Triumphs of Experience: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study (53 page)

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46. Vaillant GE: An empirically derived hierarchy of adaptive mechanisms and its usefulness as a potential diagnostic axis. In
Diagnosis and Classification in Psychiatry: A Critical Appraisal of
Edited by Tischler GL. New York, Cambridge University Press, 1987.

47. Phillips KA, Vaillant GE, Schnurr P: Some physiologic antecedents of adult mental health.
American Journal of Psychiatry,
1987; 144:1009–1013.

48. Vaillant C, Milofsky E, Richards R, Vaillant GE: A social casework contribution to understanding alcoholism.
Health and Social Work,
1987; 12:169–176.

49. Vaillant GE: A developmental view of old and new perspectives of personality disorders.
Journal of Personality Disorders,
1987; 1:146–156.

50. Vaillant GE, McCullough L: The Washington University Sentence Completion Test compared with other measures of adult ego development.
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1987; 144:1189–1194.

51. Snarey J, Son L, Kuehne VS, Hauser S, Vaillant G: The role of parenting in men’s psychosocial development: A longitudinal study of early adulthood infertility and midlife generativity.
Developmental Psychology,
1987; 23:593–603.

52. Vaillant GE: Some differential effects of genes and environment on alcoholism. In
Alcoholism: Origins and Outcome.
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53. Drake RE, Vaillant GE: Predicting alcoholism and personality disorder in a 33-year longitudinal study of children of alcoholics.
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1988; 83:799–807.

54. Drake RE, Vaillant GE: Introduction: Longitudinal views of personality disorder.
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1988; 2:60–68.

56. Vaillant GE, Schnurr P: What is a case? A 45-year study of psychiatric impairment within a college sample selected for mental health.
Archives of General Psychiatry,
1988; 45:313–319.

57. Peterson C, Seligman MEP, Vaillant GE: Pessimistic explanatory style is a risk factor for physical illness: A thirty-five year longitudinal study.
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1988; 55:23–27.

58. Vaillant GE: What can long-term follow-up teach us about relapse and prevention of relapse in addiction.
British Journal of Addiction,
1988; 83:1147–1157.

59. Vaillant GE: Attachment, loss and rediscovery.
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60. Vaillant GE: The evolution of defense mechanisms during the middle years. In
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61. Vaillant GE, Vaillant CO: Natural history of male psychological health: XII. A 45-year study of successful aging at age 65.
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62. Schnurr PP, Vaillant CO, Vaillant GE: Predicting exercise in late midlife from young adult personality characteristics.
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63. Vaillant GE: Repression in college men followed for half a century. In
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64. Vaillant GE: Avoiding negative life outcomes: Evidence from a forty-five year study. In
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65. Vaillant GE, Vaillant CO: Determinants and consequences of creativity in a cohort of gifted women.
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66. Vaillant GE: Prospective evidence for the effects of environment upon alcoholism. In
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67. Vaillant GE, Schnurr PP, Baron JA, Gerber PD: A prospective study of the effects of cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse on mortality.
Journal of General Internal Medicine,
1991; 6:299–304.

68. Vaillant GE: The association of ancestral longevity with successful aging.
Journal of Gerontology,
1991; 46:292–298.

69. Vaillant GE, Milofsky ES: The etiology of alcoholism: A prospective viewpoint. In
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70. Vaillant GE: Physician, cherish thyself: The hazards of self-prescribing.
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71. Vaillant GE, Roston D, McHugo GJ: An intriguing association
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72. Vaillant CO, Vaillant GE: Is the U-curve of marital satisfaction an illusion? A 40-year study of marriage.
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73. Vaillant GE, Koury SH: Late midlife development. In
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74. Vaillant GE: Is alcoholism more often the cause or the result of depression?
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75. Vaillant GE: Successful aging and psychosocial well-being. In
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76. Vaillant GE: Ego mechanisms of defense and personality psychopathology.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology,
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77. Vaillant GE: La créativité chez les hommes et les femmes “or- dinaires.”
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78. Lee KA, Vaillant GE, Torrey WC, Elder GH: A 50-year prospective study of the psychological sequelae of World War II combat.
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79. Vaillant GE: Addictions over the life course. In
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80. Vaillant GE: A long-term follow-up of male alcohol abuse.
Archives of General Psychiatry,
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81. Vaillant GE, Orav J, Meyer SE, McCullough-Vaillant L, Ros
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1996; 8:1–20.

82. Cui X, Vaillant GE: The antecedents and consequences of negative life events in adulthood: A longitudinal study.
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1996; 152:21–26.

83. Vaillant GE, Gerber PD: Natural history of male psychological health: XIII. Who develops high blood pressure and who responds to treatment.
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1996; 153:24–29.

84. Cui X, Vaillant GE: Does depression generate negative life events?
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85. Vaillant GE: The natural history of alcoholism and its relationship to liver transplantation.
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86. Vaillant GE: Poverty and paternalism: A psychiatric viewpoint. In
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87. Vaillant GE: Natural history of male psychological health: XIV. Relationship of mood disorder vulnerability to physical health.
American Journal of Psychiatry,
1998; 155:184–191.

88. Soldz S, Vaillant GE: A 50-year longitudinal study of defense use among inner city men: A validation of the DSM-IV defense axis.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,
1998; 186:104–111.

89. Vaillant GE, Meyer SE, Mukamal K, Soldz S: Are social supports in late midlife a cause or a result of successful physical aging?
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90. Wulsin LR, Vaillant GE, Wells VE: A systematic review of the mortality of depression.
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Vaillant GE: Lessons learned from living.
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1999; 10:32–37.

92. Soldz S, Vaillant GE: The big five personality traits and the life course: A 45-year longitudinal study.
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1999; 33:208–232 [1999 Best Article].

93. Laub JH, Vaillant GE: Delinquency and mortality: A 50-year follow-up study of 1000 delinquent and nondelinquent boys.
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2000; 157:96–102.

94. Vaillant GE: Adaptive mental mechanisms: Their role in a positive psychology.
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95. Vaillant GE: Prevention of alcoholism: Reflections of a naturalist. In
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96. Vaillant GE, Davis JT: Social/emotional intelligence and midlife resilience in schoolboys with low tested intelligence.
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97. Vaillant GE: If addiction is involuntary, how can punishment help? In
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98. Cui X and Vaillant GE: Stressful life events and late adulthood adaptation. In
Aging in Good Health.
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99. Vaillant GE and K Mukamal: Successful aging.
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100. Vaillant GE: The value of a hierarchy of defenses. In
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Vaillant GE, Vaillant CO: The Study of Adult Development. In
Landmark Studies in the Twentieth Century.
Edited by Anne Colby and Erin Phelps. New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 2002.

102. Vaillant GE: Healthy aging among inner-city men.
International Psychogeriatrics,
2002; 13:425–437.

103. Vaillant GE: Natural history of addiction and pathways to recovery. In
Principles of Addiction Medicine,
3rd edition. Edited by AW Graham et al., Chevy Chase, MD, American Society of Addiction Medicine, 2003.

104. Vaillant GE: Mental health.
American Journal of Psychiatry,
2003; 160:1373–1384.

105. Vaillant GE: A 60-year follow-up of male alcoholism.
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106. Isaacowitz DM, Vaillant GE, Seligman MEP: Strength and satisfaction across the adult lifespan.
International Journal of Aging and Human Development,
2003; 27:181–201.

107. Vaillant GE: Mental health. In
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8th edition. Edited by BJ Sadock and VA Sadock. Philadelphia, Williams and Wilkins, 2004.

108. Vaillant GE: Positive aging. In
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Robert Waldinger, Director

1. Vaillant GE, Batalden MB, Orav J, Roston D, Barrett JE: Evidence for an X-linked personality trait related to affective illness.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,
2005; 39:730–735.

Vaillant GE: Alcoholics Anonymous: Cult or cure.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,
2005; 39: 431–436.

3. Vaillant GE, DiRago AC, Mukamal K: Natural history of male psychological health XV: Retirement satisfaction.
American Journal of Psychiatry,
2006; 163:682–688.

4. Vaillant GE, DiRago AC: Satisfaction with retirement in men’s lives. In
Charting a New Life: The Crown of Life Dynamics of the Early Retirement Period.
Edited by J James and P Wink. New York: Springer, 2006.

5. Waldinger RJ, Vaillant GE, Orav EJ: Childhood sibling relationships as predictors of major depression in adulthood: A thirty-year prospective study.
American Journal of Psychiatry,
2006; 164:949–954.

6. Vaillant GE: Generativity—A form of unconditional love. In
Altruism and Health.
Edited by S. Post. New York, Oxford University Press, 2007.

7. DiRago AC, Vaillant GE (2007). Resilience in Inner City youth: Childhood predictors of occupational status across the lifespan.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence,

8. Vaillant GE, Templeton J, Ardelt M, Meyer S: Natural history of male mental health: Health and religious involvement.
Social Science and Medicine,
2008, 66:221–231.

9. Koenig L and Vaillant GE: A prospective study of church attendance and health over the lifespan.
Health Psychology,
28, 2009:117–124.

10. Frosch ZA, Dierker LC, Rose JS, and Waldinger RJ: Smoking trajectories, health, and mortality across the adult lifespan.
Addictive Behaviors,
2009, 34:701–704.

11. Beardslee WR, Vaillant GE: Adult development. In
ed. Edited by Tasman A, Kay J, Lieberman J. New York, Saunders, 2008.

12. DiRago A, Vaillant GE: Mature defense mechanisms. In
The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology
. Edited by SJ Lopez. 2:600–605. Malden, MA, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

13. Grenfield EA, Vaillant GE, Marks NF: Do formal religious participation and spiritual perceptions have independent linkages with diverse dimensions of psychological well-being?
Journal of Health and Social Behavior,
2009; 50:196–212.

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