Trapped with the Tycoon (12 page)

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Authors: Jules Bennett

BOOK: Trapped with the Tycoon
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For once, he wasn’t thinking work or how to get those coveted scrolls. No, for once Braden O’Shea was soaking in all of the goodness from another, hoping it would somehow rub off on him and make him not so much of a bastard. Because if Zara ever found out what he’d done, she’d hate him forever.

And that chilling thought scared the hell out of him.


ara rolled over onto her side, coming to rest against a warm leg just as her arm crossed over a taut chest. She stilled, blinking into the darkness. No candles were burning, but the soft glow from the logs helped her get her bearings. She wasn’t on the chaise where she’d been drinking her wine.

Wine. Zara froze. She’d gotten pretty chatty if she recalled correctly, but thankfully she was still dressed. So nothing had happened between Braden and her, but she was lying in bed beside him. Had he put her here?

Zara slowly started easing back to her side instead of crawling all over her temporary roommate.

“And here I thought you wanted to touch me.”

Braden’s thick tone filled the room.

“I didn’t mean to... I had no idea we were...that you were...”

Lightning fast, Braden grabbed her arm and held her still. “Don’t move. I put you here because I want you here.”

Zara had to admit being in her own bed with her feather-down duvet was like heaven. Okay, fine, she loved being next to this man, knowing that he carried her and put her in bed, then climbed in beside her. What woman wouldn’t get all giddy over that fact?

“Did I ask you to have sex with me again?” Mercy, the fact she had to even ask that question was even more embarrassing than the actual question.

“You implied you were willing.”

Pathetic, party of one?

“Which just proves my theory that you’re a nice guy.”

In an instant, Braden had her on her back, her hands above her head, the entire length of his body on hers. “Do you feel light-headed at all? Headache? Dizziness?”

Breathless from their current state, Zara shook her head. “Why?”

“Because I’m about to strip you and take you up on that offer now. I want you to be fully aware of what I’m doing to you.”

His lips captured hers before she could even comprehend what he was saying, but words were moot at this point. The fierce kiss, the tilt of his hips against hers and the way he gripped her wrists above her head were all very telling signs as to what he wanted. Added to that, her body had lit up from within, and she wanted everything he was willing to give her. She wasn’t denying herself, not now, not with Braden.

He was right. She dated jerks. She did so to keep a distance and not form any relationship. So why shouldn’t she sleep with a man who was considerate, obviously wanted her and wasn’t asking for any type of commitment?

Oh, right. He was her boss. Well, at the moment, her boss was removing her pants and panties right along with them. Even as Zara’s mind told her to put a stop to this, her body shifted so he could continue ridding her of the unwanted clothes.

She kicked the pants off her ankles and groaned when Braden placed open-mouth kisses on her stomach. She threaded her hands through his hair. She’d already slept with him once; stopping now wouldn’t change what had already happened. And Braden’s promise of stripping her down was already proving to be amazing because he currently had his teeth on the hem of her shirt, sliding it up her torso.

When the material bunched at her breasts, she tried to pull her hands free to help.

“I’ve got this,” he whispered. “Your only job is to relax and let me work.”

Who was she to argue? He was her boss, after all.

He eased back enough to jerk the shirt over her head and toss it to the floor.

“If that cat pees on my—”

Braden’s tongue trailed down her throat and into the valley of her breasts, cutting off any thought she’d had. Zara’s back arched—she couldn’t move much with his weight on her, but she wiggled beneath him enough to let him know he was absolutely driving her mad with this slow pace he’d set.

“Braden,” she whispered. “Please.”


He cupped one breast, stroking her skin with his thumb, his other hand trailing down her side and settling on her hip. His mouth, his hands—he seemed to be touching her all over at once. Zara’s legs shifted anxiously, waiting for his next move. How could he be so thorough when she just wanted him to touch her where she ached the most?

Finally he slid his fingertips over her thighs, inching higher. Zara tilted her hips, near ready to beg him for more when he finally covered her with his hand. She eased her legs wider, giving him the access he needed.

While his fingers stroked her, he moved his other hand to lace their fingers together over her chest. His lips slid over her abdomen, and Zara thought she was going to shoot up off this bed if he didn’t finish her soon.

“You’re squirming,” he murmured against her stomach.

“You’re going too slow.”

His soft laughter filled the room. “I’m hanging on by a thread trying to give you pleasure, and you’re complaining.”

Zara pulled her hand from his and framed his face, forcing him to look up at her. “Put us both out of our misery. I want you. Now.”

Braden crawled up her body, leaned over to the nightstand and pulled out a condom, quickly sheathing himself. When he rested his hands on either side of her head and hovered right above her, Zara’s gaze locked on to his. Something flickered in his eyes, something she’d never seen from him before...or any other man for that matter. Before she could read too much into it, he plunged into her, making her cry out.

Gone was the slow, patient Braden. This Braden had snapped, was staking his claim and pulling her into his web of passion and desire.

His lips trailed over her shoulder, her neck, up her jawline as he continued to pump his hips. Zara could only grip his biceps and arch into him because he was in total control and doing everything absolutely perfectly.

Perfect. That was the one word that kept coming to mind every time she thought of Braden and how they were together.

When he kissed her, roughly, passionately, all thoughts evaporated. Her entire body heated, rising higher and higher as he increased the pace.

“Braden,” she panted against his mouth. “Braden... I...”

He kissed his way to her ear and whispered, “Zara.”

Her name softly on his lips when his body was so hard, so intensely moving against hers was enough to set her over the edge. She couldn’t control the tremors racking her body; she couldn’t control the way she screamed his name, clawed his shoulders.

Braden’s entire body tensed as he arched back. Clenching his jaw, he stared down at her as he climaxed. The intensity of his stare stirred something so deep within her, so deep she was positive nobody had ever even uncovered that area before.

But Braden had. He’d uncovered so much about her, even more than she knew about herself.

When Braden eased on to his back, pulling her to sprawl on top of him, Zara could no longer deny the fact she was falling for her boss. And she could say that with certainty because he was the only man to ever care, to ever put her first, to ever pull feelings from her she hadn’t even known she’d possessed.

The best part was that he did every bit of that without even trying. He just...was. He was everything she hadn’t known she was looking for, and here he was, holding her so tightly after he’d made love to her in her own bed. His heart beat against her chest, and Zara had never been more aware of another the way she was with Braden.

The question now was what did she do about these feelings she never wanted? They were too strong to ignore, they were too scary to act on, but she’d never backed down from fear before.

Now she just had to figure out how to be strong, keep her business with the O’Sheas and keep Braden in her personal life for good.

* * *

Braden woke to a sleeping Zara on his chest, her hair spread all around him. Something had happened in the middle of the night...something that had nothing to do with the sex. There had been a new level introduced. How the hell had that happened? He’d seen something in Zara’s eyes and he knew full well it was more than desire, more than lust.

But what scared him most was what she may have seen in his own eyes. He knew what he’d been feeling when they’d been together. Even if he was only admitting it to himself, he was feeling more for Zara than just physical attraction.

Raking a hand over his face, he reached to the bedside table for his phone and turned it on. The battery was starting to get low, but as soon as the phone powered on, his texts lit up. Apparently the road level was downgraded, and he could get out now. Did he tell Zara, or did he continue to stay here and search her house? He’d found the one tube that could be holding a scroll and he desperately wanted to get it into Mac’s hands.

The electricity was still out, but maybe the electric company would be coming through soon, since there were no driving restrictions now.

His entire home had a backup generator. Possibilities swirled around in his mind. Zara nestled closer to his side, a soft sigh escaping her lips. When her warm breath fanned across his bare chest, he knew right then that he would be going home today...and she’d be coming with him.

That primal, territorial need he had for her had intensified. The ache to see her in his home, in his bed was nearly all-consuming.

Braden shot off a quick text to Mac that he would be home later with Zara and the container. Yes, it was presumptuous to assume she’d be coming with him, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He saw exactly how much he affected her, he felt it, and after last night, she may wake up more confused than ever; but until Braden knew what the hell was going on between them, he wasn’t about to leave her alone to start thinking of all the reasons they wouldn’t work.

Not to mention he didn’t want her out of his sight until he learned what was in this tube, because if it did indeed hold one of the scrolls, he would have to search this house again.

Braden set his phone back on the nightstand and turned toward Zara, wrapping both arms around her. As he pulled her body flush against his, he couldn’t help but wonder how he’d gotten so far into her world. He’d started with wanting to gain enough trust to get into her home, and while she’d interested him from the start, he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t wanted to sleep with her; but no way in hell had he planned on getting emotionally involved.

Damn it. This complicated things.

“I’m getting spoiled,” she mumbled against his chest. “Waking to a warm, naked man who’s holding me. Not being able to work, eating junk all the time.”

Braden raked his hands up her back, loving the feel of all that smooth, silky skin beneath his palms. “Get dressed. The roads are better so we’re heading to my house.”

Zara jerked back. “Your house? Are you going to ask or just demand? I’m fine right here, you know.”

“My house has a backup generator, so we’ll have full amenities.” He kissed her temple, hoping to soften her even more. “You’re more than welcome to stay here, but why don’t you come with me until your house is up and running?”

She tensed beneath him, and he wasn’t about to give her the chance to back out. Softly he covered her lips with his. “I want you in my bed, Zara,” he murmured against her. “I need you there.”

Knowing he was fighting dirty, he allowed his fingertips to trail back down. Cupping her bottom, he pulled her against his hips. “But if you don’t want to join me, just say so.”

Zara groaned. “You’re not playing fair.”

“I’m not playing at all.” He nipped at her lips. “I have some work to do, but I promise we’ll pick up right here later.”

Her brows drew in slightly. “I don’t know, Braden.”

“I do.” He rested his forehead against hers, knowing she needed tenderness. “If we didn’t work together in anyway, would you come to my house?”

She hesitated.

“I’m not asking for anything more,” he added. “I’m just not ready to let you go.”

“You make it impossible to say no.”

Braden laughed, kissed her softly and tipped her face up. “That’s my plan. Now let’s get dressed and get out of here.”

As he rolled over and came to sit on the edge of the bed, the cat darted out and rubbed against Braden’s ankles. His sister would definitely take this little guy in if Zara didn’t. That girl took in so many stray animals, she needed to live out in the country where she had land for such things. Having a home in the middle of Boston wasn’t ideal for a makeshift animal shelter.

Braden rubbed the cat’s back before coming to his feet. He’d pulled on his boxers and pants when he realized Zara was still in bed, the sheet pulled up beneath her arms, covering all the delicious spots.

“What’s wrong?”

She toyed with the edge of the pillowcase. “What will your family say about me coming home with you? I mean, they know me as the events coordinator. Are they going to think I’m... I don’t know.”

He wanted to put her uncomfortable state to rest and move on. “Just say it. What are you afraid they’re going to think?”

Her eyes met his. “That I’m using you for this position.”

Guilt weighed heavy on him, but he brushed aside the unwanted emotion and crossed back to the bed, taking a seat on the edge and reaching out for her hand.

“First of all, you were hired long before we slept together. Second, it’s nobody’s business what we’re doing. And lastly, they would never think that.”

Zara’s eyes searched him as if she were trying to tell if he was lying or hiding something. He couldn’t very well tell her his family would never think she was using him because he’d been the one to use her in the first place. She could never know the real reason he’d hired her new company. No way in hell would he want her hurt in such a manner.

Because even if the scrolls were discovered in this house, Braden wasn’t so sure he wanted to give up seeing Zara. Suddenly the quest for his family’s heirlooms and the need to be with this woman were totally separate issues, both important and both he refused to back down from.

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