Training the SECRET (Corrigan & Co #6) (22 page)

BOOK: Training the SECRET (Corrigan & Co #6)
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“I won’t let you
destroy him, Jade. He’s been hurt enough.”

her. It’s Jade. She’s trying to see me, and Darcy won’t let
her. Fuck that.

“I’m not here to
hurt him. I’m here to bring him home.”


“Nate. Can I talk to
you?” she asks, starting towards me. Darcy steps in front of her
and looks over her shoulder at me.

“You don’t have to
do this. I can make her leave.”

“You and what army,

“My future husband’s

“Back off, Darce. You
know I want to talk to her.”

“Seriously? After all
the shit you’ve gone through?” I nod. “Fine. Maybe you’ll
finally stop sulking.”

“He will if I have
any say in it.”

“You have all the
say. I probably shouldn’t tell you that, but then again, you know.”

“I only know that I
love you. Is there someplace we can go to talk?”

She said the words. She
said that she loves me. I’m trying to play it cool, but I know that
I’m grinning like an idiot.

“We can go to the
roof. It’s kind of my “place” here.”

“Don’t make it
sound like I have you sleeping on the roof,” Darcy says with her
hands on her hips.

“I said it’s my
place, not my room.” I look at Jade. “I set it up with some
stuff, and I go up there to think at night sometimes.”

“I’d love to see

“Try not to
scandalize the neighbors.”

“Who, us?” I ask.

“Yes, you. If she’s
really here to take you back, you two are going to be going at it
like rabbits.”

“We’re in France.
People won’t care.”


“Fine, we’ll come
downstairs when the sun comes up.”

I reach for Jade’s
hand and she gives it to me readily. I lead her into the small
elevator because I honestly can’t wait to be alone with her, and
going up four flights of stairs will take too long.

“You bought me a
pony,” she says, biting her lip.

“Cherub finally got

She nods. “Today.
Well, I guess it was your yesterday.”

“And you hopped on a
plane, just like that?”

“No. I mean, yes, I
hopped on the jet after meeting my totally adorable pony, but it was
what my dad and Helen told me that had me leaning that way already.”

I involuntarily
stiffen. “What did they tell you?”


The elevator opens, and
I walk us over to the makeshift bed I have up here. I can’t sleep
up here during the day, but I like to come up on my nights off to
look at the stars and think about the woman next to me. I know she’s
not seeing the same stars at the same time because of the nine hour
time difference, but I imagine her looking at them later, and maybe
even wondering about me.

“What questions do
you have?” I ask her as we both sit down sideways on top of the
soft comforter.

“Did you ever know
your dad?”


“Are you doing okay
with your medicine, and stuff? Helen said you are, but I have a
feeling that you aren’t always honest about that.”

“I’m normally not,
but I-I had something kind of scary happen recently and so now I’m
being totally honest. And yes, the new meds are doing their job.”

“You were really
going to kill yourself?”


“It wasn’t just me
though, right?”

“No, but then also
yes. It was a combination of a few things, but losing you meant
losing everything, and I felt like there was nothing left for me.”

“You have your

“Logically, I know
that, but depression isn’t logical.”

“We could break up
again, for any number of reasons.”

“I know. That’s why
I accepted the new meds. I had a tiny sliver of hope that you’d
forgive me. I thought it was gone until Audrey offered me a new and
improved pill. I knew then that if I got you back, I couldn’t have
you worried that I’d off myself if we got into a fight, or we broke
up again.”

“That’s what I’m
most afraid of.”

“I get that. I can’t
promise you that I wouldn’t hurt if that happened, but I can
promise that I’d call someone before doing anything permanent.”

“Even me. If we’re
ever not together, I’d still be here for you.”

“Thank you. That
means…it means everything.”

“I know why you
didn’t tell me about my dad, but why didn’t you at least tell me
about the events leading up to Cecile. You could have left names

“I was ashamed. Even
before I knew Hunt was your dad, I didn’t date you. You know that.
I was ashamed that I had ever been scared enough to try and kill
someone for money. And then to do the other things, because I was
scared to die.”

“You have nothing to
be ashamed of. Yeah, it sucks that you hurt my dad, but he told me
the whole story, and I understand why you did it, and also why he
forgave you.”


“Yes. And don’t
even get me started on that psycho bitch, Cecile.”

“Did Helen tell you
that I could’ve saved people from her, and I didn’t?”

“She told me that you
asked for a meeting and were going to tell them.”

“More than two years

“You were trying to
survive. It’s okay, Nate. You were going to do the right thing.”

“If I did the right
things, we wouldn’t be here.”

“I like this rooftop
bed, so that would be a sad thing. You have a promise to keep, you
know. I may have only been six, but you still promised to take care
of me.”

“I did indeed promise

“So take care of me,
Nate Anderson. Like only you can.”

* * *


He’s got a faraway
look on his face so I pinch him. “Ow.”

“Just wanted to make
sure you knew this wasn’t a dream.”

“It’s going to be
so much better than my dreams.”

“Well it’s you and
me so that’s a given.”

We just lie on his bed
and make out for what seems like minutes, but is probably hours. The
sun is coming up while we’re both topless. He still has his jeans
on, and I’m in just my boy short panties, straddling him. I glance
over at the Eiffel Tower in the distance, and then lean down to kiss
him some more.

“We need to go
inside, Nate, before Darcy kills us.”

“She’ll deal.”

“No, she won’t.
She’s on a mission. You do remember that?”

“All my brain cells
are in my cock.”

“Not this again.
Overplayed, Anderson. Over-fucking-played.”


He stands up and throws
me over his shoulder. He carries me to the elevator, and has me face
him once he puts me down. I know he’s hiding me from the cameras,
and the men looking at them. He’d probably kill someone for seeing
me, so I stay close all the way to his floor. He picks me up again,
and carries me down the hall with our chests pressed together.

Once we’re inside
with the door locked, he tosses me on his bed and reminds me what
I’ve been missing these last two weeks. Like I could ever forget. I
mean, who forgets a magical cock? Certainly not me, but I’ll never
tell him that.

Once we’ve exhausted
several different positions, and each other, we lie wrapped up under
his sheets. “Welcome to Paris, Angel.”

“You outdid yourself
on the welcome gift, Soldier.”

“Was it better than
the pony?”

“Umm, maybe it was a

“I can’t let a
fucking pony beat my cock.”

“I said ‘tie.’”

“Not good enough.
What if I throw in my hands and mouth?”

“That’s a close
one, but I think the pony would still hold her own.”

“Really?” he asks,
climbing under the sheet and blowing on my lower lips.


“I’ll show you

He proceeds to do just
that until I’m screaming that he’s won, that he’s the champion,
and everything else he wants me to say. I start to fall asleep in his
arms for the first time in two weeks, and I know I never want to be
apart from him for that long again. This right here is home, and like
Dorothy said, “There’s no place like home.”

* * *


We’ve been back in
Vegas for a month now. Jade has only had one short-term mission as
we’ve adjusted to our new life together. We’ve been staying in my
apartment while Chloe and Ryan Griffin modify hers to incorporate
both our styles. Everything should be done today, but I know Jade’s
not upstairs when I wake up alone. Oh no. She’s where she is every
morning. I shake my head, and then throw on some jeans before heading

“I never thought I’d
be jealous of something with four legs before.” I tell her as I
walk out to the field. I knew she’d be out here with Cherub. She
loves that damn horse—maybe even more than she loves me.

“There’s nothing to
be jealous of, Soldier. I have room in my heart for both of you,”
she says as she nuzzles his neck while not even trying to touch me.

See. I was right. I sit
down next to her and stare across the grass. “Do you want me to
leave the two of you alone with your love?”

She’s on my lap and
kissing me before I even see her coming. I wrap her in my arms and
kiss her back. We’re both panting when Cherub starts nudging us.
“Stop it, baby. I need to kiss Daddy some more so he knows he’s
got the bigger part of my heart.”

“Daddy?” I ask,
cocking an eyebrow.

“Well, yeah. She
our little one.”

“I’ve got the
bigger part of your heart, though? Really?”

She sits back to look
at me. “You really are jealous. Oh my God, Nate. She’s a horse. A
gave me.
And named after your nickname for me.”

“You said you wanted
a pony, Angel. How could I deny you?”

“You couldn’t—because
you’re too damn romantic. And you love me just as much as I love

“I think I love you
more,” I mumble.

“Excuse me?”

“I don’t leave you
alone in bed every morning to go out and visit someone else.”

“Horse, Nate. Again,
she’s a horse. And yes, I’m maybe a little obsessed with her
because I never thought I’d have a pony, but she’s still just a
baby horse.”

“And I’m a
stallion, right? So you can ride my lonely cock, and make him less

She rolls her eyes.
“Just shut up and kiss me.”



I can’t believe I’ve
been doing this stupid mission for almost two months now. Actually, I
can’t believe I’m actually on this damn mission. Everyone always
goes on and on about how the Society isn’t a dating service, yet
here I am. I’m pretending to be the upstanding fiancée of one of
the biggest manwhores in the world. Who also happens to be a prince.
Yeah, it’s of a small country that no one would have heard of if he
wasn’t sleeping his way through every model and actress he can get
his hands on, but still. A prince. One I
do not belong with.

Not just because I grew
up in a family of cat burglars and con men, making me one of the
least upstanding people you could ever find, but also because I have
no desire to be sweet and quiet like they want me to be. “They”
being his mother, and the palace staff. I’ve been stashed in Paris
for all this time while they try to dress me and instill culture in
me. I couldn’t exactly tell them that I already know all about the
paintings and sculptures in the museums because of my past. Or about
the best designers and clothes because of my present. I just have to
smile and pretend that I’m grateful for their time and attention.
When I really just want to throw on some leather pants and play Call
of Duty.

But alas, they won’t
let me near leather pants. I’m making do with leather skirts in all
different colors and styles. I even like some of them. The fancy tops
could go, and so could the heels, but I can deal. I’ve been
to deal. I drew the line at my hair when they wanted to change it
though. My orange tresses are the one thing I was unwilling to part
with. I’ve worn wigs on more occasions than I can count, but I’ve
never strayed from the color I chose when Mallory Daniels gave me the
freedom I’d been craving from my family of thieves. After I was
about to lose my freedom because I’d tried to rob her house. How
was I to know that she was one of the leaders of a secret society of
spies? Thank God she saw potential in me, and figured they could use
my talents for good. Otherwise, I’d still probably be in jail these
seven years later.

The craziest thing
about this whole situation is that I have yet to meet my intended.
When his mother came asking for help, Reina had apparently given her
pictures of me, Jade, Ellie, and Audrey. We were the ones who—at
the time—were unattached. Why she chose me, I have no idea. Not
only to clean up his image, but also to protect him from some threats
he’d been receiving. I’m not sure how that’s going for him
since I can’t protect him from afar. He’s apparently as against
this whole thing as me, so he’s refused to meet up, even for
engagement photos.

The whole situation is
bizarre. Like I’ve mentioned, I am the least traditional looking of
any of us. Ellie may favor bustiers and short skirts, but she has
nice long brown hair, and manners. I don’t possess the “m”
word. I’m nice to the people I like, but everyone else can just go
away. I can pretend for short periods of time that I’m a
functioning member of society, but this is a long term gig. And I’ve
already used up my patience.

“Well, if it isn’t
my beautiful bride to be,” I hear from behind me.

I smooth down the short
black leather skirt covered in stitching that I’ve paired with a
white and black flowy top, and turn to stand. “You’ve finally
decided to grace me with your presence?”

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