Total Erotic Recall Part I and II

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Authors: Marie Moody

Tags: #scifi shemale virtual reality erotica fiction

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Total Erotic Recall Part I
and II



Published by Marie


At Smashwords


Copyright 2012 – Marie





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Table of

Rebecca – Part I


Rebecca – Part

Subject 1: Rebecca - Part


My name is Rebecca, and ever since the
Virtual Reality Recall Gaming Corporation opened for business two
years ago, I’ve wanted to visit one of their facilities and
purchase an experience. I’d read the ongoing business reviews and
customer testimonials on how lifelike it was supposed to be, and
couldn’t help but wonder if all the reports were true.
Unfortunately, the new technology they used was on the cutting
edge, and as such, very expensive. The newspapers and magazines
advertised that the true-to-life encounters began at $500 per hour,
and as much as I was tempted to jump in and just try it for an
hour, I didn’t want to do it unless I could afford at least five

Realistically, I knew that I simply
didn’t have that sort of money to spend on spur of the moment
entertainment, so I put myself on a budget. I began to cut down my
random spending and put the savings aside each month. Then I began
to add a little extra to those savings by kicking in few extra
dollars each payday, knowing that if I stayed on track, I was going
to indulge myself completely.

Then, after almost a year had passed,
it was announced that the company was going to sponsor a customer
appreciation lottery and that three winners would be able to claim
a whole day in their Recall Department. I was surprised to see that
the lottery was open to everyone, current customers and potential
new ones alike, so I eagerly filled out the entry form and paid the
dollar registration fee that would secure my name in the

Since that drawing was several months
down the road, I lost track of time and forgot about my entry,
until I received the letter informing me that I was one of the
winners. I’ll never forget that moment. I had just come home after
another long day at work, and was going through the junk mail while
I waited for the kettle to boil. I saw the envelope, and recognized
the familiar logo and began to shake. When I tore open the envelope
and read what it said, I almost passed out. I’ll tell you, I was so
excited that day that I could barely contain myself.

I began to dance and scream aloud in
the kitchen. I’m not sure who was louder—me, or the whistle on the
billowing kettle. When I was finally able to calm down and read the
letter again, I saw that, on the appointed date, I was to arrive an
hour early, as they needed to instruct me on what to expect and how
to cope with all the amazing things that might happen.

On the big day, I slowly drove into the
empty parking lot as the sun rose above the tree line. I was so
early, that I was the first of the three winners to arrive. In
fact, I even managed to beat a few of the employees in that
morning. Sitting in the car, waiting for the doors to open, I
simply allowed myself to enjoy the moment. The car window was down,
and I slowly inhaled the cool morning air, enjoying the faint
breeze that flowed across my face. I’d waited so long for this
moment and suddenly it was here, and I didn’t want to miss a

When the doors finally opened, all
three winners were there, waiting, and we weren’t disappointed. We
were warmly welcomed, and photographs were taken to commemorate the
big event. After the staff introduced us to our individual guides,
they led each of us to our own experience. I was shown to my
personal room, where I felt a sense of déjà vu pass over me. I’d
seen so many pictures of the specially designed chairs and
equipment that it felt as if I’d been there before. The chair that
I would sit in was designed with comfortable cushions to support
the body. I was also familiar with the equipment that surrounded
it, and all the individual pieces that I would utilize. The only
thing that was slightly off was my perception of the size of the
room; I never expected it to be so large.

My counselor, a young woman by the name
of Lucy, explained that she’d been with the company for two years.
She smiled as she led me to the seat, watching the expressions that
ran over my face. She told me to make myself comfortable, and once
I did, she asked if I’d ever been to Recall before. I told her no,
but that I’d read everything about the company, what they offered
in their experiences, what they were like, what to expect. She
nodded in approval, and said that would help with the explanations
and directions she would give.

When I mentioned the erotic programs,
it prompted her to ask me what my innermost desires were, in an
effort to direct me through the available programs. When I
mentioned that I’d been bisexual for as long as I can remember, but
never acted upon it, she nodded her head in understanding. I went
on to tell her that just the thought of being able to choose that
experience in a safe environment, made this particular program
perfect for me.

She smiled in agreement, and then
started to go through the various scenarios they offered, giving
in-depth information on what I should expect. She then started
fine-tuning what I wanted my experience to include. When she
reached the she-male sex programs, I sat up and took notice. One
program, in particular, struck my fancy as she explained what it

That one is my particular
favorite. You have the best of both worlds with this program. You
can be a man, woman, or both at the same time. It’s one of the top
ten programs used here, but I have to tell you, it’s very intense,”
said Lucy.

I listened to her words very closely
and made the decision.

I think I’ll go with this
one, Lucy,” I replied.

Very well, if you care to
place your arms onto the armrests, we can proceed.”

I did as I was asked and two cushioned
metal clamps immediately secured my wrists. Then two of the same
sort of clamps secured my ankles, as the chair started to move back
and recline. I must have looked startled, because Lucy proceeded to
reassure me.

They’re for your
protection, Rebecca. When you’re immersed into the Recall Program,
you will want to move your body, which is only natural, but as your
brain will not be totally under your own control, it’s necessary to
secure your body in order to keep you safe. We want you to enjoy
the experience and possibly come back another day,” said Lucy with
a smile, as she sat down in a chair placed alongside me.

I watched as a large monitor moved in
from the side and settled in front of me. It activated to display a
list of options; the first was of course the choice of program.
Lucy sat forward, and began to go through the available list and
made the selection we’d discussed. Moving through the selection
process, a level of intensity was offered, and it gave two
choices—standard or extreme.

If I may make a
recommendation to you, I would choose extreme. Trust me, you won’t
regret it,” said Lucy.

What’s the difference?” I

When you choose the
standard option, everything that happens to you is something that
could happen to you in real life. However, when you choose the
extreme option, the things that happen would be virtually
impossible in real life.”

I weighed the possibilities in my mind,
and knowing that I was in a safe environment that would allow me to
enjoy everything to the fullest without being in any type of
danger; I decided to choose the extreme selection. I then looked at
the final option in the list. It was a waiver, which I had to

Before you indicate that
you accept this next option, Rebecca, I’m instructed to inform you
of all possible dangers associated with this program. Until this
point, no one has ever come away from the Recall Program with any
injuries. However, if certain people were to lie, by concealing the
fact that they suffer from epileptic seizures or other types of
brain dysfunctions, it could do harm. In effect, when you agree to
this option, you are telling us that you suffer no such ailment and
that it is safe for you to continue. I immediately said yes to the
option, as I didn’t suffer from any brain disorders. Lucy then
placed a pair of Recall goggles over my eyes and told me to

My only other question
Rebecca is where would you like to start? You have three options
here; you can start off from the Recall chair itself, in an office
at work or at home?”

I think I’d like to start
from home, which would be the most familiar,” I replied.

Good choice, the only
other thing to say is to relax and have a good time. Before I
switch it on and start you off, I must warn you that what you are
about to experience will feel very real. In fact, it will seem so
real at times that you might believe it’s actually happening. Try
to stay calm at all times, and you’ll come away from this with
nothing but great memories, okay?”

Okay, thanks Lucy, I’m
ready,” I replied.

I could hear the soft hum of the
headset being lowered. I knew that the ultrafine filament of wire
net with attached electrodes would make contact with the skin of my
scalp. It was the intimate part of the system that would access the
neuro pathways in my brain, and control everything that was about
to happen. It covered a small section of my head, and when it was
turned on, I felt a slight tingling sensation, first in my hands,
and then all over my body. I relaxed into the chair and waited for
something to happen. Moments passed, and without warning, I found
myself closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

My body gave a slight start, making me
open my eyes, and I found myself at home lying on my bed. Lifting
my head for a look around the room, I got up to find everything as
it should be.

I knew that I was still at Recall, but
it all seemed so real. The first thing I did was to put the program
to the test. I went to the fridge and poured myself a glass of
milk. When I swallowed it, it tasted just like the real thing. I
was amazed, and as I washed the glass in the sink, I heard the
doorbell ringing. I quickly answered it and found an attractive
young woman.

Hi, I’m Janet. I’ve just
moved in next door, and I thought I’d take this opportunity to
introduce myself,” she said.

Hello Janet, come in. I
was just about to make a coffee, would you care to join me?” I

She said yes, so I led the way to the
kitchen and switched the coffee maker on.

Where have you moved
from, if you don’t mind me asking?” I said.

Just across town, I work
close by so this place was ideal for me. Have you lived here

Just two years and I
quite like it here; it’s quiet for one thing, and we have security
guards in the building, so I feel safer than I would anywhere

That was the thing that
attracted me to these apartments, even though the rent seems a
little steep. I can’t complain though, because compared to where I
used to live, this is a palace.”

It was while I was pouring the coffees
that I caught her checking me out. She was looking me over from
head to toe.

Have you got a
boyfriend?” I said suddenly.

No, I lean the other
way,” she replied, matter-of-factly.

I immediately realized that she was
supposed to be my first experience. I knew that the Recall Program
went deep into your subconscious, to find out what you most
desired, and I have to say—if I were looking for a female partner,
Janet would certainly fit the bill.

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