Read Touch Me Online

Authors: Callie Croix

Touch Me (7 page)

BOOK: Touch Me
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“So pretty, all helpless and opened up for me. I can do anything I want to you in this position, and all you can do is take it.”

She shuddered, so turned on she could barely breathe. If he didn’t do something to take the edge off soon, she’d scream. “Alex—”

“I’m going to make you beg for it.”

Oh God.

She felt his slow smile form against her shoulder. “I bet you’ll beg so sweetly,

Tia bit her lip and waited, dying for him to take her, make her come. But she wasn’t about to let him win that easily.

Alex sat up on his knees and resumed stroking his hands over her body. He started at her shoulders and moved down her spine to her hips, her thighs. Back up the tender insides, his hands slow and reverent. She quivered, closed her eyes as she felt the lips of her sex part for him. She was so wet already. From his position he had to see it, smell it.

Warm lips touched the base of her spine. She gasped and arched her back, trembled as his hands kneaded her buttocks, the backs of her thighs. One hand moved between her legs to cup her belly, his forearm barely brushing against her soaked mound. But when she tried to press against it for some relief, he nipped her buttock and moved his arm so she couldn’t reach it. She whimpered in disappointment.

“So soft,” he whispered against her skin, lips and tongue tracing a torturous path up and over one buttock, across her sacrum to the other side. A delicious shiver ran through her. His kisses moved inward over her sensitized flesh, ever closer to her throbbing pussy. His warm breath washed over her skin, raising goose bumps in its wake. Those powerful hands held her hips steady, forcing her to stay still when she would have pressed backward in a silent plea.

Head down, cheek pressed against the chaise, she closed her eyes and surrendered to the sensations coursing through her, allowing him to do whatever he wanted. Trusting that he would make it good for her.

“I like seeing you tied down,” he said, tongue stroking so close to her open folds that she couldn’t hold back a whine. “I love making you need me. I’ve wanted you for so long, Tia. Fantasized about having you like this.”

Before she could respond, he angled his head and kissed between her legs. She jerked slightly, but his grip held her fast. The hot stroke of his tongue over her pussy made her groan and clench her fingers around the belt holding her captive. Alex made a sound of enjoyment and pressed harder between her open thighs, his hands urging her back toward him slightly. Tia gasped and raised her hips further for him, shaking when he began to lave at her slick flesh. His tongue pressed into her core briefly before flickering up over her hard, swollen clit. Pushing her toward the violent orgasm building inside her. She squirmed against his mouth, loving what he was doing but aching for more.

Her hands twisted against the belt, but she got nowhere. Frustrated, helpless, she gave in to the pressure of his grip holding her in place and simply enjoyed what he was doing. “Oh, Alex.”

“Mmmm. So sweet, baby. Melting on my tongue.” He licked at her in slow, steady strokes that destroyed her control.

God, she
melting. Her bones felt liquid. The muscles in her belly and thighs pulled tight, her pussy desperate for his fingers, his cock.

As if he’d read her thoughts, Alex slid two fingers in her, began to work her, massaging her swollen tissues as her inner muscles clamped around him. She groaned and squeezed around the intrusion, trying to rock against his talented tongue. A little more, that was all she needed to come. Pleasure bloomed hotter, brighter, but just when she got close he pulled away, withdrew his fingers. The breath hissed between her teeth.

“Not yet.” His voice anchored her as surely as his grip. “I want to feel you come around my cock.”

A frustrated whimper escaped, but she held the words back. She would not beg. Not yet. It was too good.

She heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper as he ripped it open, stilled in anticipation. A big hand stroked over her buttocks, down the crease between them to lightly graze her tight rosette. She stiffened, but relaxed when he moved down to cup her quivering mound.

“Need me yet?” He played with her clit, caressed it tenderly with his fingers, pressing the head of his cock against her. She bit back a moan. “I’m going to fuck you nice and slow,” he taunted. “So slowly you’ll scream for more.” Those knowing fingers rubbed over her clit with exactly the right pressure, the right speed to make her mindless. Unable to stop herself, she whimpered and shoved back against him, trying to push him inside her.

Alex made a rumbling sound and pressed his cock inside her an inch or two. Gasping, she rocked back, desperate to ease the hidden ache there. She needed him harder, deeper. To rub over that hot glow inside and send her flying. He held her still with the hand on her hip and made her wait before sliding deep with a slow, steady thrust.

“Oh God.” Her spine arched taut, the delicious stretching and friction against the hot spot inside combining with his touch against her clit. Too much. The hunger had her now, her body greedy and desperate to find relief. She struggled against the belt, twisted in his hold, loving the feel of his cock inside her. More. She needed more.

Alex growled deep in his chest and began a gentle, surging rhythm. Torturing her with the promise of ecstasy, the orgasm hovering just beyond her reach. “So good, Tia,” he rasped, the hoarseness in his voice telling her how much his control cost him. “So damn good.”

Shaking, she fought to move into his strokes, trying to widen her thighs to press her clit more firmly against his caressing fingers. A glaze of perspiration covered her skin, the heat inside her too much to contain. The heady scent of her own arousal reached her, musky and sweet. His grip on her hip finally eased, and she shoved back on his cock with a feral cry. She felt his fingers probing at the entrance of her pussy and draw her juices back, up to her tender anus.

She tensed, started to shake her head, but the forbidden touch added a whole new barrage of sensations. The slick fingertips drew over her tight entrance slowly, in time with his thrusts and his touch between her legs. A wave of embarrassment washed over her, but what he was doing felt incredible. Trembling, she lifted into his touch. Needing more.

“This?” he asked, caressing more firmly.

She nodded, unable to voice the need aloud.

Her clit was on fire, her pussy clenching in frustration around his cock. He pressed his thumb harder against her tender back opening, gently easing past the tight ring of muscle. The slow stretching, the tiny burn it brought and the knowledge of what he was doing, almost flung her over the edge. She cried out, mindless with the need to come.

“Yeah. So close, baby. God, you’re beautiful.”

She felt full, so full as he tenderly stroked in and out of her body with his thumb and cock. Her muscles shook, sensation tearing through her. But he wouldn’t give her that hard rhythm that would send her over the edge. “

“Please what?”

She made a strangled sound of frustration.

“Beg me then, sweetheart,” he groaned. “Beg me to make you come.”

She needed this. Had never needed anything so badly. “Please let me come,” she blurted.

Alex nuzzled her nape. “Yeah. Give it to me. All of you. I want
of you.” His hips increased their speed as he plunged into her tender depths, his thumb gently working in and out of her tight entrance while his other hand stroked slow and sweet over her clit.

The orgasm flashed through her in a burst of hot, white light. A high-pitched wail ripped out of her. She dimly heard her own scream as she shattered, her body bearing down on him in hard, rhythmic pulses. Behind her, Alex drove deep and roared as his cock swelled even more and kicked hard inside her.

Tia collapsed forward, her legs too weak to hold her up on her knees. Alex followed her down, his panting breaths brushing across her neck. He blanketed her with his warm weight. She groaned, stretching luxuriously beneath him. After a moment he gently withdrew from her body, despite her weak protest. Before she could bring herself to move, he reached down and freed her hands then lifted her into his lap.

His arms closed around her possessively as she huddled against his chest. Eyes closed, she let the tremors roll through her, little aftershocks that made her shudder. He stroked her hair, kissed away the tears she realized were on her cheeks.

Sighing in exhaustion, she opened her eyes and titled her head back to look at him. His tender smile filled all the empty places inside her with warmth. She smiled back.

“You okay?”

“Yes.” Her voice was rough. She felt tired and well-used, but content. Cherished. This chaise might well become her favorite piece of furniture.

He smoothed a hand over her hair, down her back. “Promise me you won’t run out on me ever again.”

The quiet desperation in his voice pulled at her. “I won’t.” But where did they go from here? “So…what now? I don’t know what you want.”

He sighed in exasperation. “I want
. To be with you. Wake up beside you every morning, make love to you every chance I get. Make you laugh, make you blush, make you come like crazy until you can’t stand to be without me for even one day.”

Her mouth fell open. “I didn’t know you felt that way about me.”

Alex shook his head and hugged her tight, pressing her face into his good shoulder. “Christ, woman, I

Her heart clenched. “You love me?”

He nodded. “I think I have for a long time. What the hell more do I have to do to prove it to you?”

Damn, she was going to cry. “You love me.”

He grinned. “Yeah. And I want you to get a refund on your rent and move back in to my place today.”

A wobbly smile spread across her lips. He meant it. “I love you too.”

Alex smiled and took her face between his hands as he kissed her. “Good. Then move back in with me. I don’t care what your shithead ex says or does. You’re mine now. We’ll work everything out as we go, but I want to know you’ll be waiting for me when I come back from overseas.”

“Okay.” She’d be there when he got back. As long as she knew he was coming home to her, she’d wait as long as it took. Threading her hands into his hair, she sealed the promise with a kiss and filled it with all the love in her heart.

After a moment, he pulled back. “One thing, though.”

She frowned. “What?”

His eyes danced with mischief. “Who’s going to be the one to tell your brother about us?”

“Guess I will, you big chicken,” she said with a laugh. But there was something even more important she had to take care of first. Something she should have done a long time ago.


Alex parked at the curb in front of her old two-story country-style house the next morning after breakfast. The sight of it didn’t hurt Tia as much as it used to. Now she felt only a sense of nostalgia as she studied the wraparound veranda and the flower beds she’d added. She’d loved this house. Had put her heart and soul into making it a dream home for her and David.

In the end, she’d gladly let him keep it to expedite the divorce process.

Shutting off the engine, Alex turned in his seat to look at her, one hand gripping the steering wheel. The hard set of his jaw told her he still wasn’t happy about her decision to come here. “Sure you want to do this?”

“I’m sure.” She
to, for herself as much as for them. It would give her the sense of closure she’d been missing since leaving David. And it was past time she took control of the situation and made a clean start.

Alex frowned, not looking the least bit reassured. “I’ll be right here if you change your mind. But if he does anything—”

“He won’t.” David might be unpredictable at times, but he wasn’t stupid. He wouldn’t do anything in front of a witness that could incriminate him. A point in her favor.

Focusing on what mattered most to her, Tia let her gaze roam over Alex’s face.


Shadowed with black stubble and made of strong, uncompromising lines, he was beautiful to her. Heroic. Knowing he’d be watching over her gave her an added measure of courage. But she had to do this on her own.

She leaned over and kissed him softly. “Be right back.”

Sliding out of the vehicle, she started up the winding brick pathway that led to the front porch steps. Drawing a deep breath, she rang the doorbell.

Moments later David pulled the door open, tall and handsome, light brown hair falling over his forehead to cover the surgical scar near his hairline. Surprise flashed in his eyes, as though she was the last person he’d ever expected to find standing there. “Hey.”

“Hi.” The dread she normally felt whenever she was forced to see him didn’t come this time. With her freedom within reach, she just wanted this over with. “I had to stop by to tell you something in person.”

When his blue gaze moved past her and settled on Alex waiting in the car, David’s expression immediately turned wary. He crossed his arms over his chest, raised an insolent brow at her. “Tell me what? That you’re shacking up with him?”

“Alex and I are living together, yes. But that’s not what I came to say.”

“Fine. What?”

“I’ve filed a restraining order against you.”

David’s eyes flared a moment, a dull red flush staining his cheeks. “Whatever,” he scoffed.

“The courts will serve you with it in the next day or two. Once they do, if you so much as call me again, you’ll wind up in jail.” Scowling, he opened his mouth to argue, but she kept going. “I meant what I said about talking only through our lawyers until the divorce is finalized. I’m never speaking to you again. We’re done. I wish you well, but we’re done.” Her hands shook slightly at her sides. “Goodbye, David.”

He stared at her for a second, shock clear in his expression. An instant later he threw her a look of utter loathing and slammed the door in her face. She hadn’t expected him to be friendly, but she’d hoped he could at least be civil. Not that it mattered now. It was finally over.

BOOK: Touch Me
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