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Authors: Danica Avet

Tags: #Romance

Touched by Lightning (13 page)

BOOK: Touched by Lightning
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Her heart hurt. Not because of those memories, but because of what they’d taken away from her. They shouldn’t have had any power over her. Not at a time like this, but all she could see was the many men who’d held her down in that position while they hurt her, their leering faces looming over her. Brit wasn’t like that. She knew it. Tora knew it. He didn’t leer at her, he didn’t hurt her, but her body associated that position with weakness.

He moved away, sitting on his ass with his back against the tub. His chest rose and fell as he struggled to get his breathing under control. Gyda quickly sat up, her eyes on him. She must’ve been a little out of it because she didn’t remember scratching at him, but there were red streaks all over his shoulders and chest. His skin gleamed with sweat from their heavy make-out session and his cheeks were flushed with lust. The top button of his pants was undone, displaying a sexy trail of hair that formed below his navel, and the solid outline of his cock pressed against the material.

Seeing him like this, hungry for her, yet so sweet and caring as to deny his own need helped a little. She wanted him like she’d never wanted anything else, maybe even more than the revenge she’d been getting on the men who’d hurt her. She’d told him he was beautiful and she hadn’t lied but it was more than his outer appearance. His honor was a bright beacon, his gentleness a constant fire she wanted to warm herself near.

“I’m so fucking sorry,” he rasped, running his hand through his hair, the muscles of his chest and arm flexing with the movement. “I didn’t think…I should’ve realized.” He blew out a hard breath. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

Gyda swung her legs around and got to her knees.

He’d closed his eyes and tilted his head back again, displaying the strong column of his throat. “I lost my head a little.”

She got to her hands and knees and began to crawl up his body. She was going to have this moment, this man. And nothing, but nothing was going to stop her. She’d just have to be a little creative to make sure they both enjoyed it.

That’s my girl
, Sixteen murmured in the back of her mind.


This was a complete fiasco. Gyda had to think he was a sex-starved lunatic or something, blowing hot and cold, attacking her and backing off. Brit kept his eyes closed because every time he looked at her, he lost a little more control. With her hair mussed, her lips puffy and her eyes all heavy-lidded, she was like every wet dream he’d had since he first saw her.

But that disappeared when he put her on her back. Her eyes had widened, her body locked up tight and terror etched itself across her face. Brit scrubbed a hand over his eyes. He needed to keep his goddamn hands off her. But she was like a drug. He told himself no, but he kept going back anyway, even knowing it wasn’t going to be good for either of them. Because she was his as surely as he was hers.

The soft brush of a mouth right at the V where his pants were coming undone nearly had him leaping out of his skin. His eyes shot open wide, looking down to see his girl on her knees between his legs. Just like that, his flagging erection flared back to life with a suddenness that left him a little lightheaded.

“Gyda,” he gasped like some maidenly aunt. He reached out to touch her, but pulled back, not wanting to scare her when her mouth was so close to sensitive bits. “What are you doing?”

She flicked a sardonic, yet sly, look up at him and swiped the tip of her tongue over that skin. His whole body shook at the touch, but his mind still had trouble catching up with her sudden change.

“What? You can’t…” he stammered and stuttered, wanting so badly to tear his pants open to release his cock so she could use her tongue on him that he had to wedge his hands under his ass to keep from doing just that. “You don’t have to.”

This time she rolled her eyes and reached up with one slim hand to tug at his zipper, which gave with disgusting ease. There was no need to reach in to release his dick. As soon as there was enough room, it sprang out of his pants and saluted her, the head slick with copious amounts of pre-cum. He sucked back a groan of embarrassment and hunger.

“I don’t want to scare you.” He managed to squeeze the words out of his tight throat. She gripped the base of his cock, her fingers barely reaching all the way around and he gulped. “Don’t have to… Oh God.” She kept her eyes on him as she leaned over. He had to fight back a groan. “Want to touch you, darlin’.”

Then she started to taste him, licking at the pearly beads on his crown as if she were enjoying her favorite ice cream. She worked her way around the broad head, paused to dip the tip of her tongue into the slit at the end of his cock and then trailed it down his length.

“Fuck, fuck,” he muttered, his body almost vibrating with the urge to have her take him into her mouth so he could come. God, he wanted to come so bad, but she didn’t deserve that. She was… She was working her way back up to the crown where she blew warm air over the slick skin. He shuddered. She was amazing.

“Gyda, shit…fuck, woman!” This because she squeezed his base and took him into her mouth. The moist heat had his balls drawing up tight, but it was the rubbing thing she did with her tongue on the underside of his dick that nearly did him in.

Not about to shoot off in her mouth like a selfish bastard, not this time anyway, Brit gripped her under the arms and dragged her up his body, her legs wedged between his. Her eyes widened with shock, but beneath that was a very small tinge of fear and uncertainty as though she worried she’d done something wrong.

He shook his head. “It felt good. Too good,” he added with a groan. “Your mouth is magic, darlin’.” He dragged his eyes away from it because thinking about her sucking him off was causing him to lose focus. “But I want to come with you.” Her cheeks turned a darker pink and she lowered her gaze shyly. He stroked her velvety-soft skin, touching his thumb to the corner of her mouth. “Beautiful.”

And mine
, but he didn’t say that out loud. Instead, he stroked his hands down her body, pausing to cup the firm mounds of her tits. He let a little of the lock on his power go, sending a jolt into her that had her back arching in pleasure. The move thrust her breasts into his face in an unintentional offering, but one he accepted anyway. He wrapped his lips around one pert nipple and was rewarded with a buck of her hips against his dick and her hands digging into his hair.

He caught her nub with his teeth and tongue, letting his hands skate down her firm stomach to the button of her jeans. He felt her scars, but they were a secondary sensation to the velvety softness of her skin, the quivering of her muscles as they tightened in anticipation of his touch. He could feel how hot her pussy was through her jeans and his dick ached with the urge to spear inside.

, he told himself as he worked her pants open, his mouth switching to her other nipple. She let out an inarticulate cry, her body bowing into him, her hips tilting up and giving him a little room to work his hand into her pants. The minute his fingers came into contact with her soaked panties, he groaned around her nipple, his body going rock hard.

She planted her hands on his shoulders and pushed her body away from his. Brit didn’t move his hand, his fingers pressing against the swollen nub of her clit, but he looked up at her, noting the wild eyes, the near-frantic need on her face. Then she widened her legs a little, giving him even more room to work, her fingers curling into his shoulders as though to prepare herself for whatever he gave her.

“You want this?” he asked her as he gently rubbed her clit through her panties. She licked her lips, her eyes falling closed a little as she nodded. “Like this, or do you want more? Skin on skin?”

She worried her bottom lip with her teeth, her face going soft with indecision. Brit’s fingers twitched. He knew what he wanted. He wanted her clothes gone, her pussy wrapped around his cock as he rocked into her until they both came. But he’d only give her what she wanted. He wasn’t sure he could survive another stop and start without losing his mind.

When she backed away from him and got to her feet, he thought for sure that meant she was done, that she’d had enough. But she stood in front of him and reached for her pants, leaning over to pull them down along with her panties. When she straightened to kick them free of her legs, Brit could only stare at her in awe.

He’d seen her in the woods that day, but not like this. Not naked and perfect in her imperfections. Her tattoos marched down her arms like living monuments of her trials, her scars were silvery ribbons on her stomach and arms. The fresh cuts were bandaged, but even that couldn’t detract from her beauty. She was toned, yet curvy. Her nipples swollen and darker pink from his fevered attentions, the dark curls at the apex of her thighs glistened with her arousal, her lean thighs damp. She wanted him, there was no mistaking that. It was written in every line of her body.

His cock gave a happy pulse. If he wasn’t careful, he’d shoot off without ever getting inside her. But even that thought faded from mind when she stepped up to straddle his hips, her pussy lips parting so he could see the very center of her body. He thought his heart was going to stop then and there. Deep-pink and fluted, she glistened with her need for him.

When she began to lower herself to his lap, Brit was jolted out of his stunned admiration of her body, having enough presence of mind to pull his wallet out of his back pocket. She settled herself, her scorching-hot sex trapping his dick between her core and his stomach. She rocked against him experimentally and he almost dropped the wallet when she let out a guttural groan.

“One second,” he practically begged as he fought the wallet for its prize. His hands actually shook as he struggled to take his emergency condom out of the leather. He was so hungry for her, his dick aching so much he was tempted to say “fuck it” and take her bareback. But she didn’t know him, didn’t know where he’d been. This first time with her had to be perfect. “Just one second, baby.”

She leaned forward and nipped his throat, her teeth sharp and hungry and the telltale tingling began at the base of his spine. He was gonna come. He freed the foil from his wallet and threw the leather to the side. Gyda was rocking on him in short, inexperienced jerks that still managed to be hotter than anything he’d ever had. Brit ripped open the packet with his teeth, spitting out the piece that tore off and removed the latex with a triumphant growl.

He reached between their bodies to roll it on, Gyda lifting her hips to give him room to work. Then he was guiding his crown to the entrance of her body and she was sinking on him in slow, barely moving increments. He sucked in a deep breath as the tight fist of her body stretched around him, giving way a little at a time.

It was torture.

It was heaven.

It was worth all the pain and uncertainty and torment.

When she seated herself in his lap, his cock buried balls-deep in her tight cunt, Brit gripped her ass, holding her snug against him. Sweat gathered along his hairline as though he’d had a hard workout. But when he looked up at her face and saw the flushed, perspiration-dampened cheeks, he knew this really was a workout. They were going to exorcise some demons together.

He reached up, digging his hands in her hair and pulling her down for a kiss. She opened for him without hesitation, their tongues mating in a dance their bodies were soon to copy. He’d wanted her to be as hot for him as he was for her. It seemed she was and he couldn’t have been happier.

But all thoughts of happiness and forevers and futures fled his mind because Gyda set about to rock his world right off its foundation.

Chapter Eleven


Gyda gasped when she experimentally moved her hips. She was leaning heavily on the images Sixteen sent her, trying to make this good for Brit because it was amazing for her. She’d always associated men’s bodies with pain and humiliation, but the instant she’d taken Brit into her pussy, her muscles stretching to accommodate his size, she’d felt…keen satisfaction. Because watching Brit’s face as she sank onto him was like having every Christmas and birthday she’d missed in her childhood given to her all at once.

In other words, it was breathtakingly joyful. His eyes had glittered with want, his features growing tight as he fought for control and then came the relief once he was buried inside her. His nostrils flared as he sucked in a breath, the little red mark she’d left on his throat looked like a brand, as if she’d made him hers. And for a split second, she felt as though she had all the power. He was hers.

She watched his face twist, his jaw bunch as he fought his urges, wanting to make this good for her. She felt that through her mental shields. His were lowered, blaring his feelings at her loud and clear and she teased him with his need to make this special for her. Gyda couldn’t resist playing with her newly discovered power over him. She lifted and lowered herself a few times, squeezing her inner muscles around him. Then she slowly rose again before dropping onto him hard and fast.

He grunted at that and she felt a thrill of pleasure ripple through her body. She did it again and again, bouncing on him at a bruising pace to feel that pressure deep inside her. It felt so good, but even better, it made Brit’s muscles tense. It was fun and freeing and she knew she could make him come this way. It felt good for her too, but not quite as good as it did to have him playing with her clit. Despite the sweet fullness of his cock sliding through her cunt, she wouldn’t come like this and that was fine with her. She’d never been the one in control before and she planned to enjoy it to the fullest.

Except Gyda had ignored Sixteen’s whispered warnings about Brit, the muttered cautions that this wasn’t the kind of man who’d let a woman control him for long. Sixteen might have encouraged her to follow this path, had shown her what to do to bring them to this point, but she’d told Gyda time and time again that Brit wasn’t easily led. Yet he was the only one Gyda wanted and she’d forgotten those warnings.

Until Brit’s eyes began to glow blue and the air around them sizzled with static charge. He kept one hand on her hip, helping her torment him, but slid the other around to the front of her body, to where her legs were split to either side of him. She sucked in a sharp breath, tensing because she wasn’t sure if she was excited or scared or both.

When he sent a quick jolt of electricity straight to her clit, Gyda cried out, her deliberate pace becoming jerky and uneven. Her inner muscles rippled with the painful pleasure of his power coursing through her extra-sensitive nerve endings. Then he did it again, waiting until she took him to the hilt to shock her and buck his hips upward. That short grind did something deep inside her, something that felt like a dull pressure. Undecided if she liked it or not, Gyda almost shied away from him, except it seemed Brit was finished with her playing.

He brought his knees up, caging her between his torso and his legs, and proceeded to torment her. She writhed on his dick, rocking on him as he sent little bolts of power to her clit and worked her nipple with his teeth. He increased her pleasure by forcing her hips to grind down on his, bringing that dull pressure back to her cunt until she was a mass of twisting, greedy need.

“Brit,” she panted, holding on to his shoulders as though they were the only thing keeping her from floating away. “Brit, fuck, fuck.”

“Give it to me,” he demanded with a groan. “Give. It. To. Me.”

With his last word he sent a slightly stronger pulse of electricity into her while at the same time he thrust one last time. It was all she needed, because her world splintered apart.

Gyda screamed her orgasm, the sound rough and hoarse, but she barely heard it over the rush of blood in her veins and the pounding of her heart. The pleasure twisted through her body, taking over all systems until she lived and breathed nothing but the ecstasy Brit gave her. Her inner muscles convulsed around him and he pounded into her hard and fast, prolonging her orgasm with each punishing clap of their bodies.

“Gyda,” he grunted against her breast, his hands gripping her with rough strength. “Gyda. Sweet Christ, woman.”

She trembled in his arms, her cunt quaking with another orgasm and that was what pushed him over the edge. He pulled her onto his dick, his groaning sigh heating her skin as he came. Gyda could feel his cock pulsing with his release, his body shuddering as he emptied himself and it was strangely soothing. They’d brought each other ease and satisfaction.

They’d formed a partnership in pleasure. It was something she’d never fully understood until now. If this was why people lied, cheated and stole for the ones they supposedly loved, she could understand it a little better now, because this was something worth holding on to for as long as you lived. Gyda sank into his body, as close as one person could get to another and knew she’d grab this moment of happiness in the hopes it’d hold her over long after Brit left her.


Holy fuck.
For the longest time those words echoed around his head. Just
holy fuck
. Because that had been the most intense climax of his life. Watching Gyda fall apart in his lap, her pussy squeezing him like a fist, her face lax with pleasure… He’d shot off like a rocket and was still trying to find his way back to Earth.

Her body was a comforting weight on his chest, helping him come back from the pleasure. God, she was perfect for him. She’d played with him, toyed with his body, learning what pleased him and herself, but the minute he took the reins back, she let him and she’d more than enjoyed that. His pants were soaked from her release and even now, her pussy fluttered with aftershocks of her massive orgasm.

Brit wanted nothing more than to stay right where he was, but the condom needed to come off. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he gently lifted her off his lap. She made a faint sound of protest and let him move her to the rug next to him. Once she was steady, looking more like a sleepy kitten than a kick-ass supe, Brit got to his feet and disposed of the condom.

He also kicked out of his boots, socks and pants, letting the material fall to the ground as he scrounged for a washcloth. Standing in profile to the mirror to clean up, he pondered putting her in the bathtub to soak. She had to be sore. But even as he finished a rough swipe of his dick and turned to fill up the tub, an arm slid around his waist and a soft cheek rested against his back.

Brit froze at the unexpected pleasure, his head lifting to the mirror where he could see her face. She watched him with a lazy smile as her hand skimmed down his waist to gently stroke his limp dick. Well, not so limp with her hand on him. It stirred, but it’d be several minutes before he was ready to give her what she needed.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled it away from his body. Spinning to face her, he reached up to cup her cheeks. Her pout at being denied his dick was adorable and he pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

“I can’t recover that fast, darlin’, even as much as I want to.” Her cheeks flushed a deeper pink. He kissed her again, this time lingeringly, swiping his tongue over her bottom lip. “But I can think of things we can do together while we wait.”

Mostly he wanted to taste the sweet pussy he’d felt wrapped around his cock. She looked up at him, the soft look leaving her face and he swore he saw ghosts lurking behind her eyes. He hated that. Not just for him, but for her. She’d been hurt so many times in her life, she had to analyze every offer, looking for the double meaning.

He gently pinched her chin, tilting her head back. “You don’t ever,
need to fear me or anything I say. I have no hidden agenda, no secret plan to use or hurt you. I swear on my mama’s life, I will never hurt you.”

Savvy green eyes stared up at him and he could feel the faint tickle of her powers pressing against his mental shields. She was testing him out to see if he was telling the truth. So Brit let her in. He dropped the defenses Joe and his trainers had helped him to build and let her see him. Her eyes widened in surprise and her lips formed a perfect O of surprise because yeah, he didn’t hold back anything. Not his desire, his need to protect her and not the intense affection he had for her. It wasn’t love. Not yet at least. But the more he got to know Gyda, the more it deepened.

“That’s all for you,” he murmured as he felt her retreat. “You’re a gorgeous, independent woman. You’ve had a hard life. I don’t know all of it and until you tell me everything about yourself, I won’t know it all.” Her face paled and she looked away. He gave her a tiny jolt of power to bring her eyes back to him. “Look at me, baby. It doesn’t matter what’s happened to you. Not to me. I hate that it happened, but it’ll never change how I feel about you. Your hard life created a woman with an iron core that melts when I touch her. She’s a woman fighting for justice and I only hope one day that she’ll fight for justice

Her lips quivered before she tightened them to stop the betraying movement. Brit didn’t need to be an empath to know she wanted to believe him and was afraid to. It was written in the way she fought herself. He hoped one day though that she’d realize what she saw with him was what she got. He didn’t hide who he was from anyone and wouldn’t allow her to do it either.

Brit leaned down and fitted his lips to hers again in a gentle, solemn kiss. Then he stepped away. “I’m gonna go to my room,” he told her as he bent to pick up his clothes and toss them in the hamper. “I’ll be in there. Naked. Waiting for you because I’ve been wanting to taste your pretty pussy since the first time I touched you.” The paleness of her face was buried beneath a tide of pink. He winked at her as he strolled by, completely comfortable in his nudity. “I do like that shade of pink on you, baby.”

It took a lot of determination to walk away from her when all he wanted to do was toss her over his shoulder and carry her off like a caveman. With other women, the women he’d fucked in the past, it would’ve worked like a charm. But Gyda wasn’t anything like them. She wasn’t into pain because it was forbidden and taboo. She wasn’t into being dominated because it was the “cool” thing to do and experiment with.

She was a woman who’d conditioned herself not to feel anything, someone who needed his brand of loving because it reached to the woman she hid beneath the hardened exterior. If she came to him, it would be because she wanted him as much as he wanted her, it would be because she trusted him to give her what she needed without hurting her.

As he reached his bedroom door, he had to bite back a smile because he heard the telltale squeak of one of the floorboards behind him. He had her.

* * * * *


Gyda threw her head back, her hands gripping the big brass headboard of Brit’s bed like a lifeline. Her throat was raw from panting, her skin dripped with sweat and she couldn’t seem to catch her breath, but it was the perfect kind of distress. She shuddered, her body tensing as Brit’s wicked tongue proved to be good for more than talking.

He held her ass in his hands, holding her tight to his mouth. As if she could move if she wanted to. Her legs were permanently frozen in this deep bend, her hands glued to the headboard as he tongued her pussy. When he’d told her to “hop on up and let me get atcha” she’d thought he was going to take her. Not drag her up his body to straddle his face and fuck her with his tongue.

“Oh!” she gasped to the ceiling, her back arching even more. She couldn’t stop herself from grinding down on his mouth. He sucked her clit, nibbling on it and she saw stars. “Brit! Oh God, oh God, oh!”

She came in a hot gush of pleasure, her body writhing with the power of it. But still he didn’t pull away or try to move her down his body. He kept her right there, his tongue working at her, lapping up her cream like a hungry tiger. When he drove two fingers into her from behind she squeaked, rocking on them. And he knew exactly what he was doing, where to touch, because his fingers went straight to some magical spot inside her and rubbed.

Gyda shouted his name, her body shaking. Brit’s groan of pleasure vibrated through her cunt to set off another series of spasms that left her weak. She leaned against the headboard, her body as limp as a damp rag. And happy. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so happy.

When he gently dragged her back down his body, she let him. Giving him complete possession of her limbs, which he arranged to either side of him in a full-body hug, her head tucked beneath his jaw, his hard cock nestled at the juncture of her thighs. She needed to take care of him too, to give back to him because this had to be a partnership, but when she went to move, he tightened his arms around her.

“Don’t,” he whispered into the darkening room. “I just wanna hold you like this for a little while, ’kay?”

Gyda sank into him, giving him her weight without further protest. She was sated and exhausted, but she mostly just enjoyed the intimacy of being close to a real person. Tora and Sixteen had grown tired of the sexcapades and gone quiet, something they rarely did. She’d never realized before now how accustomed she’d become to having them in the back of her mind. With them quiet, Gyda was left with her own thoughts. Or she would’ve been left with her own thoughts if Brit hadn’t obliterated them all with his sinful tongue.

BOOK: Touched by Lightning
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