Tropical Safeguard (Men Of The Secret Service) (22 page)

BOOK: Tropical Safeguard (Men Of The Secret Service)
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“Yeah, coward,” Juvie echoed, trying his
best to stay on Gatten’s good side.

Cole and Katrina heard what sounded like
a cigarette stomping on the tabletop.

“Better get goin’. Wilco’ll give us flack
if we don’t.”

The chairs scraped backward and then the
sound of heavy footsteps resonated. The door opened with a creak and then
slammed shut. The men’s voices trailed farther away, yet Cole and Katrina
remained in the closet a moment longer before opening the door. Once out,
Katrina took a full breath, the feeling of claustrophobia leaving her finally.

“They said they’d be back, Cole,” she
worried. “What are we going to do?”

“We have a little time. We can use it to
plan our next move.”

Katrina looked down at the cigarette butt
on the kitchen table. The men had been so close. Cole turned the walkie-talkie
back up, straining to listen but only hearing static.

“Will we try to rescue the others then?
The odds are stacked against us, don’t you think?”

“Yes. That’s why I’m waiting for my team.
It’s far too risky to attempt anything on our own. Our best approach is Jimmy.
We can save the little guy while my team is on the way. Personally, that’s my
goal. I just want to wait until my team’s a little closer before I plan my next
move. It depends when and how help will arrive for the others.”

Katrina walked into the tiny living room,
which was now shrouded in complete darkness. She wished the men had kept the
light on, but they’d turned it off on their departure. Now they would have to
keep it off or draw suspicion for sure.

In the unfamiliar space, Katrina fumbled
toward the couch before sinking into its soft cushions. A feeling of dread took
residence in her mind as she slouched back. Jacque, Damien, and George were in
the mansion with the dignitaries, Trudy, Helene and the Greenbaum boys.

“Gloria!” Katrina sat up straight.

“Pardon?” Cole asked as he walked
cautiously into the room, shoving his gun into his belt once more and fumbling
his way in the semi-darkness. He took a seat beside her on the couch.

“Gloria will be starting her shift in the
morning. In fact, she may arrive later to turn down the beds. She does that
sometimes. We have to warn her not to go to the mansion.”

“Do you know where she lives?”

“Yes, just down the road. She usually
walks to work.”

“Then that will be our first stop on the
way to rescue Jimmy.”


Chapter Sixteen

Sitting side by side on
the couch, Cole put an arm around Katrina’s shoulders and she leaned into him.
They barely had a moment to breathe between the ordeal with Cameron and now
this. Would there ever be peace in their lives again? Katrina thought this, but
looking over at Cole she realized this drama was a daily occurrence for him.
His line of work demanded these kinds of harrowing situations.

Her thought was
interrupted by Cole’s phone ranging. He placed it in his ear and clicked it on.


“Cole, it’s Hannlon.
We’ve got the trace on David Wilco. He’s recently out of prison after four
years. Get this…he’s the brother of one Vivian Eckles, nee Wilco –
Assistant to the Secretary of State.”

Cole was shocked. “That’s
quite the betrayal. Have you taken care of that end?”

“She’s been detained.”

“That must be who Wilco
was talking to when I overheard him on the phone. Funny enough, Secretary
Mitchell mentioned how involved Vivian is in his affairs, and now we know why.
She was the inside contact with a full itinerary of the Secretary’s movements.
The motive is…”

“Money,” Hannlon
interjected. “We have her in custody but I think we should keep David Wilco
thinking the cash is on the way. We have her full cooperation. She doesn’t want
to go down as badly as her brother and she’s willing to go along with things
for a bit of lenience.”

“So she’ll relay info
and keep the charade going then?”

“Yes. The men at the
mansion are like sitting ducks and she’s pivotal if this is going to work out
as planned.”

“Where are you?”

“En route now. More than

“Let me know when you’re
almost here.”

“Will do.”

Cole clicked the phone
off and pulled it out of his ear, placing it in his pocket. “Are you warmer
now?” he asked, pulling Katrina closer.

“Yes, thanks. I feel so
helpless though. Waiting around here is torture. My friends are in trouble and
I feel like my hands are tied.”

“Listen. That could
easily have been you in there. We have an advantage, remember? This will all
work out. I just have to wait for my team to get a little closer. We have to
keep the hostages thinking that the money’s coming. If they discover the inside
orchestrator’s been detained, they’ll grow desperate.”

“I think I know what
that means. People will start getting hurt, won’t they.”

Cole looked over at her.
Their faces were practically touching now. He leaned in and kissed her forehead
gently. “Possibly. I’m sorry, Katrina. These men are ex-convicts. I’m sure
they’ve led hard, difficult lives. I hope they show some mercy.”

“I’m just so anxious.
Sitting here in the dark is ridiculous. I can’t sit still.”

Cole brought her closer,
his grip around her shoulder firm, comforting. Leaning over, Katrina placed her
cheek against his muscular chest, inhaling the manly scent of him. She wanted
him – wanted to get lost in him and forget what was unfolding all around
her. Looking up into his face, Katrina wore a longing expression. Cole’s eyes
had adjusted to the darkness and he could see her clearly now. There was no
mistaking her body language; he recognized it instantly. He felt her need and
wanted to fulfill it for her. Who was he kidding? It was his need as much as

Lifting her chin with a
finger, he kissed her deeply. When their lips parted, she felt a sudden
breathlessness. His eyes filled with a tantalizing sensuality as she gazed back
with abandon, taking his image into her heart. Imprinting it there forever.
Cole stood up from the couch and reached out a hand. Katrina held it and he
pulled her up effortlessly. Standing together, Cole reached around and slid his
hands over her back and then slid them down to her bottom, squeezing gently,
playfully. He knew what his touch was doing to her and her response made him
yearn for more.

Closing her eyes and
swallowing hard, Katrina leaned her neck to the side as if to invite his lips.
He met her soft skin and caressed his way up to her ear. It tasted salty from
the ocean. She melted at the heat of his breath. Katrina teasingly unbuttoned
his white linen shirt, her touch sensual yet direct. Cole could barely fathom
how often he’d dreamed of her touching him just this way since their first
meeting. If the massage she’d given him earlier in the week was any indication,
he was putty in her hands.

She tilted her head,
stared him right in the eyes. Reaching back, he pulled out the elastic and let
her lush hair fall loose past her shoulders. Having been twisted into a knot,
it was still damp from snorkeling.

“Come with me,” he
directed. Katrina followed willingly, staying close as Cole led her around the
furniture toward a tiny bedroom where a single bed rested below a window. They
were about to face the real version of the fantasies they’d both imagined.

Facing each other beside
the bed, Cole placed his hands on her cheeks and brought her mouth to his
greedily, deepening the kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth with an urgency
his whole body was feeling. She murmured her approval, dropped her hands and
flattened her warm palms on his chest. His mouth plied hers, sending tendrils
of pleasure to every part of her body. With each gentle twist of his tongue,
Katrina felt herself falling deeper and deeper into the moment – deeper
and deeper in love with him. This was the present and there was no point in
dwelling on her heartaches of the past. She couldn’t help herself from falling,
consumed by him as all other thoughts fled her mind. Utterly uninhibited, she
looked up into his face. “I want you so badly.”

The words were soft,
breathless. In the moonlight, Cole’s eyes agreed and he lifted her with ease
into his arms before laying her on top of the neatly made bed. Watching her
while still standing, he pulled off his unbuttoned shirt and placed his gun on
the bedside table. He watched as Katrina writhed around a little, arching her
back in impatience. “Hurry,” she cried. He unbelted his pants and let them
drop, keeping his boxers on.

He approached the bed
and, with what little light he had through the window, slowly, teasingly undid
the buttons on Katrina’s borrowed shirt. He spread it open to reveal her green
bikini. Katrina’s body looked smooth and flawless in the moonlight, beckoning
him. Her nipples were hard and she had goosebumps though she wasn’t cold
– not in the least. It was anticipation that made each cell respond.
Every part of her was at attention, and so was Cole’s body. Every inch. Katrina
sat up and slipped the shirt off, throwing it to the end of the bed. She
reached back and removed the bikini top before laying back.

“My God, you’re
beautiful.” Cole leaned on the edge of the bed. Bending over, he kissed each
breast attentively, lingering.

Katrina reached out and
put her hand on his backside, squeezing his muscular physique. She felt a
feeling of excitement and giddiness, like the feeling one gets before a big
surprise. She was in for a treat and she knew it. Cole shimmied her bottoms off
and then explored with his hand. Katrina opened up to him, allowing it to
happen. It had been years since she made love to a man she truly cared for, and
who cared for her without showing his affection abusively. This is what it felt
like to be cherished. Cole was so gentle, so aware of her needs that she let
herself enjoy every moment. Without taking his hand away, Cole stretched out on
the bed beside her and kept up his movements while finding her mouth again with
his own. It didn’t take long for Katrina’s body to reach a high point, her
energy releasing in a long moan of ecstasy. Cole kept going, watching the
pleasure cross her face. His eyes were half closed with desire, his mouth ready
to kiss her again – and forever.

He slipped off his
boxers and kicked them onto the floor. Rolling on top of her, he kissed her
passionately, giving her a minute to come down from her extreme sensitivity. He
knew it was time when she opened her legs to him, feeling his hard manhood
pressing against her. Katrina could tell Cole’s body was completely in
proportion to his tall frame and the prospects were thrilling, tantalizing.

“I’m ready, Cole.” Her
voice sounded like sweet heaven in his ear. Covering her with size, her soft
curves nestled against his hard body. “Please,” she pleaded.

“Of course,” Cole
whispered against her ear.

Slowly, delicately, he
pressed inside her waiting body. He thrust…her eyes fluttered and an expression
of pure bliss crossed Katrina’s face. Cole looked deeply into her eyes and they
both smiled in the heat of the moment, the intimacy unparallel to anything
either had ever experienced, whether it was their impending danger or the
strong feelings they shared, Katrina’s past was immediately forgotten in the
intensity; the current of adrenaline buzzing in their ecstasy.

She placed her hands on
his hips and enjoyed the lengthy ride. She found it fascinating to see how Cole
reacted to her slightest move, a caress, a nibble on his ear. He was completely
authentic and responsive; totally charged and totally present, enjoying every
moment. Lifting her hips with his in rhythm and flexing her muscles, Katrina
brought him to the brink and then rode it out with him willingly. It had been a
remarkable first time together, like second nature, and their bodies were
mutually spent.

“Wow, that was, wow…”
Cole lay beside her breathing heavily.

Katrina wiped her
forehead with an arm and then turned on her side, watching him catch his
breath. He rolled onto his side too and they fell into each other’s gaze.
“Thank you,” Cole said.

“No, no, no, thank you!”
she reciprocated, kissing him.

“I’d like to do that
with you every day,” Cole muttered in the moment.

Katrina blushed. The
thought was extremely tempting and she was certain she was game.

“I just wish we could’ve
come together under less stressful circumstances. Being in a strange cottage
with our senses in overdrive in case they come back doesn’t exactly scream
romance,” Cole confessed.

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