Trouble With Harry (21 page)

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Authors: Myla Jackson

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: Trouble With Harry
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“Bullshit.” She cocked her head to the side, her lips pressing together in a thin line. “You and my father have to quit thinking I’m fragile and let me make my own decisions. I’m here because I love you and I want to help. So, get over it.”

“Edie, we can’t discuss this here.” Was she crazy? What could a girl do in the male-oriented society of Iraq? “I told you a man just tried to shoot me.”

“That one?” Edie stared over Harry’s shoulder, her eyes widening in the moonlight.

Harry spun around on his heels to look up into the barrel of a rifle. A rifle pointed directly in the middle of his forehead. “Uh, yes, that would be the one.”

The dusky-skinned Iraqi on the other end of the trigger motioned for Harry to move away from the wall by jerking his weapon to the side. He spoke in sharp tones. Although Harry didn’t understand Farsi, he knew he’d better move if he didn’t want to be shot. But what about Edie? If she were captured, what horrible things would they do to her? “If ever there was a time for you to wish us out of here, now would be good.”

The Iraqi clipped Harry in the face with his elbow and shouted.

His cheek stinging from the blow, Harry reluctantly climbed to his feet and moved in the direction the man indicated, all the while his heart alternated between singing and cringing. Edie loved him enough to chase after him into the desert, a place no normal woman would want to be. And now she was in the line of fire because of him. How was he going to save her and carry on with his mission to save his two friends? Sweet, courageous, stupid Edie. God, he loved her!

Edie stood as well, moving close to Harry, nudging him in the side. “Can you use this?” Cold steel slipped between his fingers. She’d brought a gun. Edie Ragsdale had brought a gun. Of all the—

“Sweetheart, I could kiss you for this.”

“Get your priorities straight, Harry. Shoot the man first, then kiss me. And hurry it up. There’s a couple trucks leaving through that gate over there, and my gut tells me our boys are on it.”


The End


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Myla welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1056 Home Ave., Akron OH 44310.



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