Tough Sh*t: Life Advice From a Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good

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Authors: Kevin Smith

Tags: #Humor, #Form, #Essays, #Biography & Autobiography, #Personal Memoirs

BOOK: Tough Sh*t: Life Advice From a Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good
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Tough Sh*t

Tough Sh*t

K E V I N  S M I T H

G   O   T   H   A   M     B   O   O   K   S


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First printing, March 2012

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Copyright © 2012 by Kevin Smith

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Smith, Kevin, 1970-
Tough sh*t : life advice from a fat, lazy slob who did good / Kevin Smith.

p. cm.

ISBN 978-1-101-55424-1

1. Smith, Kevin, 1970- 2. Motion picture producers and directors—
United States—Biography. 3. Screenwriters—United States—
Biography. I. Title. II. Title: Tough shit.
PN1998.3.S5864A3  2012

[B]             2011047663

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Like its author, this book is dedicated to Jen Schwalbach—the gorgeous mother of my child, the seductive temptress who keeps me faithful, and the friend I’ve always had the most fun with. My best friend, even.

Also quite like its author, this book is additionally dedicated to Jen Schwalbach’s asshole.

Everything above also applies here, obviously, except the “mother of my child” part: Referencing my kid and my wife’s brown-eye in the same sentiment might come off as
or something.


(And have a heart: Please don’t go telling my kid you read in her old man’s book that she’s some kinda Butt-Baby. She’s gonna have a hard enough time as it is being Silent Bob’s kid—the daughter of the “Too Fat to Fly” guy.

Also: Please don’t tell my daughter I dedicated the book to her mother’s sphincter. That’d be weird.)

Let’s Get This Shit Started!

am a product of Don Smith’s balls.

That’s important to establish and acknowledge right off the bat, not only because it makes what I’ve accomplished in life seem even cooler, but also because Dad’s balls have been, to my way of thinking, too rarely celebrated. Unless you count whatever attention Mom threw their way, I don’t feel they’ve gotten their proper due for their part in what became of me. And she’s certainly never hailed his nuts in print, so this right here is a real coup for the Smiths of 21 Jackson Street, Highlands, New Jersey. Though if you could ask my father, he’d likely admit that while having his balls in print is flattering, having his balls in my mother’s mouth was way better.

People need to be regularly reminded that they began as cum. Not to diminish or cut ’em down to size—quite the contrary: I tell people they were cum once as a gesture of
my awe at their very existence and to pat ’em on the back. There are no losers in life because every one of us who is born is a
fucking winner.

Chew on this: When I was in film school, there was this specious statistic floating around stating there were more film school students than law school students. That was one massive pool of wannabes who’d have to bottleneck into a souvenir teacup full of opportunities waiting on the other end of the rainbow. Breaking into the movie business? Don’t worry, Cap’n Solo; even C-3PO can’t calculate those odds. Might as well try to navigate an asteroid field.

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