To Visit the Queen (18 page)

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Authors: Diane Duane

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Epic, #Contemporary, #Time Travel, #Cats, #Historical, #Attempted Assassination

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What kept People in one place, if anything, was the
they companioned: sometimes much to the Person's embarrassment— and Rhiow glanced up in affectionate amusement at Iaehh, who sat there with his head slightly to one side and his eyes closed, his mouth open, and the tiny snore emitting from it at decorous intervals. The whole business of companionment was a tangled one. Some People felt that the only way the
-People relationship could be viewed was as slavery: others, mostly those already in such a relationship, tended to see it otherwise, in a whole spectrum of aspects from pity ("Someone has to try to teach them better") to simple affection ("Mine are well enough behaved, and they're nice to me; what's the problem?") to cheerful mercenary exploitation ("If they want to feed us, why shouldn't we enjoy eating their food? Doesn't cost anything to purr afterwards, either.").

The People who raved most about slavery and freedom found all these views despicable: starving in a gutter, they said, but starving free, was far superior to a full belly in the den of the oppressor. Rhiow,
-companioned for a good while now, found such an attitude simplistic at best. Yet there was no denying the existence of People who had no knowledge of themselves as such: taken from their dams too early, perhaps, too soon even to drink in with the first milk and their mother's tale-purring the truth of what they were or where in the worlds their own kind came from— People who were barely self-aware, merely receptacles for food and excreters of it, dull-brained demanders of strokes and treats, "pets" in the true sense of the word: slaves to their most basic instincts, but in service to nothing any higher at all.

Rhiow shuddered a little.
But it's not that simple,
she thought.
Even among People who are self-aware, People for that matter living wild and "free," you'll find those for whom the gods and the life of the world don't matter at all, or matter far less then their last rat or a warm place to sleep. Which is worse? A cat who doesn't know she's a cat— just eats and sleeps and lives? Or one who
know, and doesn't care?

A tangled issue, and not one that Rhiow would resolve. Meanwhile, there was still the problem of the upcoming intervention. She had spoken to the Whisperer on the way home and received what she was expecting: official "sanction" for time travel, if the teams decided it was necessary. She had also sorted out with Her the spells she felt most likely she would need. In the morning, before they were ready to set out, she would crosscheck with Urruah to make sure they weren't carrying duplicates. And beyond that, there was nothing much she could do, except worry about what the future held for them... or, rather, the past.
And what good would that do?

Rhiow closed her eyes and reduced the world to near darkness and Iaehh's tiny snore.
When I wake, I will meet my old enemy uncertainty,
she thought,
and its partners, the shadows that lie at the back of my mind and others': those darknesses that go about hunting for some action of mine to which to fasten themselves. They will lie in my road and say,
Why bother?
It will never work:
or they will lie out long and dark behind me, saying,
What difference have you made? It is all for nothing.
But I need pay them no mind. They are only the servants of the Lone Power, and against me and Those Whom I serve, they have no strength unless I allow them the same. My commission comes from Those Who Are, the Powers that were before time and will be after it: the Powers Who made time, and to Whom it answers. My paw, lifted to strike the shadows away from the feet of the Event enacted, holds hidden within it Their claw that strikes the Lone One to the heart, day by day. So it was done anciently; so I shall do tomorrow. And for tonight, I admit of no shadow but that of my closed eyes, and I give Their claw the resting time to sharpen itself in dream on the Tree: for at eyes' opening, together We go to battle again!

And Iaehh's snore was the last thing she heard.

When she woke up, Iaehh had already gone off to work, and apparently had carefully moved her off his lap and onto the chair without waking her when he went to bed... whenever that had been. The food bowls had been washed again, and were full.

Rhiow sighed with the sheer pleasure of having had a good night's sleep: it was rare enough, in her business. She got up and ate, then washed at leisure, and went out to use the box: and finally she checked the security spell on the apartment's door before heading downtown to Grand Central again.

Arhu was there early again, sitting in front of the gate. It was patent, showing the view down toward the Thames from near the main entrance to the Tower, and shedding a cool blue light around him. " 'Luck, Arhu," she said, jumping up onto the platform. "Where's Urruah?"

"He went through already," Arhu said, watching a barge full of
tourists loading up at the dock near HMS
for a tour down the river. "Wanted to go over early to get the timeslide set up with Fhrio: and he wanted to make sure the two Samnaun-based transfer gates were in place and working without messing everything else up."

Rhiow waved her tail slowly in acknowledgment, looking at the serene vista. It was a sunny morning over there: she had seen few of those so far. "Before we go..." she said.

"I'm not going to die of it," Arhu said, "so don't worry."

Rhiow blinked. "Die of what?"

"You know. Siffha'h," he said, though his voice was so mournful that Rhiow wondered if perhaps he wasn't all that sure of the outcome.

"That wasn't what I was going to ask you," she said, taking a swipe at his left ear, and missing entirely: Arhu ducked without even looking. "You
getting good at that," Rhiow added, unable to conceal slight admiration.

"I don't like pain," Arhu said. "It hurts."

Which is why it's such an effective teaching medium for kittens,
Rhiow thought,
not least among them
you. "What I was going to ask you," she said, "was whether you had had any further insights into what was going to happen on this run."

His tail lashed. "Nothing that I can describe," Arhu said. "I keep getting flashes, but they slip away. Believe me, Rhiow, if I see anything that I can describe— then or afterwards— I'll tell you. But it doesn't always come that way. I keep getting stuff that just pops out without warning, and before I can get hold of it to see what it means, it's gone and taken all the— the meanings, the— "


"Yeah, the context— it all just goes. While the context's there, everything makes sense, but when I lose that..." He sighed. "It's really frustrating. It makes me want to hit things."

"Don't be tempted," Rhiow said, thinking of Fhrio.

Arhu laughed out loud. "I wouldn't bother. For one thing, beating him up wouldn't be any big deal, and for another, it's not exactly polite, is it?"

She blinked again. Rhiow couldn't think if she had ever before heard Arhu
the word
polite. If this is the kind of effect that having a crush is going to have on him,
she thought,
I'm all for it, even if it makes him ache a little.

"So are you ready?" Arhu said.

"By all means, let's go," said Rhiow. They stepped through into the bright London day, and Arhu shut the worldgate behind them. There by the Tower entrance, the two of them sidled. They made their way among the unseeing tourists down into the Tower Hill Underground station, and down to the passages leading to the platform where the London team had confined their unruly worldgate.

The spot was busy, though not so much with wizards as with equipment. The malfunctioning gate itself was disconnected from its power source, only visible to Rhiow as the thinnest ghost oval traced in the air, like a structure woven of smoke. The "catenary," the insubstantial power conduit that was finally rooted in the Old Downside and that normally served this gate, lay coiling along the floor like some bright serpent: the end of it, which would normally have terminated in the gate, was now faired into a glowing new spell-circle that had been traced on the floor. If the last one had looked like vines twining amongst one another, this one looked more like a circular hedge. It was complex, for Rhiow could see that Urruah, rather than using specific physical objects to twist local space into the shapes he required, was using the spell structure itself. The "hedge" blazed and flowed with multicolored fire, the radiance of it stuttering here and there as one spell subroutine or another came active, did its job, and deactivated itself. Urruah was pacing around the diagram, checking his spelling, while Fhrio crouched nearby and inspected the connection of the catenary to the diagram: off to one side, Auhlae was sitting with her tail neatly tucked about her forefeet, watching him work.

"Go check your name in that," Rhiow said to Arhu. He went straight over to the spell to do it. There were few such important aspects of spelling as to make sure you were correctly named. Like all the other sciences, wizardry always works: and, as in the other sciences, if a practitioner works too casually with forces he doesn't fully understand, the results are likely to be unfortunate. A wizard whose written name specified a different nature than the usual in a given spell would come out of that spell changed, and not always in ways he or she would prefer.

Rhiow turned her attention briefly to the other gate, which was hanging at one end of the platform, shimmering in the darkness. This was one of the "transfer" gates that would be taking some of the pressure off the London complex while the malfunctioning gate structure was completely offline. A transiting wizard using one of the London gates would now find him- or herself briefly under the peak of Piz Buin, at the restored prehistoric gating facility at Samnaun in the Alps, before finishing at their intended destination. It would be a slight inconvenience, but Rhiow couldn't believe any wizard in her right mind would grudge the momentary view out of the great transverse crevasse and down the side of the mountain... and the skiiers above would never notice.

" 'Luck, Fhrio," Rhiow said as she walked over to him. "Everything working satisfactorily?"

"Insofar as anything can be satisfactory when it's all ripped up like this," Fhrio said, "yes." For once he sounded merely tired rather than actively quarrelsome.

"You were up all night," Rhiow said.

"Yes I was," said Fhrio, and gave her a glance as if looking to see whether she was mocking him.

All Rhiow could do, hoping he wouldn't misunderstand the gesture, was lower her head and bump his briefly. "I appreciate the effort," she said, "we all do." And she moved away before either of them would have a chance to be embarrassed.

She went over to the timeslide spell to have a look at her own name, checking the arabesques and curls of it in the graphic form of the Speech. Everything looked all right, though she checked again just to be certain. She was not about to forget one spell some years ago, worked in haste by Urruah, that had been perfect in ninety-nine percent of its detail but in which he had changed the sign on one minor symbol. The spell would have worked all right, but Rhiow would have exited it pure white, blue-eyed, and possibly deaf. She had been teasing Urruah about
one for a long time, but, judging by the intent look on his face, today might not be the best time to do it.

Auhlae got up and came over to greet Rhiow as she came: they breathed breaths for a moment. "Oh, Auhlae," Rhiow said, "
sausages— I don't know how you cope with all this rich food. I'd be the size of a
by now."

Auhlae put her whiskers forward. "I control myself mostly," she said, "but since things started to misbehave, my appetite's been raging... and I confess I've been humoring it. I can always eat grass for a few days, later on."

Arhu came over. "You satisfied with the way your name looks?" Rhiow said.

"It looks fine. At least it looks the way it looks in our gate at home."

"The way it did yesterday?"


"Good. Always check it frequently. Lives change without warning; names change the same way."

"Yeah." He licked his nose. "Auhlae, is Siffha'h going to be here today?"

"No, Arhu, she's off with Huff making an adjustment to one of the other gates," Auhlae said. "Fhrio and I will be standing guard over this end of your timeslide while you're downtime." She craned her neck a little to look at the spell construct. "Does he do this often?" Auhlae said to Rhiow. "He's very good at it."

"He's never done it before, to the best of my knowledge," Rhiow said, glancing over that way too as Urruah sat down, apparently to take one last overview of the whole structure. "I have a feeling he's been waiting for the chance, though." The intricacy and tightness of the spell-structure suggested to Rhiow that he had been working on this spell, or something like it, for a long time. There was no disputing its elegance: Urruah was an artist at this kind of thing. Unfortunately, there was also no disputing its dangerousness.
It's a good thing we finally have an excuse to do something like this,
Rhiow thought.
Otherwise who knows what he might have done someday.

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