Read Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set Online

Authors: Micalea Smeltzer

Tags: #Contemporary

Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set (37 page)

BOOK: Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set
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His tongue flicked against the crease of my lips and my mouth opened underneath his skillful caress. He gripped the back of my skull and pressed me against him. The kiss went on for minutes and our temperature rose.

Trace pulled away first, his chest rising and falling heavily.

“We’re already here, we might as well…” He trailed off as he stood.

“Huh?” I asked, my brain foggy.

He began unbuttoning his dress shirt.

“Skinny-dipping, Olivia,” he smiled crookedly.

“What if someone comes down here?!” I hissed as his spectacular chest came into view.

“That’s part of the thrill,” he let the shirt fall and started on his pants.

I took a deep breath and stood. “Fine, but you’re going to have to unzip me.”

His pants fell to the ground and he was left in a pair of black boxer briefs. “I’m glad you’re not arguing so much this time.”

“Yeah, well,” I shrugged. “I’m trying to be spontaneous.”

“And you’re doing very well,” he winked as I pointed to the zipper.

He pulled it down in one smooth motion—if only it had went up that smoothly—and the plum colored dress fell around my feet.

“Want help with those?” He grinned, with a wicked glint in his eyes, and pointed at my bra and panties.

“No, I can manage on my own,” I said with more confidence than I felt.

It was silly, Trace had seen me naked plenty of times, but I was still nervous.

“Suit yourself,” he shrugged, and yanked his boxers down, diving into the pool in one smooth move.

“Show off,” I muttered.

He came sputtering to the surface in the middle of the large pool. He shook his head and droplets of water went flying from his hair. “Hurry up, slowpoke!” He taunted.

I’ll show him slow

Despite my nerves, I wanted to have some fun with him, and knew exactly how to do it.

I eased my panties slowly down my hips and back up.

His desire filled groan echoed around the room.

I lowered the panties again and let them fall to the ground this time.

Keeping my eyes locked securely on his, I unsnapped my bra and then caught the cups, pulling it away slowly from my body, letting my hair fall forward to hide my breasts.

Blushing, I let the bra fall from my arms.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I took a deep breath, and jumped into the pool.

With closed eyes, I swam for the surface.

I had just sucked in a lung full of air and was wiping the water from my eyes, when Trace’s arm wrapped around my stomach, pulling me against his body.

“Trace!” I squealed, kicking wildly.

“You’re such a little tease,” he whispered huskily in my ear. “That wasn’t fair.” He turned me around so that we were chest to chest. His hard-on pressed against my belly and a fire began to spread through my body.

My hands wound around his neck and I watched water droplets make their way down his handsome face.

“What wasn’t fair?” I gasped.

“You,” he ran a finger over my collarbone as we treaded water, “teasing me. I can only take so much.”

“You’re fun to tease,” I smiled, brushing a wet strand of hair from my eyes.

“Is that so?” He raised a brow. “Maybe…I should tease you a bit?”

I shivered at the promising tone in his voice. “Teasing could be fun.”

“I’m about to show you just how much fun,” his eyes narrowed in determination, a thin slit of green showing through.

With a firm grip on my waist, he dragged me through the water, and into the shallow end.

He stopped when we both could stand and licked his lips in thought.

“Come here,” he grabbed my hand. I followed him over to the steps. “Sit down,” he commanded.

I did, turned on by his bossiness.

He hovered above me, and his mouth descended on mine. At the same time his fingers came into contact with my aching core.

I cried out, and he used that to his advantage, snaking his tongue inside my mouth. His finger and tongue pumped in and out of me in sync. My breathing accelerated as my body built towards my orgasm, but when he sensed that I was about to go over the edge, he backed off, slowing the speed. I mewled in protest and he chuckled.

The speed of his finger increased and his tongue plunged into my mouth at the same speed. Faster, faster,

I was so close but he was slowing down again.

He kept the pace slower this time and after a few minutes, my orgasm was in sight, but then he stopped all together.

“Trace!” I cried out. “Please!”

“This is called, teasing, baby,” he chuckled warmly.

My eyes were closed but they fluttered open to glare at him. “This is torture.”

“I don’t think people enjoy torture, and baby, I know you’re enjoying this,” he winked and ducked his head under water.

I thought he was swimming away, but instead his hands clamped down on my thighs, holding me in place, as his mouth closed around my clit…under water.

What was he? A freakin’ merman?

He came up for air and went right back down.

Something about the water swishing around me, mixed with his tongue sliding up and down my folds, had me reaching an orgasm quicker than usual.

He came up for air again and I lost that peak.

At this point, I was on the verge of tears. I wanted my orgasm, dammit!

Trace shook the water from his hair. “No more teasing, I promise. But you’re not coming until I’m buried inside you, and can hear you scream my name.”

I whimpered at his words.

He picked me up and my legs automatically wrapped around his waist.

He leaned his back against the side of the pool, and reached between us, guiding his cock inside me.

We both moaned at the same time as he slid in all the way.

He cupped my butt, and held me there, neither of us moving.

“God, I was right, this is perfection,” he growled.

I’d agree but I couldn’t open my mouth to find the words to voice it.

“I have to move, baby,” he warned before he slid out a little, and back in, the water causing more friction than usual.

I clung to his shoulders and rested my head on his chest.

Our labored breaths filled the cavernous room and my hips rolled against his thrusts.

I was finally near my orgasm, one he wasn’t going to steal from me, when I leaned back and opened my eyes.

Over Trace’s shoulder, and through the glass on the door, my eyes connected with a deep pair of blue ones. They were narrowed in anger as they watched us shrewdly. I was too far-gone in a pleasure-induced coma to care, but I knew I would be pissed later that Aubrey was watching us. Couldn’t the bitch go away?

I tore my gaze from hers, and kissed Trace, cupping his cheeks in my hands. His tongue flicked against mine and I gasped in pleasure as he nudged a sensitive spot inside me.

“Trace!” I screamed out his name and my hands dropped from his cheeks to his shoulders. My orgasm tore through me and my whole body shook. He kept a firm grip on my hips as I shook. When he was sure that I was able to stand, he set me down on my feet, and slipped out of me.

He pumped his length with his hand and growled as he came into his palm.

I watched, fascinated. When he was spent, his arms circled around me, and he kissed me deeply, leaning me back so that the ends of my hair skimmed the surface of the water. Both of our chests were rising and falling from the exertion as we clung to one another.

“I think I like pool sex,” I whispered.

Trace’s chuckle vibrated my body. “I like any kind of sex with you. In fact, I like everything with you, not just the really great sex.”

“Good to know,” I laughed.

A boom sounded outside, and I turned in his arms to look out the wall of windows, where I saw fireworks going off. Red, green, blue, purple, and silver. They were beautiful the way they lit up the night sky with their colorful sparks. I had never seen fireworks in person before, only on TV, once or twice. I found myself smiling as we watched them

When they ended, we were still in the water, in each other’s arms.

Trace gazed down at me, his green eyes full of an emotion I couldn’t decipher.

“Happy New Year’s, Olivia. Here’s to a new year, and new adventures, together,” he murmured and kissed me.





School started back up which meant Avery and I were back in the dorms. The Callahan’s promised that my mom wasn’t a bother and could stay as long as she needed. In fact, Resa and my mom, had grown quite close, and Resa was helping her to find a job. Nick, thankfully, had to go back to Virginia Tech, so I didn’t have to worry about him hitting on my mom anymore.

I didn’t tell my mom, but I still worried that Aaron might show up. He was a bully…but a wimp at the same time, so he probably wouldn’t, but I also knew, he wasn’t the kind of person you should underestimate. He had nothing to lose, while we had everything.

I guess I was of the mentality that all good things must come to an end.

I hoped that wasn’t the case, but…

“Where are we going?” I asked Trace, holding tightly to his hand, as we ran down the sidewalk of the old walking mall. I forced my worried thoughts from my mind. I
to have fun. My braid thumped against my shoulder and snow flurried around us. The late January weather in Virginia was unpredictable. Some days were warmer, with temperatures in the fifties. While other days, like today, were cold enough for snow.

“I promise, it has nothing to do with your list,” he called over his shoulder, dragging me along.

I released his hand and stopped in my tracks. He turned around and jogged towards me.

“What are you looking at?” He tilted his head as he looked at me.

I pointed to the store window, where there was a red shirt displayed that said,
I Love Ketchup
. “I’m buying that for you,” I declared, heading straight into the store, not caring if he followed.

Trace grumbled about us being late, but I didn’t care. I grabbed the shirt and paid for it. Under normal circumstances, I would’ve taken the time to look around, but since Trace was on a time constraint to get…wherever it was he needed to be, I didn’t.

“Put it on,” I handed him the bag.

“Olivia,” he groaned, looking around the store at the people browsing.

“Trace,” I eyed him sternly. “You’re always pushing me out of my comfort zone. Put. On. The. Shirt.”

A challenge ignited in his green eyes.

“Fine,” he grinned cockily. He removed his jacket and long-sleeved plaid shirt. Then, with a giant smirk, he pulled his black V-neck t-shirt over his head. “Hi,” he waved at the teenage girl working the cash register. The poor girl’s mouth was hanging open as she stared at Trace. Someone needed to get a mop, because the amount of drool she was producing could cause someone to slip.

Trace took the bag from me and pulled out the bright red shirt. He ripped the tag off, and pulled the shirt on, tugging it down so that it covered his tightly sculpted abs.

“Happy now?” He asked, turning so I could assess the shirt.

“Ecstatic,” I smiled, putting the shirts he’d been wearing before, into the bag.

He grabbed his jacket and shrugged it on. “Now that you’ve had your fun, we really have to go.”

“Red’s a good color on you,” I laughed as we walked out of the store.

“Every color is a good color on me,” he chuckled. “Especially, when said shirt,” he plucked at the garment, “reflects my never-ending love of ketchup.”

I shook my head, laughing under my breath at him.

“Ah, here we are,” Trace held the door to a coffee shop open for me. The sign hanging above the door was in the shape of a coffee cup and declared the place as

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I questioned, looking around at the crowd gathered.

“Well,” he rocked on his heels, “Since classes started back up, you’ve been really busy, and I wanted us to do something fun.”

“O-okay,” I hesitated as we made our way to a vacant table. People were gathered around something, but I couldn’t tell what it was. “And what exactly does this ‘fun’ entail?”

He wet his lips and shifted in his seat. “I was
you would sing with me again.”

“What?!” I gasped loudly, causing a few heads to turn in our direction. “No way! I was scared to death the first time, and that was karaoke, where most people suck,
they give you the lyrics.”

“Calm down,” Trace pleaded. “If you really don’t want to, I’ll sing by myself, but I really hoped we could do it together,” he pouted. “Your voice is beautiful, Olivia,” his fingers brushed my chin.

My breath was shaky, my palms sweating.

I looked around at all the people, there were ten times more than had been at the restaurant when we sang karaoke, and most of those people had been drunk. These people, weren’t drunk, and they were here to listen to
music. I knew I had a decent voice, but I wasn’t confident enough to get up in front of a crowd this size.

“I don’t know,” I frowned, my shyness making me wish I could disappear.

“We’re supposed to sing in fifteen minutes,” he warned. “So, don’t think too long.” He paused, contemplating something. “I signed up for two songs…what if I do a solo, and then we do a duet, would that make you feel better?”

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