Train Man (60 page)

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Authors: Nakano Hitori

BOOK: Train Man
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I think I’m gonna cry . . .

104 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:11

Shit, forgot to get my ASCI ready

105 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:12

way to go!

106 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:12

way to go, you really did a great job

107 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:12

my heart aches

108 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:12


I’m already crying

110 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:12

111 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:12

was everybody just anxiously waiting?

112 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:12

you really did it you fucker!

113 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:12

Now we’re all ready to face death!!

114 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:12

way to go Train

115 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:12

Way to go Train, and all you guys here in the thread, you don’t give up! I guess the real ('A `) Benoist moments are yet to come, but thought I’d just comment..

117 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:12

118 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:13

way to go, and good job!

119 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:13

121 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:13

What a girl to be there for you when you’re about to come clean.

Hey Train, you better step up and be there for her from now on.

All in all, way to go. From a 25-year-old virgin

122 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:13

didja get together

did they get together?!?!

123 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:12

124 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:13

Good for you for not choking!

Honestly, I was touched.

It was well worth waiting up for

127 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:13

you bastard!

I’ve never met a man who has shown this much progress and maturity!

way to go, you bastard!

128 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:13

Pulled my heart strings, tears are fallin

don’t know why, really really

I’d like to say well done to you.

Way to go Train

thank you

Valhalla is coming into focus . . .

129 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:13

130 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:13

get your bear--ings

131 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:13

stay by my side forever

p . . . pro . . . ..propo . . .

132 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:13

and that was how god was born

133 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:13

good boy, good boy

peek -a-

ah yeah—

148 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 08:14


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