Read Total Abandon Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Contemporary

Total Abandon (16 page)

BOOK: Total Abandon
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“Well, I can think of two really good reasons.”

At the amused curl of Aimee’s lips, Sandra knew she referred to James and Craig. And she was absolutely right.

Aimee sat down again. “And about that. I hate to tell you this, but I can’t go on Friday.”





Sandra felt the color drain from her face. “You mean we’re not going this weekend?”

Aimee laughed. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”

She reached forward and plucked the pen from Sandra’s fingers. Sandra realized she’d been gripping it so tightly it was surprising it hadn’t snapped in two.

“If you had to wait another week,” Aimee continued, “you’d be a basket case. I can’t go Friday, but I can go up on Saturday.”

“So we’re just delaying a day.”
Oh, thank God.

“No. I mean, I’ll delay, but I don’t see any reason you can’t go up on Friday. The guys will be there.”

“How will I get to the island? I don’t know how to drive a boat. And I’m not sure I can find the island.” Out on the water, all the treed coastline looked the same to her, and there were several islands on the lake.

“No problem. You can meet the guys at the marina and they’ll take you on their boat. Is that okay?”

A whole Friday night on the island, just her and the two incredibly sexy men. Her insides quivered.

“Oh, yeah. That’s just fine.”

*   *   *


All day at work on Friday, Sandra could barely concentrate on what she was doing. Thoughts of seeing James and Craig again kept her insides simmering. Somehow she finished the Web form and handed it off to her boss for comments. Any changes would be handled next week.

Finally, five o’clock arrived. She gathered her stuff and stopped by Aimee’s desk.

“On your way?” Aimee asked.

“Yeah. You still have to work?” Sandra asked.

“Well, you know, I was thinking about that. I could probably finish this up in the next two hours or so, then you and I could grab a late dinner and be at the cottage by eleven or so.”

Sandra’s stomach twisted. “Oh, uh … yeah, sure.”

Aimee laughed and waved her hand back and forth. “Don’t worry. I’m just kidding. I wouldn’t do that to you. For one, I think you’d burst if you had to wait another hour let alone four. And”—she winked—“I assume you’re looking forward to some alone time with the guys.”

Sandra sighed. “You know it’s not that I don’t want you there, I just—”

Aimee laughed again. “Just go!”

Sandra grinned and turned around, then hurried toward the elevator. Someone held the door for her and she scooted in, then pressed P2. She’d driven her car today so she could head straight out. Her suitcase and a cooler of groceries were already packed in the trunk.

She hopped in the car and drove through the underground parking garage, then out into the bright sunshine. She negotiated her way through the thick downtown rush-hour traffic, smiling all the way. About an hour later, she pulled into the small marina and parked her car.

She opened the trunk and pulled out the wheeled cooler Aimee had lent her. It was the kind that claimed to keep ice frozen for up to five days, which was great since she’d had to leave it in the car all day. She’d packed enough food for both her and Aimee for the weekend. She tugged out her small suitcase and set it on top of the cooler, then locked up the car. Pulling the cooler along behind her, she headed to the dock that housed Aimee’s boat. Aimee had told her Craig’s boat slip was five down from Aimee’s.

“Hey, gorgeous. There you are.” Craig waved at her from farther down the dock.

The sight of him standing there with no shirt, the tiger tattoo prowling up his arm and his extremely well-defined muscles bulging, took her breath away.

My, God, what does that man do to work out?

Oh, man, she wanted to run her hands all over him. To feel the hardness of that totally ripped, extremely masculine body. To feel those strong arms around her and totally melt against him. Be consumed by his erotically aggressive kisses.

She tore her gaze away, shifting to James, who stood in the boat. He smiled. He wore a light cotton shirt, the front draped open revealing his rigid, well-sculpted muscles. Not as bulky as Craig’s, but exceptional nonetheless.

Craig walked toward her, then took the cooler handle from her and drew it toward the boat. He lifted the cooler, suitcase and all, and handed it to James, who hefted it to the floor of the boat next to their cooler. James took her hand and helped her into the rocking boat. The warmth of his fingers enveloping hers sent goose bumps skittering along her arm.

Sandra glanced around, a little nervous the guys would show some expression of affection.

If one of them were to hug her right now, with her hormones racing, she might get carried away.

“Have a good drive from the city?” James asked.

She nodded and made small talk about traffic and her workweek, perched on one of the seats facing the back of the boat. Craig sat in the driver’s seat, which put her back-to-back with him. She could feel the heat of his body only inches behind her.

James unfastened the ropes tying them to the dock, then sat in the front passenger seat. The engine revved and the boat moved away from the dock. In a few moments, they were on open water and the boat surged forward as it picked up speed. Her heart thumped in anticipation as the small craft bumped up and down on the water, then settled to a smooth ride.

They would be at the island very soon. The wind whipped her hair around as she watched the white crests of the wake behind them. She glanced along the shore and noticed several barbecues smoking as outdoor chefs cooked the evening meal. Quite a few families, or groups of friends, were already sitting around picnic tables, eating.

Sandra’s stomach grumbled, but hunger for food was not her topmost priority right now.

The boat slowed and she glanced around to see they were heading toward shore. She recognized the familiar neon orange buoys scattered around to mark rocks. Craig pulled up beside the wooden dock and the boat bumped against it lightly. James stood up and stepped onto the dock, grabbed the ropes attached to the wood, and looped the ends around the cleats on the boat.

He offered his hand to Sandra and she took it to steady herself as she stepped onto the dock. Then he pulled her forward and wrapped his arms around her. His lips captured hers, his tongue delving into her mouth. She stroked her hands over his shoulders, then around his neck as she tangled her tongue with his. Craig moved close behind her, then his hand stroked over her right buttock and squeezed.

James released her lips and Craig turned her around.

“Oh, baby, I have been looking forward to this.” Craig’s arms encircled her and his lips engulfed hers. His tongue seared the inside of her mouth.

James’ hands curled around her hips, then glided up her sides, stopping just below her breasts. He drew her back, easing her body away from Craig’s a little, then James’ hands glided over her breasts, enveloping them in his warm palms. Craig stroked her ass and he pulled her pelvis tight to his. A large bulge greeted her, sending heat thrumming through her and causing a tremendous ache in her groin. James arched forward, pressing his impressive bulge against her backside.

Oh, God, she could hardly breathe. With all the heat rushing through her, she was surprised steam didn’t spout from her ears. She dragged her hands down Craig’s chest, loving the feel of hard sculpted muscles under her fingertips. He released her lips and she gasped for air. She stroked down his belly, then over his bulge, already bigger and harder than it had been moments ago. She unzipped and slid inside, anxious to feel him in her hand. She wrapped her fingers around his hot flesh and squeezed, then stroked him up and down.

One of James’ hands slid down her midriff, past her navel. She sucked in a breath as his fingers pushed under the waistband of her shorts and glided across the band of her panties. Then he slid underneath and down.

She squeezed Craig’s big cock as James’ hand glided over her curls, then along her very wet slit. She gasped as he pushed two fingers inside her. His other hand slid down to her hips and he drew her tight against him, the length of his erection settling between her buttocks. So hard and long.

She continued stroking Craig’s big cock as Craig nuzzled her neck, then found the hem of her tank top. His big hands glided underneath and found her breasts, then cupped them. James’ fingers swirled inside her. Craig lifted her top and gazed at her lace-clad breasts with admiration, then he tugged one cup underneath and he leaned forward to take her nipple in his mouth. Her fingers slipped from his hard shaft.

The sensations of his hot mouth on her sensitive nub and James’ fingers inside her wet opening, stroking her, overwhelmed her with pleasure. Then Craig sucked and James found her clit. She sucked in air and clung to Craig’s shoulder, then gasped as an orgasm washed over her. She fell back against James and moaned in pleasure.

As she floated back to earth, still collapsed against James, the guys chuckled. Craig kissed her.

“I think you missed us,” Craig said.

Still catching her breath, she gazed at him with wide eyes. “You bet I did.”

She pulled her tank top over her head and tossed it into the boat, then walked toward the shore. She kicked off her sandals, then shed her shorts as she strode toward the bushes leading into the woods, then moved to a large rock that was just the right height to sit on. Or lie on. She turned around and unfastened her bra, then dropped it to the ground. Both men watched hungrily as she tucked her thumbs under the band of her panties and pushed them down, then kicked them aside.

She stood before them totally naked, her nipples hard and distended. She stroked them, then cupped her hands under her breasts and lifted.

“See anything you like?” She felt wicked and totally wanton.

Both men surged forward and each took a nipple in his mouth. Sinking down on the cold rock, she reveled in the pleasure of their hot mouths sucking on her. Craig stroked down her stomach, then glided his fingertips over her wet slit. As she opened her legs wider, he slipped his fingers inside her.

She stroked her hand over James’ head, gliding her fingers through his dark brown waves, and he lifted his head and smiled, then kissed her lips. She reached for his belt buckle and tugged him forward, then pulled down his zipper and reached inside for his cock. She drew it out, then lovingly glided her fingers over it.

“Mmm.” She leaned forward and licked his bulbous cockhead, then swirled her tongue around the tip.

Craig knelt in front of her and licked her slit. She tossed her head back and murmured a soft sound of approval as she squeezed James’ shaft. She stroked Craig’s short sandy brown hair, then tugged a little until he raised his head.

“I want your cock,” she said.

He grinned and stood up. “I can’t argue with that.” He unzipped and drew out his enormous erection.

She grabbed it in her other hand and kissed it. Now she stared at two big cocks, one in each hand. She licked Craig, then James again. Wrapping her lips around James’ cockhead, she squeezed and sucked, then released him and captured Craig’s even bigger cockhead in her mouth. She licked the end with her tongue, then swirled around the top.

She released him, then pressed the two cocks together and licked them both. Base to tip, again and again, swirling her tongue back and forth as she dragged it upward. She eased them toward her and stared at the cockheads, squeezed together, then licked across the tips. She captured Craig in her mouth, then opened wider and squeezed James in, too.

Both cockheads in her mouth. She sucked and both men groaned. She wrapped a hand around each of them and stroked up and down. Sucking. Stroking. She cupped their balls, and caressed, then stroked their shafts again. She took them a little deeper, filling her mouth impossibly full, then sucked again. Harder.

Craig’s hand cupped her head. “Oh, yeah, doll. That’s great.”

She found their balls again and fondled them as her tongue swirled over their tips. Then she stroked behind their balls, and sucked long and hard.

James erupted first, then Craig right behind him. They filled her mouth with hot liquid.

She stroked them, then drew them free and smiled.

James grinned. “Is it time to go get the stuff from the boat?”

She tightened her hands around their cocks. “Not on your life.”

She stood up and grabbed Craig around the waist, then positioned him in front of the rock. She unfastened his belt and pushed his pants down. He kicked off his jeans, then his forest green boxers. She pressed her hand on his chest until he sat down, then she climbed on his lap, her calves tucked beside his thighs. As much as she wanted him to fuck her, his wilted cock wouldn’t do her any good right now, so she stroked her body against his, dragging her breasts up his solid sculpted chest. Her hard nipples pressed into him as she hugged him tight, locking her lips on his and thrusting her tongue inside his mouth. His tongue undulated against hers, then drove into her mouth, setting her senses on fire.

She felt his cock rise beneath her. She wrapped her hand around it and squeezed, then pressed the head of his semierect shaft against her dripping opening. She stroked it along her slit, back and forth. Soon his cock was as solid as a rock.

BOOK: Total Abandon
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