Tracked by Trouble (Bad Boys Need Love, Too #3) (11 page)

BOOK: Tracked by Trouble (Bad Boys Need Love, Too #3)
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No man should have lashes that long.
They made his blue eyes appear incredibly sexy. His scorching gaze made the heat inside grow to forest fire proportions. She let out a laugh. “Oh, my, Zed Farrell, aren’t we bold.”

“I’m enjoying myself with you, honey. You’re different.”

Beck felt the same way. Zed’s easy manner, coupled with his teasing banter, made her feel, on one hand, safe and seen, and on the other, she wondered how long she could wait until she ripped his clothes off. They had a chemistry unlike anything she’d ever experienced, and it wasn’t merely lust.

Zed moved to the stove, put olive oil in the frying pan, and asked her to hand him the garlic and veggies. He stood stirring, while she leaned against the counter, sipping her wine.

“Where’d you learn to cook?”

“Oh, here and there,” he answered. “I don’t know if you remember me saying this on our first date, but I love to learn and can learn new things like that.” He snapped his fingers. “If one of the women I dated wanted to teach me something, I learned it, baby. I’m a very quick study.”

A little shard of jealousy stabbed her heart, wondering what kinds of things he’d been taught.

“I hope that didn’t make you jealous,” he said, reading her mind. “Like I said, I never had deep love for any of your predecessors. Some of them managed to linger as friends. I’d hope that they’d be happy for me if I ever…you know…land a big one and fall in love.” He winked at her. “Since nothing happened between us, I mean. I think it’s important to wish people well in life, even if things don’t turn out the way you planned. Most people, anyway,” he added with a slight frown.

“Seems like a kind sentiment,” Beck said, thoughtful. “I don’t seem to be that way. I’m rather tempestuous and passionate. Old lovers…let’s simply say I have no contact with them and it’s for the best.”

Zed nodded. “Whatever works to keep you happy. Sometimes it’s better to cut your ties with the past.” He frowned again, as if realizing something, before adding some spices to the mixture he stirred, tasting it until he seemed satisfied. “So you,” he grabbed her shoulders and turned her toward the counter, “can take this loaf of bread, slice it, and put the slices on this plate. I’ll grab butter and we can sit in the front room and eat it while this is simmering.”

The simple contact stirred her libido to a frothing maelstrom. “How long do
have to simmer?” she said, almost pouting.

His eyebrows rose. “Depends on you, I guess. We don’t want this meal to go to waste, and I, for one, am in no hurry. No hurry at all. Maybe I can add some heat to the fire, though. You might need more fuel.”

Resting one large, warm hand behind her neck, he planted a gentle kiss on her lips with his sumptuous mouth, brushing tenderly back and forth before releasing her.

The intensity of the sweet kiss left her breathless. “Wow. You’re really something.”

“I’d say the something is the result of you and me. Can’t say I’ve experienced a connection like this.” He smiled, stepped toward the fridge and retrieved a tub of whipped butter, grabbing a knife from a drawer, as well.

Beck took the knife and ran the serrated edge through the bread. She piled a few pieces on the plate and held it up. “Ready,” she said.

Zed placed the butter and the knife on her plate, grabbed his ale, her wine and the wine bottle in his large hands and said, “After you.”

When she’d settled in one of his living room chairs, he said, “Okay, I have a tune for you.” He grabbed his guitar and sat opposite her. “Name this tune. I’ll give you another kiss if you get it right before I sing the words. The bonus will be if you can guess
I like it.” He looked at her almost in challenge. He began to strum a few bars, and his entire body started to move in sensual rhythm with the song, as if the music flowed through his muscles and bones.

“Of course, I know that song,” Beck said excitedly. “It’s one of my favorites. It’s
Lost without You
, by Robin Thicke.” Her head began to move back and forth to the easy rhythm.

He sang the chorus in a lovely, seductive falsetto, then launched into the verse. She joined him at one point, changing the words to, “I don’t want this guy, I don’t want that guy,” hoping he felt the sincerity radiating from her soul.
Only you, Zed Farrell.
Already smitten, her heart soared with happiness.

When he finished, he placed the guitar back in the stand and said, “Going to go for bonus points? Why do you think it’s one of
favorites?” He gave her a long serious gaze that made her melt inside.

“Because that’s what you’re looking for. That’s what you want in a relationship. It’s what I want, too. I want the guy I’m with to trust I want to be with him because I’m certain and I love everything about him, even his dirty thoughts and behaviors.” She let a seductive smile play at the corners of her mouth, delighting in the look of surprise that washed over his face. “I want to find someone I’m one hundred percent committed to, not sitting on top of a fence swaying in the breeze.”

“Do you think you’ll know when you’ve found it?” He swallowed hard.

Without hesitation, she said, “Yes, I believe I will. I may, in fact, be sitting directly across from it.”
Oh, Lord,
she thought.
You always leap without looking.

The smile that covered his face made her insides light up. She got to her feet and stalked toward him, saying, “Someone owes me a kiss, with bonus points, I might add.”

“And someone wants to give you that kiss,” he said, extending his arms. “With bonus points. But I want you to be sure of what you’re saying. It’s a little too soon to be exchanging rings,” he said, his face guarded.

“True,” she said, settling into his lap. “But I’m willing to see how this plays out. I mean, if you are, too. It could be the start of something wonderful.”

Chapter 13

Zed stalled on making a move. He placed the last dish in the dishwasher, closed the door, turned and faced the stunning redhead perched on the unfinished island. He leaned against the counter, resting his palms flat so his fingertips curved over the edge. He chewed his lower lip and scrutinized her. He knew what he wanted, badly—being inside her, on top of her, underneath her, didn’t matter which position.

The parts that concerned him? A) He was so horny and hadn’t had sex in months; he figured he’d come in a minute; and B) When he’d had sex while hanging with Billy O’Reilly and crew, his methods had been simple—get drunk and high to loosen inhibitions, choose the girl, even if he didn’t get first choice, and get busy. Since he didn’t smoke weed any longer, and only had a sociable amount of alcohol in his system, apprehension and self-consciousness made him stop from peeling off her clothes and plowing into her on the kitchen floor.

Beck watched him, a seriously hot look on her face, a playful smile curving those beautiful lips. She wriggled a hand into the pocket of her tight pants, pulled out a stick of lip gloss and dabbed the slick, shiny cream on her lips. “What in the world are you waiting for, Zed? All you’ll have to do is breathe the right way and I’ll come, guaranteed.”

He inhaled sharply, then shrugged. “Dessert?”

“I’m wearing edible underwear. Chocolate and strawberry flavored. Strawberry mint lip gloss. What could be better dessert than me?”

Zed choked out a laugh. “Are you kidding me?”

“No,” she said, giggling. “I won it at a baby shower, never used it and when I went home to get Sidekick, I got inspired.”

“Well, then,” Zed managed to say. “Let’s get you comfortable so I can eat my dessert. I might have a lollypop for you somewhere.”

“Oh, I hope it’s bigger than a lollypop. No offense, but I’m hoping for…” She blushed, fanned her face, and stammered, “Sorry, I’m sure the size is perfect.”

“We’ll have to see, won’t we? I sure don’t want to disappoint,” he said, wondering if she was a size queen. He’d been with a couple of those kind of women before. “Come,” he said, before losing his nerve, grabbing her hand and leading her from the kitchen, through the living room and into the bedroom in the back of the house.

“What a pretty room,” she said, looking around the well-designed space, releasing his hand to look around.

Mostly finished, this had been one of the rooms stalled by the use of his savings to save his skin in San Diego. The spacious warm-toned room held a king-sized bed as a focal piece. The bed overlooked trees, gardens and distant mountains.

“I was going for manly, but I guess pretty works.” He smirked. “Here, take a look at this.” He pushed open a door for her to admire the space beyond.

The ginormous walk-in closet held a few clothes, shoes, drawers for socks and underwear and a lot of unused space. “Lots of room in there. You know, in case you need a place to, um…store something.”

She peeked her head in, looking impressed. “Wow. Guess it depends on the lollypop you give me.” She gave him a saucy smile, then groaned. “Sorry, that didn’t come out right. I don’t want you to think I’m only in it for the…”

“Shhh, Beck honey. I’m only in it for the candy-flavored underwear, you should know that.” He put his hands on her shoulders and gently spun her around.

She lifted her head and gazed at him in an entirely beguiling manner. “You didn’t know I wore them until a few minutes ago.”

He ran his thumbs up and down her soft neck, taking pleasure in her shivery response. “A guy can hope.”

“Lucky me,” she said, letting her lips part and tipping her head.

A fire of passion the size of the entire Northwest blazed in him. For one fleeting, terrifying moment, he thought of what would happen if she left him for someone else. Worse yet, if he grew attached. A cold sweat began to form on his forehead and his heart began to beat like a rabbit as if caught in this odd, irrational fear of snakes or sharks or loving attachment. He blinked to clear his head, decided he was already in too deep to care, deeper then he’d ever gone before. He closed his eyes and dropped his mouth to hers.

She groaned and opened to him.

He found her fingers, laced his into hers and pressed her hands over her head against the wall, capturing her with his body. She undulated against him, pressing her hips into him. He ground his stiff erection into her sweet, supple belly, certain he’d come at any second. After several lip-devouring, tongue-tangling moments, he wrenched his mouth away. “Sweet Jesus,” he said, panting, his cock as stiff as an iron rod.

“Yeah,” she said, her eyes bright. “I’ll second that.” She blinked and asked, “That’s no small lollypop you’ve got for me, is it?”

He gave her a slow shake of the head, unable to tear his eyes from her face, her lips, her neck, her copper colored hair. “Too soon to tell, isn’t it? I might have stuffed it inside a sock to make it look big.”

She laughed. “Or five socks.”

He grabbed her hand. “Come. If I don’t slow this down, I’ll be the one coming in two seconds flat.” He led her to the bed and guided her to sit.  “Let’s get you comfortable. One sec,” he said, holding up his index finger. He quickly turned off the overhead light and dimmed the lights in the scones to a soft glow.

“Nice,” she murmured, gazing at him with lusty eyes. “I hope you like dirty sex,” she said.

“The dirtier the better,” he said, tugging her top from her torso.
Jesus, the woman’s pure sweet sultry sin,
he thought, eyeing her beautiful torso. “I want to grind myself inside you,” he said. “But I’d rather you were begging for me to plunge my dick where it wants to go,” he added, some of his old raunchy language surfacing.

Her eyes widened and she bit her sexy lip.

He placed his palm over her chest and gently pushed. “Lay back, beautiful.”

When she lay prone on the bed, looking up at him like a seductress, he ran his hands up and down the front of his jeans. “Goddamn, you’re beautiful,” he said, unable to conceal his lust any longer.

“Take your shirt off,” she coaxed.

He whipped his shirt over his head and flung it across the room.

Her eyes widened. “Oh, my God, Zed, you’re gorgeous.”

“Yeah?” Pleased, he crawled next to her, letting his fingers drag along the legs of her skin tight pants, up to the kitten-plush skin of her stomach, around her silky black bra cups. “Candy?” he asked.

She shook her head. “That’s down below.”

“Holy hell.” His cock gave a kick, sort of like a “let me out” cry of protest.
Easy boy,
he urged himself. He stroked up and down her arm. The satiny feel of her warm skin made him more aroused than he’d ever been in his life—or maybe it was all her.

She shuddered with pleasure. “Nice hands you’ve got.”

“Thank you,” he said, drawing them along her shoulders. “The better to caress you.”

She let her nails trace his midsection, trailing up to his chest, as he leaned next to her, propped on one elbow.

“Feels fantastic what you’re doing, sweetheart.”

“Yes,” she said, smiling, “it does.”

“I like touch,” he said, drawing out the “ch” syllables of the word. “And taste.” He kissed a trail up the inside of her incredibly silky arm. “I’m a very sensual guy,” he said, feeling erotic heat pouring from his eyes, his hands, his fingers.

“Oh, I can tell,” Beck breathed.

Zed slid his fingers underneath her bra strap and pulled it off her shoulder, kissing the smooth rounded curve. “This piece of fabric is pretty, but…”

She rolled to the side in a languid manner, revealing her beautiful back, stretching her arms over her head as she did so.

Zed swallowed and unclasped the tiny hooks. His fingers trailed along her skin, pushing aside her silky tresses to nuzzle her neck.

“I love the feel of your touch,” Beck said with a little moan.

“I love to explore new territory,” he said. “You’re like velvet.” He pushed the lace and satin from her so he could see the entirety of her back. “Stunning.” He ran his palm up and down the length of her.

“Mmm,” she hummed.

He kissed each shoulder blade and the spaces in between before encouraging her to roll over. He sat next to her, his fingers idly exploring the shapes and curves.

“You’re spoiling me, Zed.” She looked at him with heat and passion.

“How am I spoiling you, Beck honey?” He’d never been one to indulge in terms of endearment but they seemed to fit with her. His hands traced the abundant globes of her breasts.

Her eyes fell shut. “Adored. I feel worshipped.” Her eyes closed, her hair spread along the pillow, she looked absolutely radiant.

“That’s how it should be.” Zed made soft circles around her nipples with his index finger, watching them pucker into rosy buds. “When it’s right, that is.” He bent his head and took one of them in his mouth, sucking gently, swirling his tongue around the musky treat. Hearing her moans, he sucked harder, his cock pulsing in his jeans.

Beck gasped, pushing her fingers through his hair.

He released her nipple and worked his way up to her mouth, kissing her collarbones, the hollow in her throat, the pulsing veins in her long neck, her jaw.

She arched and bowed beneath his kisses, stoking his already searing passion.

“Want to know what your musk tastes like?” he asked.

“If it’s on your lips, I do.” She gave him a sweet, heart-melting smile.

He brought his lips to hers, kissed her once, twice, three wet, sensual times. “Do you like that?”

“I like the way it tastes coming from you,” she said. She looked like she’d explode, any minute.

A low laugh rumbled from his throat. “I’m ready for some candy.” He licked his lips.

“Sweet Jesus, I thought you’d never ask.” She bit her lip and brought her hand to her zipper.

“Nuh uh,” he said, clasping her hand. “Allow me.” He slowly unzipped her, peeling back the fabric to reveal a pinkish-colored panty. He brought his hands to either side of her hips, slid his fingers underneath the stretchy fabric, and urged the pants from her legs. They slid from her skin, revealing long, long gorgeous legs coming to an end at red painted toenails. “You’re utterly spellbinding,” he said. He picked up her leg and kissed the inside arch of her foot.

She giggled. “I’m ticklish.”

“Duly noted,” he said, making his way up to her ankle. “Here?”

She smiled and shook her head.

He kissed his way up her calf, pausing at the knee to caress the exquisitely soft skin at the back. “How are we doing?” he asked.

“We’re doing fantastic,” she said, letting her hand trail over her breasts. “We’re in heaven.”

He pushed her legs apart and settled on his knees at her apex.

“You’re wearing too many clothes, Zed. I can’t stand it.”

“Am I? My apologies.” He stood on the bed, looming over her, gazing down at her with lust. He unzipped and slipped free of the restrictive jeans.

“Oh, my fucking God, Zed,” she said, her eyes wide. “You weren’t kidding. How did you manage to hide that thing from me?”

He chuckled, taking delight in her appreciation of him, grasping himself and giving it a few strokes. “Like what you see?”

“Baby, stop. I want to be the one to make you come.”

“Won’t be hard; I can guarantee you.” He dropped back to all fours between her parted legs. “So,” he said, gazing at the pink thong covered with brown dots. “Time to eat some candy.” He waggled his tongue at her.

“Mmm, can’t wait,” Beck murmured.

He placed his palms on her thighs, spreading them wider and dropped his head toward the slick plastic-looking panties. He slid his tongue under the tiny strap holding them on her hips and moved it back and forth. He was met with a bitter, chemical taste.
Maybe the thong part tastes better,
he hoped.

He nipped off a large piece of pink, along with a brown dot, expecting a chocolate strawberry taste. The morsel tasted like a thick, gooey Listerine strip. Viscous and sticky, it clung to his molars with a vengeance, causing the horrid taste to linger in his mouth. “Sweetheart,” he managed to croak, completely preoccupied with the task at hand—getting the foul taste from his mouth.

She looked at him with horror. “What?”

“These are…” He tried to pick the clump of plastic from his tooth with his fingernail. “These taste awful, like a chemical covered balloon. My guess is there’s nothing remotely food-like in them. I’ve got one chunk trying to burrow into my enamel and make cavity babies.”

“Oh my God, Zed!” She scrambled up to sitting and peeled the wretched underwear from her hips. She flung them across the room.

“Probably best to put those in a waste container,” he said, still picking at the plastic clump. “They might burn a hole in the wood floor.”

She hustled from the bed, picked up the wad of chemicals and shoved them into the waste bin next to the bed. “I’m so embarrassed,” she said, returning to the bed. “Can I get you anything? Water? Wine?”

“A tissue, please. There’s a box in the closet on the middle shelf. I don’t want to swallow this disgusting thing. Almost got it. Nurse?” he said, in what he hoped sounded like a teasing tone.

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