Tomorrow's Kingdom (51 page)

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Authors: Maureen Fergus

BOOK: Tomorrow's Kingdom
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My editor, Lynne Missen, and the whole team at Razorbill, for doing such a tremendous job of helping to make
The Gypsy King
books the best they could possibly be.

My agent, Marie Campbell, for believing in me and for always working so hard on my behalf.

The reviewers, bloggers, tweeters, librarians, teachers, booksellers and everyone else who helped to let the world know about
The Gypsy King

My husband, Nick, and our kids, Hannah, Sophie and Sam, for their understanding during those times when the writing of
The Gypsy King
books consumed me—and also for being my constant companions during this rollercoaster ride I call a writing career. No writer ever had a more loyal and supportive fan club.

Finally, I'd like to thank all those readers who have taken the time to get in touch to let me know how much you loved
The Gypsy King
A Fool's Errand
. Your enthusiasm has meant more to me than you'll ever know.


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Fergus, Maureen, author

Tomorrow's kingdom / Maureen Fergus.

(The Gypsy king)

ISBN 978-0-670-06766-4

I. Title. II. Series: Fergus, Maureen. Gypsy king trilogy.

PS8611.E735T64 2014 jC813'.6 C2013-908075-9

eBook ISBN 978-0-14-319205-3

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