To Serve an Alpha (Rape Stories, Forced Sex, BBW Werewolf Breeding)

BOOK: To Serve an Alpha (Rape Stories, Forced Sex, BBW Werewolf Breeding)
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This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, and events are entirely fictional and purely the result of the author's imagination. Any resemblances to real-world counter-parts are entirely coincidental.


To Serve an Alpha copyright @ 2013 by Joanna Wilson


To Serve an Alpha

Every few years there are two full moons in the span of a single solar month. Humans call the second full moon a ‘blue moon’. For my kind, these two full moons mark the beginning and end of the Time of Breeding. The first full moon, the opening moon, was high in a cloudless sky, shining down upon this human city and illuminating the entire landscape for miles around. I looked up and smiled at my celestial guide, the most sacred thing in all of creation to my kind. My blood was running and my primal urges were surging within my body. I had to seek a mate tonight, and keep her until the closing moon came, by which time she would have begun to nurture my progeny within her belly.

The human clothes I wore did not fit me very well. They were tight and they itched irritably against my skin. I would much rather run naked and free in my natural form, with nothing but my fur to protect me against the elements. But I was hunting for a mate in human territory, and humans did not have fur to keep themselves warm. Instead they made artificial fur out of all manner of strange materials, and they would take suspicious notice of anyone who resembled one of their own kind walking around without anything to cover himself with. I would have to put up with my uncomfortable but necessary disguise for the time being.

The special scent I had been searching for entered my nose; in this awkward human form I had a nose instead of a snout, but my senses were still far keener than any human’s. The telltale tangy scent told me that a fertile human female was close by, within a hundred meters. I followed my nose as the scent grew stronger. She was healthy and young, barely beyond her second decade of life, and she was tough. She was in the middle of her cycle of fertility; the smell of her fecundity was deliciously pungent to my superior senses, and my blood surged with the primal urge to mate with her.

Before long, I caught sight of my prize. Her body was lithe and toned; her golden hair flowed past her shoulders like a waterfall, and her strutting gait exuded confidence. She wore a strange outfit which exposed her midriff and left much of her legs bare to view, and the material glittered under the artificial light that the humans created in their cities. I found it curious that she would wear such risqué clothing at night without fear of males of her kind taking her as they pleased. Perhaps she was strong enough to defeat these suitors in combat and for this reason could not be touched. If so, she would be a perfect mate. I liked them strong, because they were never as strong as me.

Her scent grew stronger as I drew closer until it was overpowering, and I had to suppress the urge to force myself upon her right then and there under the light of the moon. Younger lycanthropes frequently succumbed to their urges and ultimately suffered for it, since they could not risk going near the same female again for fear of discovery. Not me, I was an alpha, I knew the ancient scriptures and customs, and I knew that there was a millennia old ritual to follow if I wanted to succeed, which I always did. It began by taking one’s chosen mate back to one’s den before mating with her. That way, she could not escape and her kin could not pursue or find her until she had been returned at the end of the Time of Breeding.

My chosen mate stood at the road crossing patiently waiting for the light to change, totally oblivious to my presence as I stalked her. I admired her sensuous curves and sheer physical beauty; humans were such a sensually attractive race in their own way. Up close, however, I noticed that she was so well toned that she actually had very little body fat. That would be a problem in attempting to breed her, since my progeny would require fat from the mother’s own body to grow and be nurtured, but it was nothing that I couldn’t rectify once I had gotten my claws on her.

In the old days, chosen mates had to be dragged literally kicking and screaming to one’s den, but these days there were quicker and cleaner ways of doing things. I pulled out a custom-manufactured aerosol can filled with a powerful sedative that I had a pup brew for me and came up behind the woman. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around in surprise, having not heard my stealthy footsteps, and I gave her a face full of aerosolized sedative.

I caught her deftly as she fell and put the aerosol can away. I had my prize and now I had to escape quickly before I was noticed and return with her to my den before she awoke. I sneezed when I inhaled the unpleasant mixture, even though it had no effect on me, before hoisting my prize effortlessly into the air and slinging her over my shoulder like a sack, I ran from the scene with superhuman speed and disappeared into the night.


I awoke with a head that felt like a dead weight on my shoulders; I scrunched my eyes shut at the light coming from the centre of the room, and a cool breeze wafted across my skin as I tried to go back to sleep. Then I sat up with a start. I wasn’t in a room, I was in a cave. The light came from a fire blazing from the bottom of a hole in the floor of the cave. The walls and roof were domed like an onion, guiding the smoke from the fire up and out of a hole in the ceiling, too small and too high up to escape through. Looking down at myself, I realized I was sitting on a giant mattress under a white sheet, totally naked. My clothes were nowhere to be seen, so I scrunched up the sheets around my body to cover my breasts and guard my modesty, and I surveyed the cave frozen with terror.

It was a very strange cave; quite spacious, with little ventilation holes carved high into the walls from which the breeze came. The cave itself sloped gently downwards with portions of the floor where the earth had been shifted into level platforms. In these places, items of furniture had been arranged, including several bookshelves stuffed full of large volumes and scrolls, a wardrobe, an old-fashioned combination safe, and even what looked like a writing desk, complete with an assortment of pens and inks.

At the upper end of the cave was a doorway of sorts, blocked by an enormous boulder. There was clearly no prospect of escape that way; indeed, what kind of creature could be strong enough to shift a slab of rock that size several times a day, I could not begin to guess. At the lower end of the cave was an actual doorway with a wooden door. There was a large padlock on the door which looked too big to be forced. I was trapped.

I suppressed a yelp of fright as I heard, then saw, the giant boulder blocking the entrance being shifted to one side. Through the briefly opened entrance, I saw a long tunnel leading up to the surface, and an enormous full moon shining all the way down into the cave. The figure that entered eased himself through the crack he had made and into the cave before closing the entrance behind him.

As the figure entered the light, I was rendered speechless by what I saw. The man who approached me, presumably my kidnapper and the cave’s owner, was taller and larger than any I had ever seen. He wore a suit and jacket without any tie, which looked to be a size too small for him. He had massively broad shoulders and thick, muscular looking limbs and an almost trunk-like neck. He had finely groomed, dark hair and a pair of anachronistic looking sideburns running down his cheeks. Oddly, his hands looked smooth and delicate, with long tapered fingers and finely manicured nails. To be honest, he looked almost exactly like Wolverine.

‘Wolverine’ did not acknowledge me as he entered the cave, instead removing his clothing piece by piece until he was totally naked and placing them back in the wardrobe. When he turned towards me I actually gasped in awe. His muscles and body were perfectly defined, with a toned six pack and prominent pectorals. He wasn’t a bodybuilder; bodybuilders train to make their muscles look as big and bulging as possible. This man’s muscles weren’t bulging, they were just plain big. Whoever he was, he had done many hours of strength training, and it was truly no wonder he had been able to shift that boulder.

As my eyes wandered down his body, my gaze was transfixed by the equipment between his legs. His cock was enormous, even though it was clearly flaccid, at just over seven inches long and over an inch thick. Behind it hung a giant sack that contained two testes that must have been at least tangerine sized, if not bigger. Huge as his masculine organs were, though, they were quite proportionate to his body.

“Good, you are awake.” My kidnapper spoke with an incredibly deep, bass voice that seemed to reverberate around the cave as he spoke.

I recoiled further into the covers as my kidnapper approached me with slow deliberate steps. The light from the fire caught in his silver colored eyes, and they looked somehow not quite human, almost wolf-like.

“Where…where am I?” I asked, sounding braver than I felt.

“My home.” My kidnapper said.

“Why am I here?” I demanded, trying to sound confident.

“Because I need you.” was the bass-toned reply.

“For what?” I asked, my voice starting to waver with apprehension.

“To bear my progeny.” My breath got stuck in my throat as I the meaning of his words hit home, and I was unable to scream even though I wanted to.

My kidnapper continued to advance on me, and I could see his enormous manhood beginning to rise as he approached. I scurried backwards away from him and drew back my foot ready to kick him where it would really hurt. It was no good being a self-defense instructor if I couldn’t defend myself right now.

Then something incredibly strange happened. I caught a whiff of his scent, and my will to resist simply drained away. As he approached me, my feet, instead of shooting forward into his groin, simply spread apart of their own accord. I had no idea what was happening to me, but my body simply wasn’t responding. My body
him to take me.

He reached the foot of the mattress bed and knelt down on both knees, gently pulling the covers away to leave me naked and exposed, totally vulnerable to him. I simply lay there propped up on my shoulders with my knees up and my thighs splayed, desperately trying to shut them. It felt almost like trying to move whilst ridden with pins and needles, the will was there, but the strength simply wasn’t.

My kidnapper slowly parked himself between my legs without any resistance from me, and an involuntary rush of excitement swept through me as this incredible specimen of masculinity leaned over my naked female body, ready to claim me as his own. His manhood was now fully erect, and its size was truly terrifying. I became resigned to the inevitable, but hoped that it wouldn’t hurt too much.

When the tip of his enormous cock touched my labia, sexual lubricant positively flowed from my snatch as involuntary arousal took over my body. I looked up at my captor and soon-to-be lover in wonder and unconsciously spread my thighs even wider to allow him access. Satisfied that I was sufficiently wet, he entered me. My eyes widened in shock as his ample length and girth slid inside my inch by tortuous inch. I felt my vagina stretch to an unbelievable degree to accommodate his gargantuan manhood; if not for my ample lubricant easing his entry into my body, the pain of his penetration would have been unbearable.

My captor stared unblinkingly into my eyes as he entered me to the hilt. His eyes were a steely silver color and looked strangely non-human; in fact they didn’t resemble any human set of eyes I had ever seen, they really did look almost wolf-like. He had clearly brought me here to have sex with me whether I wanted to or not, but there were almost certainly more believable explanations than the possibility that he was a werewolf.

I felt the head of my captor’s penis touch my cervix and continue to press into me with nearly two more inches to go. I had never given birth, so I knew it wouldn’t be humanly possible for his cock to breach my cervix; even so, I prayed that was more than just an idle hope. Soon, my captor was all the way inside, buried to the hilt inside my womanhood and ready to consummate our coupling. Then he began to thrust.

My kidnapper’s strokes were totally at odds with the slowness and care with which he had entered. Each inward thrust was delivered with force and speed until his hips began to slap audibly into my groin. I yelped in pain as each incoming stroke stretched out my love-tunnel to the maximum and he pinned down both my arms as he fucked me, holding himself up in a pushup position as rocked his hips into me with sustained speed and intensity. I was helpless to stop him and my legs slowly lifted up into the air of their own accord as he mated with me.

I looked up at my captor’s face as he rutted me and was a little terrified of what I saw. His face was an expressionless, almost stony mask of calm, betraying almost no lust as he fucked. The same could not be said for me as I felt powerful waves of pleasure blooming up from my groin, threatening to overrun the rest of my body. Eventually, I cried out loud in sheer ecstasy as my kidnapper drove me to climax, and I reflexively arched my back to allow him deeper inside me, and trying unsuccessfully to yank my arms free of his grip.

My captor continued to fuck me with superhuman force and intensity. Indeed, there seemed to be something literally superhuman about his sexual prowess. The precision and power of his thrusts, and the angle and depth of his penetration were such that he was able to grind his pubic bone into my clitoris
rub against my g-spot as he rutted inside me. The double stimulation inflicted upon me was irresistible, and I was soon brought to a second overpowering orgasm by his exquisitely executed hip movements. All the while, my captor didn’t betray even a flicker of lust or passion behind the passive mask across his features.

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