Read Trouble in Cowboy Boots Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
She would have been satisfied with one pair, nursing them along until she got her first paycheck, but Wyatt checked her size, then pulled three more pairs from a stack and pushed her gently toward a small section with t-shirts.
“Nothing fancy,” he agreed, “but serviceable for the ranch.”
“But I can’t afford all of this,” she protested, trying to put things back.
“Call it a bonus for this morning’s breakfast.” He sighed. “Listen, Em. Your Vegas clothes are fine if you get into Austin or San Antonio but for Mesa Blanco and the Lazy Aces, you need to wear what everyone else does. Do us both a favor, pick out the t-shirts you like and let’s get out of here.”
She sorted through the shirts while Wyatt placed a feed order with Avery Boland.
The cattle fed mostly on hay, he’d told her, but he supplemented it with special natural mixtures that the hands drove out to big feeding tubs in the pastures. He’d also explained that he ordered special feed for the horses to keep them fit and healthy.
“They get ridden hard,” he told her, “so they need the best we can give them.”
She realized how very little she actually knew about ranching. Her knowledge was limited to movies and romance novels set in the West, and for the past four days she’d been so busy trying to keep afloat in the kitchen she hadn’t had time to check anything out or ask questions. Besides, she hoped her stay at the Lazy Aces would be short-lived.
As soon as she and Lola and Roxie got enough cash together and got their car running they’d be off again for someplace not quite so godforsaken.
She picked t-shirts that were all dark in color, hoping they would provide some camouflage for her breasts. Not that she was all that well-endowed, especially next to Roxie and Lola, but she didn’t want to give the hands the idea she might be tempting them in any way.
Wyatt had also made time for her to check in with her friends. At Chaps, Roxie was just starting her shift. Emily was amazed to see her friend smiling and relaxed, even as she did her prep work for the next wave of customers.
Trouble in Cowboy Boots
“I see Cliff’s hanging around here.” She nodded in the rancher’s direction. “He keeps sliding a look at you. How’s that going?”
Roxie leaned across the bar. “Kinda like Texas hold ’em. He hasn’t really shown all his cards yet. But hey, at least he doesn’t swat me on the ass all the time the way the high rollers did in Vegas.”
“Really?” Emily’s raised her eyebrows. “Funny. He looks like the typical macho asshole to me.”
Roxie grinned. “Maybe there’s one lurking underneath but he’s keeping it carefully under wraps. By the way.” She slid her gaze to Wyatt, gabbing with Cliff, and back again. “Your hot cowboy looks like he’d like to strip you naked in the middle of the bar and fuck you on that pool table if no one was around.”
Heat crept up her cheeks and she fiddled with the glass of water she was drinking.
“You’re mistaken, Rox. I’m just the cook. And not a very good one.”
Except for last night. But no way am I letting on about that.
“Uh-huh. Pull the other leg.” Roxie wiped the bar. “Just watch yourself, cookie. He looks like he could be big trouble.”
Emily gave a weak chuckle. “Yeah. Trouble in cowboy boots.”
Lola put her ten cents worth in when they stopped at the Blue Belle. Emily was surprised to see her friend in blue jeans and a Blue Belle t-shirt, smiling as she served the few late afternoon customers before taking a minute to sit with Emily.
“I think this is the first pair of jeans you ever owned,” she teased.
Lola winked. “Boland’s finest.”
Emily burst out laughing. “Me, too. No one would ever believe it.”
Lola leaned her head closer to Emily’s. “But they’d believe that cowboy has the hots for you. He’s talking to my boss but eating you up with his eyes.”
“I think that’s just his natural look.” She fiddled with the coffee cup Lola had brought her.
Desiree Holt
“Not for a second.” Lola grinned. “He’s so hot for you he’s practically setting his chair on fire. You watch yourself, girl.”
“I will. Don’t worry. I can take care of myself.”
“So how’s the cooking going?”
Emily sighed. “I have no idea whatever made me think I knew my way around the kitchen. It’s a wonder I haven’t poisoned everyone by now.”
Lola absently wiped the table with her cloth. “So what are you going to do? Even if he wants to drag you into his bed, I don’t think Wyatt will put up with it forever.”
Emily ducked her head. “He got his foreman’s wife to come in this morning and start teaching me. Breakfast was actually good.”
Lola’s eyes sparkled. “You don’t say. Well. Doesn’t
put a different spin on things.”
“Listen, Lola—”
“No, you listen, sweetie. That asshole who dumped you wasn’t worth spit. Why don’t you see what it’s like with a real man?”
“But I work for him,” Emily protested.
“So? We won’t be here forever. Who cares if you play around with the boss as long as you don’t do it in the middle of the yard?”
Emily was glad Lola couldn’t see into her brain as pictures from the night before danced around. Before she could think up an answer, Wyatt was standing next to her.
“We need to get going, Emily.”
She and Lola exchanged hugs as she got up to leave.
“Thanks for taking the time so I could check on my friends,” she told him once they were on the way.
“I figured you’d want to see how they were for yourself.” He placed a warm hand on her thigh. “Like your jeans?”
“My jeans?” She frowned. “They’re fine. Why?”
Trouble in Cowboy Boots
“I think we should make sure they work okay. See if you can unsnap and unzip them without a problem.”
Her jaw dropped. “Here? In the truck?”
“Yeah, sugar. Right her.”
“Wyatt, we’re driving down the highway at sixty miles an hour and there are other drivers our here.”
“They don’t care. Anyway, we’re higher than most people so no one can see.” His voice changed to a commanding tone. “Do it, Emily. Now.”
Moisture flood the crotch of her thong and the tiny muscles in her cunt quivered.
Fingers trembling, she popped the snap and ran the zipper down.
“Good. Now tug those jeans under your hips.”
“Wyatt!” What on earth?
“Just do it, sugar. Come on. Right now.”
Wondering if she’d lost her mind, Emily shifted around until her jeans were down past her butt and her bare ass touched the leather of the seat.
“What now?” she asked.
“Does it get you hot, Emily? Thinking about what I’m doing?” His hand squeezed her thigh. “Be honest, now.”
“Y-Yes. A little.”
“Wondering what comes next?”
“Y-Yes.” She squirmed as the pulsing in her pussy increased in anticipation of what Wyatt might have in mind.
“How about this?”
His hand slid from her thigh across the warm flesh of her tummy and down inside the front of her thong. She gasped as the tip of one finger probed into the nest of her curls and rasped her clit.
Desiree Holt
“Like that?” He chuckled. “You know, I love these little curls here, but they get in my way. I think maybe tonight we’ll get rid of them.”
Emily had to fist her hands to keep her thoughts together as Wyatt’s finger danced across her nub. “Get rid of them?”
“Oh, yeah. I could tell last night you wax, but since we don’t exactly have a place around here for you to keep it up, I think we need to get your little puss completely naked. Then I can keep it that way myself.”
She had never thought of completely denuding her cunt, but the thought of Wyatt shaving her himself created a fresh rush of cream.
Wyatt slid his finger into her slit and chuckled again. “Oh, yeah, that gets you hot.
You like my finger here?”
She nodded.
“Say it, Em. Out loud.”
“Yes. I do.” Lord, he was getting bossy. But she had to admit it had an erotic effect on her.
“You do what?” he prompted.
“L-Like it.”
Emily?” He pressed his finger hard against her clit. “Tell me.”
“I like your finger there.”
“Where?” he prompted.
“Touching my clit. In my pussy.”
There she’d said it. As soon as the words left her mouth the quivering in her pussy increased. God, she wanted his finger
. Inside her.
“Would you like me to fuck you with my finger? Maybe two?”
She wriggled on the seat. “Wyatt, you’re driving. You want us to have a wreck?”
He laughed. “Sugar, I’m paying careful attention to my driving. I’m just glad you’re not at the wheel.”
Trouble in Cowboy Boots
He brushed her clit again then slid his finger up and down her slit. Without warning he adjusted his hand and pushed two fingers inside her. Immediately her inner muscles clamped around him. He wiggled the fingers before sliding them out.
“Oh, no.” The words were out before she could stop them.
His laugh was a soft caress. “That’s all you get for now, sugar.”
“Wyatt!” She wanted to grab his hand and drag it back to her crotch.
“We’re almost home. I want you on edge like that for later.” He lowered his voice.
“I have big plans for tonight.”
She caught her breath at his words, wondering exactly what he had in mind. Before she could ask they turned in through the gate of the Lazy Aces and pulled into the parking area. Emily had barely finished pulling her jeans back into place and fastening them before Hardy and two other ranch hands hurried up to the truck to help unload the cartons of Dub’s Bar-B-Que.
She had the passenger door to the cab open and started to get out but Wyatt materialized, putting his big hands on her waist and lifting her easily out and onto the ground. The look in his eyes when they locked with hers turned her already overheated body into a solid flame.
“Later,” he mouthed before releasing her.
She had no idea how she kept her wits about her while she unpacked the food and fixed platters and bowls for the table. Wyatt lounged against the counter, watching her with those hazel eyes, the green and gold flecks in them burning like jeweled flames.
And all the time she moved around she was acutely aware of the throbbing in her cunt and the tightening of her nipples. And a hungry need to feel Wyatt’s big cock inside her.
Desiree Holt
Finally, finally, dinner was over. The men had left, some to the bunkhouse, Dan to the house he and Amelia shared about a half mile from the main house, others to homes nearby. Emily didn’t know if she wanted to find more things to do or rush through her chores. On the one hand she was erotically intrigued by Wyatt’s hints for the evening.
On the other a tiny thread of anxiety ran through her as she wondered if she’d like whatever he had in mind. What she’d do if she didn’t. Worse yet, what she’d do if she did.
“No more stalling.” Wyatt’s voice was soft and low as he came up behind her, untied her apron and tossed it to the counter. “Everyone’s gone now.”
She turned slowly, his body so close to hers not even a sheet of paper would slide between them. His erection pressed against her through her jeans. He was ready, no doubt about it.
“Come on,” he told her. “I got everything ready.”
“Yeah. Did it while you cleaned up.”
As he’d done the night before, he lifted her into his arms and carried her out of the kitchen, through her little sitting room and into her bedroom. The covers were pulled way back on her bed, a large bath towel was spread over the sheet, and on the nightstand was a bowl of water, a razor and a can of shaving cream.
“Your shaving cream?” she asked, since she didn’t have any.
He shook his head. “Got it this afternoon. Let’s get you naked here.”
She stood silently, trembling with anticipation, as he peeled off her clothes, tossed them onto a chair and arranged her on the bed with her buttocks on the side edge of the 40
Trouble in Cowboy Boots
mattress. He had brought in an ottoman from someplace which he pulled over and sat down on.
“Time to get to work, sugar.” He snapped his fingers. “Wait. Forgot something.” He turned on the television, found a cable music channel that played soft mood music.
Bending over her, he pulled her arms so they rested on the mattress over her head and linked her fingers together. Then he sat down on the ottoman. “All right, then. Here we go. And don’t move. Not even a little.”
Emily watched him, body thrumming with desire. He took a washcloth from the bowl, wrung the excess water from it, then draped it over her cunt. It was warm and its heat penetrated her flesh. He did this twice more before uncapping the shaving cream, shaking it, and applying it to the narrow strips of public hair she maintained. Fingertips massaged the cream into her skin. Then he picked up a safety razor from the nightstand and bent over her.
One large hand pressed against the inside of her right thigh and fingers stretched the skin at the top of her mound so it was taut. The razor glided gently over the skin, one swipe, then another. Wyatt reached over and rinsed it in the bowl, then went to work again. The music created a soothing environment in the room and Emily, surprisingly, found herself relaxing, even as she anticipated each stroke of the blade.
“This little puss is going to look so good naked,” Wyatt crooned. “Maybe we’ll get a little tattoo right
.’ He touched the tip of a finger to the skin covering her public bone.
She jerked at his words. Tattoo?
“Careful,” he warned. “Don’t want to leave any scrapes here.”
“A tattoo?” She wet her bottom lip. “Are you for real?”
He chuckled. “Absolutely. I think a little heart would look just great.”
Desiree Holt
“Wyatt!” She had to stop herself from shrieking. “I can’t let some strange man tattoo me
. I’d die of embarrassment.”
“Right now we’re only talking about it, sugar, so relax. Take a breath. I just think it would be so appetizing.”