Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set (187 page)

Read Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set Online

Authors: Micalea Smeltzer

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set
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“You may now kiss your bride.”

Trent grasped Rowan’s waist and dipped her down, kissing her in a way that should be illegal in public.

I started to blush and turned away, feeling like I was invading on a private moment.

Trent lifted her back up and kept his arm wrapped around her. He swiped his thumb across her bottom lip as they were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth.

They headed back down the aisle and everyone started to stand. 

Jude came to stand by my side, his eyes excited. “Let’s do that.”


“Get married. You said you’d marry me, so let’s do it.” He nodded his head excitedly. 

“Today?” I gasped. “Here?”

“Why not here?” He countered. 

“Uh…” I blanched as people fluttered around us. “Because it’s Trent and Row’s wedding.”

He waved his hand dismissively. “You know they won’t care. Please, Tate,” he reached for my wrist and I was sure his fingers felt my pulse jump. “Marry me today.” Before I could reply he was dragging me through the crowd to where Rowan and Trent stood. “Would you guys mind if we got married today? I really can’t wait another second to call this woman my wife.”

Rowan’s mouth fell open and she let out a squeal. “Do it!”


Jude turned to me. “See, they’re cool. There’s nothing but you stopping us now, Tater Tot.”

“I-I-” I stuttered, looking from Jude to our friends. “But your grandpa isn’t here. Or your brother. Or your friends.”

“All it takes is a phone call to change that,” he argued. Sobering, he let out a deep breath. “I know I said we’d wait till you were ready, but I don’t want to wait, Tate. I know you’re it for me and I want to be married to you.”

I swallowed thickly, feeling panicky. Not because I wanted to say no, but because my answer was very much— “Yes,” I grinned. “Yes, let’s do it!”

“Ahh!” Rowan screamed, throwing her arms around me. “This is so exciting!”

I was surprised that she was so thrilled, because I really felt like we were hijacking their wedding. Trent seemed to find the whole thing very funny, standing there with a smirk on his lips and his hand on Tristan’s shoulder.

“You two need to go get a marriage license,” Rowan pushed Jude and I towards the French doors that led inside the house. “I’m going to talk to Olivia and see if we can find a different dress for you. Something a little more…bridal.”

“Rowan, this is fine,” I pointed to my peach colored bridesmaid dress.

“No, no, no,” she shook her head, her lips set into a firm line. “You need a proper wedding dress or something close to it. Now, go! Hurry!” She gave us another firm push towards the door.

Jude grasped my hand and we ran through the mansion. After a few wrong turns, we finally made it to the foyer and out the front door.

They’d hired a valet to park cars on the expansive property, so Jude handed one of the guys a slip of paper.

A few minutes later his truck pulled up and we left quickly.

He called Archer, telling him to pick up Pap and make sure they dressed nicely. He even extended an invite to his wife, who we hadn’t met yet, and Julia. From what I could overhear of the conversation Archer was curious about what was going on but Jude wouldn’t tell him that we were getting married.

He hung up from Archer and called Dylan, inviting the guys. He once again left off the part that we were getting married.

Jude seemed to know where we needed to go to get a marriage license. That made one of us. As the female I probably should’ve been the one to know this stuff, but I was clueless.

He parked the truck and we headed into the building.

It didn’t take long for us to fill out the paperwork and sign our names. 

Butterflies assaulted my stomach as I gazed at my signature. It was the last time I’d write my name as Tatum O’Connor. From this day forward I was Tatum Brooks.

I couldn’t believe we were actually doing this.

Not after everything we’d been through and how much I’d fought the idea of marriage and living together.

But Jude won.

He was right; this was inevitable so why delay it? It was time for us to start the rest of our lives…together.

Before we went back to the mansion he stopped at a jewelry store.

“Gotta have rings,” he grinned, turning off the truck.

We hurried inside the store and separated so we wouldn’t know what each other picked.

I settled on a simple, but thick, platinum band for Jude. It wasn’t flashy and I knew he’d love it. I shivered at the thought of seeing the ring on his finger, marking him as mine.

I gasped as I realized I hadn’t even thought to call my own dad.

What the hell was wrong with me?

I guessed I’d spent so long with barely-there parents that I’d kind of forgotten about them. Horrible, I know, but it was the truth. I’d been on my own for years, so it was easy to forget to include them in my life.

Or in this case just my dad.

I didn’t have my phone with me so I’d have to borrow Jude’s when we got back in the truck.

Since it didn’t take me long to pick and buy his ring I stood by the door waiting.

When he finally appeared his grin was wide. “I can’t wait for you to see this,” he held the bag to his chest. Then, as if he couldn’t help himself, he lowered his head to kiss me quickly. “Not long now,” he murmured, his lips brushing mine as he spoke.

We climbed in the truck and I asked for his phone.

I gave my dad the same spiel that Jude had given Archer and Dylan. My dad sounded suspicious though and I really hoped he didn’t figure out what we were up to. Regardless, I wouldn’t apologize for doing this. I was finally allowing myself to do something that I wanted. I wasn’t holding myself back and doing the responsible thing. I was letting my heart guide me.

Jude reached for my hand, entwining them together. “Are you second guessing this?”

“Not at all,” I squeezed his hand. “I’m so ready for this.” I grinned. True, I felt a little fear, but I figured most people felt that way on their wedding day. Mostly there was excitement.

Jude lifted our joined hands, kissing my knuckles as he drove.

“I don’t want you to regret this.”

“I couldn’t regret you,” I replied immediately. “Never.”

He glanced at me and grinned. “God, I love you.”

I laughed, my cheeks lifting as I smiled. “I love you too, Jude, and I always will.” I laid my head on his shoulder.

He grew quiet and after a moment he said, “We need to make one more stop.”

“Where?” I lifted my head as I asked him. 

“You’ll see,” he grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

I narrowed my eyes as I pondered what he could possibly be up to. 

When he pulled up at the nursing home I was still confused. “Why are we here?” I unbuckled my seatbelt and followed him into the building.

Breezing past the sliding glass doors, he finally answered me. “Mr. Jenkins said he better be invited to our wedding, so I’m breaking him out of this place and letting him come. The guy deserves a little fun in his life.”

I smiled up at the man I loved so much. He had such a big heart and he never ceased to amaze me. I couldn’t believe I used to hate him. I hadn’t known him at all and once I did get to know the real Jude, I saw that there was no one else like him. He was special and he’d always be mine.

“Hi, Trudy,” Jude greeted the lady at the front desk. 

She looked up and smiled widely at us. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at your friend’s wedding?”

Jude nodded, and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me against his side. “Yeah, we were there, but now Tatum and I have decided to get married. Today,” he added bluntly.

Trudy’s eyes widened in surprise as she looked between the two of us. “Oh, wow. That’s exciting.”

“It is,” Jude agreed. “But I was wondering,” he lowered his voice and gave her his most charming smile, “if it would be possible for me to pick up Mr. Jenkins and take him with us. He was very adamant about being at my wedding and I want him there. Please, Trudy?” Jude batted his eyelashes. 

I wanted to roll my eyes at his ridiculous display, but of course Trudy caved.

“I’ll see what I can do.”

Twenty minutes later we were on our way, Mr. Jenkins in tow, with strict orders to have him back by eight tonight. 

“I knew you two would get married.” Mr. Jenkins smiled proudly in the truck—I was stuck sitting in the middle, practically on Jude’s lap. I didn’t know how he drove.

“I knew it too,” Jude agreed. “Even though Tate wanted to fight me the whole way.” Skimming his fingers along my neck, he murmured, “But no one can resist my charm.”

He was definitely right about that. 

We got back to the mansion and went in search of our friends. Rowan ended up intercepting me and shooing Jude and Mr. Jenkins away. I watched them leave, laughing at Mr. Jenkins’ wide-eyed expression as he looked around the mansion in awe. It was pretty impressive so I couldn’t blame him. 

“Who’s the old guy?” Rowan asked, watching them leave as well.

“Mr. Jenkins. He’s a patient at the nursing home Jude works at,” I shrugged. 

“Oh, that’s cool,” she smiled. “It was sweet of Jude to want to bring him. Now come on,” she grabbed ahold of my arm, dragging me up the main staircase, “we found a dress for you.”

I was pulled into the bedroom we’d used to get ready in earlier. Olivia and Lily stood inside waiting for us. 

I expected them to be angry about what Jude and I were doing—after all, Lily wasn’t family to me, and I didn’t really know Olivia all that well—but they were smiling happily and eager to help.

“Do you want to change your hair?” Rowan asked, already reaching to pull out the braid.

“I like it the way it is,” I assured her.

She immediately dropped her hand and went over to the chair in the corner. She turned back around to face me with a white dress draped over her arm. She bit her lip nervously and held it up. “I hope you like it.”

The dress was short and I knew when I put it on it would hit just above my knees. It was strapless with a sweetheart neckline and a silver sparkly band around the waist. The bottom of it flowed without being poufy. It definitely wasn’t the traditional wedding dress, but it was perfect.

“I love it, Row.” I reached out to touch the fabric. “This is perfect. How’d you find it?”

She shrugged. “It was mine. I got it for a homecoming dress in high school and never got a chance to wear it. Someone should.”

“Please tell me you didn’t leave your wedding to go get this,” I frowned.

“No, of course not,” she hastened to assure me, “I got someone else to go.”

I reached for the dress and took it from her hands. “Thank you so much for this.”

She waved her hand dismissively. “No thanks needed. I’m just happy to see my two best friends getting married,” she clapped, doing a small happy dance. I still marveled in the differences in Rowan since she’d been with Trenton. Gone was the quiet girl only focused on school and creating a better life for her son and sister. She was so full of life now. “Now,” she held up a finger warningly, “don’t try to hijack my honeymoon. I’m not sharing that with you,” she laughed.

“Deal,” I agreed, laughing too.

Lily and Olivia left Rowan and I alone while she helped me into the dress. 

Rowan grabbed some lip-gloss off a table and swiped it on my lips. “You look beautiful, Tate.” She fixed a piece of hair back in place and put her hands on my shoulders. “It’s time to get you married.”

I soon found myself standing where we’d waited earlier before walking down the aisle.

I turned to Rowan, grabbing her arm. “Can you grab Jude’s grandpa and my dad?”

“Of course,” she smiled, and headed outside to get them.

When they stepped inside I pulled them away from the others so we could have the semblance of privacy. 

“I’m sure by now you’ve probably figured out that Jude and I are getting married—” My dad opened up his mouth to speak, and I knew from the steep set of his brows he was going to try to talk me out of this. “No, dad. This is what I want. Nothing you can say will change my mind.” I squared my shoulders and took a breath. “I know it’s customary for the father to walk the bride down the aisle, and while I want you to do that, dad, I also want Jerry to be by my side.”  I turned to face Jude’s grandpa and tears pricked my eyes. “You’ve become a huge part of my life and it doesn’t seem right to celebrate this day without making you a bigger part of it. So, I’m hoping you’ll walk me down the aisle as well.”

“You know I’d do anything for you, Tatum,” he reached out to hug me. Wetness stung my shoulders and I realized he was crying. I was relieved that he’d called me Tatum. A part of me was afraid today would be one of his unfortunate bad days, and he wouldn’t remember Jude and I getting married. 

Once everything was straightened out, Rowan stood as my bridesmaid and Trent was at her side.

“Oh,” she shoved a bunch of Twizzlers tied together into my hand. “Jude told me to give you this as your bouquet. He said you’d understand.” Lowering her voice, she said, “One day you really have to explain this whole Twizzler thing to me.”

I laughed as I stared at the red candy in my hands. Only Jude. I was surprised he hadn’t glued gummy bears onto the Twizzlers. 

“You ready?” Rowan asked.

I nodded and she signaled to someone outside the doors.

Music started up and my heart lurched as my stomach dropped.

This was it.

The first day of the rest of my life.

Time seemed to speed up as Jerry and my dad walked me down the aisle and towards Jude who stood waiting for me.

He grinned proudly with his hands clasped together. His brown hair was gelled messily and stubble adorned his cheeks and chin. His brown eyes shimmered with happiness and I kept thinking mine.

When we reached him he held out his hand for mine. I took it and my dad and Jerry drifted away to sit.

I’d been so focused on Jude that I hadn’t realized that the crowd attending our wedding was much smaller than Trent and Row’s. Everyone that had attended their ceremony must’ve been down on the grounds at the reception already.

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