Read Touch of Love Online

Authors: Ellen Wolf

Touch of Love (5 page)

BOOK: Touch of Love
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‘What do you mean, you’re leaving?’ Elly’s mom followed her around as she collected her clothes. ‘Where are you going? And who with?’

She t
hanked God that her place was too small to keep all her things, so she’d kept some of them at her parents’ house. Ever since she’d shared the limited closet space in the apartment with Brad, she stored some of her less useful outfits in her old walk-in closet. She always thought she would have more space in the new place they were planning to buy. Well, she wouldn’t have any more space-related problems in the near future.

She eyed a bunch of dresses hanging at the back of the
closet—fancy stuff she usually avoided. She had needed to dress up a few times. Her sister’s wedding and her parents’ vow-renewal ceremony had called for something more festive than a blouse and a skirt.

‘A friend
.’ She hoped her clipped tone would stop her mom from any further cross-examination. The less she told her, the better.
Keep it short and sweet,
she thought as she added another dress to the small suitcase she planned on taking to Jake’s family home.

The black silky one with capped sleeves and
a bias-cut skirt was perfect for the evening. Who knew, maybe she would get the chance to wear the forest-green one during the day. Somehow, she couldn’t imagine Jake’s family in jeans and T-shirts.

‘What friend?’
Her mom watched her doubtfully, her eyes narrowed to slits. ‘You haven’t told me about any friends who spend weekends in the country?’

There are plenty of things I don’t tell you, Mom.’ She sighed and zipped up the bag. She was ready to go, and a glance at the clock confirmed she would have to endure her mother’s interrogation for another fifteen minutes because Jake wasn’t coming to pick her up until seven.

‘Does Brad know them
, as well?’ her mom probed, her melancholy eyes brushing Elly’s ring finger.

‘I don’t think so,
Mom.’ She’d had enough of those awkward attempts to make Brad relevant. ‘It doesn’t matter, though. We’re done, and that’s it.’ She walked over to the window and peeked out at the street.
Please, please come early,
she prayed silently,
before I lose it totally and tell my mom what I think.

As if charmed by her pleas, a silver convertible BMW turned the corner, slowing down and pulling to the curb just in front of her family’s driveway.

‘Okay, Mom, my ride is here.’ Elly turned to her mother and was surprised to see that her father joined her. Both their faces were painfully uncomfortable.

Her dad cleared his throat.
‘You don’t need to run off with some man just to make a point, you know. Rebound things aren’t very safe, to say the least.’

God’s sake, it’s not a rebound, Dad!’ she hissed, on the verge of tears.
Do they ever get me at all?
‘Plus, you can tell Brad all about it when he comes over for dinner,’ she couldn’t help but add, enjoying their surprise. She loved her parents just as much as any other daughter did, but they drove her nuts once in a while.

When t
he doorbell rang, she practically ran downstairs, leaving them behind. She wished she could just slip out without Jake as much as setting foot inside their house, but that wasn’t really an option. Even though she had been an adult living on her own for the last five years, in her parents’ house, their basic rules of politeness required inviting him in for a proper introduction. She would make it brief, though.

At least that was the plan,
she thought as soon as she could breathe again. Because the man who stood at the door made her brain go all fuzzy. Tall and elegant in his blue shirt, dark pants, and grey jacket, Jake was grinning at her with such charm that she was surprised she didn’t melt into a puddle of pure admiration then and there.

‘Hi there
.’ Even his voice sounded incredibly sexy. She felt her parents come closer, probably looking anything but inviting.
How did I manage to get myself into this scenario? I feel like I’m back in high school, being asked out by a boy.

‘You must be
Elly’s parents.’ Jake didn’t seem to have a problem with the frosty reception. Smiling warmly, he chatted with her parents for a few excruciating moments before she realized that they weren’t half as cold and unapproachable as she had expected them to be. Actually, her mom was laughing at something Jake had said, which was a first. As she listened to his explanation about the whirlwind weekend, the reality of what she had just signed on for finally hit home. That night was just a simple barbecue and a cocktail evening for the family and close friends, a warm-up for the next day, really. The real party started around noon. The official part with the charity auction and speeches would be followed by dinner and dancing. Whether or not she was ready for facing a whole bunch of strangers, there was no turning back.

Ready to go?’ She realized he was speaking to her, his blue eyes warm. She nodded, and he picked up her bag and carried it to the car. She could only follow, making her goodbyes with her parents short and easy. They liked Jake, she thought, still puzzled as she slid into the car and let her head rest against the leather headrest. Given their loyalty to Brad, their approval of Jake was huge.

So we survived?’ He laughed softly while buckling up, then started the car. ‘I’m just so glad you changed your mind, Elly.’

‘I am just surprised you didn’t have a whole bunch of girls lined up for the job
.’ She couldn’t help herself. The reality of it all finally was settling in—instead of going to the florist to discuss her wedding arrangements, she was speeding away with a handsome but very unfamiliar man. It didn’t really matter that he had been her friend years ago. They had become adults, with different experiences and expectations for their new, fragile relationship.

‘I didn’t advertise
.’ He was smiling again, scanning her face with cautious eyes. ‘I am sorry about your day,’ he said quietly, and she knew he really meant it. ‘Are you okay?’

‘I will be
.’ She nodded jerkily, angry about the moisture gathering behind her eyelids. She would not fall apart in his car and start sobbing just because he was the first person who asked this question as if he really meant it. ‘I just didn’t expect this to happen,’ she mumbled, wiping away the stubborn tears that managed to escape down her cheeks. ‘You think you know someone and trust them, only to be totally let down. I was going to marry Brad in less than a month. Now I feel as if my whole life was nothing but a charade. Lies on top of more lies. Who knows how many other girls he had on the side? To think of it, he’s had an awful lot of business trips lately…’

You’re probably right.’

t least Jake isn’t trying to bullshit me.
She was grateful for his honesty. ‘Are you sure it’s okay for me to come with you?’ she asked hesitantly, eager to change the topic. ‘What will your family say when you bring a total stranger?’

First of all, they will be happy I didn’t come alone. I told you so before, but I will repeat it again.’ He drove safely but quickly, his long fingers resting on the wheel. Still, the car didn’t steer an inch from the middle of the lane. ‘They will be grateful for taking some of the pressure off AJ. I mean, at least some of the reporters will want to check us out and give him a break. And after this dramatic wedding fiasco, he should be grateful, too.’

Maybe we should start the dumped-before-the-wedding club?’ She smiled darkly. ‘Seems to me like your stepbrother and I could have a lot in common.’

ll, he still pulled the shorter stick, if you ask me.’ Jake shook his head. The setting sunlight picked up reddish hues in his thick brown hair. ‘He got dumped in front of all of his family and friends. It was pretty awful, Elly. I honestly don’t think he will want to repeat the move anytime soon.’

Neither will I.’ She shrugged, trying to imagine what it must have felt like for this unknown guy.
Probably very embarrassing
. Plus if he really loved his fiancée, his heart must have been broken beyond repair.

‘You are not a total stranger
, anyway.’ His words distracted her from her depressing thoughts, and she looked up to see him smile. ‘We’ve got history together, Elly. You were my favorite girl in the drama club. You know that.’

She had an uneasy feeling that he w
as leaving something out of their conversation—something rather important. If she tried hard enough, she might figure it out. But she didn’t really have the time, at least not then.

Well, I am grateful for the invite.’ She decided to let it go. Other, more urgent things were on her mind. ‘You saved me from a weekend of misery, Jake.’

‘My pleasure
.’ He grinned, and dimples appeared in his cheeks, adding to his boyish charm. ‘You will see, it can be fun. Plus, the food will be great. I can assure you of that.’

She doubted she
would be hungry. Her stomach was still tied in painful knots. Her thoughts went to Brad. For the hundredth time in the last few hours, she questioned what he was doing. Was he thinking of her, or just enjoying his newfound freedom? Or maybe he was moving his stuff from her place? Brad had always been very practical, so she wouldn’t be surprised if he took care of business first.

‘Don’t do that.’

Surprised, she looked down at her hands, folded neatly in her lap. Jake’s hand, warm and large, covered them for a second, squeezing her cold fingers, then returning to the wheel before she had a chance to react.

‘Don’t think about your fiancé, sweetheart. At least not now.’

They arrived at his family home after another twenty minutes filled mostly with his stories about LA. She found herself actually laughing at some of the descriptions of the people he worked with.

Call it the magic of Jake,
she decided, amazed by his ability to make her feel better. By the time they walked up to the door, smiling didn’t seem like such a chore. She looked around, impressed with the large Tudor mansion. Did Jake actually have a key, or would a butler be letting them in? She didn’t need to wait long for an answer.

he door flew open, a girl of about sixteen appearing on the doorstep.

Jake, finally.’ She smiled at him brightly, her eyes going to Elly with a puzzled expression that lasted less than a second. Acting must have been in the family’s blood, because she got over her surprise with lightning speed. She gave Elly a friendly smile, her silver braces reflecting the sunlight. Her short carrot-red hair and generous dusting of freckles went well with the olive-green T-shirt and camouflage pants she was wearing. She was barefoot, and her toenails were painted an ominous black.

‘Hi, I am Stephanie
.’ She offered Elly a slim hand with fingers tipped with dark nails. ‘Jake’s cousin.’

She led them in, her cheerful chatter making answering
unnecessary. As they followed her upstairs, the long winding corridor reminded Elly of a gallery with pictures and photographs covering most of the simple white walls.

‘I can take it from here,
cuz.’ Jake grinned as Stephanie hesitated at the door to Elly’s bedroom. ‘You’re an excellent guide, though. Ten points for enthusiasm.’

He pushed down the handle
and opened the door. It was a definite upgrade from her bedroom at her parents’ place. Jake brought in her suitcase and turned around to smile at Stephanie once again.

‘All right
, Steph. Why don’t you want to go back to the guests? The truth, and nothing but the truth, please.’

‘Aunt Laura is here.’

Jake grimaced. Whoever Laura was, he wasn’t looking forward to seeing her.

‘She loves giving
lectures.’ Stephanie sighed, her green eyes somber. ‘Especially when it concerns other people’s lives. She’s been on AJ’s case since the moment she walked through the door, Jake. I thought your mom would strangle her, I swear.’

‘I am sure he told her exactly what he thinks
.’ Jake nodded wryly. ‘It wouldn’t be the first time they clashed.’

‘Yeah, pretty much.’ Stephanie pirouetted around them, surprisingly graceful
in the bulky military-style pants. ‘So it’s a rather chilly atmosphere in there.’

They all walked over to the window and looked toward the garden.
Elly could just make out a group of people sitting on the large patio; wisps of conversation floated their way.

At the moment, you’re her favorite nephew, Jake. She even told your mom she’s been taping the episodes of your show. Can you believe that? Somebody still taping stuff, like it’s the nineties?’ Stephanie harrumphed with disbelief, her eyes huge.

‘I’ll take any publicity I can get
.’ He laughed, and the sound was warm and rich. ‘For now, we should go and save AJ, though. A formal intro to the house can wait for later.’

They walked out, and suddenly
, Elly felt very self-conscious. Some twenty pairs of eyes looked her way, assessing her presence at Jake’s side. She vaguely remembered his mother and was relieved to see her looking genuinely pleased. The older man at her side was a bit more critical, and his bushy eyebrows were pulled into a straight line. His glance went from Jake to her, searching and cautious. The rest of the group must have been family. Elly guessed an older woman with an icy expression to be the much-feared Aunt Laura. She was glad she had decided to wear her black dress; one look around the group confirmed her suspicion that Jake’s family didn’t really do casual.

BOOK: Touch of Love
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