Touching Ice (9 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: Touching Ice
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“Yes,” he rasped. “If there’s sheer pleasure, feeling how damn tight and hot you

are, how ready you are for me, this is it.”

Megan couldn’t agree more as he seated his cock deep inside her body, her vaginal

walls stretching to accommodate his thick shaft. He paused there for a moment, his

hand on her hip tightening his hold, and then he started to move. He withdrew almost

completely and then slid back in, keeping his pace slow.

A moan rose that she fought to contain as she pressed her lips tightly together. She

couldn’t decide what felt better—Ice fucking her slowly or when he took her hard and

fast. Both brought her immense pleasure as he continued to pace his hips leisurely,

taking his time to enjoy the feel of them together. She knew with all certainty that she

preferred him without the use of a medicondom. The sensations were better, he wasn’t

constricted at all in one of them, and the texture of skin against skin was heaven.

“Put your hands on the mattress higher at your shoulders,” he ordered.

She released the edge and did what he said. Her palms flattened on the messed-up

bedding and her arms locked to hold herself still as he moved against her. Ice’s other

hand wrapped around her as he bent over her, pinning her. He balanced his body by

bending his knees slightly, and his hips moved faster, his hand bracing on her hip so

she kept them both from falling forward. His hand slid between her thighs, pressing

against her clit as he fucked her harder, faster, drawing the level of rapture higher.

The moans tore from Megan now, unable to hold them back as he pounded his hips

against her ass, his cock driving in and out of her, hitting every nerve ending inside her

pussy in a way that had her fighting to keep her legs locked. Her knees wanted to

buckle, the sensations that intense from the double stimulation of his cock inside her

and his thumb rubbing her clit.

The climax gripped her and Megan cried out loudly. Her elbows gave way and she

found herself pressed tightly over the bed. Ice shouted out behind her right as he pulled

his cock completely out of her to spill his release on her thighs then collapsing down on

her back, his weight nearly crushing her but she could gasp in air.


Touching Ice

Chapter Five

When they both got their breathing under control, Ice didn’t move away. He had

her pinned over the side of his bed. His thumb, still against her clit, moved though and

he rubbed her slowly. She didn’t think she could handle him touching her oversensitive

clit but she was wrong because ecstasy shot through her system at his mere touch.

“What is your directive, baby? Tell me,” he ordered softly.

She tried to lift her head but he released her hip, lifting his chest from her back a

few inches, but keeping his other hand firmly against her clit. He pushed her head back

down, pressing her cheek against the bed again. He held her there firmly, not allowing

her to move.

“I don’t understand,” she panted the words, still trying to recover.

“I can do this for hours.” He leaned over her so his weight pressed against her ass

and his still-hard cock ended up trapped between her thighs. “I’ll fuck you over and

over. Tell me what you want or need from me, Megan. How much can you take before

you break? I want you to answer me.”

Her thoughts were jumbled with him rubbing her clit. “I―”

A bell sounded loudly in the room and Ice cursed, he straightened and moved


“Get under my sheets now and cover up. Someone is at the door.” He sounded


Saved by the bell
, she thought, shaking as she did what he told her. She fought the

covers free of the jumble they were in and moved under them, covering her body as she

turned to face him. Ice had his back to her as he jerked up his pants and fastened them.

He walked the few feet to the door, slapped his palm on the scanner, and it swished

wide open.

She couldn’t see who stood there with Ice’s big body in the way but she could hear

just fine.

“We have company. The
just docked with us. The council contacted them

and they were still close by.” The male’s voice wasn’t one Megan recognized. “They

sent Blackie here to deal with the problem.”

“That’s not necessary.” It was clear that anger ruled Ice’s emotions. It showed in his

tense body and the way his hands fisted at his sides.

“He has his orders and you have yours from the Council. He’s waiting in the cargo

bay with the bots not in use. He’s ordered all of them returned there immediately.” The

cyborg paused. “All of them.”

“I understand.” Ice stepped back. “I’m on my way.” The doors slid shut.


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Questions filled her mind about Blackie. She really wanted to ask but she didn’t as

Ice softly cursed and moved to the side of the room with the built-in drawers and

shelves. He yanked open a lower drawer, shoved stuff around, and then straightened,

fisting a few articles of clothing. He turned to meet her curious gaze.

“Get dressed now.” He threw the clothes at the bottom of the bed. “I have to return

you to the cargo hold and talk to someone.”

Unease gripped Megan while she stared uncomprehending at Ice. He jerked his

gaze from hers and returned to the open drawer, grabbed out a shirt, and kept his back

to her while he put it on.

“Hurry up, Megan. We need to get there now. That’s an order.”

She moved slowly, dressing, and kept darting glances at Ice. He kept his back to her

as he bent to put on his boots, not bothering to even put on socks first. His movements

were jerky and she could tell he was upset for some reason as he straightened and ran

his fingers through his silky hair. His chin lowered. He turned to face her and then he

stared at her with an icy gaze.

“Let’s go. Do exactly what I say, Megan. Am I clear?”

“Yes.” She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat.

He turned, spinning away, and slapped the scanner hard with his palm, opening

the doors. He paused. “Let’s go. Keep up with me.”

The urge to confess to Ice about her lies became so overpowering that Megan

actually opened her mouth as they marched quickly down a corridor. She didn’t know

what was going on or why the council, whatever they were, had sent some man named

Blackie. It worried her that Ice had taken her from his room. She took a deep breath to

fill her lungs for the words that she knew she had to utter. Would Ice be furious? Would

he hurt her? She wasn’t sure.

A door opened in front of them and whatever she’d been about to say was lost to

the shock of seeing a black-haired cyborg with dark-gray skin step into the corridor. He

wore all black from his throat to his glove encased hands, all the way down to his

chunky, military-style, black boots. The look of pure coldness on his harsh features

stunned her enough to keep her mute. He had the coldest blue eyes she’d ever seen,

even icier than Ice’s with his dark coloring amplifying the blue, before his intense gaze

shifted to Ice.

Ice stopped, his hold on her arm making her halt as well. “You aren’t needed here,


“The council disagrees.” The man had a deep, harsh voice. “Bring
into the cargo


Ice hesitated but then nodded. “Of course.”


the new cyborg referred to was her and she knew it. Ice took a step, tugged

on her arm, and the other cyborg stepped aside to let them pass. Megan did a quick


Touching Ice

head count and realized all twelve bots had been returned to the room. Ice stopped just

inside the door and released her. She missed his touch.

Ice turned to face Blackie as the cyborg followed them through the doors that closed

firmly behind him. Ice spoke first.

“What does the council want?”

“The truth, regardless of what it takes.”

“I have this under control.”

The dark-skinned cyborg arched a black eyebrow. “They disagree. Step aside and

stay out of this. That’s a direct order from Councilman Zorus. He put me in charge of

this situation and if you’d bothered to read your orders they sent you, you would be

aware of that.”

The rage on Ice’s features clearly showed but he still moved to the bulkhead next to

the door and leaned against it. Movement out of the corner of her eye had Megan

turning her head to watch as four other cyborgs moved from behind the bots that had

hidden them from her view at first. She had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach

as she looked back at the scary-looking cyborg.

Blackie moved to the bot nearest him, studying it intently, and the bot responded to

his presence.

“How may I serve you?”

He inched away from it to the next one, stopping in front of it, carefully examining

it. The model smiled at him.

“How may I serve you?”

He took a deep breath and then he stopped in front of Megan. Her heart pounded

as she stared at his leather-clad chest, not daring to look up into his frightening blue

gaze. She said nothing, unable to because of the fear that had her frozen where she

stood. She had a really bad feeling that they knew she wasn’t a bot and didn’t know

how to react. She was damned either way. If they knew the truth but she still lied, it

could anger them more. If they didn’t know, she didn’t want to risk her life by giving

herself away.

Blackie’s hand lifted but she never saw the blow coming since she wasn’t following

his movement. Pain exploded throughout the side of her head as she hit the unforgiving

floor on her side. She lay there stunned, her ear ringing, and then suddenly someone

crouched next to her. A warm hand gripped her hip and she turned her head, reeling

from the shock and pain from the cyborg backhanding her, to see Ice next to her, glaring

up at the cyborg who’d struck her.

“What the hell are you doing?” Ice snarled the words.

“I told you to stay out of this.” Blackie frowned. “Move away from
. I’m going to

get answers.”

Ice didn’t follow orders. He instead looked down, meeting Megan’s terrified gaze,

and softly cursed under his breath just loud enough for her to hear him. He twisted


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enough to reach for her with his other hand and she flinched as his hand curved gently

around her lower jaw. His thumb brushed the side of her mouth and she heard him

growl. He twisted his head, glaring up at Blackie.

“You don’t strike her.”

Blackie shook his head. “You’ve gotten attached to one of them? Have you lost your

reasoning, Ice? They are nothing to us. You know better.”

Ice released her and rose to his full height. “You shouldn’t ever strike a woman,

damn it.”

“She’s not a woman. She’s a bot, remember?” Blackie took a step to the right to clear

his path to Megan. “Move out of the way now. That is a direct order.”

“Ice,” Onyx warned softly. “Move away. He’s here on the behalf of the council and

we’ve been ordered to give him whatever he needs to get what he came for.”

“Stay out of this.” Ice didn’t even look at his friend, instead he glared at Blackie. “I

won’t allow you to abuse her. Ask her your damn questions but keep your hands to


“You’re fucking it
aren’t you?” Amusement suddenly curved Blackie’s lips. “Is it

that good? If so, I’ll find out for myself soon if she won’t break since that’s my next

option.” His smile died. “Don’t make me order your own team to restrain you because I

will have them do it. After I’m done here I need to report to the council.” He paused.

“Do you really want me to have to tell them that you tried to protect it?”

“She’s not an “it”
so stop referring to her as such.” Ice’s voice deepened into an

angry tone. “Megan, get up.” He reached back, holding out his hand. “Now.”

She tried but as soon as she pushed against the floor to rise, the room spun and

black dots blinded her. The dark-gray cyborg had really clocked the side of her head

hard. She made a soft moaning sound as she collapsed back to the floor and then

suddenly two arms slid under her. She stared up at Ice as he lifted her gently into his

arms, cradling her against his chest as he rose to his feet and turned to face her attacker.

“Get me a medic, damn it.” He glared at Blackie. “You injured her.”

“That’s the least of her problems. Put her down and leave if you can’t handle

watching a little blood spilled. This is too important for you to intervene.”

“I won’t allow you to kill a damn woman on my ship.”

“It isn’t yours. The
belongs to all of Garden.”

“Today it is mine,” Ice snarled. “Today I’m in command so move out of my way so

I can get her medical help.”

“Damn it,” Blackie cursed. “You really did fuck her, didn’t you? I never thought

you’d honestly touch one. Is that it? Is she that damn good in bed that you feel the need

to protect her? If she’s that great then I need to change my tactics. Show me to a room

with a bed and leave her with me. I’ll get answers from her with pleasure instead of

using pain.”


Touching Ice

“I said move out of my way.” Ice’s voice grew harsh, a frightening sound to Megan

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