To Have And To Hold (9 page)

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Authors: Yvette Hines

BOOK: To Have And To Hold
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“What in the fuck is he doing here?” He bellowed from across the room, looking from Will to Kelli as if waiting for an explanation.

Will stepped up beside her as if to protector her from Brett. “I think you need to decide to calm the hell down and we can all handle this like mature adults.”

Glancing at her knight in shining armor, she admired his calm and tact in such a volatile situation. She was sure that it was a skill he had honed and crafted through his job as the public relations man for the mayor. But as reserved as he appeared, she didn’t miss the muscle in his jaw leaping repeatedly, letting her know that it took a lot for him to restrain himself.

“Mature adults don’t go around screwing their friend’s girl.” Angrily, Brett jabbed his finger in the air toward both of them accusingly. “Don’t try and deny it.”

Will spoke in low tones. “If you haven’t noticed, Brett, she hasn’t been a girl for a while now. Besides, we weren’t friends, we were never friends, just players on the same team.”

“You can try and twist this however you want to, Will, the shit is still dirty.” Brett shook his head.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Will refused to answer the statement.

“Look, Brett—” Her words were cut off by the vibrating sound of Will’s cell phone. Will retrieved it from his pocket and checked the mini caller ID screen that was lit up.

“I need to get this. Are you going to be alright?” She witnessed the concern clouding his features. She could see the war inside of him, the duty towards his job and protecting her.

“Who in the hell—” Brett began.

She threw her hand up toward Brett and spoke directly to Will, saying, “Yeah, I’ll be fine.
he is, but violent he’s not.”

“Okay.” Turning, he left the room, not before shooting Brett and threatening glance. “Robertson here.”

She heard before he closed the bedroom door.

“Listen, Kelli, I won’t hold this silly fling you had with Will against you.” Brett approached her with his hands out as if he were going to touch her.

She stepped back out of his reach; after the time she and Will had in the forest she refused to allow Brett’s touch to taint the intimacy she and Will shared.

He dropped his arms.

“Brett, the last thing I need is for you to forgive me for something. As many women as I’ve caught you with or found out about over the have a nerve.”

“None of those women meant anything to me. I’ve always known that you were the one.”

“And that’s how you show it?” She sighed, attempting to control her anger. Dealing with Brett was the last thing she wanted as the residual effect of sex with Will was still pulsing through her body. “Can’t we discuss this in Charlotte?”

“I didn’t drive all this way not to talk about what happened with

Her head was starting to throb. She needed a break and a moment to get her thoughts together. “Brett, I need a second. I need to change. You can sit or you can leave, but give me some time.”

“I’m not leaving,” he declared. “You don’t have to change your outfit on my account. I think it’s hot and sexy. Of course you could never wear it around my mother, she’d probably think you became some kind of

Does he really think that I still care about his damn mother’s opinion?
Shaking her head, she lengthened her stride to reach the room as fast as possible. Once inside, she pushed the door closed. Will still talked on the phone to someone, nodding at her as he continued to speak. Crossing the room to her suitcase, she pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. As she prepared to get undergarments she noted the lavender panties dangling in her view. Blushing, she glanced up at Will, who winked at her as he listened intently to the person on the other end. Grabbing them, she began to undress for a quick wash up. Conscious that Brett was waiting in the other room, she wasn’t trying to provoke him to come storming in catching her naked.

Leaving her clothes on the bed, she dashed into the bathroom.

Minutes later, she re-entered the bedroom with a towel around her body to find Will was hanging up his cell phone.

“Is everything okay?” she asked, crossing the room to him.

Stepping toward her, he brushed her hair back from her face. “No, they aren’t. I have to go. That was Mark Hamlin from the school board. Some middle school kids were smoking around the school grounds and started a fire. Only the gym caught fire, but a lot of the school has smoke damage. So, I’m going to need to call the mayor and meet with the school board and see what is the best course of action for the next few weeks until we can get the kids from that district back into the their school.”

Her heart sank. She knew that her time with Will was over tomorrow, but with the arrival of Brett and now this, things were ending too fast. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she said, “Give me a second and I’ll be ready to go.”

Will shook his head. Placing a hand under her chin, he stroked her bottom lip. “Sweetheart, I would love for you to come with me, but we both know that’s not what’s best.”

“What do you mean, not best? Will, these last few days have been amazing. I’ve neve—”

He kissed her. Sliding his tongue into her mouth, tasting her and sharing with her the same level of passion they’d brought out in each other many times while in the cabin. Ending the kiss, his hazel eyes captured hers. He remained silent, just stared at her, then said, “Kelli, baby, I will never forget this time we had together. As much as I would love to get in the car with you and not look back, I know this is something you need to handle and deal with.”

“But, there’s nothing left between Brett and me.”

He gave a dry chuckle. “That’s not what he thinks.” Stepping back, he looked away, then back at her again his eyes reflecting more amber than green. “If you’re honest with yourself, you and I happened in a spur of the moment decision. But, you and Brett have years.”

Her eyes stung and she could feel the tears beginning to well up in her eyes, she felt like the rain outside was pouring onto her soul. She loosened the towel around her and allowed it to drop to the floor, standing before him revealed, confident and proud, dressed in nothing but his chain. “Do you want your chain back?” Reaching behind her back with shaky hands, she was prepared to unclasp it.

“No.” The single word came out harsh, almost a bark. His chest lifted and dropped as he took as deep breath. “Just keep it. If you decide you don’t want it... then mail it back to me. I left my information on the pad by the phone.”

Quickly she released the chain and lowered her hands. “Yes, Will.” She allowed the submissive response to roll off her tongue like a cherry sliding down the side of a mountain of whipped cream.

One side of his mouth lifted in a half smile. “If you need, I can call a car to come pick you up or I’ll come back after I settle this stuff with the school.”

Turning, she grabbed her clothes from the bed and put on the pants, shirt, bra and the panties that had been nestled deep in Will’s pocket for hours while they’d made love in the woods. “There’s no need. As you said there’s a lot out in that living room I need to straighten out, so I might as well head back to Charlotte with him.” She didn’t want to say Brett’s name. Her ex was enough of an intrusion right now without giving him more involvement.

Slipping her feet into her sandals, she said, “Are you about ready to leave?”

“Unfortunately.” He picked up his suitcase and headed toward the door.

“Will.” She called out to him as he placed his hand on the door.

When he turned she sprinted the few feet across the carpet to reach him and was caught in his embrace. He buried his face in her neck and he held her pressed against him. She wanted to tell him she loved him, but knew that he wouldn’t believe her and would probably think that she was just using him to fight her feelings for Brett especially in light of everything happening now.

He let her go and she slid down his body like melting butter.

“If you’re ever in Asheville...”

She grinned and attempted to keep her voice calm. “I know, look you up.”

Nodding, he took up his suitcase again and pulled the door open. She followed him out.

Brett was standing by the patio door, staring out. He turned at the sound of them entering the living room. She wondered for a moment what he’d say if she told him that Will had spanked her for the first time just a few feet from where he was standing. Or if he knew that in the forest straight ahead she’d taken Will into her ass and liked it. If Brett would regret all the years he’d waste treating her to his lukewarm missionary loving.

Shaking herself mentally, she realized that she didn’t care what Brett said or thought. The one person she cared for was walking out the door. Will Robertson.

“It’s about time.” Brett griped.

“Look, Brett, I’d love to catch up on old times, but an emergency calls me away. Can I trust you to get Kelli home safe?” Will asked.

Brett stepped closer to them. “Will, I’ve been taking care of Kelli for years now.” He scoffed. “I think I can manage
little issue.”

Will moved toward him, Kelli noticed his hand clenching tighter on the handle of his case. “Well, this time take care of her right,” he growled, his lips barely moving.

Shrugging, Brett responded off handedly, “Yeah, whatever.”

Facing her, Will said, “You know how to reach me.”

“Yes, Will.” She paused purposely, Will’s eyes changing to a deeper green made her aware that he understood her. “I know how to find you.”

He smiled and then walked out of the door. The urge to chase him was strong. Instead she turned around and faced her problem.

“So, Kelli, have you come to your senses, yet?”

“Yes.” His sarcastic question irked her by made her decisions for the future even clearer. “Let me get my things and we can talk on the way to Charlotte.”


Chapter Eight



“Good afternoon, may I help you?” the strawberry blonde woman in her mid-forties asked when Kelli stepped off the elevator on the third floor of the city hall building.

“Yes, I’m here to speak with Mr. Robertson, is he in?” Kelli questioned in her most professional voice. Today she was dressed to kill and impress, her outfit epitomized the trophy wife look she’d perfected over the years. She wore a dove colored stretch cotton suit consisting of a two pocketed blazer and matching fishtail knee length skirt with a pair of gray stiletto sandals.

She hoped that Will’s secretary believed she was just a spouse looking to get the mayor involved in a charity event.

“No, he’s in a meeting. I’m not sure when he’ll return,” the woman responded sweetly.

Kelli understood a “he doesn’t have time to see you at the moment” brush off when she got one. This woman was one of the best, never blinking or showing any hint of not being kind and biddable.

Showing no sign of being pushed aside, Kelli said, “I’ll wait for a few minutes and see if I can catch him. If not, I’ll come back tomorrow, maybe.”

“Okay, ma’am, if you’d like.” The woman gave her a professional sing-song voice.

I like, I definitely like
. Kelli sat down in one of the two vinyl chairs in a side waiting area. She grabbed a magazine from the small table between the seats and made sure that she could still see the strawberry blonde out of the corner of her eye. Occasionally, she made sure to make sighing sounds as if she didn’t know how much longer she’d be able to wait for him.

“Excuse me, Ms...” Kelli faded her voice away, hoping the other woman would supply her name.

“Duncan. Mrs. Duncan.”

She gave her a sweet smile. “Mrs. Duncan, what time does Mr. Robertson leave work?”

“The offices close at five.”

Excellent receptionist, never give away more information than required. Kelli glanced down at her watch again and added a few taps of her feet. She had roughly and hour to go.

Fifteen minutes later, the moment she’d been waiting for happened: Mrs. Efficient Duncan got up and took some papers into Will’s office, came back out and closed the door behind her, then walked down the hall towards what Kelli assumed were the restrooms.

Pretending not to pay any attention, Kelli focused hard on the magazine. When Mrs. Duncan entered the bathroom, she pitched the magazine back on the table, then walked briskly to Will’s office. Praying his door was unlocked, she tried the handle. Fabulous, her heart screamed as she quickly entered the office and closed the door silently behind her. Glancing around, she took note of every available place to hide just encase the secretary came back in. The only area she saw with enough space to conceal her was Will’s desk that thankfully had a front wood panel that touched the floor.

The only other furniture in the room was a couch and two metal legged chairs across from his oak desk.




“Are you headed out now, Teresa?” Will asked his secretary as he moved closer to his office. Teresa Duncan had worked with him for the last four years. Her husband, Dennis, was his weekly racket ball partner.

“Yes, I’m gone. Stacy has her last ballet recital practice tonight and if I don’t make it home on time I’ll never hear the end of it.”

He laughed. Stacy was the oldest of their three children. “Well, tell her that I will be there on Sunday to see her in action.”

Teresa turned off her computer, grabbed her purse, and locked up her desk. “I’ll do that. Have you decided who you’re taking with that extra ticket?”

Stepping closer to his door, he said, “No one. I’m going it alone and I just bought the extra ticket for charity.”

“Well, Minni would love for you to invite her.”

He frowned at his soon to be ex-friend. Minni was a burly female security guard whose voice was deeper than his. She was more likely to apply the flogger to him than allow him to treat her to the leather straps. “Bite your tongue and get out of here before Stacy starts calling.”

Laughing, she headed to the elevator. Once there she pushed the down button and waited. “By the way, a woman was here earlier looking for you. Probably volunteer work. I’m sure she’ll be back tomorrow or later this week.”

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