Tough Love (13 page)

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Authors: Marcie Bridges

BOOK: Tough Love
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Grabbing the directions off my dresser, I hurried downstairs and met Mom in the car. The closer we got to Ottawa Hills, the fancier the houses became. There were two-story Tudors and three-story bricks, and all of them were exquisite. We turned left onto Daren's street and drove to the fourth house on the left, just as our instructions indicated.

The house was not near as big as the others, nor was it overtly gorgeous, but it was quaint and, despite its size, fit in nicely. The little green house had lavish landscaping with vines climbing up the chimney; it actually looked like something from a storybook. The front door was open, allowing the warm summer breeze in through the screen.

When Mom turned off the car, I took in a deep breath. “You okay, honey?” Mom asked.

“Yeah, just nervous, I guess.”

She gave my hand a quick squeeze, and then we got out of the car.

Hearing the bang of car doors, Brendan and Daren came out of the house together. Not that I knew what to expect, but Daren’s looks surprised me. He was shorter than Brendan’s 5’10” frame with bright blue eyes. His blonde hair was cut into a neat style that reminded me of a little boy on his first day of kindergarten. I could tell that he was older than Brendan, but not as old as Justin and Greg were: mid 30’s was my best guess. They met Mom and me on the lawn, and Brendan introduced Daren to both of us.

“How do you do, Mrs. Daily?” Daren asked Mom before turning to me. “Janessa,” he said with affection. “I feel like I already know you.”

I smiled and reached to meet his extended hand. He gripped it in both of his and held it there for a brief moment. I felt instant calm.

Mom turned to me. “Well, sweetie, I’m going to go. Brendan, good to see you, and Daren, it was wonderful to meet you.”

I excused myself so that I could walk back to the car and say goodbye. “Have a good time tonight. I hope that everything works out.”

I knew that she was trying to be a source of comfort, but I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d read my thoughts somehow.

“Thanks, Mom. I’ll see you later.” I gave her a hug and kiss while Daren walked back into the house, leaving Brendan outside waiting on me. As she pulled out onto the street, I walked to Brendan’s side, and we waved.

“I think that went well, don’t you?” I asked.

“Yep, as well as could be expected. God, I’m so glad that you are here. We’re going to have a great time, and dinner smells wonderful. C’mon in!”

The house was just as quaint on the inside as it had appeared. There was a small entryway just inside the door that opened up into the living room area. Directly ahead of me was a dining table, which had already been set for the three of us. Just beyond that was the Florida room; the kitchen was to the left of the dining room. Off to the right was a hallway leading to the bedrooms. All of the interior walls that I could see were painted yellow, giving the house a bright and sunny look.

Brendan led me into the kitchen and asked what I’d like to drink. I decided to have soda with dinner and told him that I might take him up on his offer of a glass of wine with dessert. Within seconds of sitting down, Daren brought the salad to the table, and so we began to eat.

We had a great time talking as we ate. Daren and I got along very well, especially because we could share stories and jokes about Brendan. I could see why Brendan loved him.

“Well, did you save room for my famous chocolate cheesecake, Janessa?” Daren asked when we were finished with the main course.

“I think so. And I also think I’m ready for that wine now.”

Brendan and Daren both got up, insisting that I sit and not help. Brendan brought the raspberry wine and glasses; Daren had the cheesecake. We sat in the living room while we finished our meal and sipped our wine. The stories and fun continued until around ten.

“I have to work tomorrow, so I’m going to bed,” Daren announced. “Janessa, my dear, it was so wonderful to meet you. You are a precious young lady. No wonder he loves you so much.”

I stood to hug Daren. “Thank you for the fantastic evening, Daren. You are quite the talented cook. Sleep well.”

Brendan stood up and gave Daren a good night kiss. It made my heart stop, if only for a moment.

Before sitting down next to me, Brendan lit some candles, turned down the lights and adjusted the radio station to our favorite late-night show,
Love Notes
. It seemed the DJ was playing all of our favorite songs and artists. The mix of music and wine was only helping me to fall for Brendan again.

“How are your brothers doing?” Brendan inquired.

“They’re both doing well. Steve is still delivering for Pizza Hut, and Donny is living in Anderson this summer. He has a job there and is renting a house with some friends.” I took a sip of my wine. “What does your family think of Daren?”

“Everybody really likes him, and they’re just happy that I’m happy, ya know? I’m pretty sure Mom is glad I’m back in Toledo. She and Dad like to keep an eye on me.”

I nodded--that was a feeling I knew entirely too well.

As the music played in the background, we talked and laughed and, before either of us knew it, the time had slipped to 2:00 a.m. The living room lights were dim, and we kept our voices low so as not to awaken Daren.

“What is your favorite memory of when we were dating?” I asked, glancing up at him from beneath my eyelashes.

"There are so many,” he said, after a short moment. “But I think it was the last time we saw each other.”

“Really? Why”

“Because that was the memory of you I kept with me while I was in Florida. Every time I pictured you, I saw you in those clothes with your hair in a side braid.” He ran his hand through my hair which was lying across my shoulder. “That was always my favorite way you wore your hair.”

“Mine was our first real kiss. Remember, on the swing?”

“I do.”

“I had been kissed before, but not like that. You opened my mind to so many new things. Some of them not so good, mind you,” I smiled. “Seriously, though, I think about that day and that kiss all the time.”

Brendan’s lips were on mine before I even realized it. Maybe I should have pulled away and slapped him across the face, but it felt so good to be together again that I simply gave in and kissed him back.

His tongue slipped out and licked my bottom lip, making me shiver all over. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me as he started to lay me back.

I finally came to my senses after several minutes, and pulled back from the kiss. “Well, that brought back memories,” I told him, blushing. “Only last time your lover wasn’t sleeping in the next room.”

I could tell from the look on his face that my words carried a bit of a sting, but I couldn’t be sorry. Brendan needed to know the situation was more than awkward; it was downright wrong.

“Remember me telling you I’m not the same girl I was two years ago? Well, the new me can’t be the girl on the side anymore. It’s great that you are with Daren. Really, I am so proud of you, but if you are going to be with him, then we can’t be together. It’s just not going to happen, no matter how much either of us wants it to.”

Brendan sat up and took my hand, assisting me to sit as well.

“I really don’t know why I do that all the time. I’ve gone and ruined a great evening, and I’m so sorry. Can you forgive me, baby?”

I turned to face him full on and wrapped his right hand between both of mine. “Of course I can forgive you because neither of us is perfect. I’m at fault here too. I probably shouldn’t even be here…”

Brendan took his free hand and began to stroke my cheek. “Is that what you think? Yes, you should be here because you are a huge part of my life. I want you in my life forever, even if that means we’re just friends. Not that it’s what I want, but I’d rather have you as a friend than not at all.”

Perhaps it was the wine, or the music, or a moment of temporary insanity but this time, I was the one breaking all the rules. I drew him in and kissed him so deeply that our first embrace paled in comparison.

When the kiss was over, Brendan and I looked into each other’s eyes and broke out in laughter, covering our mouths so we wouldn’t get too loud.

“Shh, shh, shh,” I tried to say through my giggles. “We’re going to wake up Daren, and then we’ll really be in trouble. Speaking of trouble, what time is it?” I turned around to face the mantle clock and gasped out loud.

“Brendan, it’s 3:30 in the morning! You have to take me home. Dad is going to be up for work soon, and if I’m not home when he gets up, it’s not gonna be pretty.”

“God, baby, I’m sorry. I was having so much fun I didn’t realize how late it’d gotten. Let me grab my wallet, and I’ll take you home.” He stood up and then leaned back down to give me a quick peck on the lips. I gathered my things, slipped my shoes back on and met Brendan at the front door.

“Okay, let’s go.”

There’s something about the city in the wee hours of the morning that seems so romantic and dream-like. During that half hour drive from his house to mine, Brendan and I didn’t speak much. We didn’t have to. Somehow all of the bad memories went away; it was just Brendan and me, holding hands, and being in love.

We pulled up to my house all too soon. I undid my seat belt and leaned over to give him another quick kiss.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

Brendan tried to pull me into a deeper kiss, but I pushed him away.

“My dad, remember?” He nodded, kissed my hand and said goodbye.

“Call me tomorrow, okay?” I requested. His smile was all the reassurance I needed.

I hopped out of the car and made my way to the front door. Just as I put the key in the lock and turned it, I saw a light come on near the back of the house.

, I thought.
Dad’s awake.
Brendan had not pulled away yet so I whipped around to wave and walked into the house.

“How nice of you to come home, Janessa,” Dad spat. I could tell that he was livid, and any defense that I tried was not going to work. Rather than make excuses, I simply told him that time had gotten away from me, and I did not realize it was so late.

Dad rolled his eyes and turned for the kitchen to pack his lunch. I took that as my cue to go to bed.

I was so exhausted from the day’s events that sleep came rather quickly. But not before thinking about those kisses.



Brendan impressed me over the next two weeks. We hung out together, but he was also managing to save time for Daren and their budding relationship. He hadn’t even tried to kiss me after that night at his place. And that’s why I was so surprised when I got the news.

“Hello?” I answered the telephone.

“Janessa, it’s me,” Brendan said. “I really need to talk to you. Can you come over to my mom’s place?”

“Um, right now? I don’t know if Mom will let me but I can ask. What’s going on?”

Brendan let out a long, troubled sigh. “I’d really rather tell you in person. Please, Janessa, just try your best to come. It’s really important.”

I hung up the phone and immediately went to where Mom was sitting in the living room. For a moment I thought about lying to her and simply telling her I was going for a walk, but I knew being honest was more important right now. I explained to her about the phone call and requested permission to walk over to Grandma Nancy’s.

Mom agreed to let me go and said she would pick me up in a few hours so I wouldn’t have to walk home in the dark. I kissed her goodbye and headed out the door.

It seemed the walk to Grandma’s took longer than usual. I was very curious to know what Brendan wanted to talk to me about. My mind had time to wander as I took the familiar path.

Perhaps he and Daren were talking about having a commitment ceremony, a wedding of sorts to show their friends and family that they vowed to be life partners. I would be happy for both of them and attend the ceremony with bells on, as they say. My heart would be breaking a bit, but I would do it for Brendan and his new love.

As I continued up Spring Grove Avenue, I could see the front of Grandma’s house coming. I crossed Nevada Street and was prepared to go through the fence when I saw Brendan pacing on the back porch. He turned to face me just as I was closing and latching the gate behind me. I could tell my heartbreaking fantasy was not the reason he had called me here. I met him on the porch.

“Brendan? What is it? What’s the matter?”

“Daren, that’s what! That bastard! Do you want to know what he did? What he said to me? He told me I couldn’t be your friend anymore. He said I was spending too much time with you. That there’s no way I’m over you.”

My breath caught in my throat for a moment. Brendan rambled on.

“I told him he didn’t know what the hell he was talking about and I could spend time with whoever I damn well pleased. We aren’t married, you know, so I don’t care what he says. And then he gave me an ultimatum. A freaking ultimatum! He told me I had to pick between you and him. So I asked him if he was sure that’s what he wanted me to do, because it wasn’t going to be him. And then he kicked me out of the house.”

I didn’t know what to say; there was so much to process. Here was this man I had already fallen back in love with, giving me an open invitation for us to be together. Accepting that invitation could be disastrous; then again, it seemed Brendan had learned a few lessons in the past couple of years.

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