Tracker Devils Angels MC Book 2

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Authors: Erin Trejo

Tags: #love, #hate, #past, #mc

BOOK: Tracker Devils Angels MC Book 2
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Devils Angels MC Book 2
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2015 Erin Trejo
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I have her hands pinned above her head
against the wall in my bedroom. She doesn’t say a word just stands
very still. I'm kissing her neck and she moans. I have been waiting
for this day for a long fucking time now. Bell caught my eye the
first time I came into this place. She was sitting at the bar
working on some kind of paperwork when I came in from my first
ride. She was perfect. She sat so still just watching as we came
in. She didn’t smile or wave but just watched. I tried to talk to
her but every time I did she just blew me off. I wasn’t sure of her
background when I first came here and I'm still a little unsure
now. I don’t care anyways since I have her in my room. Shit has
been so crazy around here after what happened to Draven and Casey
but they have come through it all pretty well. Everyone is a little
calmer now and a little more laid back now that the whole situation
is takin care of. I haven’t been able to think about anything but
Bell since it all happened. We talked right after and she finally
said she would “date” me, what ever the hell that means. “Where did
you go?” Bell’s voice breaks through my thoughts. I look into her
eyes and realize that I have stopped kissing her. I quickly fix
that though. Her little hand travels down my stomach to the snap on
my belt and she starts undoing it when some asshole knocks on the
door. “What the fuck you want?” I scream never letting go of Bell.
“Come on man we got a meeting.” Garrick yells from the other side
of the door. “Fuck you I'm busy.” I yell as I grab a handful of
Bell’s hair. “Fuck yourself man, Prez said now.” Garrick yells and
I hear him walk off. “Fuck!” I snap as I let go of Bell and she
laughs. “You think this shit is funny babe?” I look down at her and
ask. “Kinda.” She says back to me chewing on her bottom lip. “Keep
chewing that and I'm going to give you something else to chew on.”
I say as I lean down and bite her lip as she squirms. I kiss her
forehead and walk out of the room leaving her inside.

I walk into the office and sit at the table
and watch Prez and Draven as they have a little chat at the desk.
Draven looks pissed and that is never a good thing. Prez walks past
a pissed off Draven and comes over to the head of the table as
Draven shakes his head and follows. “Seems we have a little fucking
problem that was over looked.” Prez says as he looks over towards
Draven. “Seems so. Looks like one of Spike’s little bitches made it
out and went back to New York to inform their President of the
little misunderstanding that we had here. Now they would like to
have a little chat with us in between places.” Draven says looking
over at me. “So when is this meeting going to take place?” I ask as
Garrick stands up. “How the fuck did one make it out?” Garrick is
yelling now. “We don’t know.” Prez says as he stands and paces the
floor. “What we do know is they are taking their time to set up the
fucking meeting which means when it’s time we need to have some
scouts out there and check the damn site before we agree to this
meet.” Draven says looking more pissed than he did a few minutes
ago. The silence in the room is palpable. I don’t understand how
this shit even happened. We were very careful when we went in to
make sure no one made it the fuck out of there. We shut down half
their fucking operation while we were at it. I know this shit isn’t
going to sit well with Draven or Casey but fuck if Bell isn’t going
to go the fuck off either. Casey and Bell are best friends and have
been since before Casey took off with Spike. Now that they are back
together those girls have been inseparable. “Casey know about
this?” I ask as everyone looks over at Prez. “No she doesn’t know
yet but it is not our place to tell her either. Draven’s got that
part handled. As for the rest of you the main thing we need to do
is keep the women safe and protected until we know what the fuck
they want. I will NOT have them hurting one more of our girls.”
Prez says and he is very pissed off. Once we are done with the
discussion and Prez dismisses us, I follow Draven out the door.
“You want me to come with you when you talk to Casey?” I ask him as
he heads for the stairs. “Yea, if you and Bell don’t mind we can go
out somewhere later and talk to them both.” Draven says as I nod
and follow him to the bar.

We drop down on the stools and the whole
atmosphere is off around here after that talk. The girls notice too
since they come rushing over to us. “Hey Casey, How you feeling?” I
ask as I grab a beer and Bell around the waist. “I'm fine Tracker
if you ask me again I'm going to beat your ass.” She snaps as she
climbs into Draven’s lap. “No need for the violence sis, damn.” I
say to her as I take a long drink of my beer. “Hey me and Draven
are taking you ladies out tonight.” I say looking back and forth
from Bell to Casey. “What if I don’t want to go out?” Bell whispers
in my ear and I smile. “You will have all night for that.” I say
and laugh. “You two are some kind of perverts.” Draven laughs as he
grabs his beer. “I know you aren’t talking after all that shit we
heard last night.” I snap back at him and we all laugh. “Hey
Garrick, You riding tomorrow?” I yell as I see Garrick stomping
down the stairs. “Fuck yea. I always am you know that Tracker.” He
says as he stomps past us towards the back. “He is all kinds of
fucked up man.” I say to no one really. “He fits right in.” Draven
says and we all agree. I finish my beer and then I grab Bell and
head outside for a while. I know I told Draven we were going to
talk to the girls tonight but I just can’t get this shit out of my
head. “What’s wrong?” Bell asks as she squints her eyes in the sun.
“I just need to talk to you.” I say walking around in the grass.
“What happened?” She asks as she grabs me around the waist. I hug
her to me and think if I should really tell her. I can’t just leave
her out though. “The meeting was pretty shitty. Seems that one of
Spike’s guys got out and made it back to New York and told their
President what happened. Now they want a meet and shit in between
places.” I say as I hug her to me. She looks those big blue eyes up
at me. “What’s that mean for you?” She says and sounds concerned.
“Nothing yet. Someone will be sent out on duty, you know to check
shit out like last time. I'm guessing it will be me.” I say like
it’s no big deal. Bell drops her hands from around my waist and
tries to pull away but I don’t let her. “Bell don’t do this shit!”
I snap at her as she keeps trying to pull back. “I'm not doing
anything.” She says and still tries to move away. “Damn it Bell
don’t fucking start this shit already.” I say as I let go of her.
“You know what Tracker, you’re right. I'm not going to start this
shit already. It has been started. I don’t want to lose you.” She
says as she looks down. I walk to her and lift her chin so she is
looking at me. “You are not going to lose me Bell.” I say as I lean
down and kiss her soft lips.

Later that night me and Draven are waiting on
the girls to get ready so we can go out. “These damn girls act like
we are meeting the fucking president. We have been standing here
for 45 fucking minute’s man.” I say as I look over at a highly
annoyed Draven. “It’s a fucking girl thing.” Draven says as he
checks his watch again. When we see the girls finally coming down
the hall we start screaming and yelling. “Shut the hell up you
assholes.” Casey yells as they walk over towards us. Bell looks
perfect in her little dress and sandals. I walk up and grab her
around the waist and kiss her hard. “You ready?” I whisper against
her neck. She nods her head and follows us out the door. We all hop
into Draven’s truck and head to the restaurant. We get in and find
a table as we all sit down and order. “So what is this all about?”
Casey asks with her attitude only Draven could love. Draven looks
at me and I nod. “Well seems that one of the guys we got with Spike
made it out and back to New York. Now the president wants a meet
and greet type shit in a remote place.” I say and Casey looks
shocked. She looks over at Draven as he pulls her closer. “We don’t
know what it is about or when they want it since they are taking
their dear sweet time to make the arrangements.” I finish up as I
grab Bell’s hand under the table. “So they aren’t done?” Casey says
and I can see the tears in her eyes as I look over at Bell and she
is looking down and not making eye contact with anyone. I give her
hand a little squeeze and she half-smiles up at me. “We don’t know
Casey.” Draven says to her in a soft tone. “Yea we do know Draven.”
She snaps back at him. The waitress brings our food and we all sit
and pick at it. No one really eats or speaks. The tension is so
fucking hard in here right now that I can’t stand it. I stand up
and walk out the front doors.

Never thought I’d see you again.” A
voice comes from behind me. I turn around to see who the hell is
talking and who they are talking to. My heart stops when I come
face to face with a brown haired ghost from the past. “What the
hell are you doing here?” I ask her and she looks shocked. “After
all this time I thought you’d be happier to see me.” She says
walking closer. Holy fucking shit. I can’t believe she is here.
“Jenna, what the fuck are you doing here?” I ask her again and this
gets me a smile. I missed that smile for the last two years. Jenna
was my everything. We were together for 4 years before she just up
and disappeared one day. Not a fucking word or a good bye, she was
just gone. I asked her family and they said she needed space. After
almost a year I just gave up hope of every seeing her again and now
here she is standing the fuck in front of me. “I asked you a
question?” I say to her again and she stops right in front of me.
“I been around Terrance. You missed me?” She asks as she rubs her
hand up my chest. God I can still remember the feel of this girl. I
feel my breaths coming faster. This is what she used to do to me. I
look down into those big brown eyes and I'm stuck. I can’t fucking
move. “Why are you here?” I ask her in a softer voice now. “I
missed you. I needed to see you.” Jenna says as she moves her hand
lower. She plays with my belt buckle and I'm going to fucking lose
my mind. I reach down and grab her hand. “What’s wrong?” She asks
me looking up at my face. “How did you know where I was?” I ask her
never letting go of her hand. “Why does that matter? I'm here
aren’t I?” she says as I hear the Draven’s voice followed by the
girls. I quickly let go of Jenna’s hand and turn around to see the
three of them staring at me. “What’s going on here?” Draven asks
wiggling his eye brows. “Not a damn thing.” I say as I walk over to
Bell who gives me a nasty look as she looks between me and Jenna.
“You aren’t even going to introduce me Terrance?” Jenna says as she
moves closer to us. “This is an old friend of mine from years ago.
Jenna.” I say as she smiles. “This is Draven, Casey and Bell.” I
say to her as she shakes hands with everyone. Well this night just
got fucking worse.

So what are you guys doing?” Jenna
asks as we all just stand there. “We just had dinner and now we are
heading back to the club.” Draven says slowly not sure what he is
supposed to say. Jenna looks around confused. She doesn’t know
about the club, she was long gone before that ever came about.
“Look it was nice seeing you but we need to go.” I say as I start
to walk past Jenna. “I still need to talk to you Terrance.” Jenna
says. I grab Bell’s arm and drag her along with me as I walk off
without another word to Jenna. Draven and Casey follow as I stalk
down the street. At some point Bell let’s go of my hand but fuck if
I even noticed that shit. My mind is running a million fucking
miles right now. Where the hell has she been? What is she doing
here? I can’t even begin to think what the hell she wants or how
she even found out where I was. I left that place a long time ago
and never looked back and now here is my past right in my fucking
face. I hear Draven come up beside me and put his hand on my
shoulder. “Hey slow the fuck down man.” He says as I turn to see
where the girls went. “Where’s Bell?” I say as he stares at me.
“Sent them into the ice cream joint. What the fuck was that?”
Draven asks as he points back towards the restaurant. “That was the
fucking past man. I dated her years ago right before I came here.
We were together and then one day she fucking just left and I never
heard from her again. Now here she is and all up on me and saying
she needs to talk to me and shit.” I ramble on as Draven tries to
follow along. “Slow the fuck down man. So she just came up to you
out there?” He says and I nod. “Holy fuck man. What does she even
want?” He asks me. “Fuck if I know. I didn’t give her the chance to
talk. Damn girl was all on my dick like it was the old times.” I
say as I shake my head. “Fuck this, let’s just go man.” I say as I
start back towards the ice cream joint.

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