Trinity: Heart of the Shifters (13 page)

BOOK: Trinity: Heart of the Shifters
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“Well, maybe we should mate before she gets here, that way when we claim her we are all bonded. It may save of a little embarrassment for our little mate. We can introduce her later to that. Tonight should be about her.” Lagon said and Blaze nodded and looked at his lips and smiled. They pulled their clothes of hastily. Both of them staring at each other"s very sculpted forms. Blaze locked on Lagon"s large cock and smiled.

Nice. They were similar sizes. Trinity was gonna be stuffed full of cock soon.

They leaned toward each other and their lips touched softly. Blaze felt the pull of his mate, and wrapped a hand around Lagon"s shoulders to deepen the kiss. Their tongues matched each other stroke for stroke, invading each other"s mouth, and exploring their likes and dislikes. Lagon was a very attentive mate, where as Blaze tended to be aggressive.

Soon kissing was not enough. Blaze pushed Lagon back on the bed and lay over his thick hard chest. He ravaged his mouth and then pulled back and smiled. He moved slowly down his body. Letting his lips caress his cheek, nip his ear, lick his throat, and finally settle on his nipples. He played with them for a few moments until they were hard and beaded. Lagon groaned and wrapped a hand in Blaze"s hair, tugging him back up to his lips. They kissed and suddenly, Lagon flipped Blaze on his back and did the same thing to him that Blaze had done. Kissing and nipping. Soon, Blaze was the one panting. Lagon looked up, smiled, and then went lower on Blaze"s body.

“Have you ever?” Lagon whispered against Blaze"s thigh.

“Only once and not for a long time.” Blaze said responding to his question breathlessly.

He knew that Lagon was asking him if he had anal sex.

He heard Lagon snap again and then he looked down and laughed. Lagon was raising and lowering his eyebrows suggestively while holding a tube of lube. Blaze groaned when he felt Lagon"s moist hot mouth slide down his shaft. Holy shit, the man had taken him in one try. He heard the lid on the lube pop open and he groaned when he felt the cool gel being applied to his back hole. Slowly Lagon worked one finger beyond his rim as he continued working on his cock with his mouth. Gods, the dual sensations were amazing.

“More.” He said softly and then squirmed a little when he felt the next finger being added to his back end. Lagon stretched and moved his hands in the same rhythm as his mouth. Just when he thought he was going to come; Lagon reached down and pulled on his sac a little, making the orgasm subside. He let his cock go with a pop and smiled up at him.

Lagon kissed his way back up his body until they were face to face again. He took Blaze"s mouth with his and explored again while running his hands up his body, not missing an inch.

“You are so handsome, and I am so lucky to have both of you. I love the way your skin feels against mine. I wish we could stay here all day, exploring what you like.” Lagon whispered into his ear, Blaze shivered at the husky sexy tone he had.

“I wanna see your face when you take me for the first time.” Blaze whispered and moved so that he could raise his knees up to his chest.

Lagon nodded and then moved between his legs and smiled. He lined up his cock and pushed slowly. Blaze hissed at the first burn. It felt good to have his mate finally take him. Since he had woken and seen Lagon"s purple eyes, he had imagined this very thing.

Watching the dragons eyes change to a deeper purple as he became more aroused.

When he was finally seated fully in. Lagon leaned over and kissed him gently before grabbing his hips and slowly pulling out before slamming back in quickly. He gasped at the sensations that he was feeling.

“Baby, you are so tight and warm, just like a glove. Wait until you get inside our little mate for the first time. I bet it will feel the same way. I think you should take her first. I took you and you will take her. And then when she is still filled with your seed, I will take her and claim her. We will all be one.” Lagon said as he pumped in and out of him.

He explained in detail what they were going to do to Trinity when they got her back this evening. Blaze felt his orgasm coming and could not hold on; he shot his come out covering both of their stomachs. Lagon pulled back once more and then he felt his release come as he pushed into Blaze a final time.

Panting, Lagon fell on top of Blaze embracing him and then licked his neck and smiled.

“Together.” Blaze nodded and they bit into each other"s necks bringing them to climax again.

When they were done, Lagon rolled onto his back and sighed, contented and happy. He claimed one of his mates. The feeling was like none he had ever felt. He was home.

With Blaze and Trinity, he would find balance and peace. Blaze threaded his fingers through his hands and held on to him. He was too overwhelmed to speak yet. So they laid there silently for a few moments.

“We need to get cleaned up.” Blaze said sleepily.

Lagon made a noise of agreement and then finally pushed himself up and pulled Blaze with him. The men were the same height. They looked into each other"s eyes and smiled. “Trinity.” They whispered together and kissed briefly before happily going to the bathroom and showering together.


Trinity allowed herself to be pulled behind the women. They went down the large room and she was surprised to see that a flurry of activity was already in the room. It had been full of computers and other desks the Enforcers were using, apparently they had moved rooms. Slowly the rest of the females came trickling in. Cloe was the last to arrive and she stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips and motioned to the scrubs she was wearing. “Make over today, really?” She grumbled and then smiled when the other women booed her.

“How is Jordan?” Cami asked.

“She just woke up. Her mated have their computers and are working while watching over her. She is still drugged up. I told her that we would come and paint her toenails when we were done. She smiled and agreed. I think she is coming around. Although she is still pissed at her adoptive parents. Whenever they come into the room, she closes her eyes and refuses to acknowledge them. Romy and Larkin are picking up the slack.” Cloe said.

“Oh, we can paint her toes and fingernails red. That"s her favorite.” Casey said. “I think she needs to know we are all with her.”

Jo stepped forward and said, “Especially me. I have been so fucked up over everything that I have not considered her feelings. I owe her a lot for not demanding my father be killed right off.”

Trinity said quietly, “I have never had friends. But if I did, I would want them all the be like you. You are all so nice and fun.”

All of them stopped and stared at her with their mouths open. “Well shit, no one has ever called us nice.” Cloe said. “Now you have to be one of us. We don"t let people escape who actually think we are nice.”

“Yep, the tattoo artist will be here soon.” Cami said.

Trinity looked around a little afraid that they were actually going to tattoo her. When they all started laughing and told her, they were just teasing. Although Cloe did come and show her the tattoos she had. Trinity looked at them and wondered if it would hurt.

Cloe must have known what she was thinking because she put her hand on her shoulder and said, “Nope, did not hurt. The shifter blood in you heals it right away.” Trinity sat quietly and then said, “Can I get a tattoo? Today?” Once again, they all stopped and looked at her. Cami stepped forward and smiled.

“Why, what would you get?”

“A dragon and a tiger on my back.” Trinity whispered and the women all looked around.

Cloe smiled and said, “Anyone else?”

All the women looked at each other, raised their hands, and laughed. The only one who had a tattoo was Cloe, they had all thought about getting one but had been busy and a little afraid that their mates would not allow them to do it. Cami had brought it up once and Quin had smirked and said she was too much of a weenie to actually sit through a tattoo.

Cloe called the group of Enforcers who she knew had tattoo equipment in the compound. All of them had been certified and ran a shop in town. Cloe had gotten a couple of hers from them.

A man stepped into the room and clapped his hands. “Hair, makeup, clothes and massage.”

Trinity looked surprised as a group of women filled the room, two were assigned to each of the women, and they pulled out their tables and chairs and got started. Cami and the others refused to sit down until it was decided on what they were going to do with Trinity"s hair. She had no clue what they were talking about, so she sat there with a grin on her face while they messed with her mousy long hair.

Her hair was shampooed, and then dyed before lastly being cut into what the lady called a stylish layered look. She was spun in the chair so many times she thought she may get sick. She was still not feeling completely up to par. Another woman worked on her feet and hands, rubbing and massaging her legs until she thought she would fall asleep.

Cami and the others talked about their men. Trinity listened closely so she could get some tips. They laughed and joked about their mate"s prowess and their impatience from being injured. All of them avoided the subject of the challenge like it had never happened. She knew it was for her benefit, they all drew her into the conversation.

Finally, a group of men entered the room carrying boxes. Cloe directed them to each of the women. The first man went to Cami, she asked for two wolves on her shoulder, she described them in detail and then asked for her children"s names to be put underneath.

Jo asked for a wolf over her heart, with her children"s names also under it. Trinity laughed when Jo said that she would lower her top as much as she could but if Tey found out the man had seen her breast, he would kill him. The man agreed and then winced when she took her shirt off her shoulder.

Casey asked for Paw prints across her lower back. There were to be three large prints and then two smaller ones. It would be cute, she thought and smiled when the woman who just gave birth rolled over and pointed to where she wanted them. These women were amazing, nothing kept them down. Trinity was so happy to be a part of this.

Cloe directed the men, sat down in a chair, demanded that her hair be cut into spikes and died purple while she waited. She leaned over and showed Trinity all of her tattoos.

They were very cool.

Ruby asked for a tattoo around her ankle. She wanted hearts in between initials all linked together to show unity. Wow, they had really thought about this, Trinity assumed that they would all just get the same one.

Kira asked for stars shooting down her back from her neck to her ass. She explained how she wanted each of them to be colored and names under them, leaving a few for her future children.

Lacy asked for bears on shoulder, and a symbol she assumed meant magic, since she was a witch. Trinity began to get excited when the man who was going to work on her set down a box in front of her and smiled. He asked what she wanted and Trinity looked around the room and smiled. Everyone was watching her and showing their encouragement. She nodded and rolled over and pulled up her shirt and said, “I want a dragon and a tiger on the whole of my back, with areas left open for the future.”

“You go girl!” Cami called and laughed when Trinity blushed and put her head down and waited.

Cloe was sitting next to her and talked to her while her hair was being done. They showed her the outline the man had drawn and she smiled and nodded. Cloe explained every step to her so she would not freak out. When she felt the first prickle against her skin, she tensed. After a few minutes, she relaxed when she realized that it was not going to hurt too much. More of an irritation than pain, like someone was scratching her real hard in one place for a long time.

She had no idea how much time passed because she fell asleep. Cami"s voice woke her up when she said, “FUCKIN" A, that is awesome.”

Trinity looked over her shoulder to see all the women standing looking at her back.

They showed off their tattoos and they all began laughing at their mate"s reaction. Cloe said she refused to take responsibility and would be locked in her room if their mates got pissed.

Trinity sat up and stretched. She had been asleep for a while because the sun was going down. “Okay, we have to hurry. Your men are expecting you soon. Do you want to show off the tattoo or surprise them?” Cami asked and began thumbing through the clothes that were hanging in the room.

“Show off.” She said and let a women begin to put make-up on her. Her hair had been styled, and nails done. The only thing left was make-up and dressing. She grinned when Cami and Jo showed her a dress with an open back that would show off her whole tattoo. It was shimmering silver and the most beautiful gown she had ever seen.

They all told her to forgo the shoes because she would be uncomfortable and kick them off anyway as soon as she got into her room. Cami and the rest of the women were dressing her as if she was a Barbie Doll. Not that she minded. The new relationships that she was developing with these women were amazing. She had always wanted best friends and girls to hang out with. It was like she had been reborn again.

The years before were lonely and very boring. She knew her parents loved her, but she still had a feeling there was something missing. She never wanted her parents to think they failed her but she had been lonely. They had been so focused on protecting her that they had missed being with her.

Now she had her parents, plus new friends, and her mates. She looked at the group of women in the room and then smiled and just turned and began to cry. The women paused, stunned at the change of atmosphere in the room. They had been jovial.

Lacy came, put her arm around her, and said, “Ah, Trinity. What"s up?” Trinity looked around the room at the questioning looks and then said, “You are all being so nice to me. I don"t know what to say.”

“There is nothing to say. We are not being nice to you because we have too. I like you.” Cloe said offhandedly and shrugged. “Not many people can put up with all of us. We are a quirky bunch of people. Take Cami for instance, she had an extreme potty mouth.

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