Treasure Yourself (20 page)

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Authors: Miranda Kerr

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BOOK: Treasure Yourself
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i enjoy the friendship

and companionship of others

- leon nacson

i welcome new friends and reinforce existing relationships. i find time to consider the needs and

dreams of others and share in their joy.

blaming others doesn’t solve anything

- louise l. hay

i take responsibility for everything i have created in my life. i do not blame others for past mistakes.

i am the creator of my life and my experiences.

i will love where

i am right now

- esther & jerry hicks

i am in the perfect space where i am meant to be right now. i trust in the universe. all that’s meant to

be will be.

i have friends i can talk to

- louise l. hay

i express myself fully and openly with my friends. i support them and they support me as we grow in

our friendship and experience all that life offers us.

everything i am searching

for is within me

- miranda kerr

in being love, i give love, in being joy, i give joy, in being happiness, i give happiness. everything i

need is within.

i don’t have to be a slave to

makeup or the latest fads.

i can just be myself

- louise l. hay

i am perfect in all that i am and all that i am not. nothing external to me determines my self worth. i

am happy and content in being me.

i love and honour my creativity

- deepak chopra

i am a creative human being with unlimited and unrestricted potential. i love my creativity and share

it freely with the world.

i surpass other people’s opinions of me

- louise l. hay

i live my life knowing that who i am is an amazing human being with unlimited potential. i do not

need the approval of others. i approve, love and respect myself and i am proud to be me.

whatever i can imagine,

the universe can deliver

- esther & jerry hicks

i trust in the universe and know i am limited only by my imagination. i create the space for my life to

appear in and the universe delivers all that i ask for.

i conduct myself honourably at all times

- louise l. hay

i am a loving, honourable and compassionate human being. i treat others as i deserve to be treated;

with honour, respect and decency.

wellness is my natural state.

disease is an imposter

- caroline myss

my heart and soul are nourished, my mind is focused and active and my spirit soars as i bask in the

wellness of my being. i am healthy, happy and content.

i am happy with my weight

- louise l. hay

i nourish my body and accept that i am a totally unique human being – no one else is exactly the same

as me. i am happy with who i am.

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