Toxic (2 page)

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Authors: Rachael Orman

BOOK: Toxic
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I could only laugh in response and hope that things stayed exactly the way they were forever. That would be asking too much, though, things never stayed good for long.

Chapter Two



Another day, another dollar, yes? No. Never seems to be that way for me. My clients always seem to find a way to surprise me. April, the secretary I hired when Jennifer went back to working for the hotel Alix worked at quit, hadn’t learned that there was a reason why I liked to allow for more than an hour with each client I met, especially out of the office. I needed that time in case things ran over or to make sure my clients were comfortable after their new experience. And every now and then, people liked to throw in something unexpected, which tended to take longer than expected. With what I’d just been told, I knew, I’d be late to my next appointment.

Jill and Lincoln were the couple I was currently in a session with. They’d wanted to “try something new,” like most of the couples I worked with. However, instead of exploring a shoe fetish Lincoln had told me about during our last phone call, he’d decided to ask one of his guy friends to come with him to fulfill one of Jill’s requests at the last minute.

I had already prepped Jill in the other room about what to expect when I brought her husband in, but things were definitely going to be going in a different direction with the new addition.

“Does Jill know Mr…” I trailed off not having gotten the other man’s name.

“Scott,” he supplied.

“Does Jill know Scott? Is she aware this is what you had in mind?” I asked, trying not to let my irritation show. I didn’t like surprises. It wasn’t how I operated. However, since the couple had been talking about doing a threesome for as long as I’d been seeing them, I didn’t want to say it wasn’t going to happen if they’d found a willing third.

“Yes, she knows him. Yes, she will be more than willing to fuck him. No, she doesn’t know I had asked him to join us, but I doubt it’ll be a problem,” Lincoln said, running a hand over his thinning brown hair.

“Just so we’re clear, how far is he allowed to go?” I tucked my hands in my trouser pockets.

“What do you mean? Whatever he wants to do. Whatever she wants him to do,” Lincoln answered like it was me who didn't know what I was talking about.

“So, it’s okay if he touches her? Fucks her? Sticks his dick in her ass? In her mouth? Does he need to use a condom? What if he wants to fuck her ass while you fill her pussy? Or her mouth while you screw her? Maybe he’ll want to do her while she sucks you off?” I listed off a few of the scenarios that popped instantly to mind. There were many more I could’ve said, but those were more kinky than things would likely go. It didn’t sit right with me for a husband to say that it was okay for another man to do “whatever” he wanted to his wife without a talk about more specifics before-hand. That’s how fights started and feelings got hurt.

Before he could answer my questions, I continued, “What about afterwards? Is this a one-off? Does it happen again if one person wants it to? Or does everyone need to be in agreement? Do you have to be present if the two of them want to meet up again?”

“Uh…” Lincoln didn’t seem to have really put that much thought into exactly how emotional threesomes could be.

“I think for now we can say it’s a one-off. If once it’s over anyone wants to talk about it happening again, that’ll be the time to sit down and talk about how to go about things from there,” Scott answered for his friend. “As for what I’m going to do to her, I think it would be a good idea to know so I don’t get a fist to the face for doing something wrong.”

I nodded in agreement. I liked him.

“Okay… Okay… How about she can blow you while I bang her and you can only be in her vagina if she asks and with a condom? If she wants to do something more she can ask at the time.” Lincoln blew out a long breath as he wiped his palms on his pants.

“Very well. Let me go inform her of the change and prepare her,” I stated, then walked to the hotel room next door. After knocking once, I opened the door with the key she’d given me earlier.

Jill was standing by the foot of the bed in her slinky, sheer pink negligee. She gave me a hesitant smile when she saw I was alone.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, wringing her hands together.

“Depends on how you look at it,” I sat on the bed and patted the comforter for her to sit next to me. Once she did, I looked into her eyes. “Scott is here and he’d like to join Lincoln in pleasuring you.”

“He is?” She jumped off the bed, pacing for a moment before looking back at me. 

“Yes. You can say no. It is up to you whether he comes in at all and what he does. Your husband has agreed to let him have sex with you and for you to go down on him if you’d like as well. However, you get the ultimate say in everything, of course.” I kept my eyes on hers to make sure she knew I was serious and not at all checking out her scantily-clad body.

“Yes. Yes. I am so interested. I don’t know how he got Scott to agree but I am totally on board to any and everything with that man,” Jill answered excitedly as she fluffed her hair, then adjusted her outfit unnecessarily.

“Okay. I know you are excited to finally have the chance to explore this fantasy, but I do want to point out that it is best to take things slowly and only do what you are fully comfortable with. Remember your husband will also be in the room and watching you. You don’t want to do anything that will hurt your marriage or that will upset your husband,” I said, trying to make sure she knew that although a threesome could be great fun, it could also ruin a marriage if everyone wasn’t conscious and aware of everyone involved. It was my least favorite fantasy to help couples with because things so often got complicated, but I would help my clients get what they wanted and after that it was up to them where things went from there.

I waited until I was out of the room before letting a sigh go. Something about the whole situation wasn’t sitting right with me, but since everyone was on board, there wasn’t much else I could do about it. I knocked once, then opened the door to where the men were waiting, and to my surprise they were holding each other locked in what appeared to be a very passionate kiss.

Hearing the door open, they jumped apart. Lincoln’s face turned a shade of red while he tried to discreetly wipe a hand over his swollen lips. Scott simply tucked his hands in his pockets, not looking sorry or embarrassed.

“Well, now
brings a whole new light to the situation,” I said, letting the door close softly behind me.

“We will be telling her,” Lincoln jumped in before I could say anything else. “I want to show her how good it could be with Scott around for both of us.”

I nodded, glancing between the two men. I wanted to ask questions, but knew that with Jill waiting any delay would only make things awkward.

“We will be discussing this in a one-on-one session, Lincoln. However, you wanted this and everyone else has agreed, so let’s go into the room where Jill is waiting.” I opened the door and gestured for them to precede me out. Stepping close to Lincoln, I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and spoke softly, “This is a play-by-ear type situation. Pay attention to your wife and see what she is okay with, then go from there. I will be there to help everyone until you all get comfortable.”

“All right. I’m ready,” Lincoln answered with a nod.

“More than ready over here,” Scott added with a smirk.

It was easy to see both men were already aroused.

I nodded before knocking once on Jill’s door, and then opened it. All three of us walked into the room.

“Fuck…” Scott breathed at the sight that greeted us.

Jill was completely nude, sitting on the foot of the bed with her legs spread wide. One hand was slowly trailing up and down her abdomen while the other was straight behind her, supporting her on the mattress.

“See something you like?” Jill asked huskily. Slowly her tongue trailed over her plump lips.

“God, yes,” Lincoln answered.

As if just noticing her husband was in the room, she flicked her eyes toward him and gave him a half-smile before looking back to Scott.

“How about you, Scott?” She directed the question this time to the man she was asking.

“Oh yeah. My cock is so hard just looking at you.”

I wanted to add that he was at least half hard before we entered, but that would be counterproductive so I kept it to myself.

“Show me,” Jill demanded as her hand smoothed lower until it pushed through the trimmed, damp curls between her thighs.

Both men groaned as she touched herself. Scott trembled as he attempted to undo his jeans, but finally managed to get the button and zipper undone. His swollen, leaking flesh popped free of his boxers only for him to start stroking himself while he watched her.

“Can I lick him, Linc?” Jill gave her husband a pouty look as she dropped to her knees.

“I... If that’s what you want,” Lincoln stuttered over his reply.

Jill gave him a wide, feral smile before crawling over to Scott. She dragged her tongue from base to tip then moaned as if it was the best-tasting ice cream she’d ever had.

Scott pulled his shirt over his head and threw it aside, which seemed to prompt Lincoln to undress as well.

Not paying attention to anyone, Jill feasted on her treat, licking, sucking, and moaning around Scott. She arched her back, pushing her ass into the air.

I leaned against the wall and watched as their fantasy unfolded. Seemed I wasn’t so necessary after all. All they’d really needed was a place and an opportunity while knowing all parties were interested. It didn’t happen often, but it was interesting when it did. Once again, like most of my clients, better communication would’ve solved the issues in the relationship.

Lincoln dropped to his knees behind his wife and pushed his face into her freely-offered ass and pussy.  From where I was standing, I couldn’t tell which of her holes he was teasing, but by her increased noises she was clearly enjoying the attention he was giving her.

“Fuck yes,” Scott said, letting his head drop back as he closed his eyes. Both his hands were gripping Jill’s hair as his hips moved in time with her taking him deep in her mouth. Suddenly, he yanked her off him and wrapped a hand around the base of his cock. His erection wilted slightly from how tightly he was gripping it. “Too close. I don’t want to come yet.”

“Want to watch me suck Linc off?” Jill asked, looking up at him and sitting up straighter.

“No,” Linc said, standing. He moved to lie on his back on the bed. “Come ride me and he can whack it while he watches, or touch you… whatever he wants.”

A look passed between Linc and Scott, but Jill missed it as she climbed onto the bed and straddled Linc’s hips.

“Yeah. Then you can come all over both of us while we fuck,” Jill said, biting down on her bottom lip as she looked between her husband and his friend. It was clear she wasn’t sure how that suggestion was going to go over, but it was too late to take it back.

“Mmm. Sounds hot,” Linc said, nodding in agreement.

Jill reached between their bodies and lined up Linc’s cock, then sank down on him in little rocking movements until she’d taken all of him. Leaning forward, she kissed him deeply while rotating her hips.

Scott looked over his shoulder at me as I watched the couple on the bed.

“Sexy, right?” he asked.

“Sure,” I said with a small shrug. It really didn’t do anything for me, but then again I had a different taste in the bedroom and a woman who brought me to my knees with only a smile or glance in my direction. Seeing clients go at it only made me want to tie up and fuck
Alix. Nothing about seeing another man lay his hands on her turned me on, but to each his own. “Why don’t you jump in there?”

“Good idea,” Scott said, smirking, before walking over to the bed where Linc and Jill were really going at it.

When the bed shifted under his weight, they stopped and both looked toward the new addition. Jill sat up to get a better look at him. Both greeted him with a smile then started moving against each other again, but much slower as they waited to see what he was going to do.

Scott knelt between Linc’s legs, ghosting his hands over the other man’s skin until he came to where Jill’s knees rested. Moving up her thighs, he gripped her ass cheeks and gently pulled them apart. Not happy with her position, he pressed a hand to her lower back, forcing her to lean over Linc again. Then he lowered his head and pressed his face to her puckered entrance and teased it with his tongue.

Moving lower, he used his hand to wrap around Linc’s balls while teasing where Linc was filling Jill with his mouth. Both Linc and Jill jumped at the added sensation, but neither stopped moving.

“Yes, Scott. Keep doing that,” Linc gasped.

I couldn’t see what it was exactly he was doing, but if I had to guess, he was either playing with Linc’s perineum or his ass since his hand was no longer visible.

Scott moved back to rim Jill again while continuing to torment Linc.

Faster and faster the couple bucked against each other while Scott dropped a hand to start rubbing his own cock.

“Oh… I’m… I’m gonna come,” Linc hoarsely whispered. “Come here, Scott.”

Scott moved to kneel next to the couple, but kept his hand between Linc’s thighs.

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