Read Traffic Stop Online

Authors: Tara Wentz

Tags: #Romance, #Thriller, #Glbt

Traffic Stop (10 page)

BOOK: Traffic Stop
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“Thanks. You’re a godsend.”

Marcy started to return to her desk but paused in the doorway.

Tobi leaned back in her chair and waited for Marcy to voice what was on her mind.

Marcy closed the door and returned to the seat in front of Tobi’s desk.

“So, want to tell me more about this gorgeous woman you’ve been seeing?”

Tossing her pen onto the desktop, Tobi grinned at Marcy before replying, “What exactly would you like to know?”

“Oh…how about everything, for starters?” she said with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

“Now, Marcy, a girl has to have her secrets. I can tell you this much, though: she is amazing. I’ve never met anyone like her.

She’s so smart and funny. She’s really very sweet behind that tough cop persona.”

Tobi’s eyes lit up as they always did when she talked about Ryan, and it was something Marcy always noticed. Tobi was a different person with Ryan in her life.

“Didn’t you go to her mother’s recently?”

Tobi leaned back in her chair and smiled. “Yes. I met her mother, Grace, and two of her brothers. The other two live out of state. They are a warm and wonderful bunch. Just like Ryan, they are very easy to talk with, but very ornery. I can’t imagine how Grace kept her sanity when they were all younger.”

“What about her father?”

Tobi’s expression turned somber as she responded. “He was killed in an accident a couple of years ago.”

“Wow,” Marcy said, sadly. “That’s rough.”

“Yeah, she really looked up to him. He was her hero.”

Marcy let a few moments of respectful silence go by before she stood and placed her hand on the back of the chair. “She really sounds like a good person, Tobi. You’ve been so much happier lately, and you’re not staying till all hours of the night anymore.”

She walked to the door, and then turned back, “Oh, don’t forget the board meeting at four.”

“Thanks for the reminder and, Marcy…thanks for being a friend.”

“You are most welcome…on both accounts. Holler if you need anything.”

Resting her forearms on the desk, Tobi thought about Ryan and then about her own conversation with Marcy. She was quickly realizing everything that Ryan meant to her. She couldn’t imagine not having this amazing woman in her life. Tobi knew that the intimacy they had shared affected Ryan as much as her, but she wasn’t sure that Ryan was ready for a more physical relationship.

With the hurt Ryan had endured in the past, Tobi could only imagine what must be going through her mind. Tobi didn’t want to push Ryan into making love if she wasn’t ready for it. She knew that when the time was right, there would be no hesitation, and it would just happen. She wanted their first time together to be so very special. She wanted it to be slow, slow enough for her to explore every inch of Ryan with her hands and mouth; slow enough to make Ryan forget everything except her, slow enough to make Ryan tremble and beg. Tobi closed her eyes and drew a deep breath, trying to calm her own body’s reaction to the images in her mind. Until Ryan was ready for more, Tobi would cherish every touch and smile. She grabbed her pen and set to work so that when the meeting was over, she could get out of there on time.

Chapter Eight

t had been almost two weeks since the incident with the silent caller, and Tobi had not heard anything more from I him. Ryan wondered whether this was a one-time occurrence or if he had a plan he was following. Either way, she knew it was still bothering Tobi. She had confessed that each time the phone rang in the office it startled her and put her on edge. The only thing Ryan could do was to assure her that she would do everything she could to protect her. Although Tobi told Ryan she didn’t have to keep staying with her every night, Ryan insisted that she really wanted to stay, for her own peace of mind. If Ryan went home, how could she possibly sleep at night wondering whether or not that man was still plotting to harm Tobi in some way? Tobi seemed just as relieved by her answer as Ryan was about Tobi’s letting her stay.

“C’mon, we’re going to miss the beginning.”

Startled out of her thoughts, Ryan saw Tobi grab the popcorn and head toward the theater. She picked up the sodas and followed. Ryan settled down next to her and handed Tobi her drink. Tobi smiled and tilted the popcorn in Ryan’s direction.

“Thanks. Do you know anything about this movie?”

“Mmm, not really,” Tobi said, taking a sip. “Marcy said it was pretty good, though.”

Ryan hesitated, her drink halfway to her mouth. She set it back in the cup holder. “Marcy said it was good?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”

“Tobi, you told me that Marcy really only likes sappy love stories.”

“Oh, Ryan, I’m sure she likes other movies. Now, shhh, it’s starting.”

A third of the way through the movie, Ryan realized this was, in fact, a sappy love story. However, she couldn’t bring herself to mind since Tobi was holding her hand. Periodically, Tobi would run her palm up Ryan’s forearm and back down, the soft strokes coaxing goosebumps to the surface. Ryan felt an overwhelming desire to take Tobi in her arms and kiss her until she gasped from sheer want and need. She wanted to unbutton Tobi’s blouse and bask in her warm scent; slip her hand beneath the denim barrier and skim her fingers over wet folds to the hardened bundle of nerves begging for release. Ryan clasped her legs together, barely restraining a moan of pleasure. If she wasn’t careful, she’d miss what the movie was all about.

Who are you kidding?

What are you doing here? Can’t you see I’m trying to pay

Trying being the key word.

I give up. What is it you want?

You know you’d go see whatever Tobi wanted to, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a sappy love story.


So, what does that mean when you will sacrifice your likes for those of someone else?

It means I like her and want her to be happy. It really doesn’t
matter what we see as long as I get to spend time with her.

I see.

What exactly do you see?

Just that I think you, Ryan, are in love with Tobi.

Ryan glanced in her direction and was startled to see Tobi’s eyes upon her. Tobi raised an eyebrow at her questioningly, and Ryan just shook her head. Shrugging her shoulders, Tobi turned her attention back to the screen. Ryan knew Tobi saw the stunned expression on her face, but how could she possibly explain?

Would she understand the fear I have of what I feel for her?
For the rest of the movie, Ryan forced herself to pay attention.

As they exited the theater, they zipped their jackets and huddled close. The wind had picked up since they entered the building, and it smelled like rain was in the air.

“So, what did you think of the movie?” Tobi asked.

“It was good. Did you like it?”

“I liked it a lot. I’ll tell Marcy that you said it was good,” she said smugly.

Ryan rolled her eyes and opened the Jeep door. “Get in, you goof.” As she waited for Tobi to settle in before closing the door, Ryan glanced across the row of cars to see a man watching Tobi’s every move. She looked at Tobi, then back to where the man had been standing and saw he was gone.
What the hell was that all


“Oh, sorry,” she said, closing the door. Running around to the driver’s side, Ryan hopped in, started the engine, and pulled away from the parking lot. They failed to notice the man watching from his beat-up van.

Tobi, while waiting for the elevator to arrive, thought back to the evening at the movies. Ryan was so good to go and watch a chick flick and not complain. What really got Tobi’s curiosity going was the shocked, even almost fearful look on Ryan’s face at one point during the movie. For the life of her, she couldn’t figure out what Ryan had been thinking. It couldn’t have been a reaction to the movie because it was a slow point, and nothing was going on. Ryan hadn’t been acting any differently, except for the brief time in the parking lot when she was staring off into space. Tobi guessed she would just have to wait to find out what Ryan had been thinking, if she ever did.

She was snapped from her thoughts by the ding of the elevator. Tobi shifted the folders in her arms and moved in among the crowd to take a spot by the wall. As the elevator rose, she glanced through a couple of charts, knowing they were due back later that day. When she shifted the folders around, one slipped from the pile to land on the floor. Before she could pick it up, a tanned and rough-looking hand entered her line of vision and picked it up for her. Tobi looked at the man and extended her hand. “Thank you,” she said while waiting for the folder. It took a few seconds for the man to put it in her hand, but when she tried to place it back in the stack, he had yet to release it. He seemed fixated on her hand, or rather the bracelet that encircled her wrist.

As the elevator doors opened, Tobi tugged the folder from his fingers and exited into the hallway. She walked away from the elevator, but before she went too far, she peered over her shoulder and found the man staring at her. Lately Tobi felt like she was constantly being watched. She shivered slightly before continuing on to her office.

Ryan drummed her fingers lightly on the desk while waiting for the phone to be answered. Overall, it had been a pretty good day, except for being forced to listen to Jake’s singing, that is.

That man could not carry a tune in a bucket. However, it was good to see him in such a great mood. As much as she wanted to know why he was so happy, history reminded her not to ask. On the few occasions she did venture to ask, she had wished she hadn’t. Jake was notorious for giving more details than Ryan ever wanted—or needed—to know.

“Dr. Drexler’s office, Marcy speaking. How may I help you?”

“Hi Marcy, it’s Ryan. Is Tobi available?”

“Well, hello there. Actually, she was in a meeting but should be back any time. Want me to page her?”

“No, that’s okay. Just tell her that I should be getting out of here right on schedule, and I’ll be there shortly.”

“Will do…Ryan, for what it’s worth, I haven’t seen Tobi this happy in a very long time. I’m glad you’ve come into her life.”

“Thanks, that means a lot. I’m glad she’s come into my life, as well.”

“Take care, Ryan. I’ll talk to you later.”

“You, too; bye, Marcy.”

Ryan hung the phone up and leaned back in her chair with a smile. It was good to know that she was making Tobi so happy.

As she swiveled her chair around, she caught sight of Jake’s big feet propped up on the desk, hands clasped over his stomach, and his eyes fully upon her. And he had the biggest, dumbest smile on his face.

up with you, Jake?” Ryan asked as she stood up and stretched.


“Uh-huh, like I believe that.” Picking up her jacket, she knocked his feet off the desk as she walked past him and continued out the door. Ryan hopped into the Jeep and glanced in the mirror before backing out of the parking space.
Look at you,
Ryan. No wonder Jake was teasing you so much. You can’t quit
smiling and seem to have a constant blush.
Ryan pulled out into traffic and headed to the hospital.

“Hey, Tobi, you just missed Ryan,” Marcy said, placing the phone back in it’s cradle.

“Missed her?” Tobi asked, glancing around.

“On the phone. She called about fifteen minutes ago. She said she’s right on schedule, and she’ll be by to get you shortly.”

“You had me worried there for a second. I thought I was running late.” Tobi entered her office and placed the charts on the corner of her desk. Hopefully, she would remember to return them in the morning. If not, Medical Records would surely hunt her down.

“Personally, I think she just wanted to hear your voice,”

Marcy said, leaning against the doorjamb.

Once seated, Tobi looked at Marcy and knew the smile on her face matched the one on her own.

“You think so, huh?”

“Definitely. That woman is absolutely gorgeous and seems to be completely devoted to you.”

“Marcy, what on earth makes you say that?”

“Have you seen the way she looks at you? How about her daily calls, or the fact that she will do anything for you? If I weren’t straight, I’d be fighting
for her!”
If that increasing
smile on Tobi’s face means what I think it means…
“She’s behind me, isn’t she?”

As Tobi watched her turn around to face Ryan, she couldn’t help but laugh at how red Marcy’s face had become.

“Hi, Marcy,” Ryan said with a wiggle of her fingers.

“Uh…hi, Ryan. I’ll see you tomorrow, Tobi,” she said, making a hasty exit.

As the door closed behind Marcy, Ryan looked at Tobi, and they burst out laughing. Walking to within inches of Ryan, Tobi mock glared. “Should I be worried?”

“Oh, no…I’m as loyal as a cocker spaniel; besides, she’s straight, remember?” Ryan replied, desperately trying not to smile.

Tobi wrapped her arms around Ryan’s waist and pulled her closer. “That’s good because I would have fought for you.” Tobi watched as Ryan’s eyebrows rose in question. She looked seriously at Ryan, then said, “I would; you’re worth it.”

Tobi saw the small gulp Ryan took as the meaning of the words dawned on her. Ryan put her arms around Tobi’s shoulders and hugged her, sighing as warm arms returned her embrace.

Feeling the air escape Ryan’s lungs, Tobi waited for her to breathe in again before lifting her head and placing a kiss on Ryan’s lips. Tobi released Ryan and grasped her hand.

“Let’s get out of here. I want nothing more than you, me, food, and the TV.”

“I’m glad to see that I come before food and the television,”

Ryan said with a chuckle.

As the elevator slowly made its way down, Tobi gave Ryan’s hand a tender squeeze. When Ryan looked at her and smiled, Tobi couldn’t help but agree with Marcy. “She was right, you know?”

When Ryan raised an eyebrow she continued. “Marcy…she was right. You are absolutely gorgeous.” Ryan shook her head and pulled Tobi out of the elevator. As they passed the gift shop, Tobi noticed the strange man from the elevator and slowed her step. His eyes met hers briefly before he turned his back to pay the cashier.

BOOK: Traffic Stop
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