To Collar and Keep (4 page)

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Authors: Stella Price,Audra Price

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: To Collar and Keep
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He sighed and smiled down at her. She was one of the best out there. “Good girl. Now, sleep. You have the fox hunt tomorrow and need to be rested.”

“I will. If you need me again, you know where I’ll be.” Standing in one smooth motion, she kissed him lightly on the cheek, then walked back to her room leaving him alone.

Harley sighed and shook his head. He closed the door to his bedroom and walked over to the overlarge bed. While the little fuck session was interesting, he was still pent up and curious over the bewitching female he spoke with so candidly.
She must be part of Arabella’s party, why else would she look for me, seek me out. Why would she care?

It was interesting to him, and he stripped off his clothing as he thought more of the mystery girl and that voice, and sure as shit, his cock was ready and at attention once again. He growled and got into his lonely bed. Sighing, he turned off the bedside light intent on sleeping, and perhaps dreaming of his mystery girl.

Chapter Four

Harley sat atop his mount, a large irate Appaloosa named Stormwatch and looked out over the grassy plain as the horse stomped its impatience. He knew the horse was used to running full tilt after some quarry or another, but today’s hunt was of a different sort.

At the tree line, several communal concubines, some that had been recently uncollared to find other Satyrs and a few prizes, like Karina, stood in the bright sunshine of the day. Clad in silk slippers and some rather revealing clothing that showed off more than it covered, they were a fetching sight.

Alexander, one of the
Satyrs, trotted to his left side on a strong Hamiltonian with a deep chest and squinted. He reached into his waistcoat pocket and put a pair of designer sunglasses on as he addressed Harley.

“So what exactly is this game, Prince Harlequin? We chase a bunch of women? Please tell me we aren’t using Bollo’s or nets, are we? That hardly seems sporting.”

Harley laughed. “Chase, Alex, yes. But they don’t actually run. They dislike being sweaty for the most part.”

Alex frowned. “Sweaty pussy isn’t my favourite as well. So we chase, on horseback?” he asked incredulously.

Harley nodded. “For about twenty clicks. Then there’s an
beyond the rock face that will stop the horses. The girls will find a way around, and we have to find the way through. Those in first get the pick of the women for the afternoon.” He grinned. “It’s a little game Ben’s father-in-law thought up a few years ago. It lets the Satyrs with Beloveds not get in trouble for fucking about. And you know Lord Arcane loves to dabble on occasion. Not that his Beloved would say differently.”

Alexander nodded. “So why the horses?”

“Well, I don’t know about you, but what I dislike more than sweaty pussy is sweaty me. Not into getting swamp ass.”

Alexander looked at Ben. “And the first lady of Tempest? What does she have to say about an afternoon of fucking for her Beloved?”

Ben shrugged indifferently, looking out over the girls. He stood a little away from them on foot, having refused to go anywhere near the line of horses. “She understands that it’s necessary and has consoled herself to spending as much of my wealth as she can in the few hours she has. Mina knows where she stands with me. I could have guessed that this was
’s idea. It has that sick fuck stamped all over it. Oh, look.” He smiled at Harley, nodding along the line of Satyrs. “It’s your in-laws. Spoken to any of them yet?”

Harley shook his head. “Aside from Arturo? No, though I understand his youngest, Sebastian, is here along with his two eldest. None have sought me out. Though, I think one of my intended’s maids might have last night, out of curiosity.”


Ben’s eyes lit up. Harley could tell what Ben was thinking before he said, “Maid? Are you getting a two-for-one deal? I mean, if you think about it, she’s going to need a maid.”

Harley gave him a drool stare. “And Minerva has a maid?” he asked.

“Unfortunately Mina’s self-sufficient, except for the nanny, but she’s old and unfuckable, but if Bella’s used to a maid…,” he trailed off, letting the suggestion hang in the air for a moment or two. “So did you give her a good spanking and send her on her way?”

“No, sadly. Chit wouldn’t come near me. Her voice though, cousin, I tell you…”

“Please do.” He grinned, stepping towards the horse, then thinking better of it.

“You’re such a pussy Ben.” He smirked. “Stormwatch is not going to hurt you.”

“Stormwatch?” His voice held undisguised horror. “Its name is Stormwatch? It’s bad enough it has a name.” Ben glared up warily at him. “You’re not going all
on me are you? More ‘foxes’ for me then, but still it’s a waste.”

Harley frowned. “Not in the slightest.” He looked left as a dark-haired youth trotted over by them.

“In-laws,” Ben cheered, enjoying himself immensely as he made room for the young man on his horse.

The young man smiled at them. “Greetings, Prince Harlequin, Prince—”

“Just Ben,” Ben cut him off. “Unless I’m holding court, then it gets really formal and even I can’t keep track of whose title goes where,” he ranted before letting him continue.

“Ben.” He nodded, smiling. “I’m Sebastian. I hope you don’t mind me joining you. I just can’t stand to listen to them any longer. At least over here, I know they won’t bother me.”

Harley nodded. “Not at all, we are family after all, or will be soon enough,” he offered his hand to shake it in the warrior’s style. “And the youth should be with the young anyway.”

“Yeah, that is very true. Good luck with the family part though, better you than me.”

“Mere formalities. After this gifting, I won’t have much to do with them anyway. I take it you’re not a big fan of your own clan?”

“Me? Nah, what gives you that idea? Really, they’re all right. I just don’t recommend living with them or interacting with them much.”

Harley smirked and looked down at Ben and winked. “Indeed.”

An old Satyr walked out on the left side and raised a bullhorn. “Satyrs, at the ready!” he boomed, and the women laughed and scampered into the forest.

“Well, here goes.” Ben rubbed his hands together. “Horses are such an archaic mode of transport.”

Harley clicked at Stormwatch. “Bastian, stay close to us. We know the way in.” He winked and the horn went off, signalling the chase had begun, and they were all off like a shot racing through the woods.

Ben blinked away, using his demon powers to get to the clearing before anyone else.

“That should be cheating.” Bastian laughed, keeping his steed close to Stormwatch.

“You’ll soon learn Ben doesn’t ever play by the rules. I’m surprised he even showed at the line…” Harley grinned and they pressed on, gaining the clearing far before the rest.

He dismounted as Stormwatch skittered to a stop and went to Ben with Alex and Bastian both following. “Bastian states you should be whipped for cheating… Now where the hell is that portal…”

“I’d rather cheat than reek of beast. It should be this way.” Ben moved off to the left.

Alex frowned. “So there’s a portal? I take it the demon in Ben knows where it is?”

Harley nodded. “The
beyond is actually a demon’s hidden grotto.”

“Score two for the demon.” Ben chuckled as he led them deeper into a small grove where the portal lay. “You can thank me later. I accept fine wines and liquors as well as gold and cold hard cash. I don’t accept cheques, because my cousin’s always bounce.”

Harley sighed. “Your cheek will get you nowhere, Tempest.” He grinned when they reached a granite dead end. “Well gentleman, step through and claim your prize.”

Alexander laughed and walked up, taking a step through as the portal resonated with the intrusion.

Harley grinned. “Shit like that never ceases to amaze me.”

“That’s because you’re easily amazed cousin, remind me to tell you about the portals back home. There’s one with bald monkeys that…” The rest of Ben’s speech was cut off as he stepped into the portal.

“That is pretty amazing. I’ve never seen one before.

Sebastian looked incredulously at the portal. “The portal, the monkeys, not so much.”

Harley shook his head. “Ben likes to rant about whatever takes his fancy. Come on before the old fucks get here.” He grabbed Sebastian and stepped through to a bright and lush scene.

Women were everywhere—naked for the most part—sitting on divans, large couches, and pillows and wading in the small pool gathered at the edge of a small waterfall.

Harley looked at Sebastian. “See the water there? If you do, the rock scramble close to the main house, there’s a section where you can hear rushing water, but humans have yet to find where it comes out. This is it.”

“So this is here all the time?” Sebastian shook his head in wonder. “Amazing.” His gaze turned sharper, looking at the girls.

Harley nodded. “Indeed. Take your pick.

He walked over to a tall blonde and snapped his fingers. She followed him to where Ben was sitting with a naked concubine in his lap.

“Hey, cousin.” Ben smirked up at him as Sebastian sat next to a brunette, whispering something in her ear. “First here, I like this game. We should do things that I win more often.”

“I’m sure the old fucks are going to be pissed.

He nodded and sat on a couch, pulling the blonde into his lap. She nuzzled him, her hand working its way down to his belt.

Alexander walked over with a redhead on his arm and Harley smiled, shaking his head. “So can I declare the first meeting of the next generation of Satyr to order?”

“I’d suggest some kind of handshake.” Sebastian grinned. “But my hands are a little busy at the moment.” He squeezed the girl’s breasts, her moan emphasising his point.

Harley nodded. “We can work out the particulars later, I’m thinking we have at least a half hour till they figure out how to get in here. Maybe forty-five minutes.” He looked at the girl in his lap. “I think I should like to see you face deep in another beauty, pet.”

“That one.” Ben pointed to a girl with green eyes and blonde highlights and called her over.

“Yes, I think that works.” He grabbed a few pillows and set them on the bamboo mats before them and sat back. “Enjoy yourself, pet.” He turned his attention to Sebastian, whose girl was slowly taking her sheer dress off and to Alexander who was busily nibbling his girl’s throat and pinching her nipples.

“So what shall we do with our time? Apart from the obvious,” Ben said, his eyes on the girls as his girl buried her face in his lap, taking his cock into her mouth.

“Well, I, for one, want to know about Arabella…Bastian?” He leered and looked down at the girls who were busily kissing and teasing each other into a frenzy.

“Bells? Sure, what would you like to know?”

“Bells? Well then, that is interesting. Tell me,” he said as his pet pushed the green-eyed girl back and attacked her nipples, making the other girl arch with passion. “How does she feel about this arrangement? And what am I getting into? I asked your father, but he keeps assuring me she is the poster girl for the next generation of concubines.
said the same to Ben, and well…Lady Minerva…” He smirked at Ben.

“My sister is…well…,” he trailed off considering his words. “Well, my sister’s great. She’s smart as hell but isn’t snotty about it. She’s funny, but kind, and she knows her way about a kitchen. She’s been mothering me my whole life, but she isn’t bossy about it. As far as I can tell, tonight can’t come soon enough for her. She’s going stir-crazy locked with my mother. I’m going to miss her a lot, she made home tolerable.”

Harley looked over at Ben again and nodded. “Told you, you shit.”

“Don’t get me wrong.” Sebastian grinned. “She’s got a temper on her, but it only gets flared up when she’s sticking up for others…mostly me. Do right by her, and you won’t have a problem…on all accounts.”

“She’s going to be my only concubine, I don’t think I could do any better for her,” he said with finality.

The girls on the floor were rolling a bit, hands pinching and touching.

Harley leant forward. “Pet? Make her scream…and you…enjoy your friend there, sucking Lord Tempest off.”

Sebastian watched as the girl crawled over to Ben’s girl and bit her backside playfully. “Then I don’t predict any problems, you’ll get on well.”

The woman on Sebastian’s lap smiled at him. “What is your pleasure, lord?”

Harley nodded. “Excellent. Now about her ladies’ maid…who is she?” He grabbed the ass of his afternoon pet and pulled her closer to him, slipping his fingers along her visibly sopping pussy. She moaned into the pussy of the girl she was pleasuring, and the girl arched to keep the pressure of the pet’s tongue on her clit.

“Maid?” he asked Harley, pinching the girl’s nipples. “Don’t interrupt,” he told her, guiding her hands down into his jeans. “I’ll stop you if you displease me.” She nodded and quickly opens his pants, sliding her hand down to his sac and up to his shaft and played sweetly.

Harley cocked his head. “I assumed it was hers, as she didn’t deny it. She found me on the porch last night, her voice was better than the best porn star. Tell me, have you had her?”

“Ah, that maid, sorry, a little distracted.” He petted the girl’s hair. “No, I haven’t had her. Arturo would have my head. He’s fond of that one.”

“Shame…that voice is like sex itself.” He slipped his fingers into his pet and pumped them before pulling them out and licking his fingers. The girl tasted good. He leant down to her ear. “Make her come quick, and I’ll make you come.”

“I can’t say I’ve noticed. Though I’m sure she’d follow Bells if you asked her. They’re quite close.” He pushed the girl’s head down a little, encouraging her to explore him with her mouth.

She went at it and moaned, as Harley slipped his fingers into his pet. “Quickly now,” he said to her and looked up at Sebastian. “Well, thanks for the tip.”

Alexander, who had the girl in his lap riding his cock reverse cowgirl style, looked over at Ben. “Ben, I wondered about Tempest. Are you repopulating the clan?”

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