Touched by Death (31 page)

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Authors: Dale Mayer

BOOK: Touched by Death
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"There's a lot to be said for moonlight on the
water." She smiled, laughing lightly at the waves smacking up against
the docks all around them. The moonlight danced on the ripples. "There's
no visible current, or not much of one, yet the water is so alive."

"There's lots of activity going on here, just
on a smaller scale than Port-au-Prince.'"

Her voice sobered. "Now that wasn't my favorite

He caught her hand in his, squeezing it gently. "I
can imagine. We'll fix that one of these days."

"Is it obvious that my experiences there still
haunt me?" She watched an expression flit across his face. It was
hard to get a clear look in the dim light.

"No, not really" he said slowly. "However,
I also know what I've seen and heard from John and he barely speaks
of it."

"I think everyone who was here was affected,
changed by the experience. My fiancée wanted the old me back and she
was gone." Said so simply, it was the first time Jade realized
how true it was. Her life had changed at that point. "He wasn't
able to handle it."

Dane lifted her hand to drop a kiss on the back of
it. "I'm sorry for you. It must have been traumatizing. I still
wish John would talk about his experiences. I think it would help him."

"And here I thought men didn't like to talk."

A wry smile slipped out. "Maybe. This is different.
He's holding so much in, I can't help but think that all that emotion
needs an outlet. It's like he's two different people. The one he keeps
locked up and the one he lets the world see."

She could understand that. "I needed to be alone
yet at the same time, I needed support. And it was tough for Duncan
to recognize that fine line – it was all about balance." She
gazed up at Dane, concerned by the darkness in his warm gaze. He cared
about his brother so much. "Does John have friends, other family
members who'd understand? Has he bonded with any of Tasha's family?"

"No. He only tolerated Peppe and Emile."

"Too bad. He has to be feeling isolated, lonely
even. He's lucky to have you." She studied the moonlight. "It's
beautiful out…an incredibly romantic setting and we're discussing

He laughed, caught her hand in his left hand so he
could drape his right arm around her shoulders. "So what would
you like to talk about?"

She cuddled in closer and laughed lightly. "You.
Tell me about the rest of your family. What's your life like in Seattle?
How old are you? How come you're not married with the requisite two-and-a-half

Laughing, he filled in the details of his life. She
listened, enthralled.

Jade turned slightly to watch a small cruiser move
smoothly through the water. Its cheerful lights shone and danced on
its bow, reflected on the dark water. "This area is very beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you."

Jade shivered unexpectedly. Was it from the evening
air? The magic of the moment? Or his unexpected flattery and the obvious
sincerity behind it? He really thought she was beautiful.

Dane hugged her tighter. Jade leaned her head against
his cotton shirt. She loved the ripple of muscles and the steady beat
of his heart. There was something very sexy about a man who could take
control – and not abuse it.
Someone like Dane.

She would like to see where this relationship would

Starting with tonight.

He'd said she could set the pace.

"Are you okay?" His arm tightened around
her shoulders.

Tilting her back, she murmured, "Just thinking
about how much I like being with you."

His arms tightened and he cuddled her close. "Good.
I'm very glad to hear that. I miss this."

Tilting her head back so she could look up at him,
she studied the warm look in his eyes. "The closeness? The hugs?
Or the hopeful prelude to so much more?"

A rumble of laughter rolled through his chest. "All

She giggled, her mind taking that next leap.

Was she ready? Did she still want to wait? She'd lost
most of this last year. She hadn't expected her recuperation to take
so long. But it had. She didn't want to lose any opportunity to regain
a full and happy life. Now that she was back to the land of the living,
she wanted to live. Before it was too late.

Look at Tasha and Emile. Both young and both had lost
everything. Look at John. He'd suffered so much.

And then there was Dane…

She wanted to celebrate what was building between
them. Revel in the fact that her body was reawakening, her heart reopening,
her emotions rejoicing because these feelings coursed through her.

Dane gently grasped her chin between his fingers,
titling her head so he could see her face, a puzzled look his face.
"Heavy thoughts?"

"No," she murmured, "Light thoughts.
Thoughts of joy, peace, satisfaction." She lifted her face to his,
sighing against his lips. "Definitely of satisfaction."

His eyes suddenly widened in understanding. She felt
a shudder ripple through his body. "What are you saying? Be very
clear here." His eyes darkened to almost black. His lips brushed
gently across her lips. Once. Twice. Waiting.

Jade smiled, held his head firmly and kissed him.
Heat seared between them as she laid the hottest kiss she'd ever laid
on a man. She burned through her own reserves and burned through his
in a greedy, all-consuming lust-filled kiss that left them both gasping.

"Sleep with me tonight?" she murmured against
his lips.

He groaned, his lips feathering across her cheek
to whisper against her ear. Shivers raced down her spine as his husky
voice said, "I'll stay...but...we won't sleep."

He turned his head and sealed his promise with his


There was a sense of urgency now. He grabbed her hand
and they ran laughing to the truck. She'd jumped into the passenger
side, but Dane dragged her across the seat to sit snugged up against
him. She could damn near drive the truck herself, she sat so close.
And it was perfect.

She cuddled closer, her hand on his thigh.

He covered her hand with his much bigger one. "Happy?"

She could hear the tinge of worry that had crept into
his voice. "Very."

Her hand was squeezed tight, then he relaxed. "Good.
Cause it would be better if you back out now – not later..."

In the darkness of the truck, with only the headlights
for light, the air had a sultry mysteriousness to it. Jade was loving
this. The last thing on her mind was to retreat. "I'm not backing
out. I'm wishing you'd drive a little faster."

He gave a shout of laughter and hit the gas.

The trip back to the hotel was fast and furious, steeped
in sensuality and promise Jade swore she'd never felt before. She wanted
Dane something fierce.

They arrived in the hotel parking lot ten minutes
later. Most of the lights were off – given the hour, almost everyone
should have gone to bed. Jade didn't want to meet anyone on their way
up to her room, not because it was a secret; she just didn't want the
intrusion. She was selfish. There was magic in the air. She wanted to
keep it to herself – and Dane.

At her hotel room, she unlocked the door and walked
over to close the curtains. Twisting back, she dropped her key and purse
on the small dresser and turned to face him. It suddenly struck her
how unbelievably far she'd come this last month. With much of that distance
due to this man. Oh, she'd agree that returning to Haiti had been the
best thing she could have done for herself, but mostly because it had
brought Dane into her life.

He stood in the middle of the room studying her, a
slight frown furrowing his forehead. Waiting. She smiled, slowly, sensually.
"I'm not going to change my mind."

That wicked grin of his flashed and he opened his
arms. She walked into them. They closed tightly around her.

"Thank you," she said, tilting her head
back so she could see him.

Surprise lit the heated gaze, his eyes dark and intense…waiting.

She loved that about him. Loved the patience. Loved
the control. As much as she might not think she was ready to love, she
understood she was already at least halfway there. She explained. "Thank
you for showing me there can be a bright future. For showing me that
not all men are the same. For showing me that being in a relationship
again is possible."

He dropped a light kiss on her forehead. Patient.
Caring. Understanding. "And are you sure you're ready?"

"I wasn't – until I met you." Her hands
stroked his chest, reveling in the smooth expanse of muscles rippling
under her touch. She slipped her hands down his arms and around his
back as she rejoiced in the sense of rightness. She really wanted this
time together.

He seemed more concerned about making sure she was
okay with tonight.

Leaning back slightly, she whispered, "I'm pretty
sure, when you promised we wouldn't sleep tonight, it wasn't talking
you had in mind."

That wicked grin flashed and he laughed. She tugged
his face down and kissed him. Hard. He groaned. His arms tightened and
then he stole the kiss away. Trailing his lips across her cheeks, he
nuzzled her ear, his hot breath sending tingles down her spine, warmed
her insides. His words, though, lit them on fire. "Oh, we'll talk.

Then, full of powerful and possessive lust, he kissed

And she stopped thinking altogether.

Heat flashed between them. Dane's kisses lit her senses.
There was nothing else in this moment, but him, this passion, this heat
that threatened to consume her. His hands were everywhere, stroking,
caressing, soothing as they explored her back, her belly and slowly,
ever so slowly, they inched higher. He teased her, stroking below her
bra strap, sliding along the top of the lace edge covering her breasts.
She twisted, caught in a mindless haze of passion, desperate to have
his hands where she needed them.

Finally, he stroked upwards, cupping her breasts.
She moaned as her insides melted and her breasts swelled in joy. Shudders
rippled down her spine.

For a moment he paused, pulled back slightly. Sliding
his hands under her shirt, he lifted it up and over her head. Her world
tilted slightly as he swooped her up and over to the bed, laying her
down on the covers. She kicked off her sandals, unhooked her bra.
Her cotton pants hit the floor.

She bounced to her knees, wearing only her panties.
She reached for the bottom of his shirt, trying to pull it up his chest
and over his head. He took the job from her, tossing his shirt to the
floor. She barely noticed, her fingers were so busy with the snap on
his jeans. She couldn't undo it. Frantic, she slipped her fingers eagerly

He groaned a half laugh, tugging her fingers free.
"Just a minute." He kicked off his shoes then stripped off
the rest of his clothes in what seemed like one motion. There was such
a wonderful expanse of sun-kissed skin and muscle before her; she didn't
know where to start. Her fingers spread across his chest, exploring,
learning, loving him.

She followed the triangle of chest hair down to his
navel where the erection prodded her hands. Not able to resist touching
him, she stroked him, her fingers circling and sliding down the long
lean length of him. Then back up. He moaned. She bent her head on impulse
and kissed the very tip. He gasped and flipped her onto her back.

"There's only so much of that I can take
right now," he whispered. Holding her gaze, he captured her wrists
and tugged them above her head in a gentle grip.

Her gaze widened. He lowered his head. He stroked
and caressed and nuzzled the smooth skin on the side of her neck, the
delicate undersides of her plump swollen breasts. She ached with wanting
– twisted and moaned with need. It had been so long since she'd
been held. So long since she'd been loved like this.

No. It had
been like this.

Tugging her hands free, she caressed his shoulders
and back, loving the small catches of breath she heard from the back
of his throat. He raised his head and dropped a deep, drugging kiss
on her lips, their tongues dancing deliciously. He trailed his mouth
downward, leaving a pathway of heated kisses to her breasts.

Mindless, she arched her back and he obliged, taking
first one nipple then the other deep inside. His hand slid across her
belly and down to the juncture of her thighs to explore her dewy curls.
She parted her thighs for him, opening for his touch. Wanting him. His
wicked fingers stroked and caressed, teased and tormented until she
surged wildly against him, twisting, searching for satisfaction and

"Dane," she whispered, reveling in her body's
response, in the heat coursing through her. "Please."

His magical fingers found the sensitive bud and her
hips bucked. She cried out, "Dane, now."

Moving up and over her, he bent and shifted her thighs
slightly wider, settling himself deeper. Resting on one arm, his hand
buried in her hair, his other arm slid under her hips to hold her still.
He sat at the center of her. Waiting.

Reaching up, she pulled him down to her, raining fiery
kisses wherever her lips could reach. He tightened his grip on her hair
tugging her toward him and sealed their lips in a kiss that promised
and delivered...everything. And plunged deep into the heart of her.

She cried out. Her legs wrapped tighter around him.
It wasn't enough. She needed more.

He settled on top, his kiss gentle, waiting for her
to adjust to the invasion, to his size. "Are you okay?" he
whispered against her lips, the strain of holding back obvious in the
corded tendons on his neck and face.

Wiggling her hips, she purred against his lips, "Better
than okay."

He dropped his forehead to rest on hers, staring deep
into her eyes and he started to move. Slowly, at first, almost experimentally.
Then he picked up speed, plunging harder and deeper than ever before,
driving them closer to the edge. She cried out with each thrust, wanting,
striving, needing more. Dropping one hand between them, he touched the
tiny nub in her curls and that did it, just that one stroke of his finger
and she soared free, crying out as the explosion overwhelmed her.

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