To Love and Trust (Boundaries) (11 page)

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Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: To Love and Trust (Boundaries)
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Well, that didn’t sound so bad. “Are you going to allow me to come, Sir?” Maybe she was going to enjoy this punishment after all.

She should have known better, though, and her heart sank the minute Adam flashed his evil grin at her.
Oh no, now what?

“No, Rachel. I’m not going to allow you to come, that’s your problem. This isn’t an orgasm denial punishment, but it is about control. Your control.”

“I don’t understand.”

Adam bent down until his face was almost level with hers and whispered, “We’re going to play a little game. I’m going to hold this against your clit for three minutes and you have to fight against coming. If you come, I make you repeat the exercise over and over until you can control yourself for the whole three minutes.”

Three minutes, was he joking? Easy! “What if I last for the whole three minutes the first time?” she challenged.

“Then you get to come as hard as you want, baby, and that will be the end of it. But if you don’t manage to hold on for the full three minutes, by the second, third or even fourth time you’ll begging me to remove it.” He looked so damned smug.

Well, she would show him. This was going to be a doddle, an enjoyable one.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, Sir.”
Bring it on

“What’s your safe word, Rachel?”

“Red, Sir.” As if she was going to need that. This was going to be fun.

He reached over and placed a blindfold over her eyes, lifting her head gently to secure it. “This is to help you focus on the sensations.”

“Okay. Let me get this right, if I don’t come for three minutes you’ll let me come whenever I want after that?”

“Three minutes is a long time with a wand, Rachel.”

His voice was teasing her, but she just smiled to herself. This was going to be so easy.

“I’m going to get you in the mood, first. I’ll let you know when your three minutes begin and end.”

The first thing she felt was his tongue, circling her left nipple. It peaked immediately, and she waited eagerly for him to take the hard bud into his mouth. But he didn’t, he continued teasing her, his tongue flicking all around except for the one place she needed it to be. She tried to arch her back to help his mouth find its target, but the straps didn’t allow for any more movement than was needed to breathe, and she could only lie back and wait for him to do as he pleased. Need overpowered her body, and blood rushed to her clit as his tongue continued teasing her.

Then, just when she was considering begging him to suck the damned nipple, he moved over to her right one and did it all again. His tongue flicked around her areola, sometimes just brushing against the edge of the nipple, but never quite hitting the right place. Her nipples were so hard now, they hurt, and a frustrated groan escaped her lips as he continued teasing her.

“Please, Sir,” she begged, an urgency beginning to build in her. But Adam just chuckled and moved his tongue down toward her stomach. He circled her belly button before moving down to her bare mound.

“Ohhh,” she groaned, as he gave her sensitive skin little nips with his teeth. This was the sweetest torture she could ever have imagined. How could it be punishment?

Then his tongue probed her folds and she gasped. “So wet, already.” Adam’s voice made her pussy clench and the pulsing need in her clit increased as his tongue neared it, but didn’t touch it.

Then, suddenly, he pulled away, leaving her body desperate for his warm touch to return, but instead she heard a low buzzing sound and she knew she wasn’t far off from her three-minute trial.

“Are you ready, Rachel?” His voice was deep, stern. He was in Dom mode.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Your three minutes begin…

Within moments, the most incredible sensations rubbed against her opening. The vibrations in the wand were more powerful than she’d thought and a rush of heat surged from the top of her head down to her toes and back up to her pussy.

Then he placed the wand against her clit and she let out an involuntary groan. “Oh, shit…” This was way more intense than anything she had ever felt. If she’d thought her old friend, Rabbit, was insistent, this was in a different league.

Within seconds her body contracted with the telltale signs of a building orgasm.
No, got to stop,
she told herself.
Must not come, must not come.
She tried to thrust her body away from the wand, but she remained firmly in place, helpless to the delicious vibrations. She was just about managing to hold onto herself when she heard Adam’s voice.

“Good girl, two minutes gone, one to go.”

She could do this. But then he turned the bloody vibrations up and she screamed.
Oh, God, no, no, no.
She couldn’t stop her body convulsing as her insides spasmed in the most intense and powerful orgasm she had ever experienced. The waves kept coming, over and over, consuming her body until she finally began to come back down again.

Adam removed the wand and she heard him laugh. “Two minutes, ten seconds. You lose.”

“I didn’t… Couldn’t…” She was gasping to get the words out. “I didn’t stand a chance,” she finally managed to blurt out.

Adam just laughed. “You have a minute to recover and then we start again.”

“Oh no, please, Sir. I don’t think I can do it again so soon, it feels too sensitive.” The mere thought of that thing going anywhere near her clit again made her clench with dread.

“Now you know why it’s a punishment, sweet thing.” There was humor in his voice, but also complete control and she knew she’d have to endure the punishment as he intended.

Before any time at all, the buzzing started again.
Oh no.

“Are you ready? Three minutes starting now.”

The wand touched her clit again and her whole body contracted as the vibrations pulsed through to her core. There was no escaping it. She tried to close her legs but, of course, they remained spread open for Adam’s enjoyment. Within seconds her body was shuddering as the vibrations reached deep inside, reawakening every nerve ending.

Her hips jerked and she cried out, “No, no, noooo.” The waves crashed over her again, more insistent and intense than the last time and she thrashed her head from side to side as she fought to cope with the overwhelming sensations taking over her body.

“Hmm, only fifty seconds. You lose—
.” His words were hovering in her ears and only just reached the part of her brain that processed sounds.

The only word that had any kind of meaning was ‘again’ and she whimpered in dread. “No, not again,

Adam’s hand stroked her face and a moment later his lips brushed against hers, giving her the strength to face her next ordeal.

The wand started buzzing again and Rachel’s breath caught in her throat.

“Three minutes.” There was no sympathy in Adam’s voice and a sob escaped her throat as she braced herself for the next one.

The moment the vibrations touched her clit she screamed. It was so sensitive, it hurt. Whoever invented that fucking wand was a sadistic bastard, how could anyone endure such torture?

Her body jerked as if it were being hit with electric shocks and the pain was now becoming unbearable.
I never want to come again,
she thought, as her body tensed against the evil device. Delicious waves then started building again, mixing the pain with moments of pleasure and she screamed as she felt herself being pushed over the edge into a parallel universe. In one universe, her body was being tortured with shocks of agonizing pain and in the other, she was basking in pleasure so intense that she never wanted it to end. She was floating between the two, until a wave crashed through her, bringing her to a third, agonizing climax.

“Two minutes, forty-five seconds. That was better. Prepare for the next.” The words were taunting her, threatening her and the fight drained out of her body.

“Your three minutes are about to begin.”

By now her body felt like it was becoming detached from her mind. When the vibrations resumed their onslaught on her clit again, the pain was so intense that the only way she could deal with it was by closing herself off from her body. She felt herself drift off into one of the universes from before and watched from afar as her body was jerking and writhing on the bench. Someone was screaming, but the sound was muffled so she couldn’t tell where it was coming from. Time seemed to have stopped. She couldn’t tell whether ten seconds had passed or ten minutes. She didn’t care.

She seemed to drift in between the two worlds until they eventually collided and an explosion consumed her body, so intense she thought she would fall apart. The next thing she knew, she was in a large ocean, drowning in the deep water until a large wave came to her rescue, followed by another. She rode the waves, surfing each crest until the storm calmed and she was able to float gently on the calm, serene surface.

As she floated, absolute contentment flowed through her body, touching her mind and soul, the sense of freedom bringing everything together. At that moment, she thought that maybe she had died and gone to heaven.

Chapter Nine

“Hello, sleepyhead.” Adam’s voice woke her from the deep sleep that had engulfed her after her last orgasm and she slowly opened her eyes.

The blindfold was gone. When had he taken that off? She looked up into his face and smiled. “How long was I asleep?”

“About two hours.”

It took a moment for his words to sink in. Then they hit her.
Two hours

She tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness forced her to lie back down again. She looked around, trying to get her bearings. She was in a large bed with soft, silky sheets and fluffy pillows, and Adam was lying next to her. Huh? How the hell had she got here?

“Where am I?” Her voice was hoarse, it sounded a bit like she’d been to a rock concert or something.

“In my bed.” He smiled and kissed her gently on the lips. “You were too far gone to remain at the club so I brought you home with me.”

“What happened?” She frowned, trying to remember what she’d been doing before leaving the club, then it came back to her. Oh yes, her punishment. “How did I do?”

Adam grinned and tenderly stroked her hair. “The last one was three minutes and two seconds.”

“I don’t remember much of that last one.” The only thing she recalled was some vague sense of floating in an ocean.

“You were amazing. I’ve never known anyone to go so deep into subspace from forced orgasms. You were so beautiful to watch.”

“Forced orgasms? Is that what it was?” If anyone had told her before it was possible to force someone to have an orgasm she’d have laughed, but she knew differently now.

Adam nodded. “The punishment backfired somewhat, though. I wanted you to scream, but not from pleasure. I wanted you to endure the agony of forced orgasms to make a point, but when I saw you were drifting into subspace, I couldn’t bring myself to drag you back down.” He kissed her again, this time more urgently, and her insides melted as she responded.

When she got her breath back, she whispered, “It was agony, Adam. I thought my whole body was being tortured, and I was so sensitive when the wand made contact again, it felt as though you’d given me a sharp electric shock. It was only toward the end that the sensations changed. You say I was in subspace, but it didn’t feel the same as the first time, when you flogged me.”

He smiled and ran his thumb across her lips. “Some people call what you experienced last night flying, and very few people ever get to experience it. That’s why I wanted to carry on. I wanted you to experience something that’s so extraordinary it’s been compared to an out of body experience by those lucky enough to have gone there.” Adam’s face showed the wonder reflected in his words as he stroked her hair again. “I’ve never met anyone who’s gone as deep as you did.”

“Well, it certainly took my mind off the paddling.” She screwed her nose up as she remembered her first punishment of the night. “I’m sorry for disrespecting you, Adam. I didn’t realize just how much my provoking you like that offended you. I deserved that punishment and I appreciate that you took the time to show me that I was wrong.”

“Thank you, Rachel. That means a lot. You’ve had quite a night, haven’t you? Tomorrow night will just be about pleasure, I promise.” Adam’s silky, deep tone had a mesmerizing effect on her, as if it were gently caressing her with his words. Her eyelids grew heavy again and she fought off a yawn.

The last thing she heard as she drifted back into dreamland was his voice, velvety smooth, soothing her like a lullaby, “Sleep now, my beautiful little sub.”

* * * *

His voice was also the first thing she became aware of the following morning. “Good morning, sweet thing,” he murmured, kissing her lightly on her lips.

Still groggy, she slowly opened one eye and found herself staring into Adam’s sleepy smile.

“Raise your arms above your head.” That woke her!

She rolled onto her back and reached her arms over her head in a luxurious stretch. The next thing she knew, Adam attached her wrists to the wrought iron headboard using a chain she hadn’t even known was there.

It took a second to realize what he’d done, and she tugged her arms to confirm that he had, indeed, just tethered her to the bed. A delicious thrill ran through her body as she acknowledged that she was helpless, and she looked up into Adam’s face in search of a hint of what he was planning to do to her.

His eyes gleamed with mischief, and without warning he straddled her so quickly she barely had time to register his legs pinning hers down and his hands cupping her breasts.

“How are you feeling today?” he whispered, still sounding a bit husky from sleep. Or was it lust? He brought his hand straight down to her pussy and she flinched as he ran his thumb roughly over her clit. “Is it sore?”

“A little, but it’s probably more sensitive than sore.” Sensitive or not, it was quickly waking up as Adam slid his fingers inside her damp pussy and spread her moisture over it.

Without another word, he brought his mouth down onto hers in a crushing kiss, forcing his way in with his tongue, leaving her no option but to surrender to his demands. She melted as he took away her control and her groin ached with a need so strong it made her shudder.

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