Total LockDown (LockDown #2) (3 page)

BOOK: Total LockDown (LockDown #2)
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It has been
precisely two hours since I called Antonio. The clock in the kitchen, where I
am still seated from earlier, tells me that is has gone past ten o’clock at
night. He is now five hours late home, and I have taken a total of four
anti-anxiety tablets so far.

My vision is
blurring, I am shaking horrendously and I am so fucking tired I think I might
pass out sprawled against the counter top. I am trying my very hardest to keep
my eyes open, just in case he returns home any time soon, but I am failing miserably.
I just want sleep, I need to. The pills have completely taken it out of me, and
for the love of God, I know I should stop taking them. I know that they are
nothing but bad for me, filthy poison in my system, but every time my blood
pressure increases the slightest, or I can feel the palpitations within my
chest, those little yellow pills are there ready for me, they settle me and
make it possible to be a mother.

I know I wasn’t
in control anymore, they governed everything I did these days, but Leighton is
oblivious to how I am coping. How will I explain the reasons I have come to
rely so heavily on some compressed powder. What will I say ‘Hey, baby, I’m
addicted to my anxiety meds since I fucked your arch enemy’s brains out, and my
body kind of liked that I did.’ I know Leighton is an understanding,
compassionate man, but you don’t have to be a genius to see the nasty streak
within him, to know if he has even the slightest acknowledgment to what has
happened, this whole mess would escalate beyond any comparison.

I am sitting on
the stool breathing in and out heavily, but failing to control my breathing.
How, after taking four tablets, am I still this anxious and panicked I have no
idea, but I am.

I pick my phone
up, the one I have been staring at for the past two hours, from the counter and
twizzle it a few times in my hand. I contemplate calling Ant to find out the
progress on his search.

I unlock the
screen and call his number knowing I need some information to settle my nerves.

“Hi, Abigail, I
got hold of him, I know where he is and I’m on my way there now.” Oh, thank
God. I feel my stomach settle into its normal place and not my throat.

“Thank God, Oh
God Antonio, I’ve been so worried.” I begin to cry into the phone, my emotions
are rocketed and so bloody unsettled it is ridiculous.

“It’s okay,
Sweetheart, he’s safe. But I’m going to have him stay with me tonight okay,
I’ll explain tomorrow.”

“Ant, what the
hell has happened? Please tell me.” I beg him; I am so confused as to why
Leighton wouldn’t want to come home to me and his daughter.

“He’s okay,
Abbi, that’s all you need to know Darling. Just give me some time with him;
he’ll come home soon to explain everything.” God, if I had thought talking to
Ant would settle my stomach I was clearly mistaken. The thoughts now running
through my brain are more dangerous to my health than the pills.

I seriously need
to sleep this off, to lay my head down and let this all roll over.

“Okay, Ant,
thank you. Just keep him safe please, tell him I love him please, god so much,
and so does Melissa.”

“I will do
Darling, sleep well and don’t worry. And know that he loves you too, everyone
can see it.” I hang the phone up, wanting to throw it against the hard cement
of the kitchen wall.

“Fuuuuck!” I
pull at my hair as I stand from my stool. I grab the bottle of scotch from the
counter and make my way to the bedroom.

As I walk past
the lounge, I punch a hole through the plastered wall, the surrounds caving in
around my hand. My knuckles are cut and bleeding a little, but god I feel some
crazy kind of relief doing it.

I check on
Melissa once more before going into my room and collapsing on the bed, fully
clothed. I clutch the glass bottle and drink from it, savouring every drop as
if it were the last drops of water left on this earth.

I fall asleep at
around one in the morning, after bottle-feeding Melissa. I wasn’t going to
continue breast-feeding anymore, I was too intoxicated with the pills and now

I flick through
every imaginable thing that could cause this to have happened, for Leighton to
disappear and not want to come home. I fight the tears all night long, but as
my fatigue catches up with me I let them flow, too tired to be strong anymore.
I just want him, my Leighton, at home with me.



Ant is on his
way, thank God. We need to sort out the lump of shit lying on his office floor
ASAP. I don’t need nor want someone walking in on it.

I am seated
inside my Bentley, all kinds of emotions searing through me, emotions I really
don’t know how to deal with, or want to deal with. No matter how much I hate
Abigail this precise second, I love her all the same. I love her with such
rawness and passion that my heart literally burns for her. I want to see her so
badly it stings.

I can still feel
Kalina’s mouth on me, and I feel pissed off that I feel guilty about what has
just happened. I shouldn’t be, but I am. I just wish I’d never looked at that
footage in the first place, I wish it was still some nasty old secret she kept
from me, at least that way I might get through the next hours, days, weeks and
months of my life without this empty, hollow feeling inside of me. I was no
longer a man, just an empty shell, longing and pleading for my soul to return
and for my Abigail still to be the beautiful woman I am in love with.

I feel so angry with
her for betraying me this way. It is one thing for me to let her fuck my best
friend. With me there to keep an eye on the whole thing, hell even the idea of
watching her with Ant has me hard enough to bang nails, but it is an entirely
different thing to go behind my back and screw the one man I have been hunting
for the last year.

I am sick and
tired of feeling this way. One minute I want to forgive her, to go home and
hold her and cuddle my beautiful girl, next minute I never want to see her
again, wishing I’d left her where I found her.

I punch
repeatedly at my steering wheel, trying to grasp some semblance of relief to
the internal struggle I am battling with right now. I need Ant here, and soon.
I had told him where I was, but not what had happened, that will come later. He
doesn’t need to know why I had shot and killed the prick, he would be here all
the same to clear up my mess and make sure no trace is left behind.

I lay my head on
my clench fists upon the wheel, trying not to let the tears fall. I want to
pretend I’m not affected by her betrayal, that I can carry on and hold the
weight of the world on my shoulders still, but it is too god damn hard to, all
I want to do is drown my sorrows in a bottle of whiskey and cry my fucking eyes

The car park
glows behind me and I see two headlights coming towards my car through the
rear-view mirror. I take a few shaky breaths to try to get some sense of
control. Within a few seconds of the huge range rover parking next to me, my
door is opened and my best friend is in my view.

“Mate, what the
hell has happened?” Antonio’s warm voice filters through me, bringing a peace from
within me I know he can always pull to the surface.

“I already told
you, I killed the cunt, finally.” I shrug my shoulders, not even bothered that
Phillip is out of the picture.

“I know that,
Leigh, you’ve already told me that. I mean why would you go in without backup,
without me?” Ant is now out of his wheelchair, walking again. His muscular
frame is nearly back to its gargantuan size. I am grateful I have him back to
be honest. Sure, the other guys are there for me, they would do anything for
me, but Ant is my muscle for a reason.

“My fucked up
life, Ant, that’s what. I’ll explain soon, just help me get rid of him and then
I need a drink or ten.” I climb from my car, slamming the driver’s door behind
me and walking with my best friend through the building once more.

My adrenaline
drop makes it near impossible for me to enjoy the copper tang in the air, the
smell of that bastard’s departure from this world, but I do enjoy it. Somewhere
deep inside of my head, I acknowledge this is a victory; this right here is
what I have been waiting for.

I now have to
fight with myself whether or not I am capable of forgiving the one woman I have
ever loved.




It takes us less
than an hour to clean up the scene and have the body wrapped and ready in the
car. We have gotten rid of every trace of blood; there isn’t a drop to be
found, even by black light.

Kalina has been
very helpful, tiding the office areas. Making it look as though Phillip has
just gone home for the evening. She locks the doors on the way out behind us
and drives home.

I am now sitting
in the local pub, Antonio by my side and a row of empty tumblers, which had
once contained scotch, lay In front of me. My body is feeling the effects
badly, I am dizzy, feeling sick and fucking shattered.

“So, she
actually slept with him, like really?” Ant asks me in response to me telling
him what Abbi had done.

“Yes, Really,
Ant, I saw them on CCTV doing it, it was pretty clear. I just don’t know what
to fucking do.” I down the last of the liquor in my current glass and vow to
stop drinking now.

“I can’t tell
you that one mate, but knowing Abbi, there has to be a reason behind all of
this, there is no way she would risk what you two have for a quick fuck with
someone, who isn’t as good as you.” Of course, Ant would know how good I am,
he’s had my dick in his arse more than once.

“I just can’t
even think about looking at her right now, I feel so violent about the whole
thing. I don’t want to hurt her mate. I just need some time to think that’s
all.” I toy with the tumbler in my grasp, rolling it around my hands.

“I know you’d
never hurt her, Leigh, and I think you know that too. You love her too much. I
think you need to go home and talk to her. Find out what the hell is going on
here.” All I really wanted was my little girl, the spitting image of me,
cuddled tightly in my arms as she slept. It would remind me that there is still
some beauty and innocence in this world.

“Yeah, I know I
do. I just need a few more minutes to collect myself.” I can do it I know I
can. All I have to do is go home and ask her out right why she fucked him. It
is an easy question, but with an answer, I could possibly regret.

“Come on,
Leighton, fight for this. That girl is fucking scared to death at home waiting
for you. She loves you man, I know she does. Let me drive you home.” Antonio
had me drop my car at his on the way.

“Okay, let’s go.”
I down the water that has been set on the table for me. I stand and shove my
jacket onto my body. “Let me just use the bathroom quickly.”

I walk the quick
corridor to the men’s room, praying it is empty. I am in luck as I push open
the door and walk in. I’m not in here to take a leak; no, I need help from my
trusty friend Charlie. He has never once let me down, always calms my sky
rocketed nerves.

Abbi has her
tranquilizers, I have my coke.

I enter the only
cubicle, lowering the toilet seat. I line up two lines on the lid, parallel to
one another. God they look so good right now. This is good shit, the expensive
stuff. None of the crap teenagers think is cocaine; this is the real pure

I roll a twenty-pound
note up and snort the lines in quick successions, feeling the effects almost
immediately in my system. I wallow in the feeling, god how I rely on those two
perfect lines every day after I do my job, before I come home to my

I swipe the last
few speckles of dust and rub it into my gums, smiling as the numb feeling takes
over me.

I leave the
bathroom feeling a sense of ease and contentment. I’m ready to face the world,
but more importantly, Abbi.




Antonio has woken
me up, ten minutes ago, to say he is on his way here with Leighton. It is gone
three in the morning and I am so bloody tired I don’t know how to cope.

I tie my silk
gown around myself, check on my snoozing daughter and then go downstairs to put
the kettle on. I am in desperate need of a cup of tea to face whatever the hell
has gone on.

I have only one
idea of what would make Leighton behave this way and that is he knows about
what happened between Phillip and me. How he does, I have no clue, knowing
Phillip he probably told Leighton himself, being the fucking slimy arsehole he
is. If this is what is wrong with my Fiancé, I don’t know how I am going to get
myself out of this problem.

I’m seated at
the kitchen counter with a mug of tea in my hands, when Leighton walks in with
Ant. He ignores me completely, walking to the fridge to grab a bottle of water
to drink. He downs the contents then finally looks at me, his eyes bloodshot
and red “I’m going to see
daughter.” He states with no emotion what
so ever, then turns and leaves the room. I can feel the tension already, my
eyes are fighting their hardest not to spill over and cry.

I know he knows,
It is clear in the disgust ridden gaze of his eyes, the pain evident and
ripping him apart.

I feel Antonio’s
arms around me in an instant. He comforts me, holding me tightly to him.

“He knows,
Sweetheart. He knows. Just tell him the truth; I’m sure it will all be okay.
Just ring me if you need me, yeah?” I nod into his hold, thankful for all the
support he has ever given me. Even after knowing I’d fucked the man that nearly
killed him, he is still there for me, wiping away my guilty tears.

“Oh God, Ant,
I’ve hurt him so bad. I don’t want to look at him and see the hate he holds for
me, on his face.” I snuffle as a few tears let loose down my cheeks.

“You have to
talk to him, Darling; Leighton is a very forgiving and understanding man. You
two are strong; I know you’ll be okay. If you need anything you call me or
Debbie and I’ll come to you, okay?” he turns me to face him, wiping the few
tears away and kissing my forehead. “I’ll speak to you soon, Abigail, just stay
strong. Goodnight, Sweetheart.”

Ant turns and
leaves the kitchen, a few minutes later I hear the main door closing.

I sit on the
stool in the kitchen, twiddling nervously with my thumbs, my anxiety once again
building. I desperately want to reach into the cupboard and pop a few of my
pills, but I fight the urge, needing a clear head and mind to get through the
impending argument we are bound to have very soon.

After twenty
minutes of sitting in silence, I hear his approaching footsteps on the marble

Leighton once
again ignores me, faffing around, making himself a coffee and cooking himself
some toast. A good ten minutes pass before I build up the nerve to talk to him.

“Leighton, Baby,
please stop ignoring me.” I see him flinch in front of me, his entire body
stiffening at my endearing words.

He empties his
cup in the sink and drops it in there. He turns predatorily slow around, his
face now in view. The anger is clear on his tanned skin; the tiny hairs across
the entire surface of my body are at attention. What is going to happen I have
no idea?

He looks from my
head to my feet, and then back up again, then he scoffs. He looks at me as
though I am a piece of shit on his shoe. Oh god, I have never felt as dirty as
I do this second.

“Baby? Baby? Are
you serious right now, Abigail?” he strides towards me, his jaw clenched
tightly, his fists by his side. Standing in front of me, he clasps my jaw
firmly in his hand, squeezing slightly, causing a slight rush of pain to
penetrate through me. His eyes are wide and red, his pupils dilated. For the
first time since knowing him, I am slightly scared.

“I am not YOUR
baby, Abigail. You gave up any right to me, when you laid yourself out to be
fucked like a whore.” He looks down my body again in revulsion, and then pushes
my jaw to the side, letting go of it.

please, let me explain.” I am beginning to cry, my jaw is now aching. I run my
hands along it to sooth the sting.

He turns quickly
again, coming at me. He cages me into the tiled wall of the kitchen, his face
mere centimetres from my own. I can feel his breath on my cheeks, his evil eyes
sneering at me. I try my hardest to weasel my way out from under his
entrapment, but it is impossible. His towering frame makes no leeway for an

His mouth
descends onto mine greedily and harshly. His lips collide with mine with such
force and ferocity I feel my teeth slice through the inside of my lip. The
tangy taste of blood fills my mouth and coats my tongue. I try to force him off
me but I’m not having any luck, his strength outweighs mine a hundred to one.

His tongue
forces its way into the open entrance between my desperate parted lips. I am
scared, but due to the intoxicating scent and warmth oozing from him, the place
between my thighs is dripping, not in the slightest bit bother about my fear.
My arousal takes over as my fingers find their way into his hair, gripping on
tightly as he swallows me whole.

His body pushes
against mine, pinning me to the wall. He lifts his hips into mine and raises me
off the floor slightly. His thighs push my own apart violently. Those strong
fingers untie the belt to my gown, pulling it open to my naked wantonness. My
nipples are erect and begging for his caress. “God, you have such fantastic
tits.” His hands smother each of my breasts, covering them entirely. He begins
to knead and squeeze at the sensitive tissue, causing delicious throbs to soar
through me.

His lips find
their way into the crook of my neck, his tongue and teeth nibbling and suckling
the skin. I can feel the love bite forming, but I don’t care. This man owns me,
everything I am, everything I will ever be, is his. I want to bear his mark for
the rest of my life if it will take away the hurt I have caused.

“God, Leighton,
Baby.” I can feel his rock hard erection pressing against my naked pussy, the
ridges stroking against my clit. I reach between my legs, trying to get a hold
of his cock to give him some sort of pleasure as he continues his onslaught
hissing my neck and touching my breasts.

“No, you do not
get to touch me, Abigail.” His hands leave my tits, clasping a wrist in each.
Both of my arms are pinned above my head in seconds. His grip is near painful
as he squeezes firmly to hold them in place. “You do as you’re told, you stay
still. I do not want to hear a word from those lips, do you understand?” his
dominant, controlling side, I have seen a few precious times before, makes an
appearance. If he thinks he is scaring me, he is sorely mistaken. This man,
restraining me right now, makes me hotter than I have ever been before, makes
my pussy throb painfully. I am close to coming just from hearing his rough
clipped British tone.

I nod my head,
wanting to behave for him, so he will be kind to me and grant me some kind of relief.
He removes one hand from my wrist and allows both to be secured by one gigantic
hand. The pressure placed upon my artery sends hot pleasure into my womb,
penetrating my very being.

His removed hand
finds its way down between my bare shaven folds, his fingers flicking ever so
gently across my swollen clit. I want to moan and grab hold of his hair, but I
know better than to disobey his orders.

A single finger
penetrates my soaking core. “You have such a delicious tight little pussy. I
want nothing more than to bury myself in it all day long.” His voice is sending
shivers down my spine causing my cunt to clench and spasm around him.

He removes his
hand from my wrists and begins to make his way down my body. “Do not move, do
not touch me and do not speak.” He looks at me in utter seriousness as his lips
connect to every inch of my skin, trailing down my body.

Please, Oh God,
let this mean it’s all in the past, please just fucking make me cum.

BOOK: Total LockDown (LockDown #2)
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