Read Train Man Online

Authors: Nakano Hitori

Train Man (72 page)

BOOK: Train Man
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You are all younger than me and I do have a nagging big-brother overprotective tendency but to be honest, I’d really like to scream out

(I love this AA)

All of you, be proud of yourselves. You all have the ability to develop a Geek into a combatant.

And to all Geeks, if you ever have difficulty taking that first step, think back to this thread. And remember all the netizens that cheered Train on. It’s just as Train said in 696. >to have loads of different kinds of courage >and to ask for advice. Yes, we are not alone. We will follow Train’s tracks!

I’ve been working myself up for some speed-dating at the weekend. I’ll go down fighting!

Utterly Geekoid single male in his early 30s, with apologies for the long post and ramblings

811 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:21

Hey Train, get moving will ya.

Make sure you don’t let go of her hand now you grabbed it.

No need to turn back.

Your happiness. Let’s just say that would be a great parting gift.

813 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:22

In the end, Train represented our collective hope . . . . . .

The time for Train Man to leave the lair had arrived.

840 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:27

It’s almost time . . . no?

841 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:27


Good job, and keep going. Be there for each other.

Been here watching over you since your birth. deep, man.

Your progress, your evolution was something real. The past two months

have been special. Thank you. I wish you a world of happiness.

Train and all you lot, let me just say that you’re my mates and I love ya.

850 Name: Train Man ♦ 4aPOTtW4HU Post Date: 09/05/04 18:28

thank you everybody

may good fortune find all the Geeks in the world!

855 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:28


well put!!!!!!!!!

858 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:28

suppose the time has come

864 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:29

may you be happy for a long time to come


871 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:30

Hey Train. Thank you. Thank you. Goodbye.

I’m gonna try hard so I can get to that side!

878 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:31

shit, there are only 100 more to go. This is really making me cry.

I don’t know what to do with this loneliness and weepiness and happiness all bundled into one. I’ve never felt this way before.

880 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:31

shit . . . I’m starting to really feel kinda lonely . . .

Train---be well!

I’d really like to one day get there too . . .

891 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:32

Let us know when you get married.

all happiness to you. laters

900 Name: Train Man ♦ 4aPOTtW4HU Post Date: 09/05/04 18:32

I guess it’s ending, huh . . . . . .

When I told her that I’d sought asked friends how to tell her I liked her, she said

‘what wonderful friends’

908 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:33


friends you can’t introduce to her

909 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:33

Train 900 you,

. . . by friends . . . you mean . . . us?

heyheyheyheyheyheyheyheyyyyyy, you gave me goosebumps, dude!!!!!

910 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:33

we’re your friends, eh . . .


912 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:33

914 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:33




915 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:33


Hermes knows about usssss!

hot damn.

916 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:33

Train, Hermes . . . thanks

▪) laters

922 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:33



you is makin me cry

926 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:34

Couldn’t pronounce the brand name

Trippin at key moments

Lots happened

Those who continuously prayed for god’s good fortune to shine

Those who believed it would never be

There were many

There is a beginning and end to everything

Congratulations, Train

927 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:34

Oops, forgot to thank you on account of being dead and all

Mr Train and Lady Hermes, congratulations

If you let this all go to your head and cheat on Hermes and make her cry

we’re gonna come and get you, yeah?

well well, I wish you all the best

Guess I’ll drown my sorrows

928 Name: Train Man ♦ 4aPOTtW4HU Post Date: 09/05/04 18:34

If anything happens

I’ll use a name that’ll be easy to spot

936 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:35

Hey Train, thanks

all happiness to you

937 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:35

Ringin the departure bell (RRRRRRRRRRRR

944 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:35

arg gur am rrr how come I’m crying over seeing a stranger off?

945 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:35

we’ve come to the end, finally . . .

948 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:36

well, let’s see Train off, shall we?

949 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:36


950 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:36

adios amigo

951 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:36

952 Name: Train Man ♦ 4aPOTtW4HU Post Date: 09/05/04 18:36

Man . . . just when I thought my tears had dried up . . . . . .

953 Name: Anonymous Post Date: 09/05/04 18:36

Train . . . thanks for the dream

BOOK: Train Man
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