Torment (6 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Anne Kendal

BOOK: Torment
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“Oh good, I wasn’t really in the mood for a bar,” she confessed as she got in the car.

We drove through the town and parked up next to the harbor. We went in a local store and got ourselves a bottle of water each, and then walked along the decks and sat on the end, our legs dangling over the edge.

“I like this place,” I told her.

“I’ve never been; it’s lovely.”

“Lucian brought me around here. It’s really peaceful.”

“He came around here when you’d gone; he went in a café around here too.”

“That was the first place we went out to on our own,” I smiled.

“He was heartbroken you know. He tried to be brave for everyone else but you could see he wasn’t coping very well on the inside.”

“I didn’t want him to feel like that.”

“He cares for you a lot, Keira.”

“I don't know what to do.”

“I have three questions for you. One, do you care for Lucian as more than a friend? Two, could you see yourself in a relationship with him? And, three, are you really in love with Eligos?”

When she asked the third question I glared at her.

“Don't go off on me, just answer the questions truthfully. Remember, it’s just you and me now; you can speak freely,” she said.

“Well, firstly, yeah I do care for him as more than a friend, but I’m not sure in what way I care for him, if you know what I mean. Secondly, I
and I
see us in a relationship. I think in a way we would be good together, but I also think we would clash at times. Plus I don't think it’s fair to be with him when my head doesn’t know what it wants…” I took a sip of my drink and looked out at the water.

“You didn’t answer the third question,” she reminded me.

“Oh, you noticed.”

“Keira!” she said, raising one eyebrow.

“OK, he drives me crazy; I never want to be away from him. Every time he leaves me my heart aches. When he looks at me I melt. When I’m close to him I just want to wrap my arms around him and have him hold me against him. He’s on my mind twenty-four hours a day, but none of that matters because I’m a complete idiot who attacks him for no reason and upsets him and agitates him so much so that he would rather die than spend any more time with me,” I told her, getting more and more annoyed with myself.

“OK, OK stop and breathe,” she said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath and had another sip of my drink.

“I think you’re either
in love with him, or you already
in love with him,” she told me.

“I don't know.”

“How were you with each other while you were away?”

“We were great, we laughed together and he took me around some places he knew.”

“Like where?”

“Well, some of the places were very similar to the pubs over here. They have alcohol but it’s a lot nicer than what we have. I could have spent all day in there drinking,” I laughed.

“You’re terrible!” she giggled.

“He took me to see some of the towns close by, and because I told him my dad used to take me horseback riding we did just that.”

“You rode horses?” she asked, smiling.

“Yeah, it was really nice. I went back to his place a few times. The last time he spent a lot of time on Earth he found out he was rather good at playing pool, so he built himself a table and we played a few games whenever I went to see him.”

“So you became friends?”

“I thought we had, but obviously he only sees me as a job.”

“You don't believe that…I think he really likes you and one day he will prove it.”

“I doubt it. I don't even know if he’s going to talk to me again. After what he said, I think he might go back to Lilith and tell her he’s not interested in helping me anymore,” I said sadly.

“Well I don't, but it doesn’t matter what I say, you won’t listen. So all I’m going to say is: see what happens.”

“How have things been with you and Jake?”

She told me how he’d told her he loved her, just before she had had to run and hide. She said he confirmed it again this morning and that she said it back. I told her how happy I was for her and how I’d known since the night he was hurt that they were in love. It was nice to see her so happy; he was one of the few people she’d met in her life that hadn't tried to use or hurt her. He genuinely loved her, and I think they were made for each other.

We stayed out for about two hours; we talked about anything that popped into our heads. It was like old times again. When we were in West Chester, I would come home from work and she would be making tea. If we weren’t going out and there wasn’t a good movie on we would spend all night talking – sometimes about things as stupid as which vegetable we hated the most and why. We had always enjoyed each other’s company and we’d always been able to speak our minds. We made a deal that we would put at least one night or afternoon aside each week from now on for girl chat.

When we got home we found all the guys in the game room. We played a few games of pool with them and had a couple of drinks. Everyone was laughing and giggling again; it was great to see everyone with smiles on their faces. I took Jake to one side and told him how happy I was for him and Lily. He said he had always loved her and he would love her forever. I got really emotional when he said that. All I had ever wanted was for her to be happy and loved, and now she had it. I gave him a big cuddle and he promised me he would always look after her.

“Hey, why’s Jake getting a cuddle and not me?” Tyler asked, walking over to me. “Excuse me,” he said, playfully pushing Jake out of the way. “My turn.”

He wrapped his arms tight around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. I put my arms loosely around him, then he moved so he was looking at me and looked a little upset.

“Come on,” I said to him, “are we doubling up to kick some ass?”

I let go of him and walked over to the pool table, it took him a while but he joined me to play against Lucian and Lily. We won and walked away with smiles on our faces. I sat down with Lucian and Jake for a minute while I finished my drink.

“Why couldn’t you hug Tyler?” Jake asked me quietly.

“Yeah I noticed that,” Lucian said. “You haven’t been the same with him.”

“I’ve only been back a day,” I told them. “And I’m not in a hugging mood that's all.”

“Hmmm…” Lucian said.

“Look, I’m just tried. I need a good night’s sleep, and on that note I’m going to bed.”

I stood up and said goodnight to everyone before heading up to my room.

When I walked in I got changed and sat on the edge of my bed.

“Eligos,” I said, “can you hear me?” I sat there in silence for a moment, but he didn’t answer or appear. “Eligos please answer me,” I pleaded. “I need to talk to you…Please!”

But still there was no sign of him. That confirmed it – he wasn’t listening anymore, he wasn’t interested and it was all my fault. I got under the bedcovers and made my light turn off.

“Eligos,” I said one last time. “Please.”

It was no good, I’d lost him.

The next morning when I went downstairs all the guys were in the living room. Lily had cooked breakfast for us all as usual. As soon as we’d finished eating they questioned me.

“How did you know when to come to the church?’ Tyler asked. “How did you know we were being attacked?”

“Purely by chance actually,” I told him. “I take it you want the full story?”

All of them nodded. I sighed and got more comfortable.


Chapter Eight

My Time Away (Part 3)


I was in my room at the Palace, it was about 6p.m. and I’d just had a lovely meal with Lilith and Lucifer. Now I was getting changed ready to meet Eligos, he was going to take me to meet a few more people. I was looking forward to seeing him; I always enjoyed spending time with him. I pulled on a pair of dark-blue jeans and a black top, then slipped my comfy flat shoes on and made my way to the main hall.

“Ahhh, Keira,” Lucifer said as I walked in. “Are you going out?”

“Yes, Eligos should be coming to get me soon.”

“He’s with Lilith at the moment, in the room with the viewing pool. He shouldn’t be too long.”

“OK great.”

“Where is he taking you this evening?”

“To meet some people, I don't know who, but he said I’ll probably like them.”

“I’m glad he is introducing you to people here, you’ll be here a lot soon,” he said, smiling. “You should try and make some friends.”

“I have friends here now.”

“Yes, but not many.”

“I know,” I sighed.

“Keira I know you miss your friends back in Salem, but you will be with them again soon.”

“Why can’t I go now?”

“We need to wait until something attacks them,” he told me.

“But why? What if they get hurt?”

“Because having you turn up will frighten the attacker and give you the advantage. Plus, your friends need to learn to cope without you. They need to learn to defend themselves and not just rely on you. They need a taste of what’s to come. That way, they will know what to expect.”

“I won’t argue, but I don't agree with you, I think I should be there now, or, at the very least, they should know I’m still alive – in a fashion. I want them to know I’m still going to fight beside them…And Lily; she’s lost her best friend. I feel like part of me is missing; she’s like my sister.”

“Soon, Keira,” he said in a caring voice. “I sense it will be very soon. Anyway, I’m sorry but I’m going to have to leave you. I have a meeting with the High Court.”

“Doesn't that include Eligos?”

“He’s already been briefed, so tonight he is all yours,” he smirked.

I watched him as he walked down the hall then disappeared down one of the corridors leading to the west side of the Palace. I sat on one of the large chairs and waited for Eligos and Lilith to finish talking.

I was waiting a while and ended up slipping into my own little world. I sat there wondering what the guys were doing back at the house. Would they be preparing themselves for what was to come? But then, how can you prepare for something when you don't actually know
to prepare for? Then I thought about going back. In a way I couldn’t wait to see their faces when they saw I was OK, but I was also dreading it. What if I frightened them and they didn't want to come near me? I shook my head and stood up. I looked at the clock. I’d be waiting around fifteen minutes and I was now fed up.

I walked to the end of the hall and into the little room with the viewing pool inside. Lilith and Eligos didn't hear me walk in; they were too busy watching something. I moved closer and looked at the pool. My whole body tensed, and then started to shake. I was watching the guys running into a church and trying to barricade the doors behind them. I saw Lucian shouting to Lily. I managed to make out him telling her to take all their mothers and hide. I watched them run as Lucian and the rest of the men tried desperately to block the doors, but it was useless. Possessed people started to appear inside the church; they didn't need to walk through the doors, they could teleport themselves in. Then I saw Lily and the women being dragged into the main area, each being held securely by one of the possessed.

I stood there glaring at the pool, not paying any attention to Lilith or Eligos, and not knowing if they even knew I was in the room with them yet. I watched as a larger demon with orange eyes appeared, he was talking to Lucian and the men. I started to find it really hard to control myself, especially when I saw Argyle raise his hand and then fire some form of energy at the guys. I saw the look of pain on their faces and the women screaming and crying. I couldn’t control myself. I couldn’t stand there and watch my friends being hurt. I glared at Argyle in the pool, then threw my hand out in front of me. I saw Eligos and Lilith in my peripheral view; both of them turned to look at me. Argyle was hoisted into the air and thrown across the church; he hit the wall and then fell face down on to the floor. I glared at the crucifix hanging on the wall above him. A second later it fell and Argyle moved quickly to keep it from landing on him.

“Keira!” I heard Lilith say.

I paid no attention to her.

In the viewing pool Argyle stood up quickly and looked around him.

“Confused?” I asked, as though Argyle could hear me.

The ground started shaking and Argyle and his group of followers had to hold on to the pillars and pews to stop them falling over. I was so annoyed that even the Palace started shaking.

“Keira, stop!” Lilith said, but again I paid no attention.

My eyes left Argyle for a moment as I turned to look at the church windows. They exploded and a strong gust of wind swept through them. I raised my arms slowly and the roof of the church started to tear itself apart, the wood flying up into the sky and out of sight. Then I threw my arms out to the side and at the same time the east and west walls of the church collapsed.

“Keira…” Eligos said.

“Time for a surprise visit!” I said, not taking my eyes off the pool. “I’ll let you know when I need you,” I told Eligos.

I sent a circle of earth and dust rotating around the whole church; I didn't want any of them escaping. Then I watched as I started to fade away. A second later I was lowering myself into the church. Once I landed I glared at Argyle.


Chapter Nine

The Final Story Time


“I don't need to carry on since you were there and saw the rest with your own eyes,” I said, looking at each of them in turn.

All of them had worried looks on their faces.

“What…what would have happened if you hadn’t appeared in the church?” Lily asked.

“Well, I
know that when Eligos saw that Argyle was going to get the better of you, he was going to get me and we would have come anyway.”

“What if you hadn’t?” Tyler insisted.

“I think it’s best if none of us think like that,” Danny said seriously.

He was right. If we hadn't seen it happening we might never have known, and that meant one thing. All of them would have been dead, but that didn't bear thinking about. I don't know what I would have done if any of them had been killed; it was bad enough that Tyler had already died. I couldn’t cope seeing them all that way. I think it would have driven me insane.

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