Read To Collar and Keep Online

Authors: Stella Price,Audra Price

Tags: #Romance

To Collar and Keep (14 page)

BOOK: To Collar and Keep
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Harley grinned and turned past Corbin who was walking in from the side room and swept past him quickly, taking her to a back room that ended up being a bedroom. He closed the door and looked into her eyes. “Well, Bella?”

“Well, Master?” She smiled, her fingers deftly undoing his pants.

Harley growled and kissed her. “I have need of your clever attentions, pet, and that sweet blood.”

She whimpered at the mention of him taking blood. “What do you want me to do?” She palmed him gently.

“I want you to enjoy me as I enjoy you. No rules, no conditions. Just you and me celebrating our new good fortune.”

“I always enjoy you.” She smiled, nuzzling his neck as she stroked him gently.

“And you will for the rest of your days. I didn’t make this decision lightly, Bella, but I won’t share myself with anyone but you. You are far too precious to be anything but a Beloved. I believe there will be better opportunities for both of us with Tempest.” He kissed her. “And how do you feel about Tempest?”

“Mina has done everything to make me feel welcome. I like it with Tempest, and that Bastian is here makes it even better. I don’t think Ben’s the type to abuse his power, I trust him.”

It was what he wanted to hear. He kissed her again and lifted her up to wrap her legs around his waist once more. They walked over towards the bed, and he laid her back so she was prone, his cock nestled between her thighs.

“Mmm, so we’re going to enjoy ourselves?”

“Always, Arabella.” He leant down and kissed her, simultaneously slipping into her wet heat.

“Oh, yes,” she moaned into his mouth.

He took her slowly, making love to her. He looked down at her and smiled, touched her stomach and hips.

“I love you,” she whispered, kissing him.

“I love you, Bella,” he said and held onto her hips. Taking her deeper, he leant down and triggered the collar to bleed her. The crimson liquid ran and he lapped it up, making the sweeps of his tongue a languid erotic dance.

She came hard, wrapping her legs around him. “I love it when you feed off me.”

He grinned. “And you always will, love. You taste so good.”

“All yours,” she moaned, throwing her head back.

He took more from her, the blood pooling in the hollow of her throat.

“That’s it, Harley.” She ran her hands though his hair.

“So fucking good,” he said and sped up his movements, focused on bringing her over.

She screamed again as her orgasm shook her. He followed her, groaning.

Holding her, he laid his head on her chest and kissed her soft skin. “Fantastic.”

“We are,” she purred, cradling him to her.

“Big changes,” he said and nibbled her skin. “You ready for them?”

“Yes,” she moaned. “I’ve been ready for big changes all my life.”

“I couldn’t have chosen a better pet myself, Bella. You are strong and sexy and smart.” He mused and rolled them so she was on top of him, and he cuddled her closer. “Though I am sorry you will not be part of the clan you expected.”

“I’m part of a clan that wants me and with a man who respects me. I could never have expected that.”

“And loves you. Don’t forget that.” He grinned. “And Mina definitely wants you.”

“Mina’s really great.”

He laughed. “Yes, she is. And she will be a perfect clan sister for you.”

“She will be.”

He nodded and sighed. It would be good to be where they were accepted and needed. Now they had the arduous task of proclaiming it to the congregation.

Chapter Ten

The ballroom was positively buzzing with energy, and it had nothing to do with the normal sexual output. Word travelled fast at these things, and everyone was waiting to see if what they’d heard was true.

Tonight everyone was on edge. What Harley was doing was unheard of, mostly because he was a prince. If he could do it and get away with it, stealing yet another sought after beauty to Tempest… The idea was akin to blasphemy.

Rummer was in an uproar, both the youths and the heads of each family standing by Boris in a united front. Harley noticed that the Grecian contingent stood apart from Rummer, probably staying neutral until the outcome had presented itself. Harley liked to think the clan was being supportive of both Bastian and Arabella, but he knew the truth. Tempest was just as good a place for their members to be, and they weren’t burning any bridges by taking sides before it was all decided.

Tempest was congregated towards the front right of the ballroom, Arcane to the left. Harley noticed that
sat with his people, stoic and poised, but quiet and watching.

After their little afternoon delight, Harley and Bella had come back to Ben’s study and a small mob. Mina had sat on Ben’s lap, naked and petting him, while several young Satyrs clamoured for his attention. Corbin had done a lot to keep them contained, but in the end, it seemed that Tempest was auditioning several new Satyrs, three from Bourchest and two from Linoge.

They were here now, along with the already accepted seven that had courted Tempest since the first day. They were a clan of young upstarts, Harley mused, and they could and would change Satyr society. This was the first step.

Ben stood in front of the entire ballroom with Corbin next to him on one side, Minerva at his left hand. Harley knew Ben was going to be a flashy bastard about this, both to piss off Boris and to piss off Arcane.

Arabella held on to Harley’s hand. She was dressed in a tight blue taffeta dress, matching heels and her collar. She was beautiful, stunning even, and her being so poised and composed helped him to keep his focus.

Proceedings could go one of two ways. One, his father could demand Harley stand with his birth clan and demand a ruling from the reigning house at the event, which was Arcane, or two, he could wait to see what Tempest had to say and challenge it after Ben had declared his house’s intentions, absolving him of petty squabbling. That was the one way he could save face and probably the way he would go.

Ben had nothing to lose as Harley had come to him, while Boris, if he went with the first option, would flat out lose.
wouldn’t go against Tempest, especially now that Ben had agreed to allow Milton and Ellen to see their grandson.

Ben, never one to disappoint, raised a hand and the room was silenced in a heartbeat. Everyone held their breath, waiting for Ben to start the mayhem.

He flashed the room a smile, turning to take in the crowd. “Satyrs,” he called out keeping his smile. “I’d like to borrow your attention for just a few moments before we start the night’s festivities.” He paused, the silence in the room deafening. “As you all know, my clan has suffered unheard of losses to the point where we are all but extinct. I plan to put an end to that extinction. After all, it’s a little lonely in the estate with just my Beloved and our son.” He chuckled. “So I’ve been auditioning for some new members,
of quality and worth to fill my numbers and hopefully regenerate Tempest back to its former glory.” He kept his smile tight, his eyes wandering through the clans gauging their reactions. “So with that I’d like to introduce and welcome the first of many fine Satyrs to call themselves Tempest.”

He then proceeded to call forward and name the Satyrs that were gathered with them. There were a few grumbles of displeasure when he called out Corbin, but they quickly calmed as Ben named the terms of his acceptance into Tempest. Lastly he called forward Sebastian followed by Alexander, then he turned to Harley.

“And finally.” Ben grinned, a wicked gleefulness shining in his eyes. “I’d like to offer my most heart-filled welcome to my cousin, Harlequin, and his Beloved, Arabella. May your time with us bring you great pleasure.”

Harley nodded and walked forward just as each of the others presented as new Tempest did, but instead of bowing to Ben, as someone would do when showing fealty to a lord, Harley stood next to him and smiled. It was both a show to everyone that while he was a member of a new house, he was also still a prince and owed allegiance to no one. That he chose to be there. The second thing it proved was that Ben was willing to share his standing, and power, and not force Harley to be just another member of the clan.

“I accept your welcome to both myself and my Beloved, dear cousin, and embrace all it is to be Tempest.”

After the words were said, the entire place fell into chaos. Toloose was murmuring amongst themselves, Arcane’s elders were speaking to each other in hushed tones, and Rummer, Linoge, Bourchest and Estales were arguing loudly about the new proclamation. Apparently, the smaller houses weren’t happy with losing members to Tempest either. Harley noticed that the Grecian contingent was staying neutral, probably waiting for the fallout.

Boris walked forward to be acknowledged by
, and
raised a hand. The room went silent.

“The floor acknowledges Boris Donahue, Royal Head of Rummer.”

“I ask for satisfaction. Tempest was not given leave to steal our prince or his newly acquired female.”

Harley frowned. Not Beloved, but female. He was even now going back on his word and publicly.

Boris shot daggers at Ben. “The cheek this child has to even consider taking another prince into his rag tag house…”

Harley stepped forward. “Lord Milton, I would like to offer that I wasn’t coerced into joining Tempest. I did it on my own recognisance, because there was nothing left for me at my own clan.”

watched him curiously. “And how do you mean, Prince Harlequin. You are the reigning prince of the Rummer clan with a bright future ahead of you, especially with the knowledge that you will run Rummer soon.”

“That is not true, Lord Milton. My father wishes me to take another two females from Rummer itself and refuses to name me his successor until I have done so. I will not. Unlike my father, I do not go back on my word. Arabella was to be and will be my only female, a Beloved in all ways. My father wished me to go back on that arrangement, an arrangement he made for me, in order to further his own ambitions in his own clan and abroad.”

looked at Boris. “It is true that you didn’t name your son your heir when he was gifted the lovely and responsive Arabella. On those grounds alone, Harlequin is within his rights to defect should he choose to do so. On the other charge, that you wanted him to take another two females, what say you?”

“That is no one’s business but the Rummer prince and his clan head.”

“Seeing as Harlequin, by his own admission is not the clan prince any longer, it becomes a congregational issue. Now answer the question, Lord Rummer, did you decree that Harlequin be forced to take another two females, forsaking his word to his Beloved?”

Boris kept quiet.
took this as acknowledgement of the truth because he turned to Harley and Arabella. “One of our most stringent laws is not going back on our word. Harlequin is within his rights to deny your wishes.” He looked to Ben. “The year before you were born, your father made it a law that a courted and acknowledged Beloved had the love and honour of serving her Satyr alone. Will you honour your father’s wishes in this matter and allow Harlequin his rights as a Satyr to be served by the best of the best, a princess of worth and standing, capable of sustaining him till the end of the earth?”

Boris started making noises about Ben being a child still and not having a say when
silenced him with a pointed glare.

Ben grinned, amusement twinkling in his eyes, although Harley could see something much darker in them as well. Boris might not know it, but he’d just made it onto Ben’s shit list by insulting his house.

“Of course. I believe my father had the right idea, and I’ll always honour my word and respect every member of my,” he smirked, “rag tag upstart clan.” His tone darkened as he turned to Boris and said, “I don’t have to lie to my people, or indeed string them along with promises and half truths.”

“Idealistic bullshit!” Boris scoffed and turned back to
, waiting on his next words, but it was Harley that spoke, and the words that came from his mouth were anything but kind.

“I have to agree with my father. What Ben is touting is idealistic, but times do always change, and the powerful don’t always have a thumb on the young. I’m sorry, Father, and those of Rummer whom I respect, but you will have to carry on without your prince. It’s not like you weren’t going to anyway. Boris was seeing to that.” He turned to
. “Lord Arcane, if you will make the formal recognising of myself and the rest of the new members of Tempest, we can move on with this evening.”

Boris, truly unnerved at being dismissed by his own son, turned purple as
stood, intent on defusing the situation. “Boris, this brings to light another issue. It seems Rummer doesn’t have a prince now. You know the law, if you and your Beloved do not produce an heir in the next three years, your house head spot is forfeit to your brother, Reginald.”

“Hey, a little brother.” Ben smiled cheerfully at Harley. “That’ll be nice.”

“Considering Stephanya is barren, that’s not going to happen,” he said quietly to Ben. “Boris should just grab his ankles and take it like a champ. Uncle Reggie has wanted this for ages.”

“Sucks for him.”

“Yes, it does.”

Boris grumbled and looked towards Stephanya, who had her head down.

Harley’s heart ached for his mother. She didn’t deserve this drama, or the reminder that she couldn’t produce for her Satyr. He knew his father and his ambition, and feared that his mother would be cast aside to cement his place as clan head. He turned to Corbin who now stood just behind him and Ben, and murmured. “If he casts my mother aside…” He left the threat open.

“He won’t,” Corbin said firmly.

“It’s unlikely he’ll be able to, but we’ll keep an eye on him.” Ben agreed.

Harley nodded, thankful for the friends and clan he now had, and waited for
to continue.

“If there are no more interruptions?”
asked and the room quieted to dead silence. He nodded his acceptance. “Very well. The confederation of Satyr recognises its wayward clan Tempest, headed by Royal Satyr Esben Chambers of the Chambers line, and all its new members. A noble and exclusive house of Satyr returns. Prince Esben, let us hope you can bring this house back to its former and much coveted glory.”

The room erupted into a gale of applause.

Harley looked around at several of the elders who were commenting to each other, ones that Harley knew had daughters they had been keeping cloistered. With Tempest being a recognised clan again, they had a very good choice as to where to gift their daughters. Tempest ruled once, and they would rule again. Ben would see to that.

lifted his hand and silenced the crowd. “Also, after a meeting with the eight Royal houses from America and abroad, we have come to a consensus on the motion on the floor involving the European houses of Satyr; Linoge and Estales, in joining the confederacy as esteemed, recognised houses.”

The entire room was so quiet all you could hear was the rain outside.
looked to Toloose. “Darwin Novak, Royal Head of Toloose, what say you?”

bowed to
and spoke, his voice clear as a bell. “A hearty welcome to Linoge and Estales from Toloose. May your fortunes prosper.”

“Boris Donohue, Royal Head of Rummer, what say you?”
said and Boris, through clenched teeth, gave the same answer and sat. On
went, to Stereopes, Harmin, Bourchest, LaFleur, and his own house, Arcane, with none of them rejecting the motion.
went at last to Tempest. As the newest, they had final say.

Ben repeated the welcome, and bowed to both Linoge and Estales’ heads of house, and the entire ballroom celebrated. Two new clans accepted, and an old clan repopulated.

Olanis this year was one of boisterous gaiety. Music started, dinner was served and the entire congregation was merry.

Harley sat at the head portion of Tempest with both Ben and Corbin, Arabella on his right side. He watched everyone. Toloose, usually the most reserved of the clans, was beaten out for that coveted title this night by Rummer. His former house was quiet while they ate, his mother only eating when his father nudged her to. Harley’s heart hurt, but there was nothing he could do now, he would have to figure it out for later. Corbin wasn’t going to let her suffer, of that he was sure.

Arabella squeezed his leg, and he looked down to her. “I told you it would all be okay,” he said.

“Do you think your father is going to let this go?” she asked.

He leant towards her. “He has to, it was a public acceptance that we are now part of Tempest. I don’t think we have much to worry about. Your father looks pleased about where we are.”

BOOK: To Collar and Keep
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