To Love, Honor, and Obey... (Fated for Love) (16 page)

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Chance gave the Archbishop the ring, he returned it to Chance, whom then held Obedience's hand and held her eyes again. The Archbishops voice and rest of the world dimmed as Chance captivated all her senses.

“With this ring, I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” He slowly slid the ring onto her finger.

They turned to face the Archbishop and began to kneel. When Obedience unlocked her knees, they gave out. Chance caught her, and the Archbishop didn't notice as they slowly came down together, Chances arm firmly around her. They remained like
that, as the Archbishop performed the prayer, speaking to the sky and heavens above them.

He finished and bent
toward them. “Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder,” he said emphatically. “You may rise.”

Chance assisted Obedience to her feet while the Archbishop resumed the ceremony. Obedience tried to focus on the Archbishop, but her knees felt like water. She began to sway, and then her vision became hazy. She reached out to him feebly.

Chance was already reaching out to steady her when her shoulders and head slumped, and she fell into him. Mrs. Moore screamed, startling the Archbishop from his passionate address. Chance scooped her into his arms.

He carried her into the drawing room and set her down on the settee. Mrs. Moore followed him, anxiously fanning Obedience. He could hear his father bellowing for aid until Gable and the Archbishop assisted him into the house.

Her eyes fluttered open. “What happened?”

“You fainted.” Chance held her hand.

“No. I've never fainted in my life.”

Chance smiled. “I wouldn't have believed it myself, except I saw you do it.”

“Give her some air,” the duke ordered as he approached under the aid of the elderly butler and Archbishop.

, dear.” Obedience tried to sit up. “You must sit.”

Chance allowed her to sit up and the Archbishop and Gable gladly eased the duke onto the settee. They were both
red-faced and panting from exertion.

“Did I ruin the ceremony? Do we have to do it again?”
she said in distress.

“God, I hope not.” Chance wiped his brow.

The Archbishop gave him a peeved glare. “I suppose we can commence with the signing of the registry, given the unusual circumstances.”

Obedience slumped in relief. Chance squeezed in beside her on the settee and rested her head on his shoulder. “Well
, look at that. We're married, Porcupette.”

Obedience would have swatted at him if she
weren’t feeling so weak. The Archbishop picked up the registry book and handed it to Chance. “Are you up to it, Lady Willowton?”

Obedience nodded and sat up straighter.

“I'll have some cool lemon water brought in to revive everyone.” Mrs. Moore hurried from the room.

Under the Archbishops direction, they signed their names. It was official. Obedience stared in awe until the Archbishop pulled the book away and snapped it closed. She looked up at Chance
, and he was smiling at her.

“This is the oddest wedding I have ever officiated
,” the Archbishop mumbled.

The duke laughed. “Would you have expected anything less from me?”

“I attended your wedding, Maltravers. Everything went accordingly, if you remember. Given your sons exemplary reputation, I would have expected the same, but—”

“What's your point?” The duke pinned him with a stare.

“I know the reason for this hasty marriage is because of your health, but I wonder if that is the
reason,” he pointedly looked at Obedience.

Chance stiffened.

“You're absolutely right. This hasty wedding is because I'm dying, old friend. I would consider myself blessed if the other were also true, but as you say, my son has an exemplary reputation as an absolute gentleman,” the duke said sternly.

The Archbishop looked miffed, but then shrugged as if he decided not to bother with it and relaxed in his chair. “Well, I'm glad I could come to visit, though I cannot stay longer than today.”

“Let us eat, drink, and be merry. My son is wed, and I have a lovely new daughter. I will die a happy man.”


Chapter 12

Obedience retired shortly after their celebratory luncheon. Reaching her room, she sighed in relief and kicked off her slippers before plopping down onto the window seat. The window was open, the breeze warm but past the mid-day heat. She felt
as if she were a coward. It was obvious she was running away, but she didn't know what else to do. She felt lost and nothing like she should feel on the day of her wedding, which also made her feel guilty. She pulled her legs up against her chest and rested her chin on her knees. She prayed the duke lived far longer than anyone thought he would, saving her from the next terrifying mantel of becoming a duchess. She cringed. She was the worst, most ungrateful bride in the history of brides. She should be rosy with joy, blushingly anticipating her wedding night.

, God. Her wedding night.

This time she did blush. It was the one thing she was looking forward to, although she was nervous. Everything she had experienced thus far had been more wonderful than she could ever have imagined. Suddenly
, she was assaulted with questions. Would he come to her or should she go to him? Was she moving to his room tonight, or he to hers?

She should have asked at some point, but then again, her mind had been preoccupied with the wedding. She was married to Chance. It was surreal, and many other things both uncomfortable and wonderful. She didn't know what to expect being married to such a charming and sophisticated gentleman. She wished she had paid more attention to her mother
’s ramblings about polite society and the duties of a hostess, but until this past week, she hadn't given marriage much thought and now... she was married.

Thinking of her mother brought back the darker feelings. It was a small loss, but it still felt like a loss. She had no parents now. Chance and the duke were her only family, and soon the duke would be gone
, too. She wished Chance were here. He would have something uplifting to say. He always did. He could always make her feel better.

There was a knock on her door. “Come in
,” she called.

Chance stepped into the room and closed the door. He looked around, spotting her on the window seat and came to sit beside her.

“Speak of the devil,” Obedience said wearily.

“To whom were you speaking to?” Chance raised an eyebrow as he approached her.

“I was thinking of you right before you knocked,” she admitted. “Should you be in here?”

Chance smiled triumphantly. “I can come and go as I please now. You're mine.”

Obedience felt her face flush all the way to her hair. Something about his words had set off a physical reaction inside her. Her pulse quickened, and she felt different all over her body.

He sobered as he looked at her. “Are you all right? Today has been more difficult than I anticipated.”

“I'm overwhelmed and... well, I don't know what else. I'm at odds with myself.”

“Do you regret marrying me already?”
he teased.

She knew he was trying to lighten the moment. “No, I'm just trying to keep up with all the change and failing miserably.”

“I agree. I would have never believed you capable of fainting if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. I thought you were made of sterner stuff.”

Obedience huffed. “I
made of sterner stuff. You try coming to terms with the rejection of your family and marriage to someone you hadn't seen in five years in the period of four days, all at the same time of finding out that the man who I love like my own father is going to die,” she finished angrily. Tears pricked her eyes.

“I'm sorry. You're right. I've asked so much of you, and you've taken it all in stride. I owe you so much gratitude for today, Obedience. A
lifetime of groveling at your feet will never be enough.”

Obedience watched him dubiously. “I accept your apology.”

“I'd like to kiss you now.”

“Oh?” Just like
that, all her anger and confusion melted away.

Yes. Our ceremony was lacking something that I would like to rectify.”

“What was it?”

“A kiss, to seal our vows. Dominic and Lilly did it. It’s quite scandalous, but I think we've already jumped that puddle. And we're alone now... as husband and wife.”

Obedience licked her lips. “Are... are we going to...”

Chance smiled again. “Not this afternoon, no. But I will come to you tonight if that is all right?”

Obedience took a deep breath and nodded.

“Do you remember what I said about going slow? I'm happy to give you all the time you need.”

She nodded again. Images and sensations of the carriage ride were filling her mind and her skin was itchy with anticipation. Going slow...
yes, that sounded lovely. Slow kisses, slow touches, how divine it all sounded. She couldn't wait.

Chance looked down at her dreamy eyes. “Can I kiss you now?”

She nodded.

He brought a hand up to her cheek, his thumb glided over her bottom lip and her mouth opened a little. “We are now man and wife
,” he said softly. She tipped her chin up in anticipation. He brought his lips to hers, folding his arms around her. She dropped her knees and turned into him, opening her mouth, and bringing her hands to his hair. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and she met him. Their tongues danced a rhythmic give and take. She was eager and willing, but still so innocent, and he held on to that one thought or he might lose control. Time is what she deserved, and he would reap the rewards of his patience. He pulled back on that thought and looked down at her as her eyes blinked open, revealing the sparkling crystal blue. Healthy color filled her cheeks again, the wounded look in her eyes gone for the moment. “There.”

She licked her kiss-swollen lips but did not let go of him. “Is that all for now?”

He nodded. “The Archbishop will be leaving shortly. We may have ruffled his feathers a bit with our unusual union.”

Obedience shrugged. “I tend to ruffle feathers.”

“I like it when you ruffle my feathers.” He dipped his head and licked her lips.

She turned pinker, her breasts pressing against his chest as she leaned into him. “I'm not the only one doing the ruffling, you know.”

He smiled wickedly. “I'll be doing so much more than ruffling, my sweet.”


Chance returned to his father and the Archbishop. They had concluded their visit, and the Archbishop was waiting for his carriage to be ready.

“It's a shame you must leave so soon.”

“I've many duties to attend to, but I am glad I could be of use to you in this delicate time. I wish you all the best in your marriage.” He turned to the duke and his face softened. “Maltravers, it has been an honor to know you, and quite enlightening, if I may say.”

The duke nodded. “And I you, my friend. Safe travels.”

Chance bowed before the Archbishop and he took his leave. Closing the study door, Chance watched his father as he poured himself a finger of Brandy. His father looked pensive as he stared at the papers on his desk, lightly touching a silver inkstand with one finger.

“I do not like these goodbyes. It feels odd to know I am seeing someone for the last time.”

Chance sipped his Brandy and took a chair before his desk. “You don't actually know that. We can only guess what the future will hold.”

His father didn't respond.

“Obedience has recovered from the wedding. I dare say it was a trial for all of us.”

“I did not intend it to be so
,” the duke said forlornly.

“We did what we could.”

“Did we make the right decision? Forcing her to the alter for the sake of an old man’s wishes?”

Chance hid his surprise behind another sip of his Brandy. “It's too late for regrets.”

“I thought I would be doing right by her. I thought her father would be pleased to know that she was a part of our great family, but now I feel selfish.”

“I agreed to the marriage for the same reason she accepted my proposal. We did it out of love for you, and because there is fondness between us. Many couples marry for much less. I will do everything in my power to make her happy,
Father. I swear it to you, just as I would swear it to her father.”

His father nodded. He looked somewhat mollified. The day had clearly taken its toll on him
, as well.

“Why don't you go
rest? We can have an informal dinner in your room and you will see that she is fine. Everything will be fine.”


Chance knocked on Obedience's door, intending to escort her to his father’s rooms for dinner. She opened the door looking very much revived. Good, his father would be pleased. “You look lovely,” he said.

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