To Seduce a Bride (8 page)

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Authors: Nicole Jordan

BOOK: To Seduce a Bride
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Then he looked up and locked gazes with her, and the flutter in her stomach suddenly became a riot.

Lily pressed a hand to her midriff, yet her defensive gesture did nothing to calm her smoldering awareness of him. Not when Claybourne was looking at her in that disconcerting way.

The gleam in his hazel eyes held a mix of triumph, sensuality, lazy amusement, and more—the promise of retribution.

“Come in, angel,” he said in his low, rich voice. “We have a great deal to discuss, wouldn't you say?”


If he'd wondered how he would feel at seeing Lily Loring again, Heath had his answer now: Sensation shot through him, making his stomach clench and his loins tighten.

She felt the same spark of fire between them, he knew, watching her lustrous eyes widen and turn wary. It gave him a primal male satisfaction.

Marveling at the undeniable physical impact Lily had on him, he let the heat of his gaze travel slowly downward to her lush mouth. He couldn't forget the taste of those dusky-rose lips. Couldn't forget those amazing dark eyes, that rich chestnut color of her hair.

Yet in person she was even more vibrant than in his memories. And his visceral response to her was even more intense.

It wasn't mere lust, however. Something about her made his heart race. He hadn't imagined it, he knew that now.

Heath smiled inwardly at himself. The question of whether the spark would still be there between them had made the last four weeks seem interminable. His life had been utterly flat since meeting Lilian Loring. Certainly there hadn't been a single woman in the interim who'd captured his interest.

He hadn't expected to run his quarry to earth in a lodging house for lightskirts, though. He hadn't expected Lily to run from him, either. Or to put him to the trouble of chasing her. He'd never been compelled to exert himself to pursue any woman.

Admittedly he'd been piqued by her flight, yet exhilarated by the thrill of the chase. Which made his triumph at finally catching her all the more sweet, despite his reservations at finding her living in a residence owned by Fanny Irwin, with a pair of infamous highflyers and a score of other straw damsels.

“Do come in, angel,” Heath urged. “And shut the door, unless you wish to broadcast my presence in your bedchamber.”

That seemed to snap Lily out of her daze, for her beautiful eyes narrowed. “Your presence in my bedchamber is extremely ill-advised, my lord. You should not be here, you know very well.”

“I wanted a place to be private with you.”

“There are two parlors and a drawing room in the house. Any of those would be far more suitable for a gentleman caller.”

“But not suitable for my purpose.”

Her eyes turned wary again. “Just what
your purpose, Lord Claybourne?”

“I cannot tell you as long as you remain loitering out there in the corridor.”

Lily obliged him, stepping into the room and closing the door behind her, but she obviously wasn't happy about it, for her hands went to her hips. “
will you pray explain the reason for your delightful visit?”

Heath grinned at her acerbic tone. “Yes, if you will explain what the devil you are doing in a scandalous pleasure house.”

She stiffened. “It is not a pleasure house precisely. The boarders don't entertain their patrons here.”

Heath arched a skeptical brow. “You are saying they don't hold assignations with their lovers here?”

“Well…not frequently, at any event. The proprietresses frown upon it.”

“And that should assuage my concerns?”

Her lips pressed together. “Assuaging your concerns is hardly my responsibility, my lord. But if you must know, I am helping Fanny Irwin and her friends repay a rather large gambling debt.”

“So I understand. I've learned a great deal about you over the past three days since I discovered your location. You have obviously been hard at work.”

Her eyes widened. “You have been watching me?”

“In part. When I called yesterday, you were occupied in the drawing room, surrounded by a gaggle of beauties practicing the waltz. At least your friend Eddowes was willing to satisfy a measure of my curiosity.”

told you about our endeavor?” She looked taken aback. “I cannot believe he betrayed my confidence! Or that you managed to persuade him to.”

Heath smiled at her vexation. “You proved so elusive, I was forced to become more resourceful. Eddowes has your best interests at heart, you know.”

“What did you tell him?”

“That I have your best interests at heart also. Actually, I think he was relieved to share his apprehensions with me. He doesn't quite approve of you being here.” Heath's gaze narrowed on her. “Marcus would not approve either if he knew, I'll wager.”

“I do not need Marcus's consent to be here,” Lily replied stiffly. “He is no longer my guardian.”

“But he is head of your family now. And Arden will soon be joining it as well. You know he and your sister Roslyn are betrothed?”

“I know,” Lily said, her tone gloomy.

“So don't you think it would be detrimental to your sisters if your presence here became known?”

“I don't intend for it to become known. And if Basil Eddowes told you about our academy, then you must realize it is for a worthy cause. We are helping some unfortunate young women improve their speech and social graces so they can better their lives. It is immensely satisfying, seeing their progress day by day. And next week we plan to hold a soiree so they may meet a higher class of clientele. Hopefully they will be able to improve the deplorable circumstances under which they must earn their livelihood.”

Her passion for her cause was obvious, Heath reflected, watching Lily's expressive face. Although it didn't surprise him, he wondered how many ladies of her class would become involved in helping prostitutes raise their standard of living, much less endure these rather spartan conditions for weeks on end. He glanced around the small chamber, which was bare except for a narrow bed and side table, a washstand and bureau, and a chair. Very unlike her bedchamber at Danvers Hall, he would imagine.

“Your compassion is highly admirable,” Heath said mildly.

She regarded him with suspicion. “Are you roasting me, Lord Claybourne?”

“Not in the least. I am quite sincere in my admiration. And I understand why you began teaching here, but not why you came to be here in the first place.”

That made her smile. “Why, I was avoiding you, of course. You made it clear that you wouldn't give up your absurd notion of courting me.”

“I presumed as much.”

Her look grew puzzled. “I confess I am astounded by your persistence in the face of my obvious reluctance to entertain your suit. Did you really go to Hampshire to look for me?”

His mouth twisted when he thought of his futile journey a fortnight ago. “I did. Imagine my surprise when I learned that you had not set foot there in four years. You merely put out that tale to misdirect Lady Freemantle and therefore me.”

“It seems I was wise,” Lily said wryly, “since you pursued me there. And here as well. How did you find me, if I may ask?”

“Your sister Arabella. When she and Marcus returned home from their wedding trip the other day, she accidently let slip that you were in London with Fanny. Once I had a general location, it was an easy matter to follow Fanny here.”

Sitting up, Heath swung his legs over the side of the bed. “You led me on a merry chase, sweeting,” he chided lightly. “I am not accustomed to women running from me.”

“I imagine not,” Lily replied, her tone dry.

“Did I frighten you that badly?”

She frowned a little, as if giving serious thought to the question. “Unsettled is a better word. I didn't like the feeling in the least.”

“That is regrettable, because I am in no way giving up.”

Lily stared at him a moment before her expression grew frustrated. “It makes no sense, Lord Claybourne. Why would you want to court me?”

“I beg to differ, love—it makes perfect sense. I will have to wed someday, and I think you might make a good match for me. But I need to ascertain if we have any chance for a future together. I already know I am powerfully attracted to you. And that you are just as attracted to me. Don't bother denying it.”

Her mouth opened to protest but shut almost as quickly. “Perhaps so, but that doesn't mean I want to
you. Or that you want to marry me. We barely know each other.”

“I intend to remedy that right now.”

“Your lordship!” she exclaimed as he rose from the bed.

“Don't be alarmed. I only want to conduct an experiment.”

Holding her gaze, Heath crossed the small room toward her. Immediately Lily tried to back away, but there was nowhere for her to run. Cautious, wary, she stood there looking up at him, her hands raised defensively in front of her.

Lifting his own hand, Heath let his thumb glide along her lush lower lip before he bent his head down to her.

“Lord Claybourne…” she said breathlessly.

“Hush, let me show you.”

She inhaled sharply but remained frozen as Heath kissed her. Her lips felt soft and ripe under his…and oh so arousing. A jolt of pure desire sizzled through him.

No, he wasn't mistaken about Lily, he thought with a feeling of triumph and pleasure as he savored her. He felt that fire in her again, searing him. He felt the hunger in her. It was unconscious, instinctive, but there all the same, arousing the same intense heat that had ignited between them their first time together in the loft.

That fire and his own reciprocal response settled the issue for Heath. He'd never met a women who stirred his passion the way Lily did, certainly not a young lady who possessed the qualifications to become his marchioness. Ergo, he wouldn't let Lily go. Not until he proved to himself that she wasn't the right bride for him.

“There,” he said softly when he at last raised his head. “I wanted to see if my attraction to you was merely a passing fancy, and I now know it wasn't. You felt it, too, don't deny it.”

She stared back at him, looking dazed, and wet her lips before finally finding her voice. “I felt
but it was not at all pleasant.”

Heath arched an eyebrow. “I never would have thought you were given to falsehoods, darling.”

“I am being quite truthful, my lord. I did not enjoy kissing you. It made me too…disconcerted. Too flustered.”

“You felt out of control, and you didn't like it.”

“Yes, exactly! I am gratified you understand.”

“But I don't understand. I am offering you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams, and you turn me down out of hand.”

Her chin rose at his teasing. “I am not the least interested in pleasure.”

“I expect I can change your mind.”

Lily locked her jaw mutinously. “Your arrogance is astounding, my lord.”

The amusement leaving his expression, Heath regarded her with all seriousness. “There is nothing arrogant about it, Lily. It is merely simple logic. I want you, but I cannot have you without the benefit of marriage. I am not interested in an affair that would only result in scandal. So I intend to court you honorably.”

“Without my consent?” she asked, her eyes flashing.

“I hope to gain your consent. And I mean to start by kissing you again.”

Looking alarmed, Lily pressed her palms against his chest. “I am not about to let you ravish me, Lord Claybourne!”

His gaze dropped from her face to her breasts. He would like nothing more than to draw Lily down to her chaste bed and ravish her to their hearts' content, but he was bound by the rules of honor.

Heath smiled. “It is broad daylight and you are surrounded by a houseful of people. I believe you are safe from ravishment for the time being. But that doesn't mean I won't use all the powers of persuasion at my disposal.”

His hands covered her shoulders, lightly massaging them as he locked gazes with her. Then bending, he covered her mouth with his in a slow, devastating, spellbinding kiss that sent searing heat arcing between them again.

His sensual assault stunned Lily. She felt light-headed and dizzy; she couldn't breathe.

He was right, she thought with a feeling akin to desperation. The attraction between them was not a passing fancy. Nor could she blame her intoxication on champagne this time. His kisses still overwhelmed her senses even when she wasn't foxed.

Sweet shocks of reaction surged through her body, making her soften instinctively against him. As his lips moved over hers with exquisite pressure, she pushed harder against his chest, struggling for the will to resist, but he caught her lower lip between his teeth and tugged with soft nips.

When Lily responded with a little whimper, his tongue soothed the sensitive flesh before delving slowly, insistently, inside her mouth.

Filled with a strangled pleasure, she gave a helpless moan. She couldn't fight this hammering of her senses, couldn't fight his heat and hardness. Finding him impossible to resist, she gave a tiny, shuddering sigh of defeat and returned his kiss helplessly.

His mouth was magical…and so was his touch, Lily thought dazedly as his hand moved to caress her throat. While his kisses enchanted, his long fingers stroked the skin of her throat, gliding inexorably lower to the low, square neckline of her evening gown.

She whimpered once more as he feathered the peaks of her breasts with the backs of his fingers. Her nipples instantly hardened beneath the delicate silk fabric, while her breasts felt heavy and swollen.

And Claybourne was doing his best to increase her arousal, his knuckles slowly gliding over the crests, making Lily gasp at the sparks that shot through her. Then boldly, he brought both hands to her bodice, molding the contours of her breasts, making her knees go weak. Fire radiated from his hands and bloomed between her thighs, shocking her.

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