To Catch Her Death (The Grim Reality Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: To Catch Her Death (The Grim Reality Series Book 1)
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She looked at me. “Where are you going?”

To reap at least three souls.
I went with my standard answer. “Vella’s.” She grunted again. I took it to mean my night would be lame. Better her think that than know the truth. “Come on.” I held out my hands. “Let’s eat, then we can discuss your plans for tomorrow night.”

She stared at my hands for a few seconds and finally sighed. Grasping her fingers, I pulled her to a stand and into my arms, wrapping her in a tight mom hug. Even though she stood there, arms limp at her side, she turned her head and lay her cheek against my shoulder. Obviously she wasn’t that mad.

McDonald’s was packed. Obviously a lot of other parents hadn’t felt like cooking either. The boys made a bee line for the play area, while Bronte and I ordered. After our food arrived, we carried it into the kid zone. Instantly, I was struck by the smell of the cleaning fluid they used. A little Pilipino woman wove her way through the patrons, wiping a table here, sweeping up spilled fries there, and keeping the place clean as clean as possible with so many kids around.

The noise level was ten times that of the adult section beyond the glass. I envied the childless people. Sitting and eating without screams of small children piercing their skulls. We commandeered the corner table, and after brushing sprinkles of lettuce off the bench, slid onto the bright red laminate seats.

I doled out the food, prepping the boys’ kid’s meals for their dine-and-dash dinner habits. Bronte was plugged into electronic life support, completely ignoring me, so I pulled out my new phone and thumbed through the screens. Several icons for GRS scrolled by. I tapped on the skull and went to Rules and Regulations. Man, there were a lot of them. How was one person supposed to learn all these?

It is prohibited to purposely make contact with deceased’s family before or after reaping.
I still thought that one was stupid and I wasn’t certain I’d be able to abide by it. I wondered what kind of punishment I’d incur for breaking it.

It is prohibited to prevent the reap. Only guardian angels have the right to interfere.

A reaper must remain neutral.

It is prohibited to fraternize or engage in ongoing conversations with the client. In other words, don’t become their therapist.

On and on the list went. I wondered if Nate had actually memorized all the rules or if he was just putting on a good show. As I scanned through the rest, I gleaned the general message. Keep a low profile and do the job. How hard could it be? Even though I hated to admit it, I’d always been kind of a rule follower. Being a reaper might be the perfect fit for me.

Breck scooted into the booth next to me and took a big drink of his soda. Pink tinged his cheeks and sweat coated his forehead.

“You having fun?” I said, clicking off my phone and pocketing it.

He shrugged and toyed with his fries. “It’s all right.”

“What’s wrong?” I scooped a hank of sweaty hair off his forehead. “Is somebody bullying you?”

“No.” He bit the end of the French fry and chewed.

Something was definitely wrong. Normally, Breck hog-faced a burger in under a minute, but now he didn’t touch it. “You can tell me.” I hoped it was something simple, like he’d decided he wanted to be a vampire instead of a ghost. “Come on.” I gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m pretty good at solving problems.”

His big blue eyes looked up at me. “There’s a ghost in the slide tubes and she won’t give me back my sock.”

My smile tightened. “A ghost?”

Bronte snorted and shook her head. “Moron.”

“Hey, stop calling your brother names.” I looked back at Breck. “Are you sure it’s a ghost and not a kid that stole your sock?”

“Positive. It’s an old lady and she’s mean.”

Solutions and excuses raced through my mind. My son didn’t need his sock. We had a hundred singles at home he could wear. And what were the chances of a real live ghost haunting the McDonald’s play tube?

“What are you going to do, Mom?” His eyes stared at me, trusting.

“Yeah, Mom, what are you going to do?” Bronte smirked at me.

“Well…” I gently shoved Breck toward the end of the bench. “I’m getting your sock back.” I narrowed my gaze at Bronte. “That’s what I’m going to do.”

Breck let me out and I wove my way through the bevy of children and tables and stopped at the end of a long green slide. Every few seconds a kid shot to the bottom and jumped off to circle back for another go. Sometimes they turned and crawled back up.

Surveying the conglomeration of colorful tubes and nets, I decided that climbing the padded platforms steps would be a lot safer and less humiliating than trying to shove myself up one of the slides. I glanced around. The other parents were busy with their own kids or ignoring the mayhem. I gripped the edge of the platform and slowly worked my way up the play set. Once at the top, I crawled on hands and knees across a netted bridge. Something wet and sticky pressed into my palm. I cringed but continued forward. The smell of dirty feet, chocolate shakes, and pee enveloped me. I tried not the think of bacteria clinging to every surface I touched.

Note to self, pick up more hand sanitizer.

A small child in an orange sweat suit tried to squeeze past. “Excuse me.”

“Sure thing.” I pressed my body to the side to let him by. When he reached the end of the netted bridge I stopped him. “Hey, have you seen any…um, another lady up here?”

“You mean the ghost lady?”

My eyes rounded and I nodded. “Yeah, the ghost lady.”

“She hangs out next to the yellow slide.” With that the kid scurried away.

I hesitated. If there really was a ghost living in the play set, she wasn’t my charge. I pulled out my phone and tapped the appointment app. The screen was empty. Maybe I should leave well enough alone. I could always buy Breck more socks. Unfortunately, curiosity is one of my worst vices.

At the juncture where the net bridge ended, I stopped. Taking a deep breath, I poked my head around the corner. Yep, she was there, all translucent and ghost like. My heart jumped to my throat. I didn’t think I’d ever get used to seeing spirits. It’s one thing to catch a glimpse in my periphery. Staring at one full on was intimidating in an
I don’t know nothin’ about reapin’ no spirits

“I’m not leaving, so don’t waste your time trying to convince me to,” the ghost said.

I glanced around, but nobody else was around. “Are you talking to me?”

“Who else would I be talking to? Came to try to get me to cross over, right?” She lifted a spectral cigarette to her lips, took a drag so long my lungs hurt, and then blew it out. “Like I told the first guy. I’m not going.”

Her words sort of registered but my attention was fixed on her cigarette. I quit smoking two years ago but sometimes the craving still hit. I scooted farther into the padded area, trying to maneuver myself into the line of her ghost smoke, hoping for a hit. I settled against the netted wall across from her and inhaled. The smell was faint, and not as satisfying as I’d hoped.

“How do you know I’m a reaper?” I started to cross my legs but they still hurt. Instead I stretched them out and crossed my ankles. “Maybe I’m just a mom, who can see ghosts.”

The woman snorted. “Right.” The woman held out her hand, indicating the area we sat in. “Because there are so many parents up here.”

She had me on that one. Unless a child was hurt, scared, or physically stuck, no parent would dare enter the germ-pool. And even that was questionable, especially if there was an older sibling to send into the tubes to retrieve the child.

“Okay, so I’m a reaper.” I pointed to Breck’s sock. The end poked out from under her butt. “I wouldn’t have bothered you if you hadn’t scared my son and refused to give him his sock.”

She harrumphed and took another drag.

“So, why are you up here…?”


“Lily. Is this where you died?” I couldn’t imagine someone wanting to spend eternity in a fast food play set.

“No, I died in the hospital. Lung cancer.” She squashed the cigarette onto the mat and after a few seconds it disappeared. “But this is where my daughter comes with my grandkids.”

“I’m sorry.” And I was. Missing family must have been the number one cause for hauntings. I didn’t have any solid stats, but I was pretty sure I was right. “I bet it’s difficult knowing you won’t see your grandchildren grow up.”

Her face scrunched. “I couldn’t give a good gosh darn about my grandkids. They’re monsters. Parents spoil those brats something awful.”

Taken aback by the vehemence in her response, I blinked a few times and nodded. “Okay, then I don’t get it. Why here?”

“I need to get a message to my daughter.”

The clang of warning bells erupted in my head. Rule number—
It is prohibited to purposely make contact with deceased’s family before or after reaping.
It would have been better to say I was sorry and I couldn’t help her. Damn my curiosity. “What kind of message?”

The ghost’s gaze shifted to me. She stared for a few seconds before saying, “My good-for-nothing son-in-law, Tony, is cheating on my daughter with her best friend.”

I gasped. “That bastard.”

“That isn’t the half of it. Maryanne is pregnant with his kid.”

I sat forward. “Maryanne is the best friend?”

“Yep, and the skank keeps pretending to be my daughter’s bestie. Makes me mad enough to possess her.”

“What a bitch.” I leaned back, completely incensed by the situation. “Your poor daughter.”

“She’s a good person and doesn’t deserve this.” The ghost held my stare. “So…”

Don’t become the spirit’s therapist
. Just broke that rule. “I don’t know. Can I be honest, Lily. I’ve only been doing this job for about a week and passing a message onto family members is like the number one no-no in the rule book.”

“Send her an anonymous letter.” The ghost held out her translucent hands. “Who would know?”

I cocked a brow at her. “You do realize who I work for, right.”

“Well, maybe if you’re casual about it. Tuck it in with your bills and letters, they—” She pointed upward. “Won’t notice.”

I shouldn’t.
I mean, I really shouldn’t even entertain the idea of getting involved. Delivering the message was not worth the trouble I’d get into.

Suddenly Lily’s eyes widened. Scooting onto all fours, she crawled to the edge of the platform to look through the net. “They’re here.” She pointed to the group of people walking into the play area. “Oh, that whore of a friend is with them.”

I scrambled to join her. Side-by-side, we watched the group claim a table near the door. It wasn’t hard to tell who Lily’s daughter was. Small and blonde like her mother, she appeared haggard and beaten down. The friend, on the other hand, had a rosy glow, and there was no mistaking the furtive glances she tossed in Tony’s direction.

“Okay, I’ll do it.” The words popped out before I could stop myself. I sat back on my heels. “But you have to promise to cross over when it’s done.”

Lily smiled and held up her hand. “Scout’s honor. So, what are you going to do?”

I took a deep breath and exhaled. “Watch and enjoy.” I scooted toward the yellow tube. “Meet me in the parking lot after I leave.”

She nodded.

I crawled across the platform, grabbed Breck’s sock, and sent myself down the yellow tube slide. Standing, I dusted myself off and glanced up. Lily was still pressed against the net, watching me. Instead of heading straight back to my kids, I skirted the center tables and walked toward Lily’s daughter.

I was never much of an actress, so I drew my motivation from experience. Believing Jeff had been cheating on me was a hurt that cut into my soul, but I would have wanted to know. Still, I hated that I was about to open a can of hurt for Lily’s daughter.

As I passed their table, I casually glanced over. Pasting on a big smile, I stopped. “Hey, sorry to bother you.” I pointed to Maryanne. “But I recognized you two from the doctor’s office and just wanted to say congratulations on the baby.”

The blood drained from Maryanne’s face and her eyes cut to Lily’s daughter. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You and your husband.” I pointed at Tony. “The girls at the doctor’s office and I were talking about how cute you two were together.”

Lily’s daughter leaned forward on her arm, resting them on the table. “That’s

I let my eyes go wide. “But, you and he—” I didn’t finish my sentence. If Lily’s daughter was smart she’d put two and two together. “Okay, well, sorry.”

With that I continued to my table. Bryce had joined Bronte and Breck. They’d polished off most of their meals and would be ready to go in another five minutes. “I’ve got to make a call.” I tossed Breck’s sock to him and then grabbed my purse from the corner of the booth. “I’ll be right back.”

“Did you see her, Mom?” Breck shoved his foot into the hole and pulled on his sock. “Did you see the ghost?”

I repressed the urge to look in Lily’s direction. “Nope, just your sock.” I ruffled his hair. “It probably stunk so bad she didn’t want to keep it.” He smiled and went back to eating his fries. “Okay, finish up and I’ll be back in a second.”

As I passed the table where Lily’s family sat, I heard their heated conversation. I’d placed the spark of doubt and Lily’s daughter ran with it. Pushing open the glass door, I pulled out my phone and walked outside to wait for Lily. I fingered the raven charm hanging around my neck. I’d put it on when I got home and vowed to never take it off. Hopefully it would protect me from Hal’s allure.

The temperature had dropped several degrees over the past half hour. I zipped my coat all the way up and shoved my free hand into my pocket. A squawk sounded above me and I glanced up to see Fletcher perched on the light pole. Relief washed through me. Hopefully, the bird’s presence meant this would be a smooth transaction.

Lily appeared beside me, a big grin on her face. “That did it.” She held out her hand. “Thanks.”

I reached out and shook her hand but didn’t let go. “You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help—even if I do get in trouble.”

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