Tony: Alvarez Security Series (33 page)

Read Tony: Alvarez Security Series Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

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“Don’t even joke about a zipped dick, baby,” he warned, pushing her hands away and taking care of his jeans himself. He watched as she lifted her shirt over her head and threw it across the banister to land somewhere in the hall below. He grabbed the front of her bra and with a flip of his wrist had it unsnapped and tossed it somewhere behind him.

Laid back against the stairs, she was perfect. Toned figure with her natural breasts free and her legs parted, her glistening pussy bared for his perusal. Not able to wait, he pulled her legs over his shoulders and dove in, latching his mouth on her clit before licking her folds.
God, I love the taste of her

The mini explosions sent her head back against the stairs as her hands grabbed his hair, holding on for the ride. It did not take long for her inner core to tighten like a spring ready to snap. Lifting his hands to her breasts while keeping his tongue deep inside, he tweaked and pulled each nipple. Moving quickly back to suck her clit deeply into his mouth, he felt her shatter as he lapped her juices.

Screaming her release, she pushed her hips up keeping them in contact with his face. Not that he was going anywhere; at least, not until he had ridden out her orgasm. Gently pulling her legs from his shoulders, he watched as her satisfied smile filled him. Feeling more connected with her than with anyone ever in his life, he knew what Lily meant. This woman was worth everything to him.

“Over baby,” he ordered, assisting her in turning over to face the stairs, her gorgeous ass in the air. Dragging the end of his straining cock through her juices, he knew she was ready. Plunging to the hilt, he pushed as deeply as he could. “You okay?” he asked, loving the feel of her tight pussy already grabbing his dick, but wanting to make sure she was comfortable.

A moan and the backward push of her hips, further impaling his erection into her, was her answer.

Grabbing her hips, he pounded into her. The time for slow and easy had passed. With the slapping of his balls against her ass sounding in the stairwell, he reached around finding her breasts bouncing with each thrust. Pinching first one nipple and then the other quickly had her panting, trying to find her release again.

He looked down at the woman in front of him. Her back, smooth and silky, ending in a lusciously curved ass just perfect for his hands. He moved his thumb over her rosebud opening and, expecting her to stiffen, was surprised to find her pushing herself back toward him even further.

“You’d like that sometime, baby?” he asked, applying slight pressure to her opening without penetrating.

“Yes, anything with you,” she admitted between breaths.

Smiling, he glanced at the mirror on the hall opposite of the stairs, catching a glimpse of their bodies. Seeing her breasts bouncing up and down as he pulled out and pushed back made him even harder, if that was possible. She quickly reached the peak again and screamed his name out once more as the explosion rocketed from her pussy outwards to her whole being. Within a few more strokes, he felt his balls tighten as he released deep inside of her. Throwing his head back, he roared as he powered through his own orgasm.

This time, she glanced to the mirror on the wall, watching in fascination at their coupling. Smiling, she saw him as he collapsed on top of her, both falling to the stairs.

Before they had time to catch their breath, the doorbell rang. Sherrie’s eyes grew wide as she searched in vain for her clothes.

“Babe, run upstairs. I’ll get the door.”

She obeyed and grabbed new clothes to put on. As she came down the stairs, she saw Tony holding the pizza box and her bra. Giving him a questioning look, he grinned, saying, “This was at the front door. The delivery boy noticed it and handed it to my while I got my money.”

Eyes wide, with a blush blistering her face, she exclaimed, “Oh my God. We can never order from there again!”

Kissing the top of her head while he moved toward the kitchen, “No worries, babe. I gave him a big tip.”

Groaning, she made her way into the kitchen behind him.

Chapter 21

unday morning dawned
and just as they were enjoying their coffee, Tony received a call. A security system they had installed in the home of one of Richland’s wealthiest neighborhoods had gone off, indicating an intruder. Tony and Jobe were heading there to reset the system after the police were finished.

After he left, Sherrie pulled out the art pad and began looking at the pictures again. The detail of the faces was amazing.
The eyes are the mirror of my soul. Not ‘the soul’ as the quote goes, but she said, ‘my soul’. What did she mean?

The eyes of the faces were filled in with swirls of her art pen. Sort of like a script if one looked closely.
She hurried to the kitchen and rummaged around in her junk drawer, pulling out a magnifying glass. Hustling back to the table, she grabbed a small lamp from the end table and brought it over as well. With the extra light focused directly on the faces and the magnifying glass on the eyes, she could see…
Oh my God, writing. Tiny, miniscule writing.

Grabbing a pen and notebook, she wrote out the first word she saw. Patrick.
Was that the name of the boy in the picture?

Turning to the next page, she used the magnifying glass to peer into the eyes of the young girl depicted. Linda.

Excited, she moved through the art pad, finding names scripted in each of the eyes of the drawings. Not knowing what it meant, she knew she had latched onto something. Wanting to call Tony, she looked at her watch. He had only been gone an hour.
I can’t disturb him now.

Flipping over to the drawings of the grocery and laundry, she marveled once again at the detail of Betina’s talent. The bricks in the buildings, the signs in the windows—as though she was looking at a photograph. Glancing at the magnifying glass lying on the table she grabbed it.
Maybe there’s more script.

Not finding any, she felt her frustration return. Refusing to give up, she rubbed her eyes before bending to the task once again. Moving from the grocery store drawing to the laundry, she slowly slid the glass over the building. As the window came into view, she jumped. What had looked like circular squiggles over the windows giving them a dirty look at a quick glance were…

Her heart pounded as she looked at the tiny faces peering out of the window. Not distinct features, but definitely faces.

Laying the glass down, she put her shaking hand on her mouth.
What is going on in that building? Are those the faces of people being held there?

A glance at her watch again indicated that Tony would not be home for hours. Sending him a quick text, she headed out of the door. Sunday in the middle of the day would be the best time for sleuthing she thought. Daylight. No one working on a Sunday.

Thirty minutes later she pulled into the well-lit alley behind the laundry. Her phone beeped an incoming message from Tony. He had received her message and told her under no circumstances was she to go alone.

Sitting in her car, she quickly called the Alvarez Security. When Doug answered, she immediately told him where she was.

“Girl, stay in that vehicle until one of us gets there and if anything looks weird, get the fuck out of there.”

She was just agreeing when she heard a commotion in the background. “Doug? What’s going on?”

Doug got back on the phone, saying, “Girl, there’s gonna be hell to pay. Tony just called to have us check on you, but I told him we were on our way since you’d called in first.”

Pursing her lips, she knew Tony would be mad, but she had followed his directions.
I called first and I’m waiting.

Seeing Vinny pull into the alley, she got out of her car and was able to hear hear noise from inside the building that her car had muffled.
Damn, I thought it would be shut down for the day.
Metal stairs zig-zagged up the back of the building with a pile of crates underneath. Looking around before waving to Vinny as he parked, she quickly climbed up the crates and pulled herself up the metal ladder.

Making her way to the nearest window, she peeked in.


“Boss, she’s good,”
Doug called out as soon as Tony and Jobe reached the agency.

The re-setting of the complicated system had taken longer than he wanted and as much as he wanted to get home, he knew he needed to check on the materials for the next install. He hurried into the surveillance room, Jobe on his heels.

“Vinny was closest, so I have already sent him and Terrance to help her.”

Tony looked at the computer screen that Doug was pointing to. The one outside of the alley of the laundry. Where Sherrie was heading up the fire stairs in the alley. With Vinny scrambling quickly behind.

“What the fuck is she doing?” he exploded.

“Vinny’s there, boss. He’s got her and Terrance is on watch too.”

Tony saw Vinny stealthily climbing the stairs and grabbing Sherrie from behind with one hand over her mouth and the other protectively around her waist. He could see Vinny speaking to her and she nodded before he let her go. Then Vinny looked into the window as well. They carefully made their way back down the stairs, where Vinny assisted her from the crates.

“I want her ass here instantly,” Tony growled into the radio connected to Vinny’s earpiece. “In your car. Get her keys and if she gives you any problems, tell her I’ll deal with her when she gets here.”

Doug looked at his boss, knowing the next part of the intel was not going to make his boss happy. “Sir, there’s more. We got a clear identification on one of the men in Quentin’s tunnels. It’s Hernando. He works for Quentin. And for the first time last night, there were some girls going from one of the outer buildings through the tunnels to the club. We think this may be how they move some of the younger girls into the club.”


Sherrie started to
walk back toward her car when Vinny snatched the keys from her hand and tossed them to the other man coming from behind a dumpster. Before she could protest, Vinny clipped, “Terrance’ll drive your car. You’re to come with me.”


Vinny took her arm gently, steering her toward his truck parked at the end of the alley. “Darlin’, I don’t think I’d test Tony on this.”

Pursing her lips, she looked into Terrance’s smiling face, his white teeth in contrast to his dark skin giving his handsome face even more stunning looks. Allowing Vinny to assist her up, she wisely kept quiet during the ride to the agency. All the while, steaming.
I was careful. I followed his directions. I texted him first and then I called the office. I waited in my car until someone came before looking in a window.
Giving an angry snort, she thought,
Just let him try to pick a fight with me!


The yelling from
Tony’s office had continued for the past ten minutes. Terrance, Doug, Jobe, Gabe and Vinny waited patiently, but when the arguing did not seem to end, Jobe looked over at the others to see if he should step in.

Before he could speak, Tony threw open the door and shouted, “Terrance. You got her bag?”

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