Trojan Slaves (7 page)

Read Trojan Slaves Online

Authors: Syra Bond

Tags: #historical erotica, #bdsm, #trojan war, #damsel in distress, #master and slave, #sexual slaves

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'Who is it
that seeks entry?' a deep forbidding voice asked from within.

'Praxis. It is
me, Wang. I have a little something for you. A pretty little
something, I can assure you. She is from the best of places too.
From the temple of Apollo.'

A large bald
head appeared behind the grating. Two copper rings dangled loosely
from tattooed ears and another ring hung from a pulpy, reddened
nose. The head leant forward into the dim light in the alley and
revealed two roughly sewn sockets where eyes had once been.

'Bring her
in,' said Praxis gruffly, as slowly he opened the grating and let
the Chinaman in. 'I hope she is strong enough, Wang. I have found
many new ways of torturing the slaves who find their way into my
emporium. And some fail me before I am done with them.'

'If this one
does, Praxis, I know of another who certainly will not.'



Chapter 6
The raid on


As Achilles and
Ajax set out for a surprise raid on Troy, Eva was left to suffer.
After their humiliation on the beach, she and the other women had
been rounded up and driven into a compound made from animal hides
stretched on stakes. The compound was encircled by dogs, all
straining on taut leather leashes tied to iron rings driven on
spikes into the ground. The women were forced to kneel most of the
day, then at night they were made to crawl on all fours and do the
bidding of their masters, the cruel Greeks. Each night they were
beaten, sometimes with long canes, sometimes with whips or flails.
They all screamed as they were punished, but Eva less than the
rest. She felt it honourable to be strong in her suffering, to show
the others she was of royal heritage - brave and forbearing. But
her silent suffering brought its own perverse penalty. The more she
trapped it in - the longer she suppressed her screams and torment -
the more it inflamed her senses, her passion, her need. The longer
she trapped her passion, the wilder were her screeching
exclamations as ultimately they exploded in a turmoil of ecstasy,
pain and pent-up desire.

One night two
of the dogs were removed from their leashes and Eva and another
woman were collared and tied up in their place. By the morning the
other woman was howling like all the other dogs. She was crawling
around on her hands and knees, sniffing the others, drooling spit,
licking at them, growling. Eva, though, was still where she had
been left, never having moved, never having given in to the animal
instincts which could have so easily been aroused. They released
the other woman, but even though Eva was left there for two more
nights, still she remained in control of herself, her body and her

Achilles came
to see her sometimes. He admired her strength but she was also a
challenge to him. There was not a female yet he had failed to
conquer, and he did not intend that Eva should be the first.

Eva watched
the raiding party depart. She remained pinioned well off the ground
against the side of a ship. A ball was bound tightly into her
mouth, her arms and legs were spread wide and tied by ropes into
heavy iron rings fixed into the ship's boards. The smooth ball was
crafted from stone. A hole was drilled in it through which was
passed an iron rod with a ring on each end. Black leather straps
looped through each ring. They led up on each side of Eva's nose,
then on the bridge were twisted together before pulling tightly
across her forehead. The twisted straps were stretched along the
middle of her long red hair, then twisted again in a knot at the
back of her neck before returning along her jawline and back into
the rings on the iron rod.

Eva flared her
nostrils and breathed in deeply. She knew that Achilles and Ajax
would soon be back and that when they returned they would have new
ways of increasing her seemingly unending suffering. Some dogs
sniffed around her. She glared down at them with her piercing green
eyes and they ran away.

Two sailors,
bored by their absence from home, and tired of the never-ending
encampment on the beach, stopped to look up at her.

'She is a rare
beauty, Crios,' said the first as he poked a stick he was carrying
into Eva's foot. 'A German princess some say. And with an appetite
for pain and suffering that is impossible to satisfy. While others
whine she bears all, they say.'

'Perhaps she
has not had enough of a test yet, Abas,' said the second.

'Perhaps not,'
said Abas, smirking. 'Perhaps she has met her match today though.
Perhaps Crios and Abas can bring her to her knees.'

A shudder
passed through Eva. She fixed her stare ahead. She did not know how
much more she could take.

'I think we
might just do that,' laughed Crios, running the point of the stick
along the base of Eva's foot.

She licked the
back of the stone ball in her mouth. It was cold from the chill of
the night. Her mouth was stretched as wide as possible and her face
felt strained and tight. Her teeth pressed against the stone, top
and bottom, and even though it was perfectly smooth, they grated if
there was any movement between them. She smelled the leather strap
that held it in place, and its tightness against the back of her
neck. She squirmed her head from side to side in a vain attempt to
ease it.

'I think she
is trying to ask us something,' said Crios, still pulling the point
of the stick along the sensitive sole of her foot.

'Yes, she
wants the same done to the other foot I think.' Abas laughed,
picked up a stick and started doing the same to her other foot.

Her ankles had
been bound tightly; twelve revolutions of the rope before they were
fixed into the iron rings. She could hardly move her feet at all,
but as Crios and Abas drew the points of the sticks against her
soles she could not stop herself from flexing them in a pointless
effort to prevent the irritation. Bending them gave a moment's
relief, but as soon as the points came in contact again the
movement that had brought some respite had now made them even more
sensitive. If she kept her feet still the irritation was lessened,
but so was her ability to keep them still. The irritation, the
tickle, the glancing sense of almost unmade contact, shivered up
her calves and into her knees. It travelled like a stream of
fast-flowing water, seeking out every place where there was
sensitivity, every place where she could feel contact with
sensation. It ran up her thighs and joined together, doubling in
its force before, like a clasping claw, it grasped her fleshy cunt.
First it went into the swollen flesh of her outer labia, enriching
it with a slight burning. Then it ran between them - fizzing,
tingling, setting her on fire. Before entering her, before
penetrating her body fully, it ran around her anus causing it to
contract then dilate in a regular rhythm, uncontrolled, of its own

Eva licked the
ball. It was warming now. She wished she could bite down on it, to
relieve some of the tension, but she could not, did not dare. Then,
like a tantalising tentacle of fire, the sensation that arose on
the soles of her feet, entered her vagina. It burned her clitoris.
It was as if it had been grasped by fiery fingers. It boiled the
moisture that clung to the inner flesh. It burned as deeply into
the warm darkness as possible, then with nowhere else to go it
exploded into her whole body. It filled her completely, and with a
sudden jerk of passion she submitted to the overwhelming storm of

She gulped and
swallowed hard and her teeth involuntarily ground against the
stone. She could not swallow and tried again. This time it made her
choke, and as she coughed she bit harder, more painfully, onto the
unforgiving ball.

The sensation
from her feet burst in her head. She saw sparkles in front of her
eyes and they ran out in glittering showers, erupting in a wild
tempest of light. She gasped again, and coughed, and she was
overcome by the light of her joy as it filled her mind

She heard
herself groaning with pleasure. She tried to stop it. She licked
the stone in her mouth. She squeezed her eyes tightly. But nothing
could stop it. She groaned again and gave up trying to hold it

She was not
aware of it stopping, but when she saw Crios beside her, on a
ladder, untying the ropes at her wrists, she knew it must be over.
At last, she was being released. Her suffering had come to an end.
She was being saved.

She turned her
head and looked at him; young, vigorous and handsome. He did not
return her glance. Her arm came free, and Crios moved to the other
side and undid her other wrist.

Eva stayed
against the side of the boat, balancing on her ankles, in place
only because of her stiffness. She dropped her head forward,
relieved by what she thought was happening, and toppled forward.
She arched out against the fulcrum of her ankles, falling stiffly
away from the boat, then as she described a semicircle, coming back
to the lowest point at the bottom of her fall. The curvature of the
hull allowed her to swing beneath it before rocking back to the
perpendicular. She hung upside down by her ankles, her arms
stretched down but just off the ground, her long red hair trailing
down in a rich, fiery tangle of shining curls.

The sudden
shock of falling, of stopping at the bottom of the fall, made Eva
bite hard onto the stone ball. Pains shot through her as her teeth
ground against the inflexible surface. Her nostrils opened wide as
her heaving lungs demanded breath. Her rapidly beating heart
throbbed in her constricted chest. She swung for a few moments,
looking down to the ground, reaching with outstretched fingers in a
vain attempt to reach it. She needed to swallow but could not, and
again she coughed as the spit that filled her mouth ran into the
back of her throat.

She did not
have time to realise her situation. She felt heat between her legs;
sudden, penetrating, overcoming. Abas had his face against her
spread sex, his chin against her anus, his hands against the
insides of her thighs. He delved his hot tongue inside, searching
out the fleshiness, its moisture, its fragrance. Eva felt it
probing deep, lapping up her moisture, depositing its own. How
could she wish for him to stop when she wanted more? How could she
deny the pain of her humiliation when it was her very dishonour,
her disgrace, which was causing her to want it?

Even against
the weight of her body and the pressure on her ankles which
supported it, she allowed her hips to rise. She needed him to know
that she wanted more, that she wanted it deeper, wetter, hotter.
She wanted him to chew on her flesh, as if he was consuming

He buried his
face against her. She allowed her anus to widen against his chin,
hoping to pull it close against the pulsating muscle; it too wanted
filling. His tongue sank into her cunt as far as it could, and she
rose higher and allowed her orgasm to flow. She wanted to grasp his
head between her legs, to hold him there while she convulsed
against his lips. But her bonds constrained her from doing it, made
her convulsion that much more potent. She felt her anus throbbing
against his chin and her vagina tightening around his tongue. His
spit mixed with the moisture of her sex. It ran between her spread
buttocks and into the small of her back. She bit the stone and
heaved rhythmically with the beats of her ecstatic dissipation.

As he pulled
away she felt the draught of coolness across her flesh. It calmed
her for a moment and she relaxed. Her muscles lost their tension,
then unexpected and unprepared, she felt a cutting lash across her

The first one
surprised her. She did not really know what it was. Her face was
directed towards the side of the boat, and she could not see what
was happening. The second allowed her to realise what was
happening. The third simply hurt. And the pain increased with every
blow as Crios stood back on the beach and thrashed her with his
wide leather belt.

'Now we will
see if she can stand the suffering of the belt!' he shouted
excitedly as he drew the heavy belt back again. 'There is no woman
yet who has!'

Time and again
he lashed Eva's taut skin. She twisted in agony. Her back and
shoulders soon became sensitized so much that each new blow made
her giddy with the penetration of pain. Her buttocks took blows as
well - lashing blows, blows well aimed and blows that missed their
mark. Crios raised the belt vertically too, and brought it down
squarely against her exposed sex. It smacked against her flesh and
sent shivering pains out into every part of her body. They
culminated in stinging spasms of agony in the tips of her hard and
throbbing nipples.

She took it
all. Holding the ball tightly in her mouth, breathing hard through
her nostrils. Allowing the pain to feed her own desires. She took
it all. For some reason the worst was on the insides of her thighs.
The pain there was so sharp, so brittle, and it made her squirm and
the squirming made her dizzy and that made her feel like vomiting.
She tasted it in her throat and was filled with terror that it
would erupt from within her, and that it would have nowhere to go
past the plugging stone in her mouth.

Crios finally
tired. He licked her cunt and along some of the red lines his belt
had left on her pale skin. She closed her eyes and allowed the pain
to flow through her. She panted as, slowly, it began to

'Abas, wash
her down!' shouted Crios. 'We will give her another taste another
time. She will not forget us, I am sure of that. Yes, douse her and
take the heat of my belt away from her. Let her cool before we
leave her to the dogs.'

Eva hung
there, staring though bleary eyes at the wooden planks of the boat.
The salty moisture of her own sweat burned into the reddened
stripes, and the stinging pain was heightened by the heat of the
sun as it burned down on her exposed skin.

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