew onto the floor with a plop. Sissy chattered with barely a break.

Train didn’t mind the craziness and countless questions. He liked Allison. Seeing her with the children, fixing supper, and smiling just for him stirred unfamiliar yearnings. She made him think of settling down, of what it would be like to have a family of his own. This would be nice to come home to every night.

“The best cornbread I’ve had,” he said, helping himself to another piece. He smeared fresh churned butter over the top.

“Cake has been helping.”

“That’s good. But you’ve got a lot to do in the house. Let Cake take some of the load. Butter, bread, reckon just about anything you’d need in the kitchen he’s got plenty.”

“I feel like I need to prove my worth to TJ.”

She already had. Train knew TJ. He held to the past, living on the bitterness of regret because Janelle died. In his twisted head, TJ didn’t think he could praise Allison without betraying his memories.

“You have.” He tilted his head indicating Michael. Beef stew dripped from his chin, corn bread smashed in his fists, and his eyes drooped. “He’s almost asleep. I’ll take him to bed.”

Allison used a cloth to wipe his chin and hands. Then she kissed his cheek. “Night, Tiger.”

Train lifted the child. Michael buried his face in Train’s neck.

Train carried Michael to his room, but his thoughts remained with Allison. She’d make a good wife and mother. She had patience with the children, doting on them. She’d give the same attention to her husband. The thought brought a smile to his lips.

“I made coffee,” she said when he returned. “Thanks for helping me with the children tonight. TJ tries to be home before they get too tired. It gives me a rest. I guess I’ve grown used to the routine, because tonight I’m worn out.” Reaching behind, she kneaded the back of her neck.

Train led her to a kitchen chair and sat her down. “I’ll get the coffee.” After he set a cup in front of her, he moved to stand behind her chair. Hesitantly at first, he worked the tired muscles of her neck. She let her head fall forward.

Streams of perspiration trickled down his back, but not because of the heat in the kitchen. In fact, Allison’s creamy skin felt cool to the touch. His hands stilled as he focused on the pulse beating beneath her ear. Her scent drifted to his nose. His heart pounded. Sexual desire pumped through his veins straight into his groin. A tickle of apprehension crawled up his spine. Allison once worked in a brothel. She was still a lady. He had no business thinking of her as anything else.


Wondering why he stopped, Allison turned and looked into his face. Her breath caught in her throat. His intense stare shifted from her eyes to her mouth. “Thank you.”

He reached up and gently touched a tendril of her hair. “I knew your hair would be soft.”

Heat rushed into her cheeks. “I think it’s been a long day for both of us. Perhaps the sun has made you a little intoxicated,” she said with a lighthearted laugh.

“Foolish might be a better word. Don’t know what I was thinking, but I apologize.”

Allison rested a hand on his arm. “You have been a perfect gentleman. I’ve enjoyed your company.”

Train sat next to her and sipped his coffee. “Would you like to go for a walk tomorrow evening?”

Allison smiled and inclined her head. “Do you think TJ will be back by then?”

Train nodded.

“Then I’d love to.”

He stood again. “Good night, Allison. I’ll see you tomorrow about seven.”

“I suspect you’ll see me at some point during the day. If you find you have the time, I’ll make you a glass of lemonade.”

“I reckon I’ll make the time.” Train took his hat and left through the back door.

* * *

TJ leaned against the headboard of Sandy’s bed. The sheets were tousled, but neither felt very satisfied with the activities of the night. Sandy leaned against the wall and inhaled her cigarette.

“So you want to talk about it?” she asked.

TJ closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Everyone has an off night.”

“I don’t recall you ever having a problem.” She went to a brandy decanter and poured two glasses half-full. “You can be honest with me, TJ. I’m a professional. You won’t hurt my feelings with the truth. I knew it would happen.”

“What are you talking about? Nothing has happened.” He took the glass and tossed back the drink in one shot.

“Why do you think I sent Allison with you? Believe me; she did a great job here. The girls and I miss her.”

“Allison cleans my house. If you want her back, say the word.”

“Haven’t you figured it out? She’s not a whore. TJ! You need a good woman. Janelle would hate to see her children raised by a barn full of rowdy ranch hands. Those babies need the gentle touch of a mother. And you need the loving arms of a wife. You have a hard head. You need a young woman in your bed every night, not a roll with an old madam like me every couple of weeks.”

TJ had Allison in his bed every night, dreaming of her soft curves next to him. During the day, she made his jeans tight at the most inopportune times.

“I’m not talking about Allison. And I’m sure as hell not considering taking my children’s babysitter into my bed. If you don’t want me around, there’s better ways than pushing me on Allison. She’s still a girl.”

“She’s a woman. You can’t lie to me. I’ve been around too long. You want her. It’s why you’re distracted tonight.”

He stood and pulled his trousers back on. “You don’t know a damn thing about me or what Janelle would want.” Tucking his shirt in, TJ stormed from the room.


rushed to Sandy’s room when she saw TJ leave. “Are you all right?” she asked breathless.

“Of course.” Sandy lit another cigarette. “He’s a fool. Can’t stand to go near the fire for fear of getting burned. Allison would be good for him and he for her,” she said, pointing the two fingers holding a cigarette at Marion. “Thick headed, that’s what he is. Does he really think I sent Allison out there to take care of the house and kids? He can’t be that daft, and I know he isn’t. He could have put her to work here in town if he’d wanted to grant my request. No, he’s afraid because he’s attracted to her.”

“Does Allison know you’re manipulating?”

“No, she’s no smarter than him when it comes to common sense. And it’s not manipulating. I’m facilitating. I saw the way she looked at TJ. If TJ weren’t so focused on being miserable, he would have seen it, too.” She put her arm around Marion. “Come on,” she said, leading her out of the room. “I either need another date tonight or a few more drinks.”

“This is a first for you in a long time.” Marion laughed.

“Shush. My reputation is at stake. I always satisfy.”

* * *

TJ drove swiftly through the night pushing the horses harder than was safe. Sissy and Michael served as his excuse for going home early. Charlie, the man he brought with him, had been having a poor night at the poker tables. “No problem, boss. I appreciate the excuse to bow out of the game.”

“I didn’t let Sissy know I wouldn’t be there to say goodnight. Allison can handle it.” He shrugged. “I started feeling guilty.” TJ wondered if his guilt didn’t have a little to do with seeing Sandy. She had been a comfort since Janelle passed. Yet, when he sought comfort tonight, all he felt was dirty. He could smell the whiskey on her breath and the cigarette smoke in her hair.

Lately the scent of rose water and fresh baked bread was all it took to get his heart kicking and his cock hard. When Allison entered the room, he felt like a stallion stomping the ground ready to rut. He wondered if she had any idea of the thoughts running through his head.

Allison had worked in a brothel. Surely, the idea of being with one man held more appeal than the Dusty Rose. Damn Sandy for suggesting he take Allison to bed. Of course, he thought about her naked beneath him, his body buried deep into hers, but those were fantasies. Having Sandy voice the possibility made him want Allison even more.

Of course, they would need to keep their activities carefully guarded. Not just from the men working at the ranch. Sissy and Michael couldn’t be privy to the shift in the relationship either. No, fucking Allison, as if she were his personal whore, was a bad idea. One better left alone. It would cause problems. If Sissy discovered his attraction to Allison, she might start plotting. The last thing he needed was Sissy looking for a new mama. And what if the men discovered he’d brought Allison home from the brothel? He didn’t want ranch hands showing up at the house looking to fuck her.

There had never been a hint of innuendo of improper behavior between he and Allison, no one would dare, but men had needs. Tonight he couldn’t get the little vixen out of his head. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw long locks of silky, chestnut colored hair. When he opened them up again he saw an aged whore who had too many hard nights and not enough tenderness in her life. Sandy didn’t deserve that.

“We won’t be home much before sun up,” Charlie said.

“I know. Climb on top of the load and get some rest. I’ve got some thinking to do. I won’t be much company.” Charlie hitched a leg over the buckboard and found a comfortable spot on top of the canvas tarp covering the ranch supplies. The stars in the sky and the full moon gave plenty of light for the drive home. The crickets chirped and an owl hooted from the forest surrounding them, both comforts to TJ as he pondered what to do about his growing fascination with Miss Lake.

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