Trinity (Moonstone Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Trinity (Moonstone Book 1)
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Stop it
, I told myself, willing myself to pull back from the kiss.
Stop it before it goes too far and you get sunk deeper with him Trinity.

But I didn’t. That was how weak I was.

His mouth slanted across mine and I opened for him, climbing onto his lap when he pulled me and threading my hands through his hair, anchoring him to me. Suddenly I felt afraid to let him go and tonight, after what had happened with Tony’s mate, I needed him, a thought which terrified me. I had never needed anyone, not for years, had never looked to anyone else for emotional comfort but Luke did something to me and it made me need him.

I wanted him to make me feel better about myself. Thoughts of pulling back from him, of pushing him away fluttered out of my head. Right in this moment all I wanted was him.

Leaning back I looked down at him, wondering if he would do for me what I needed. My behavior tonight, what I’d done had made me feel cheap and dirty. Luke, and the way he was so nice to me, the way he looked at me and touched me, made me feel worthy. When I was with him I forgot. It just felt right. Like I deserved him. That he deserved me.

“My room,” he ground out before he stood up, picking me up with him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let him carry me into the bedroom that was his, depositing me on the bed. I crawled back on the pillows, lying back and waiting for him. He began to follow suit but I stopped him.

“Take your shirt off,” I murmured, the heat burning up in my chest.

He paused a moment before he grinned, pulling the shirt off over his head and tossing it somewhere else. “Now yours.”

I sat up and followed suit before I thought more on it and decided to get rid of the boxer shorts too. I shimmied out of them, all the while conscious of his eyes watching my every move, tracing over my body as I did.

“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath as he lay alongside me, his body half covering me. Then he kissed me again, his mouth moving urgently and hungrily, his lips pressing hard on mine as if trying to cement me to him. His hands were everywhere, scalding me as they moved with desperation over my body. Down over my breasts, scraping over my hips to rest on my buttocks. He jerked me towards him and I lifted a leg, draping it over his hip. “You are so unbelievable.”

I smiled against his mouth as he dipped his head to kiss the hollow at the base of my throat. I shivered and he kissed lower, pulling a nipple into his mouth and biting down on it gently before sucking it into his mouth. Delicious sensations ran straight to my core and I arched against him, holding onto him as I felt the heat build.

One hand moved down between my legs and we groaned in unison as he slid over my center. “Trin,” he muttered, “you are so hot and wet. I can’t tell you what it does to me knowing that you are like that for me.”

“I can’t tell you what it does to hear you say stuff like that,” I told him honestly. His words were undoing me and making me feel more wonton and sexier with each syllable.

He looked down on me through heavy, hooded eyes. His pupils were dilated and he was breathing heavy. “You like that? You like hearing me talk a little dirty?”

I flushed, feeling the heat rush up my throat. Embarrassed, I didn’t want to answer him and instead lifted my head to get him to kiss me again. I squirmed against his hand, hoping he would continue his ministrations there too.

“How can I talk to you if you are kissing me,” he murmured between kisses, “and I want to talk to you. I want to turn you on even more. Fuck, I can feel the warmth flooding your pussy.”

I groaned. Loudly. As I bucked against him. His fingers were working deliciously between my legs but it wasn’t enough. I wanted more. I needed more.

“Please…” I begged him, his lips moving ever so softly over mine, pulling my bottom lip into his and nibbling it.

“Please what, Trin?” he asked, teasing me, running tiny kisses down my throat, “tell me what you want. I bet you like talking dirty as much as you like hearing it.”

I trembled. His fingers were teasing, moving over the parts I wanted him to touch, skimming the edges of where I wanted him to sink.

“Tell me, Trin, I fucking it love it too,” his voice was thick, “tell me what you want.”

“I want you to touch me.”

“I am touching you.”

He was going to make me do this, I knew it. I trembled, arching against him. I lifted my hips to get him to give me what I needed but he only chuckled. “Give it up, babe. Tell me what you want and I’ll do it. But I wanna hear you say it.”

I groaned. “I want to you to sink your fingers into my pussy. I want you to stroke me and then I want you to fuck me.”

“Fuck, babe,” he groaned in my ear before he obliged, sinking his fingers into me as his thumb flicked over my bud. I cried out, clutching at him more as the waves began to build.

Chapter Sixteen




I was dying. Literally dying and going straight to heaven. Every time I talked a little dirty or Trinity talked a little dirty I felt her warmth spread on my hands. She was so fucking turned on I didn’t think I’d be able to last. I was going to come before she did and before I even got my cock anywhere near her.

“Come for me, baby,” I whispered in her ear, “I can feel you are so close and I love watching you come.”

She was whimpering now, clutching at me, her eyes shut as she squirmed against my hand.

“God your pussy looks so good,” I told her, “it’s beautiful. I can’t wait to get inside you. Deep inside you like this.”

I wiggled my fingers a little more and felt her lose it, crying out as the waves of her orgasm hit and fuck me, if she didn’t cry my name as she came. I’d never seen or heard anything more beautiful in my whole life and wondered if anything would ever compare to that moment again.

Quickly, with her still coming down off her high I stripped out of my jeans and boxers and pulled a condom on. Then I held myself on top of her, supported on my arms as I looked down at her.

“Okay?” I asked. She hadn’t said no, but I didn’t want to assume…

She was breathing heavy, her breasts rising and falling as she looked up at me through cloudy eyes. She smiled as she held my gaze before she raised her legs and I plummeted myself deep into her.


Yelling woke me a little later. Loud, swearing, angry yelling and I felt as if I’d been yanked rudely from a blissful sleep. Which I guess I had. Rubbing my hands over my face, I sat up, my mind churning to make sense of what was going on.

Slowly the events of the night before seeped back into my mind. That god awful dinner with mine and Melissa’s family. Her mother. My mother. Melissa. All three of them had decided to ignore the fact that were no longer a couple and instead assume that we were only minutes away from announcing our engagement. If it hadn’t of been for Brooke I don’t know how I would’ve made it through dinner without being horribly rude to both Melissa and her parents. Brooke talked about other things, asked me questions about Trinity and Moonstone and generally reminded me that I didn’t have to stick there with them all night. By the time dessert rolled around I’d pretty much checked out of there.

And then I’d raced across town to The Silver Den only to find Trinity up on stage in the raunchiest performance I’d seen from anyone before. She’d have given the girls at
, the local strip club, a run for their money I was sure. Watching her up on stage, her breasts hanging out made my skin crawl and I’d had to resist the urge to yank her off there and cover her with my shirt. But my final undoing had been that crawl and kiss with a member of the audience. I barely recognized the sweet girl who’d given up her virginity the night before from the one on stage.


The meeting with Tony’s mate. Then afterwards. Here. In my shower. In my bed.
in my bed.

The yelling was continuing as I spent too long daydreaming and only then did I realize she wasn’t here. At some point she’d left me, the covers pushed back, the pillow still creased from where she’d rested.

And the yelling was continuing.

Too late I recognized that voice.

Hauling my ass out of bed I pulled some boxers on before I raced out to the living area to find Melissa in a full on rant. I cursed myself, hating that I’d taken so long to realize what was going on, who was yelling and who she was yelling out. Toby emerged from the bedroom next to mine at the same time I did.

“What the fu—?” he muttered, looking even more asleep than me. He’d probably only been home a few hours.

Bright sunlight streamed through the living room window. Melissa was there and she was yelling at Trinity who was dressed in the boxer shorts and t-shirt I’d given her the night before. She must have gotten up to go to the bathroom when Melissa came in as she was standing just outside the bathroom door, her face pale, her bottom lip trembling under the verbal assault Melissa had been laying on her.

She’d stopped though, as soon as I emerged.

“Melissa,” I snapped, running a hand through my hair, “what the hell are you doing here?”

She flicked her eyes over to me. They sparked with her anger and her mouth was curled down in that horrible snobby, displeased look she sometimes got. She stood tall though, ramrod straight as she jutted a manicured finger my way. “What the hell is this?” she snarled, “you go straight from me to her?”

“Melissa you have no right being here. How did you even get in?”

She managed a tiny smirk. “The key you gave me
? So I can come over anytime.”

“You need to put that key down on the kitchen table and leave,” I told her, keeping my voice as calm as possible even though anger was pounding through my veins.

“Me?” She looked incredibly affronted by the suggestion. “Why should I leave? It’s
that needs to go.” She turned her venomous glare on Trinity. “Didn’t he tell you honey? Once he’s done you, you need to get lost.”

Trinity paled even more and stepped forward, “I was actually just leaving,” she said and I was surprised by how strong and sure her voice sounded. It was in sharp contrast to the pale face and the trembling fingers.

“Trin, you are not leaving,” I told her, my voice softening as I spoke to her, “Melissa is going and she won’t be returning.”

“I’m not going,” Melissa began, “I deserve an explanation. There is only so much of this I can take Luke. I know you need to do this, I know you need to spread your wild oats or whatever before we settle down, but I can’t have you flaunting it—flaunting
–in my face.”

“You will watch what you say and you will listen for the hundredth time,” I told her patiently, “we are over. There is no break. And you will not be speaking to Trinity like this.”

“What about last night?” she demanded. “We had dinner together. We talked about the future.”

I gaped at her. We had dinner with our families and
talked about a future I wanted no part of her. In fact I barely even listened to what they were talking about, so consumed I was in thoughts of Trinity. For all I know Melissa could be right and our wedding and entire future were planned out in minute detail over last night’s dinner party.

Suddenly a pounding started on the door and Trinity rushed across the room to answer it, brushing between Melissa and myself.

Molly hovered in the doorway. Her eyes darted between myself and Melissa and then back to Trinity’s, a question in them. I couldn’t see Trinity’s face but something passed between her and her friend.

“Ready, Trin?” Molly asked.

Trinity nodded and then turned back to me. “Thanks for rescuing me last night, I appreciate it. And—um—I’m sorry if I got in the way of anything here.”

For the first time I realized that she had her stuff, the clothes she’d worn bundled in her arms. She was leaving.

Oh hell no!

“Trinity wait,” I began, speaking in a rush, “do not listen to Melissa. She is crazy. Just hear me out.”

She shook her head. “It’s fine. Really. I have to go.”

“Trin—” I suddenly felt very panicky, as I reached out to her, grabbing her arm.

She flinched, jerking away from me as her eyes looked up to meet mine. I expected to see anger there, or resentment, maybe a bit of jealousy or sadness. Instead, what I saw made me move my arm away from her and step back.

Her blue eyes were like steel. Cold and hard. Flat and emotionless. They met and held mine for a moment, knocking the wind from me, sucking the air from my lungs. Then she turned her gaze on Melissa.

“I would say it has been nice,” she began, “but I would be lying. What I will say though is that I am sorry if I got in the way of whatever you have here. Honestly, I was just out for a good time and wasn’t looking to tread on anyone’s toes.”

Melissa suddenly softened, her jaw going slack. “It’s um—I guess it’s not entirely your fault. It takes two to tango.”

Fuck me, Melissa was pulling out the clichés now.

“Trin,” Molly touched Trinity, reminding her of her presence before Trinity nodded and hurried out the door. It closed behind her with a soft click and I was left staring at the smooth wood, waiting, hoping and praying that she would come back in. Once again a scene had played out before me and I hadn’t done a damn thing. I cursed under my breath and moved to the door. I wanted to chase her, I wanted drag her back and then keep her forever.

Melissa let out a whoosh of breathe. “Well thank god that little awkward scene is over.”

I stared at her and then all the hurt and anger I’d been feeling hurtled through me like a cannon ball. I curled my hands into fists as I advanced on her. She had the graciousness to flinch a little, which stopped me from actually touching her. Instead I got very close to face and dropped my voice to a whisper, the words biting at the back of my throat as I spoke them.

“Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here. And. Don’t. Come. Back.”

Then I turned and went back to my room to the sounds of Toby whooping and clapping.




“Wanna talk about it?”

I shook my head as I stared out the window. The trees and houses whizzed past me in a strange blur and I realized it was because my eyes were full of tears. That little scene back there had affected me more than I wanted to acknowledge.

“I’m sorry about Tony,” Molly continued, “and about us girls forcing you to go meet that guy.”

“It’s fine,” I told her tightly, “none of us were to know. It’s no one’s fault.”

She fell quiet and I could almost hear the clogs turning in her brain. She hadn’t asked very many questions when I’d called her and asked if she’d pick me up from Luke’s but I knew they were there. I smiled to myself, appreciating the fact that Molly was biting her tongue for my benefit. You couldn’t ask for a better friend.

“So after I escaped Tony’s house Luke took me back to his,” I told her, still not looking at her, “and I stayed over.”

“I gathered as much,” she replied, “we were the ones who told him where you were. At first I was annoyed that he was going to go rushing in there and ruin what might have been our big break but now I’m glad. God, I could murder Tony for setting you up like that.”

“He might not have realized, “I said, “I’m just glad that Luke was there when he was.”

We fell silent again. Leaning back in the seat I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply.

“He really likes you,” Molly said quietly, “like
likes you.”

I shook my head. “He just thinks he likes me. He likes the idea of dating a girl in a band, he likes the idea of—something a little bit wild for a bit.”

“I don’t know,” Molly said, “I think it’s more than that. I mean, he looked so devastated that you were leaving. A guy who’s just in for a bit of fun doesn’t look like that over nothing more than a one-night stand.”

“That scene was a little bit nasty,” I reminded her. And he’d been with Melissa only last night before he came to find me. I didn’t want to admit it but that hurt. He’d told me he had a family thing but he’d really been out with her. Five years they had together. My week could not compete with five years. Not that I even wanted it to.

“You know,” Molly continued, and I could hear her choosing her words carefully, “it’s okay to let someone—a guy—get close, Trinity. Like I said before, you deserve it. You deserve someone who looks at you like he does.”

I shook my head. “I’m not saying I don’t deserve that because I believe you. I do. But Luke isn’t someone who will stick around. He’s someone who will break my heart. I can feel it. I’ve seen what a broken heart can do to a woman. I’ve seen what being in love can do, especially if it’s unrequited or unequal.”

“You’re talking about your mom,” Molly said quietly, “but your mom made her own choices. She’s the one who’s chosen to hang around and wait for someone who is never going to give her anything more than a few nights here and there. By giving someone a chance Trinity you aren’t asking to be treated like your mother has been.”

She pulled up outside Mark’s house much to my relief. I didn’t want to talk about this anymore. I just wanted to go home and forget everything that had happened in the last twenty four hours. Well, not all of it, last night with Luke…
I didn’t want to forget.

“Thanks for coming,” I told her cheerfully as I gathered up my stuff and climbed out, “you’re a great friend.”

“Anytime, Trin,” she told me, “and tell me you will think about what I said.”

I nodded. “Sure.”

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