Touching Angel's Desires (28 page)

Read Touching Angel's Desires Online

Authors: Holly J. Gill,Nikki Blaise

BOOK: Touching Angel's Desires
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Dan toyed with her breasts, taking his time worshipping them. He
teased and manipulated, gently pressing them together, using his mouth to
excite her nipples further.

He tugged at the zip at the back of her skirt, pulling it down. It
dropped around her feet and she stepped out of it, kicking it away. She stood
before him in only her thong and her heels. He stood for a moment, his eyes
half-closed, just looking at her. Then he took hold of her upper arms, forcing
her to walk backward. She stopped when the backs of her knees hit the bed. He
pushed her down onto the bed. She sat. He pushed her shoulders more and she
dropped down on her back.

He spread her legs and knelt between them, staring down at her body,
with an almost contemplative look on his face. He placed his hands on her
belly, spreading his fingers across her skin, his thumbs either side of her
belly button. He leaned over and kissed her abdomen, his day’s stubble feeling
scratchy on her skin. She didn’t dare complain. Dan’s body arched over hers,
kissing a trail upward, owning her completely. He rested his arms either side
of her shoulders, grabbing her head in both his hands, kissing her rapaciously,
grinding his groin into her thong-clad pussy. His body felt heavy on hers, his
clothes uncomfortable against her naked flesh. She wanted to unfasten his
shirt, but forced her fingers to lie still. He lifted his body off her,
kneeling once more between her thighs, staring down at her with that odd look
again. He sat back on his heels and lifted her right thigh up, kissing the tender
skin on the inside, moving closer to her eager waiting pussy, which throbbed
with hunger. She quivered when he pulled away, skipping her pussy, turning his
attention to her other thigh.

His fingertips brushed the top of her thong. She pulled in a sharp
breath, her pussy quivering, ready for attention. Eagerly, she waited. His
fingers ran away from each other along the top hemline of the small triangle of
fabric, then down the sides. He leaned forward and flicked his tongue over her
thong, wetting the already damp material, tasting her. She felt the heat from
his breath over her delicate flesh. Her body tensed, waiting for the rapture to
come. He blew on the damp lace, raising
and causing a shudder to thrill through her body. His lips pressed lightly
against her mound. She bit her tongue on the command which rose in her throat
to just rip the damn thing off right now. He was in charge. It was up to him
when the thong came off. Hell, this was hard.

Angel felt his lips against her thong, his breath on her mound. His fingers
barely brushed her pussy. Angel thrust her bottom off the bed, jerking to his slightest
touch, craving him, needing him badly.

Her body tensed when she felt his fingers slip beneath the thong,
moving over her smooth flesh and dipping into her labia. He touched her pussy
entrance, feeling the excitement his attentions had created. Angel was certain
she was dripping down there.

He got hold of her thong and tugged, standing up. Angel lifted her
legs together and raised them, allowing him to remove the final barrier between
them. She dropped her legs back down either side of his body seeing him staring
directly at her naked shaved pussy, spread open to him.

He knelt back down on the floor. Angel could feel his warm breath on
her mound, then his fingers widened her labia and his tongue dipped in.

“Oh yes!” she moaned, closing her eyes and throwing back her head,
revelling in the sensations that shock-waved through her. She gasped for
breath, clenching her inner muscles while his tongue glided up and down her pussy,
teasing her, torturing her.

The tip of his tongue touched her clitoris. She gasped and bucked.
He held her hips still while he wrapped his lips around her most sensitive
spot, sucking gently at first, then a little harder, sending her to oblivion.
She squealed, grabbing at his head. He continued, kneading her clitoris with
his tongue as he pushed his fingers inside her sodden hole. Angel wailed out,
tossing her head from side to side, awash on a sea of bliss. She raised her
head from the bed, then dropped it back down. Her nerve endings sparked, overwhelmed
with desire.

He finger-fucked her hard, sucking her clitoris almost painfully. She
squeezed her eyes shut, feeling the crest approaching. “Oh God, Dan!” burst
from her lips. She grabbed handfuls of the duvet and screamed as her whole body
exploded. Her nerve endings erupted. She lifted her bottom high off the bed,
jerking and shaking, needing his cock. At this point she would normally have demanded,
but she was enjoying Dan’s control over her far more than she thought she

As her quivering died away, Angel felt Dan’s face leave her pussy. She
opened her eyes, seeing him pull his T-shirt over his head. She let her eyes
wander over his chest, lean but still muscular, a sprinkling of dark hair
between his

He removed his shoes and socks, then his jeans and his trunks, his
cock rearing up as he released it from its confines. She wondered if she should
wriggle up the bed a bit, but no. He was in charge. If he wanted her to move,
he would say. She lay back, waiting for him to make his move. He moved closer,
his gaze running over her body. He leaned over her, cock in hand, rubbing his
cock end against her craving pussy.

He flicked it up and down, teasing her, rubbing it over her
quivering clitoris, then dipping half an inch into her cunt, making her clench
with anticipation and catch her breath before pulling out. She almost whined
with disappointment, but bit her tongue on her protest. His eyes sparkled with
mischief at her reaction. He picked up his jeans and pulled out a condom packet
from his back jeans pocket, ripping it open and rolling it on smoothly. He
grabbed hold of her buttocks and shoved her up the bed, before climbing on the
bed, kneeling over her, repositioning his cock at her pussy, then ramming it in
hard, without ceremony. He held her body still with his elbows, his whole
position one of total control, of claiming his own, taking her completely.
Angel gasped at the force of his possession. She gripped him with her vaginal
muscles, increasing the friction as he ploughed his furrow.

Angel braced her body as he pounded her, driving her to complete
frustration. She badly wanted to orgasm, but there was that whole control thing
again. She had to let him do it.

She opened her eyes, drinking in his beloved face, eyes shut,
screwed up in concentration. He slowed his rhythm, then, kneeled back and lifted
his body up off hers without withdrawing his cock. He lifted one leg over his
shoulder, spreading her even wider to him, and dropped one hand to her
clitoris. He began to slowly slide into her again, this time rubbing his thumb
over her clit, his expression knowing as she threw her head back into the
pillows and wriggled with delight.

Dan glided in and out, angling his cock carefully to hit her G-spot
with every stroke. He increased the movements of his thumb on her clit,
grabbing her bottom and lifting it from the bed so he could sink even deeper. Angel
felt another orgasm coming in a hurry. She grabbed the bedrail behind her and
screamed as he fucked her hard and fast. As soon as she had come, he withdrew. Angel
looked up at him, not understanding for a second.

“Turn over. I want to take you from behind,” he said, his voice low
and throaty. She rolled over, presenting her bottom. He knelt behind her,
spreading her wide, then slid in slowly, reaching round to grab her breasts as
they swung below her. He squeezed them as he fucked her hard, lunging into her
urgently. Then she felt his cock pulse within her, spurting his seed into the
latex, his hands reflexively tightening around her flesh as he groaned and

Dan pulled out and dropped to the bed, calming his breathing down.
Angel rolled over, hoping he would extend his arm to cuddle her. He didn’t and
she lay on her side beside him, feeling a little bereft. What had just
happened? It had been beautiful and touching. As far as Angel was concerned,
they had just made love. But what had it been for Dan? Love? Or just sex?

They both remained very still for a long moment. Eventually, Angel spoke.

“Do you want to take a shower?” she said. He sat up and looked down
at her.

“Actually, I need to head off. I’ll just clean up though.” Dan climbed
off the bed and headed for the bathroom. Angel watched his buttocks as he
walked, the muscular ripples under his smooth skin making her want him all over

Angel lay back on the bed waiting for him, struggling, trying to
work out what her next move should be with him. He came out and started to pull
on his clothes.

“You can stay the night if you want,” she told him, hoping that he
would agree. It would be nice to spend the night snuggled up to him, and maybe
have another love-making session.

“I’m sorry, I need to get back home. I’ve got work tomorrow,” he
answered. Angel’s stomach flipped with disappointment. He moved over to her,
giving her a brief kiss on the lips, then headed to the door.

“You can still stay. You can leave early from here,” she suggested
once again.

“No, sorry, I have some paperwork to sort out,” he said, reaching
for the door handle.

“Can you come back tomorrow?” Angel said, not quite able to suppress
the note of desperate pleading that had entered her voice.

“I am not sure. I have meetings to go to.”

“Oh, oh right. So, when can I see you again?”

“I’ll be here at the weekend,” he said, staring at her then went
through the door and was gone.

Her heart filled with anguish and emptiness. She closed her eyes and
brought to mind every second of their love-making. It had been divine,
wonderful. For the first time in her life, Angel had let someone else take
charge of her, and she had loved it.

She spent some time lying on her bed before throwing her dressing
gown on to head to her office. She would make damned sure she would get Dan for
the whole weekend—she would book him on the system. He would still be paid for
his time, and he would be hers. Angel turned on the laptop, making a coffee
while it loaded up. She casually opened the booking screen, and stared in horror
when she saw Stacie Clifford’s name next to Dan’s, for the whole weekend.

Angel stared long and hard at the screen, as if the force of her
glare could somehow erase the words. “When and how?” she frantically asked herself.

Angel stormed out her office heading to reception. Maybe somehow her
laptop was giving her false information. She brought up the timetable on the
main computer, her fingers shaking as she scrolled through the screen. There it
was again. Stacie Clifford booked from eight on Friday night right through
until Sunday teatime. Anger cascaded through her. She slammed her fists down on
the antique desk. When that did not assuage her feelings, she stood up, kicking
out at the valuable wood, which dented and splintered on contact with her
stilettos, wishing it was Stacie’s face she was kicking.

Despair suddenly overtook the anger. Her heart crashed to the floor,
her hands shook and her knees suddenly collapsed. She sat heavily in the vacant
chair, her head in her hands to hide the desperate tears which started to leak
down her face.

Normally, she would have been annoyed to find the reception
unstaffed, but this time she was relieved that there was no one here to witness
her weakness. She escaped to the back office, grabbing a handful of tissues to
scrub at her tears. She heard the girls coming back from wherever they had been
and hurriedly went into the small bathroom attached to the office to splash
water on her face. She stared at her haunted reflection in the mirror over the
sink, then wet her fingers and wiped away the makeup that had pooled under her
eyes, drying the wetness with toilet paper. She practised a nonchalant
expression in the mirror, making sure it looked realistic before venturing out

“Shannon, when did Stacie book in?” she said, hoping the girl could
not detect the quaver in her voice as she spoke.

“She rang about maybe seven-fifteen to book Dan for the whole
weekend. Is that okay? We did call Dan, and he said it was no problem,” she said.
“Did you want him for someone else?” Angel barely heard her. That phone call he
had received in her bedroom before he proceeded to make the sweetest love to
her she had ever had. That phone call was to book him for Stacie. A sudden
horrible thought struck her. Had he been thinking about Stacie when he was
making love with her?

“Angel? Is everything all right?”

She dragged her attention back to the now. Shannon was looking at
her worriedly.

“Um, no. Everything’s fine,” she said, mustering the ghost of a smile.
“No problem at all.”

She walked with measured steps toward her office, letting the calm
face drop as soon as she was out of sight, then virtually ran to her door,
escaping behind it. She collapsed onto the sofa, grabbing a cushion and hugging
it to her aching belly. Strange whining sounds came out of her mouth. How could
this be happening? How could the evening go from pure delight to utter
devastation in the space of a few seconds? She had got rid of the bitch…but
she’s back!


Chapter Ten

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