Tribute to Hell (6 page)

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Authors: Ian Irvine

BOOK: Tribute to Hell
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‘I learned from the master. Oh, and when you go, take Fistus with you.'

‘If he enters Perdition alive, he'll suffer even more cruelly.'

Mercy, vengeance, or retribution? The abbey's teachings, or Perdition's? She had broken her vow and no abbey would take her in, but she would always be a demon's daughter. Besides, mercy would only give Fistus the chance to begin again. ‘He has to pay his debts. Take him.'

Behemoth nodded, rose, but settled down again, staring at her.

‘What?' Astatine said, afraid he was going to punish her.

‘Take off that ugly white skin. Let me see my beautiful daughter as she really is.'

She started, then went between the rocks, undressed and took hold of an edge of her white skin. It sloughed off easily, as if Behemoth had broken the bonds that held it in place. Astatine threw the ugly novice's habit away, put her gown on over the cocoa skin that felt so right, and went back.

Behemoth sighed and, to her astonishment, an adamantine tear appeared in one eye.

‘Come back with me,' he said. ‘In Perdition you will be a princess. You can have everything you ever wanted.'

Astatine was tempted, but she said, ‘Why would I want to be a princess of tormented souls?'

‘A nun is a slave to live souls.'

‘I can't be a nun; I've broken my vows.'

‘No one need ever know. You can go back, if that's what you

would know. Besides, someone has to make up for what you and
K'nacka have done to Hightspall. I'm going to help put it right.'

‘You won't succeed. The world is too far gone.' He grinned wickedly. ‘It's mine.'

‘Not any more. I'm going to fight the influence of Perdition all the way.'

‘I'm sure you will,' he said fondly. ‘But the gods are no better, you know.'

Astatine hesitated, now knowing how imperfect the gods were; how capricious. She wasn't entirely sure she believed in them any more, as gods. And yet, perhaps they were needed.

‘People have to believe in
, Father. If they can't, they'll believe in
. Besides, I believe that the gods reflect who
are. If we live better lives, they might, too.'

‘Blasphemy!' he growled. ‘Well, don't think you're going to corrupt me into goodness.'

‘I'm my father's daughter,' she said, smiling sweetly. ‘I've already corrupted

‘Tribute to Hell' is set in the Elder Days of a new fantasy world explored in detail in the trilogy The Tainted Realm, published worldwide by Orbit Books from late 2010. The first book is

— Ian Irvine

About the author

Ian Irvine is a marine scientist who has developed some of Australia's national guidelines for the protection of the marine environment and still works in this field. He has also written twenty-seven novels. Ian's three Australian and UK bestselling fantasy series, The View from the Mirror, The Well of Echoes and Song of the Tears, have sold a million copies and are published in many countries and languages. He has also written a near-future eco-thriller trilogy about catastrophic climate change, Human Rites (recently revised), plus twelve books for children in the Runcible Jones, Sorcerer's Tower and Grim and Grimmer series. His latest fantasy novel is Vengeance, the first book in The Tainted Realm series.

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First published in 2010 in the compilation
Legends of Australian Fantasy
(ed. Jack Dann and Jonathan Strahan).

This edition published in 2011

by HarperCollins
Australia Pty Limited

ABN 36 009 913 517

Copyright © Ian Irvine 2010

The right of Ian Irvine to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the
Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the
Copyright Act 1968
, no part may be reproduced, copied, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, recorded, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


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ISBN: 978-0-7304-9927-5 (epub)

Cover design by Priscilla Nielsen
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