Too Close For Comfort (Sweetrock Cowboy Romance Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Too Close For Comfort (Sweetrock Cowboy Romance Book 2)
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Sam made a face. “Derek Masters?” Her eyes slid over to Tessa. “That jerk? Why would we care about him?”

Becky’s smile faltered. “Oh, I thought you guys were friends with...”

“Nope. Not anymore,” Nick said. “I mean, none of us have heard from him since he left town five years ago.”

Tessa didn’t say a word. Cash wondered why. He had a pretty good idea what Derek’s intentions toward Tessa were. Was Tessa deciding between the two of them right at this very minute? Was that why everyone had been looking at them funny? No, couldn’t be. No one else knew about Cash and Tessa. Least not as far as he knew.

The band started up, but Cash was in no mood for dancing. “I got an early day tomorrow. Better head out.” He shot a hopeful glance at Tessa.

“Yeah, me, too. I’ll follow you home.” They both stood and Cash noticed the smirk back on Sam’s face. Yep, she knew something. Or at least suspected. She looked happy about it, though. Did that mean Tessa had confided in her, and if so, had she told Sam about Derek? The happy look on Sam’s face told him that if that were the case, Tessa had no intentions of throwing Cash over for Derek. Sam wouldn’t have been happy about that. Hope blossomed in his chest. He was probably just blowing this whole Derek thing out of proportion, afraid Tessa would run off with him like his grandma had run off with that rodeo rider. He was being stupid.

All the way home, he debated if he should ask her about Derek. The thing was, he didn’t know how to broach the subject without sounding needy or jealous. He was afraid it might come out as if he were accusing her of keeping the fact that she knew Derek was in town from him.

Better to just let the conversation flow naturally. Maybe she would bring it up.

They pulled into the driveway and parked side by side. As he got out of the Jeep, he held his hand out to Tessa feeling hopeful desperation, and when she slid her hand into his, curling her fingers around his, his heart expanded.

It felt so right. Couldn’t she see they were supposed to be together?

They stopped at the doorway and Tessa turned to him, her eyes luminous in the moonlight. “It’s our last night here...”

“I know, so after—“

“Shh...” She touched his lips lightly with her fingertips. “Let’s not talk, let’s just do.”

Then she stepped close, pressing her lips against his in a bittersweet kiss that made Cash terrified it was their last time.


hen Tessa awoke
the next morning, Cash was already in the kitchen making breakfast. She missed his warm body in the bed. Why hadn’t he lingered in bed like he had the day before?

Though he’d been more than attentive the night before, she was sure he had some energy left for this morning. Thoughts of what they’d done almost made her blush, and now she wondered what would happen tomorrow. They wouldn’t be living in the same house anymore. Was today the last day they would wake up together
? Was Cash’s absence in the bed his way of saying it was over?

She’d waited all night for him to say
about how they would continue. Did he expect them to go back to being friends now? The thought left her cold and empty. Was he waiting for
to say something? Was she just being neurotic, the doubts and worries all just in her head?

Beulah’s suggestion that she needed to deal with Derek crossed her mind. What could it hurt? Sure, she hated the idea of facing Derek, but if Beulah was right, and it made all her insecure behavior and second-guessing disappear then it would be worth it. She’d better talk to him fast, though, or risk losing Cash forever.

She got dressed in jeans and a tank top. She had the morning off and was planning on checking out the hardwood floors at her place, then picking up a few groceries. She’d cleaned out the fridge when she’d moved over to her parents and had nothing to eat. She wondered if she’d be eating alone...should she ask Cash over for supper?

She could fit in a quick trip out to the Dobbins house. The thought of facing Derek made her cringe, but the more she thought about it, the more she was afraid Beulah might be right.

In the kitchen, Cash was just pouring the pancake batter. He looked up as she hovered in the doorway. “Morning, sunshine. Did you sleep good?”

“Yes, you?” Should she go over and kiss him? Why wasn’t he reaching for her? Did his voice sound like the ‘old’ just friends Cash or her new lover Cash.

Why was she reading too much into everything? If she wasn’t careful, she was going to ruin things for them. But now she was worried that Cash didn’t want things to continue, and if she acted like
did, would it ruin their friendship, too?

She’d waited too long now and Cash was holding out a plate, so she simply took it and brought it to the breakfast bar.

He came up behind her, putting his hand on her neck and giving it a gentle squeeze before sitting down and digging into his breakfast. That was a good sign, right?

“Thanks for making breakfast,” Tessa said. “I’m going to miss having that made for me.”

“Me, too.” Cash put down his fork and turned to her. “I was thinking maybe we—“

His cell phone blared on the bar in between them, cutting off his words. They broke eye contact to look at it.

Cash’s forehead creased in concern. “It’s Gramps. I hope nothing is wrong.”

He picked up the phone. “Gramps? ... Sure, I can check ... her, too ... yep ... Okay, I’ll swing by after.”

He pushed up from his chair, looking at her apologetically. “Sorry, Gramps is worried about one of the teen moms that he helps out. She may be in trouble. I told him I’d check, but I need to feed the horses first.” His eyes flicked from her to the clock as he grabbed his plate.

She tugged at the other end of the plate. “Go. I can clean up here.”

“You sure?”

“Of course. It’s no problem.”

The look of relief on his face was reward enough, but Tessa felt a twinge of disappointment that he hadn’t finished what he’d been about to say earlier. Now the moment had passed and he was already rushing out the door, clearly more worried about helping out Gramps than continuing their conversation.

What had he been about to say?

Tessa’s mind was bursting with guesses. Was he about to suggest they continue their intimate relationship or break it off?

The uncertainty tangled her up in knots, but she knew now wasn’t a good time to talk to him about it so she did what she always did during a crisis. She headed downtown to shop for a new pair of cowboy boots.

But even the fifty percent off sale at McQuade’s did little to take her mind off her problem. Though she did get a fantastic deal on a nice pair of two-tone leather boots in almond and brown with brass studded details, her excitement was dampened by the continual worrisome thoughts of Cash.

Why had’t he said anything about what would happen after they moved back to their own places? Then again,
hadn’t said anything either. He was probably waiting for her to be the first. After all she
the one with all the issues. And she only had one idea on how to get rid of them.

The Dobbins place was only ten minutes away. She could zip out there and still be back in time for work that afternoon.

The thought terrified her, yet she knew she had to do it.

Squaring her shoulders, she turned the corner, ready to get into her car and drive out there before she changed her mind.

A man was coming out of a store at the end of the block and the familiar set of his shoulders, his haircut, and his frame made her blood freeze.

It was Derek!

Before she even knew what she was doing, she ducked between two buildings. She wasn’t ready to confront him yet! She’d needed the time in the car on the drive out to think about what she was going to say. She couldn’t face him right now.

She pressed her back against the hard bricks of the building, bile rising in her throat, her head spinning. After taking a deep breath to calm herself, she peeked around the edge of the building.

Thank God he hadn’t seen her. He was alone, a shopping bag clutched in one hand as he headed toward a row of cars.

She pulled back behind the building, squeezing her eyes shut, taking a deep breath. Should she run out and talk to him now?

She hadn’t formulated her plan of attack, didn’t know what to say, but confronting him here in public would be less scary than driving to his house.

She needed to muster up the courage somehow.

Thoughts of Cash, the sweet dinner he’d cooked, his delicious kisses, and their passionate lovemaking surfaced. She wanted him forever and if this was the only way then she would have to face her fears and confront Derek.

She willed her eyes open and pushed off from the building, ready to march right over to the parking lot and have it out with Derek.

She glanced down the alley to the next street over and a couple caught her eye.

It was Cash and Melina!

Her brows furrowed. Thoughts of Derek retreated to the back of her mind for the moment as she peered down the alley between the buildings at them. What were they doing here? Her eyes jumped up to the sign on the building they had come out of.

Planned Parenthood?

Her heart crashed to her feet.
it made perfect sense. The way he was always going out of his way to help her. How he’d covered for her at the school. She
it was Melina that day, but Cash had insisted it wasn’t. Now she knew she hadn’t imagined the strange look she thought she’d seen pass between them last night at the Bull.

Did Cash have something going on with Melina?

They were out of sight now as they’d walked past the building. She ran down to the edge, peeked around. There they were walking slowly side by side, their backs to her now. They didn’t look like a couple, though. Just friends.

Friends like
was with Cash?

Her eyes flicked from Cash and Mel to the building. Planned Parenthood.
. Was Melina pregnant with Cash’s baby?

Hadn’t Sam mentioned something about Cash helping Mel out at the hospital?

Her stomach turned inside out as her eyes flooded with tears. It was happening all over again. Just like Derek had gotten someone pregnant behind her back, now it looked like Cash had done the same thing.

Her heart was a jumble of emotions. Her mind whirled and her eyes stung as she turned and ran for her car. The tears blurred her vision and she bumped into the side of the building, then a shrub, then a parked car. She didn’t stop. She had to get out of there. She jumped into her truck and tore out of the parking lot.

The wood floor refinishing would be done today. She could go home tonight. In the meantime, she’d get her stuff out of her parents’ house before she ran into Cash, and then she needed to get to the one person that had pulled her out of her depression when this had happened to her before. The one best friend that she knew she could
. She needed to get to Sam.

* * *

glad I could talk some sense into Gloria and she’ll be taking precautions. Your grandfather was a big help, too...Cash, are you listening to me?” Melina asked as they walked away from the Planned Parenthood clinic where they’d taken Gordy’s mom, Gloria, for a consultation.

Cash wasn’t listening. He was busy replaying every second of the breakfast he’d had with Tessa. Why hadn’t he continued the conversation he’d started when Gramps had called? He should have been man enough to do that, but instead, he’d let the call act as an excuse to cut the conversation short. But Tessa had been acting so hesitant that he was afraid of ruining their friendship now if he pushed to keep it at a more intimate level.

She’d practically shoved him out the door after Gramps had called. Was it because she’d known what he was going to say and didn’t want to talk about it?

“Earth to Cash.” Melina was standing in the road with her hands on her hips, looking at him.

“Sorry. Got a lot on my mind.”

Melina’s brow creased and she tilted her head, sliding her giant sunglasses down on her nose and looking over the tops at him with concerned, bloodshot eyes. “Anything I can help with? You’ve been so good to me I’d love to return the favor.”

“Nah. It’s nothing.” Cash turned back to look at the building they’d just left. “It’s great that you talked Gloria into seeking counsel. The last thing she needs is another kid.”

“No kidding.” Melina pushed the sunglasses back up and continued down the road. Cash was glad Melina had a purpose now and had slowed down on the drinking, though he knew she’d gone on a bender last night because she’d been hung over this morning. Oh, well, baby steps.

At least they’d gotten Gloria on the right track, and he could ease Gramps’ mind when he visited him later today.

But what about Tessa?

The niggle of doubt that had sprouted last night when Becky had mentioned Derek was in town had festered and grown. Tessa had had several opportunities to mention her intentions toward Derek to Cash but she’d said nothing.

Maybe he was overthinking things. He was so mixed up inside that now he was even seeing Derek everywhere he went. Like over by that car in the parking lot. Wait a minute...that

A jolt of adrenaline spiked through him and he stopped in his tracks, resisting the urge to go over and have it out with him.

Have it out over
? This wasn’t the middle ages and if Tessa wanted to be with Derek then Cash would just have to live with that. And if the guy was now back in Sweetrock, he’d just have to live with seeing him here all the time, too. Maybe even seeing them together.

He was so intent on staring at Derek that he nearly smashed into Melina, who had stopped and was looking at a car racing down the side street.

“Isn’t that Tessa’s truck?”

Cash jerked his attention from Derek to the direction in which Melina was looking. A pickup truck sped away heading out of town. Tessa’s pickup.

“Looks like it,” Cash said.

“Hmmm... Looks like she’s going pretty fast,” Melina said.

Cash’s gaze flicked back to Derek, who was now starting his car, and then back toward Tessa’s truck in time to see the red taillights disappear around the corner.

Was it any coincidence they were both here downtown at the same time?

His heart grew heavy with the weight of his worst fears. Was Tessa ditching him for Derek like Grandma had ditched Grandpa for that rodeo rider?

to ask her. He had to know for sure. Was she racing off for home or to go to Derek’s place? Her stuff was still at the Riley ranch and if he could drop Melina back at her place and get to the ranch fast enough, he could confront Tessa and ask her exactly what was going on.

She owed him that much.

“Come on. I have to go.” Cash grabbed Melina’s elbow and pulled her toward his Jeep.

“Hey. Slow down.” Melina stumbled in her high heels and frowned at him. “What is your problem?”

Cash’s jaw tightened. “Nothing. I’m just in a hurry, okay?”

“Okay. Okay.” She pulled her elbow away, and walked to the car then turned and looked at him. “You know, Cash, if you have a problem you can tell me. Especially if it’s a woman problem. I’m good at helping with those. Lord knows I got enough experience in that department.”

“I know.” But he wouldn’t tell her. He didn’t want to lay his problems on Melina. She had enough of her own. He just wished she’d hurry up and get in the Jeep so he could drop her off and get back to the ranch.

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