Read Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set Online

Authors: Micalea Smeltzer

Tags: #Contemporary

Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set (6 page)

BOOK: Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set
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What was the harm in getting coffee with him?

See u there. :)

My stomach rolled nervously. How could I be so affected by Trace? Why him and not another guy? What was so special about him? There had been plenty of guys in the last year who had tried to make a move on me, but I felt
, for them, while Trace caused a funny stirring in my stomach.

I tried not to think about the way he made me feel as I got in my car and drove to Starbucks.

He wasn’t there when I arrived, and I stepped up to the counter, ordering a Cinnamon Dolce latte.

The guy handed me my drink and I slipped a cardboard sleeve on it.

Surprisingly, Starbucks was mostly empty.

I took a seat at the bar in front of the window. My eyes zeroed in on a sleek black car approaching and the butterflies started.

Oh, God.

Why had I agreed to this?

I had already been crazy nervous for Friday, agreeing to see him again was only serving to make my nerves worse.

I watched him slip from his car, and pull off his sunglasses, folding them, and hooking them onto his shirt.

He opened the door, and looked up, smiling when he spotted me.

His cheeks were dotted in day old stubble and his eyes were a light green.

“Hey,” he grinned.

“Hi,” I squeaked, my eyes darting away from his, and connecting with the tile floor.

“Save my seat,” he winked, before getting in line, behind the few people that had trickled in.

I sipped slowly at my coffee so I didn’t burn my throat.

The stool beside me pulled out and Trace dropped into it.

I didn’t know what to say, so I stared awkwardly out the window.

He cleared his throat. “Olivia?”

I reluctantly turned to him.

“Are you okay?” He asked, looking me over.

I nodded. I couldn’t tell him that it scared me the way my body responded to him. Already, I found myself scooting closer to him. It was like he was the sun, and I was a flower, stretching up to reach his rays.

I knew I needed to say something and stop sitting here like a mute. “I’m glad you texted me,” I squeaked.

“You are?” He tilted his head. “Because you don’t look that happy.”

I bit my lip. “You…you make me…nervous,” I admitted.

He grinned. “I make lots of people nervous,” he skimmed his fingers lightly over my hand that rested on the top of the bar. “It’s a perfectly normal reaction.”

I shivered in response to his words.

“Seriously, though,” he pulled his hand away, “there’s no need for you to be nervous around me. I’m just a guy.”

I begged to differ. He was a freakin’ Adonis. And he was nice. And caring. And-

I swallowed thickly.

I might not have known Trace for long, but I had always been able to read people well, and I knew he was a genuinely good person…even if he was a little on the cocky side.

“Is your car doing okay?” He asked. “The tire’s okay?”

“Huh?” I stuttered. “Oh…yeah,” I shook my head. “It’s fine.”

“Do I fluster you, Olivia?” He grinned, wetting his lips.

“No!” I answered too quickly.

“There’s no reason to get defensive,” he chuckled, rubbing his jaw.

I glanced at him quickly, before my eyes flickered back to my cup of coffee, studying it intently.

I stared out the window, across the road at the strip mall, like it was the most interesting thing I had ever seen.

I shuffled my cup of coffee back and forth, scooting it along the tabletop, but then, it went flying from my fingers and tipped over. The contents spilled out on the counter and straight onto Trace’s jeans.

He jumped from his stool to avoid more of the hot liquid. My cheeks flamed. This would only happen to me.

“I’m so sorry,” I exclaimed, setting the cup upright, and grabbing a wad of napkins to dry the mess I had made. Trace would have to take care of his pants because I wasn’t going near that.

“It’s okay,” he assured me, wiping his jeans.

I bit down on my lip to hold back tears. I was the most embarrassing person on the planet.

I threw away the soiled napkins and frowned at the stain covering his jeans.

“Hey,” he grabbed my chin. “It’s no big deal. They’re only jeans. Look at them,” he pointed at the material, “they’re already covered in grease stains. What’s a little coffee?”

“Stop trying to make me feel better,” I mumbled, stepping away from his touch.

He let his hand fall to his side. By now, the people gathered in Starbucks were watching us.

He shook his head, a small smile gracing his lips as if he was holding back laughter, and threw away his empty coffee cup.

“I have to get back to work,” he slid his sunglasses on. “And change my pants,” he chuckled. “I’ll see you Friday.”

“Friday,” I nodded, as my stomach twisted, amazed that he still wanted to see me after I spilled coffee on his jeans.

He smiled as he left, waving at me through the glass, as he got into his car.

I watched him drive away, and took a deep breath, feeling like I could breathe now that he was gone.

The way he made me feel scared me to death.

No one
had ever made me feel the way Trace did.

A single look or touch from him sent my insides roaring.

I didn’t know him, but it felt like I did.

He was one of those people that was easy to trust…even if I did turn into a blubbering idiot around him.

My fingers sought my list in my jeans pocket. I touched the paper, biting on my lip.

I pulled it out of my pocket and threw my coffee away.

I unfolded the paper and stared at my Live List.

I made my list to try new things and be adventurous…so maybe, it was time I took that leap and told someone…told Trace.

The worst that could happen, would be, he’d laugh in my face.

But my gut told me that he wouldn’t do that.

The question was…was I ready?



I jogged across campus, towards my car, texting Avery to let her know my class had run late, and I’d meet her at the restaurant in ten minutes.

Hurry up biotch.
She replied.

I rolled my eyes at the text message and shoved my phone in my pocket. Leave it to Avery to come back with a smart-ass reply.

I unlocked my car and tossed my backpack onto the passenger seat.

I was about to climb inside when I heard my name.

I looked around blindly.

No one
ever called my name. I kept to myself and my only friend on campus was Avery. I knew it couldn’t be her, because she was waiting for me at Chili’s.

“Olivia!” The voice called again.

Someone grabbed my shoulder, and I jumped, turning sharply.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Grinning, Trace held his hands up in defense.

“It’s okay,” I mumbled, putting a hand over my racing heart. “What are you doing here?” I asked, and a second later, blurted, “Are you stalking me?”

He chuckled. “You
I was stalking you.” Trace looked me up and down with a smirk and I paled at his words. He pointed over his shoulder at a massive tow truck. “Some guy’s car broke down and we’re towing it in.”

How had I not seen that? I really needed to stop living in my own little world.

He shook his head, and blocked me in, against my car, caging me with his arms.

He gazed down at me intensely for a moment and I squirmed.

Flicking his dark hair out of his eyes, he questioned, “Why are you so awkward around me?”

My mouth flapped open. I hadn’t been expecting him to ask that and it wasn’t like I could really answer. What would I say? You make me feel all fluttery inside and want to spill my guts to you.

Um, no thank you.

“There’s no need to be uncomfortable around me,” he cupped my cheek.

I begged to differ.

, when he touched me like that.

I swallowed thickly as I looked up at him. I really wished he’d take his hand off and stop looking at me.

“You remind me of a frightened rabbit,” he chuckled. “Your eyes are wide and you keep jumping. Relax,” his fingers grazed softly over the curve of my cheek, causing my eyes to flutter closed.

“Are you…petting me?” I asked, opening my eyes.

He grinned, wetting his lips. “I think the term is
, Olivia.”

“Can you stop?” I begged.

His hand fell away. “I don’t think anyone’s asked me to stop before.” He chuckled, cocking his head. “This is interesting,” he rubbed his stubbled jaw, frowning.

“Good,” I crossed my arms over my chest, “your ego needs a blow or two.”

“I’m always down for a blow or two…” He smirked. “Not the kind you’re talking about, though,” he laughed.




He did
say that.

My cheeks colored, and my eyes darted to the ground, staring at my Converse.

“I was joking, Olivia,” he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. “I forget that you’re easily embarrassed.”

you forget?” I eyed him.

“No,” he chuckled, his eyes a light green, “I think you’re cute when you’re nervous.”

Before I could reply, a guy was calling his name, and waving him towards the tow truck.

“I’ve got to go,” he smiled.

“Okay,” I squeaked.

He backed away, keeping his eyes on me. “Don’t be nervous on Friday. Okay, Olivia?” He pointed a finger at me. “I don’t want you to be embarrassed around me.” His eyes grew serious as they narrowed.

“Uhmm,” I mumbled, turning around, and reaching for the door handle.

His chuckle carried through the air.

I let out a deep breath when I got into my car.

All I had wanted to do, was get in my car, and drive to the restaurant, but
of course,
to show up and turn me into a blubbering idiot, once more. Why could I never hold my own around him?

I shook my head and started the car. As I backed out and pulled away, I was careful to avoid his intense gaze. Nonetheless, I

During the whole drive to the restaurant, my breath was erratic.

Trace had the ability to turn my insides to mush and make me feel completely safe at the same time. It was a lethal combination and he knew how to use it to his advantage.

I parked my car and grabbed my wallet out of my backpack. When I stepped inside Chili’s, Avery was pacing back and forth.

“There you are!” She exclaimed loudly. “You said ten minutes, Livie! Ten! Not twenty! I’m hungry!”

“Shh,” I scolded, embarrassed by her behavior. “Keep it down. You’ll never believe what happened to me.”

She stopped her tirade and a slow smile spread across her face. “Now
sounds promising.”

“Two?” The hostess asked us.

“Yeah,” Avery nodded.

“Follow me,” the girl led us through the restaurant, purposely placing us away from everyone, so they wouldn’t have to suffer from Avery’s loudness.

“I already know what I want,” Avery moved her menu to the end of the table after we sat down. “So, tell me what happened. I’m dying here.”

I shrugged out of my jacket. “I was heading to my car when someone called my name-”

“Get to the interesting part,” she urged.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m

“Sorry,” she giggled.

“Anyway,” I shook my head. “It was Trace.”

“No!” She screamed. “Why was he on campus?”

“They were towing some guy’s car,” I ran a finger over the glossy menu.

“So, he talked to you, right?” She pressed.

I nodded. “You’ll never believe what I asked him, though,” I blushed.

“What did you do, Livie?” She shrieked, her hand twitching where it rested on the table. I was sure she wished she could knock some sense into me.

“I asked him if he was stalking me,” I mumbled, staring at the tiled tabletop.

“Olivia!” She gasped.

“What?!” I exclaimed. “It slipped out! I wasn’t expecting to see him on campus and he surprised me!”

Avery shook her head at my stupidity. “You have so much to learn.”

“You know what he asked me?” I inserted, tracing a fingernail around the designs on the tile.

“What?” She questioned with narrowed green eyes.

“He wanted to know why I was so awkward around him,” I bit my lip.

BOOK: Trace + Olivia Series Boxed Set
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