Torrid Nights (12 page)

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Authors: Lindsay McKenna

BOOK: Torrid Nights
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His mouth trailed fiery, branding kisses down the length of her neck. Teasing her firm breasts with his lips, he suckled her.

Mackenna’s breath grew shallow and sharp as her slacks fell away, leaving her naked before him. His eyes were dark with desire as he hovered above her. Her lips ached from his bruising kisses as she waited for him to carry her to new, unexplored heights. Leaving her side, he removed his clothes with what seemed like casual slowness. Mackenna’s eyes widened in appreciation. Each angular plane of his body was tautly molded, each flexing movement of one muscle led cleanly to another. Vividly, the image of a sleek jungle cat flashed through her dazed mind. He sheathed on a condom and came forward, his weight sinking onto the mattress once again as he slid his arm beneath her neck and drew her close.

Mackenna felt him trembling as he pressed her against him, an incredible sense of undiluted power surging between them. Closing her eyes, she tipped her head back to receive his plundering kiss. Instead, his mouth slid gently across her lips, pulling her into a new awareness of his scalding, barely controlled passion. He had said he would try to be gentle and she heard him groan softly as he brought her against his hard maleness. He was attempting to control his own needs for fear of hurting her, and Mackenna sensed the struggle going on within him, as each touch of his mouth against her yielding flesh telegraphed his desire. “I need you,” Brock growled, his breath fanning her face. Simultaneously, his roughened hand slipped between her thighs, easing them apart, preparing her.

“You’re so wet,” he rasped, moving his fingers near her entrance.

Mackenna’s breath hitched, white-hot fire arcing up through her. She breathed deeply as she felt his knee settle between her legs, his weight suspended above her. She felt the imperceptible quiver of his body as he slid his hand beneath her hips, lifting her slightly. She opened her eyes, meeting his darkened, turbulent gaze. Reaching upward, she gripped his shoulders and whispered against his ear, “Now…please, now…I need you so badly, Brock….”

He groaned, easing into her entrance, then stopping. Watching her, making sure she was comfortable. A soft sound echoed in her throat and she pushed her hips toward him. He smiled a little, understanding she wanted much more of him. Thrusting forward, moving deeply inside her body. A cry caught in her throat and she threw back her head, arching beneath him. They fused into an explosive oneness of heady pleasure. Bonded by flesh, fired by starving need, Brock drew her into the rhythmic embrace, asking her to participate fully. Wantonly, Mackenna responded, drowning in the depths of his powerful maleness as his mouth pressed against hers. She spiraled dizzily upward on a vortex that took her beyond the limits of anything she had ever experienced before.

When he suckled her, Mackenna felt her womb contract, a scalding explosion rip through her in a blinding instant. A cry tore from her as the orgasm flowed powerfully through her, the molten gift blazing, sending her into near faintness. She froze against his hard, damp body as she felt him growl. Somewhere in her gauzy, joyous state, Mackenna felt Brock tense, heard his groan of release reverberating from deep within him. A wisp of a smile fled across her lips, and she held him tightly in her embrace, fulfilled as never before.

Brock rested his head against hers, breathing hard, keeping most of his weight off Mackenna. Kissing her soft, wet mouth, he rolled onto his side, pulling her against him as he brought up a blanket. He held her tightly, their hearts drumming in rhythm with each other. Mackenna pressed her damp, spent body against the magnificent muscling of his. Pushing dark strands of hair from his forehead, she looked up at him in wonder. Brock smiled gently, caressing her shoulder and arm. “I was right,” he murmured against her ear. “You are something special. Very special…

Words were useless, and Mackenna could only study him reverently. Never had she made love with this intensity. Even with Ryan. The thought made her guilty for a moment, but she pushed it away as the flowing power of Brock’s hands skimming tenderly over her body made her sigh. She felt deliriously like an instrument of love as Brock worshipped her with his eyes.

Mackenna absorbed the intense pleasure of her multiple orgasms. Brock had infused their union with an exhilaration she hadn’t dreamed existed. It was his primeval quality, his consummate intensity that had forced her to explore new heights and depths. He was raw animal power at its sensual best and she loved him more than she had ever loved before.

She gloried in his loving embrace, satiated. Her body still weak and the earth-shattering orgasms of their love now lulled her into the peaceful folds of sleep.

As she fell into a blissful slumber, Mackenna felt Brock’s moist breath flow across her cheek, his heartbeat a slow, steady drum against her breasts.

It was still dark when Mackenna awoke. Her first thought was that Brock was holding her tight against him. Her second thought was that she was happy. Brock stirred, as if some distant alarm deep inside his body had alerted him to the fact that she was awake. He groaned, pulling her against his nakedness. “This is the greatest feeling in the world,” he muttered, his voice thick with sleep.

Mackenna nuzzled his neck, kissing his shoulder. “I was afraid I’d never experience love again,” she admitted softly.

Brock pulled the blanket up to cover her lower back. “That makes two of us, doesn’t it?” He propped himself up on one elbow, a satisfied smile lingering on his strong mouth as he gazed down at her. “God, you’re beautiful. A little on the skinny side, but still lovely,” he teased, leaning over to brush her lips with his own.

Mackenna relished the taste and feel of his mouth. “I only eat when I’m happy,” she murmured against his mouth. “You keep me happy, Brock Hampton, and I’ll become fat.”

He chuckled, running his tongue across her sensitized lips. “It’s about time you were happy.” His hand trailed down her shoulder, cupping her breast. “You’re such an incredible lover,” he whispered. “Even when you’re sick.”

His eyes glinted with simmering passion as he watched her. “I want you to repeat after me, Mackenna,” he said, brushing her lips again with his mouth.

She smiled, feeling her own passions stir as he caressed her. “I want you to repeat after me, Mackenna,” she chanted dutifully.

Brock kissed her soundly and grinned. “You’re asking for it,” he warned.

Laughing, she reached up, pulling him down on top of her. “Oh, I know it! And I want you again. And again…”

He grinned, forcing her to lie back down beneath him. “I knew you were hiding this playful side to yourself.”

Mackenna pouted, her eyes shining with newfound warmth. “Don’t deny that you like it!”

“I love it,” Brock murmured, stroking her hair thoughtfully. “Now, repeat after me, princess?”

She feigned boredom, barely able to keep from smiling. “Oh, all right. I suppose you want me to repeat the Boy Scout promise?”

Brock grinned. “You’re so much a child and such a hell of a woman.”

“You want me to repeat that?”

Brock swept her hands into one of his large ones, holding them gently. “No. Now wipe that smirk off your beautiful lips and let’s get serious for a moment?”

Mackenna tried to compose herself, sensing the importance of the moment. “Okay, I think I’m fine. Go ahead.” A small smile began to edge the corners of her mouth and she had to stifle another laugh. “I’m sorry, Brock!” she said as the laugh burst to the surface.

He shook his head, releasing her hands and taking her into his arms. In one easy motion, he rolled over, pulling her on top of him. Mackenna lay against him, loving his closeness, enjoying the feeling of the wiry hair of his chest against her breast. His hard erection pressing into her belly. “Maybe if we do it this way, I’ll get your full, undivided attention,” he growled, his eyes alive with mirth.

She pressed her body tightly against his, relishing the feel of his hard maleness. She felt her womb become achy, wanting him inside her. It pleased her to think she could arouse Brock so easily. Resting her head against his chin she murmured, “Believe me, you’ve got all my attention.”

Brock laughed. “You’re impossible.”

“But loving,” Mackenna amended, suddenly serious. Slowly, she smoothed some strands of rebellious hair away from his brow.

Brock frowned slightly, aware of the change in her mood. “Yes,” he admitted in a roughened tone, “very loving.” He caressed her cheek. “Now, you have to repeat this, Mackenna.”

She nodded. “Okay, I’m ready,” she promised, lost in the warmth of his blue eyes.

He cupped her face, tracing the outline of her parted lips with his thumb. “I want to live with you forever,” he murmured, watching her expression.

Mackenna’s heart skipped a beat as she stared at him.


“Shh, you’re supposed to repeat it.”

“That means—”

Brock gave a shake of his head, a smile pulling at his mouth. “Just say it,” he admonished.

“Those exact words?”

“How much do you value your life, Mackenna?” he threatened, humor lacing his voice.

“Not much. But I know you value it.”

He leaned over, kissing her ear. “Say it, Mackenna,” he growled.

She laughed, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him fiercely. “I want to live with you forever, Brock.”

“You damned women are all alike,” he muttered, gently depositing her back onto the bed, then pulling her tight against him. He was smiling as he leaned over, capturing her parted lips in a dizzying kiss. Finally, he raised his head, gazing into her eyes. “What makes you think I ought to marry such a headstrong woman?”

Mackenna shrugged easily, catching the glint of humor in his gaze. “Actually, I’d keep you endlessly entertained—”

He gave her a devilish grin. “That you do.”

“Perhaps we should try living together, though,” Mackenna insisted, losing some of her merriment.

Brock shook his head. “No, I want you as my wife.”

He pulled her against him, his embrace powerful and protective. “Okay, Mackenna. Now will you marry me or won’t you?”

Mackenna closed her eyes, resting within his arms. His masculine scent was a perfume to her nostrils, and she inhaled deeply. The powerful beat of his heart drummed against her breast. “Do I have a choice, Brock?” she teased softly.

“Do you want one?”


“Well, then?”

“I guess it can be arranged.”

He pulled free of her, his disbelief reflected in his widening eyes. “You guess? Is that all you have to say about us? What we have?”

Mackenna sobered. “There’s no guesswork, Brock.” She reached up, stroking his rough cheek, a day’s growth of beard making the planes of his face seem more gaunt in the gray light of the room. “I fell in love with you on the third day after you came to Java,” she began, watching his expression soften. “There wasn’t a time when I didn’t think about you after you left. I was hurt and angry because you’d forced me into daring to love once again and then stepped very conveniently out of my life. I was left holding the bag. I wanted support and subconsciously, I needed you. I was furious at you for abandoning me.” Mackenna compressed her lips, watching him worriedly. “I feel terrible for calling you names when I was wild with fever. I didn’t mean it, Brock. I was just so furious at you running away from me…from us, what we could have…” Brock groaned, taking her back into his arms and holding her tightly. “I behaved badly,” he admitted quietly. “I should have come back sooner. God knows, I wanted to, Mackenna. But I stopped myself. What could I have told you? That I had fallen in love with you, just like that? I thought you would laugh me off the face of the earth if I approached you with the truth. Honey, at the time, I didn’t know how badly you were hurting.” He drew away, pain clearly registering in his eyes. “If I had known, I’d have been there in a second. I didn’t know you needed me.” He gave her a small shake. “Why didn’t you contact me by cell?”

Mackenna sighed painfully. “I just assumed you were like the other men I knew. Do you know how many men are frightened by a woman like me? As strong as you seemed, I assumed you found me too difficult, or not feminine enough.”

He pursed his mouth. “We read each other wrong.”

“Not altogether. We didn’t misread the chemistry between us.”

“Mmm, thank God for that,” Brock agreed fervently. He smiled into her eyes. “I want you for my wife, Mackenna. That doesn’t mean I want to keep you barefoot and pregnant, either.”

“You mean I can continue to tramp around the Far East at your side?”

“Ahead of me, if you want. We still have that road to finish. Together,” he emphasized.

“Well, since you aren’t going to sentence me to a life of washing dishes three times a day, I just might accept.”

“Better give it some serious thought.”

Mackenna squelched her laughter, loving the warmth of his deep, azure gaze. “You don’t fool me, Brock Hampton!”

He grinned. “I wouldn’t even want to try, honey. Well?”

“There’s nothing in the world that I’d love more than to be your wife and partner,” Mackenna murmured, watching his eyes widen with happiness.

“You’re sure?”

She shrugged nonchalantly. “How could I refuse an offer like that?”

“Our marriage won’t fit the accepted social formula,” he warned, caressing her shoulder gently.

“Has either of us really ever lived our lives by formulas?” she challenged.

“No, and we never will. Say, Mackenna. You aren’t doing this only because you want a life of nonstop adventure, are you?”

Mackenna’s eyes widened with laughter. “You’ll just have to marry me and find out, won’t you?”

Brock laughed, too, holding her tightly. They lay in each other’s arms, their love communicated in kisses and caresses. After a time they got up to shower together.

Later, refreshed, Mackenna nestled into Brock’s huge terry-cloth robe while he tucked a towel around his waist. Leading her to the kitchen, he prepared a quick meal of cheese, assorted crackers, and poured them each a glass of steamy, fragrant coffee.

Mackenna followed him to the living room, snuggling down beside him on the couch. The twinkling lights of Sydney could be seen in the distance. Brock dropped an arm across her shoulder, drawing her near. “Do you realize how beautiful you are, Mackenna?”

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